It's time to kick ass. Quick, name the worse concept plaguing this planet. Your answer will show your IQ level.
Don't fuck around
The Demon Kali
Templars are Jews.
Right wing scum
85 IQ
Left wing scum
Multiculturalism, collectivism, and white self hate.
>Right wing scum
Damn, we may have hit rock bottom IQ with this answer already. Want to try again kiddo?
The overuse of antibiotics.
>name the worse concept plaguing this planet
>9 replies
>no one has mentioned niggers yet
Sort your shit out Sup Forums
Yeah sure.
Reactionary filth.
Civic nationalism
M r s a
Militant religious views, be they atheist, Christian, Islamic, etc.
Unproductive niggers, look at fuckin' Malcom X, he was a fairly based nigger
>Malcom X
>based nigger
Its time for you to leave plebbit
Post-Modernism and Neo-Trotskyite infiltration of western governmental, media and educational apparatus.
Refined Sugar a.k.a Table Cocaine
>name the worse concept plaguing this planet
Sup Forumstards roleplaying as knights and nazis because "preserving muh race". The beta wh*Te males are unironically bringing down this nation and the only way to move forward is to get rid of them.
>Neo-Trotskyite infiltration of western governmental, media and educational apparatus.
LOL. I wish.
white guilt
The concept that Asian people migrated to North America First and somehow own it, so they get sovereignty, huge native corporations and a few extra billion dollars simply for being slope heads.
All detrimental concepts come from Satan in an indirect way.
Satan begets Judaism, Judaism begets, liberalism, liberalism begets Marxism, Marxism creates the state of the modern world.
In a way this mess can be traced to Judaism, and further back to Satan himself.
You're legitimately brainless if you can't see it.
Lack of humility.
Cultural Marxism
>communist scum still doesn't believe he's an establishment lapdog
You'll come to terms with it sooner or later.
Unrestricted globalism
Double keked
Worldwide Islamic Caliphate
Left to their devices niggers are harmless, they must be catalysed into action by subversive elements, these subversive elements are allowed to operate due to the nihilism of the people thus the issue is nihilism of which niggers are a symptom.
>>no one has mentioned niggers yet
Niggers aren't the problem, they're a symptom.
Humanity itself
Jews, obviously.
All humans are equal
>Eating meat is the best source of protein
This is easily the worst belief in the long term for us as a species
86th percentile btw
Political correctness and multiculturalism
It's true. Chad nationalism is our only hope.
time travelling shape shifting reptilian vampire slaughter demons
>Left to their devices niggers are harmless
Pic related is proof enough.
Now fuck off back to plebbit nigger lover
Pineapple is not an apple
Marxism / Communism / Marxist Socialism / Marxist Collectivism / Internationalism / Globalism
I made this a few days ago after being somewhat inspired by that.
Second version.
>live the moment, don't worry about the future
>if it doesn't affect me why should i care?
OP Multiculturalism and divershitty.
>thinks he's fighting for the commoner but he is really fighting for a ruthlessly feudalistic, Jewish,elite class
Physical level : r-selection
Metaphysical/spiritual level: We're in the Kali Yuga
And the reason they aren't sterilized en masse is???
Subversive elements which protect them and are enabled by the nihilism of the people.
People who post comments online thinking their opinion actually matters
weaboo master race
Legally enshrined government dishonesty
> paves the way to everything else
Geroge Soros funded groups that keep America divided so that we can not rise up as one people.
Eating meat and more importantly cooking meat is what led to higher brain function in early man and further set us apart from the rest of the creatures on this planet
we are one race, the human race
> tfw they've been dishonest for so long
> that the prospects for being honest again
> is 99% of people being hospitalized
Identity politics. Moreso the notion that group A can do no wrong and group B can do no right. Even an idiot can make a right choice from time to time if you're not too put off from their idiocy to learn something from them.
The crushing self
Socialism and foreign aid.
Excuse the language but
> I'm pretty sure you done fucked it up pretty horrifically
seriously wtf have you done?
Satan, more or less.
Across every dimension, it's a war of good vs. evil. A battle for the soul of the created universe. Amid the siege, lies are the adversary of truth--truth which frees the soul.
Corporatism. Anyone who answers with "degeneracy" is a brainlet.
i think the biggest problem is human energy has entropied due to computers and virtual worlds.
it's part of our cataclysmic energy evolution that when in massive groups cooperating do we evolve to a new era of civilization. think the pyramids and the monoliths from space odyssey 2001 albeit a jewish film depict this hidden knowledge well.
Satan. There are powers at work at this moment which are working to bring some of the sons of the Nephilim back to life. Iraq will be the new Babylon.
Progressivism, Whiggish thought, and the Enlightenment more generally.
This feels like cheating, but ignorance.
The transgender nonsense and targeting our youth with sexual bullshit. It instantly infects our kids with an extreme though and sets them far in the liberal side from the start. I consider myself liberal, I wrote in Bernie Sanders in the general election, but this is too far.
Beating children.
There is but one soul of which we all share. There is no true good or evil except in relative terms. All conflict that exists is necessary for the universe to know itself.
White people.
damn thats actually really good. it really captures the disgusting nature of the creatures we're up against
t. Molymeme
Stick to your own lands, Muhammed.
Christianity = Crypto Juden
political correctness