What is the true purpose of the "gay agenda"?
I'm pretty sure most people know that gays exist. So what's next? Tolerance for gays? Ok, they're treated like humans now. What comes after that? Making everyone gay? Who would even benefit from that outcome?
What is the true purpose of the "gay agenda"?
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To spread. Like a meme.
everything Sup Forums doesn't like is a psyop. the entire premise of this board makes no sense.
The entertainment industry
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
There is no gay agenda, but there is an agenda that uses the gays to further it's cause
Since you are as queer as a three dollar bill, you obvious faggot - why do you care?
To normalize it, and to marginalize anyone who opposes its normalization.
>everything Sup Forums doesn't like is a psyop. the entire premise of this board makes no sense.
go back to eRddit. You don't belong here.
Oh no, someone think of the backwoods christcucks.
This hapa is basically harmless.
They want your children.
Gay people may have become acceptable, but professional activists still need to eat, so they gotta tack on trannies and make up other "queer" groups forever so they can keep fighting. Same thing happened with feminism, they got their rights, but they still had to keep making up issues to keep the game going.
Population reduction plain and simple that is their end game
The end goal is pedo acceptance.
Gays > trannies > pedos.
>spread Aids and make people dependent on big pharma
>degrade family and culture in order to divide people in order to turn power over to the state
>"soft" population control in order to not have people breed and replace them to further divide and dilute culture
It's a Kafka Trap where they oversimplify the issue by accusing you of "hating and wanting to dehumanize gays" even if you're completely ambivalent towards them. If you protest that it harms your society and culture they denounce you as a heretic.
Don't fall for the Jewish tricks.
More voters. Problem is the political right is increasingly more acceptable to gays so it's no longer a sure vote
normalize the 12 perversions
Keep left memeing, gay boy. Homosexual culture is based in pedophilia and degenerate sex. Making it all appear "normal" to everyone is part of the agenda which in many places is in phase two: better than normal and deserving of special treatment and protection. No sane person has respect for the gay lifestyle, we are just running short of sane people. The pendulum always swings back and its already on its way
The purpose of the gay agenda is to make people tolerant enough for veganism because what they won't tell you is there is a major cow shortage. They want us to like a different kind of meat, and to consume it with our anus.
Its not about votes. That's like saying appeal to jews is to get the jewish vote. Illegals and gays are very small percentage. However these groups represent disproportionately large campaign and lobbyist machines.
Gays also have more money because their lifestyles lend toward power grabs. They have blackmail. They have multiple partners all over. They have nicer clothes because they can share with each other. They don't have kids and when they do they are subsidized after adoption/foster etc.
The gay is dangerous and has to be regulated against, just like communism or deviant power trips. Homofacism is very dangerous. Godless deviants only have bad things to talk about when they get together. Their relationships are based on rejecting God. Communism is a "community" without or rejecting God the Creator. That is why LGBT is aligned with commies.
No, they can persuade left leaning folks to vote left by saying the right hates gays. It works
It is an American ideal to protect small groups and more importantly the individual. Howeve that ideal is based on the person being Created in image and likeness of Creator. LGBT like communism, darwinism etc rejects God. Islam also rejects God. That is why these groups are aligned.
The Constitution is not a suicide pact. It's based off of natual rights from Creator. Gays and commies are a totalitarian ideology that rejects God and makes themselves to be above the Creator.
Totalitarian ideologies are against Federal law for good reason.
Look at the muzzies and gays all united in booing God. That is their MO. Totalitarian commies.
Don't fall for the cuck logic that you can appease the gay. They are doing everything they said they wouldn't including targeting kids. They are living a lie. They're liars just like muzzies, coming here to sell a bill of goods. Dont' feed the wolves.
Commies, muzzies, sodomoties = fake news
>booing someone you either think doesn't exist, or will send you right the fuck to hell... because you are smarter than Him
wew. seems perfectly justified when you consider these people aren't alive
Curbstomp yourself, my dude youtu.be
Is he gay?