It's not enough for them to march around in public show-boating their sex perversion, these degenerates want to imprison anybody who "offends" them.
It's not enough for them to march around in public show-boating their sex perversion...
no i don't
Have fun, faggots.
why hate gays, just because hitler did? fuck you. just quarantine aids scum
stupid af. tf are u doing man.
>muh jewish vagina
go away mentally perverted pedophile. have a nice foreskin picnic at pedo a lago with every fucken pedo there is in the world. bunch of blind molech whores
The purpose is for them to offend themselves, not to offend them.
hitler was a fag. truvada. hitler created israel. hitler was a jew. truvada doesnt work on women
like his thread
why isn't this board getting smarter. this is literally the most prideful and dumb assed post.
It's okay to be straight.
If you're forced to interact with them, it makes it really difficult.
heat is on at pedo headquarters so some kind of pedo scapegoats must be pushed
where's Eden?
get savior and love your brother no madda what. embrace ohana their struggle is yours.
who the fuck isnt a faggot? youve never been on internet or in a change room or used a urinal?
be passive, the will still someone offend themself.
drunken asshole
i know man. my friends have told me. can't hate ya just cuz some sin.
CIA Nigger sage
Your missing the point of it's okay. You let them get offended over a basic truth.
This should say something like
I just want a thick husbando to play video games with. Thats all, I don't want to rape kids, destroy Christianity, and all the other boogie man stuff you think faggots do.
I just want to be left alone
fuck truvada there should be an easier way to test
>everyone that dislikes fag degenerates worships a kike on a stick
Made me chuckle.
Get aids and die, scum.
Hating is a basic human freedom, it's not something to get offended over.
Shut the fuck up shill. This won't fly. It won't work.
You define the Overton window and work your way back. This is what low IQ right wingers never understand.
You don't just SHOW UP with nazi flags and expect people to immediately shrug off 70 + years of propaganda and suddenly understand the message. (which is gay anyway except for the notion that whites should stick up for each other and not concede their countries)
Homosexuals are normalized now. Mainly because they are another subgroup that helps dismantle white identity. Not because its the moral thing to do. Thats all pitch and salesmanship. Because it furthers a very dangerous agenda.
Also 2 adults who don't want to have sex with the oposite gender can't be forced to. Its their call. Do gays pay taxes? Are they any kind of burden on the social safety net? If they go home at night and have only another dudes asshole to look forward too then whatever...the jokes on them...outside of their fucking retarded sexuality many faggots can be pretty impressive people. I respect a lot of faggots.
>offended homo blah blah blah
People are entitled to hate homos if they want to hate homos. You can't coerce people into not hating homos. Hating homos is normal. We don't live in a thumbs up only world. It's perfectly OKAY to hate homos.
I agree. I just think given the normalization that the right moves away from winning with the "fuck homo's" stuff. Fuck just does ...outright. Is gay stuff gross? Yes. Is lesbian stuff gross? Not really. Do you play into the backward redneck stereotype by being open hostile to faggots? Yes.
Instead..... focusing on the amount of homosexuals who are ALSO pedophiles....Thats the place to lean into.
You can't ask for a country of liberty and small government and then turn around and ask for the gov or some other authority to enforce anti-homosexual stuff. It is what it is. Its tiny in the grand scheme of things and honestly If you want your own liberty then you're a piece of shit if you want it stripped from another person because they like stuff you don't. You never gave a fuck about liberty to begin with if thats your position.
People are as entitled to hate homos as they are to be homos unfortunately.
>entitled to hate homos as they are to be homos
Incorrect. Being an actual homo means doing sick acts against nature that have always been criminalized - there's no entitlement whatsoever. Yet hating homos is perfectly legitimate and something everybody is entitled to think.
Past a certain point... you can't enforce it.
You can't go into everyones bedroom and see who they are fucking. Its none of the governments business.
You are holding liberty out only for what you approve.
I think faggots are breddy gross. I do respect quite a few outside of their sexuality. I don't know where you are from. Im from NYC. I work in entertainment. Half the people I know are gay or kikes.
I don't approve of men fucking men ...but per the concepts of liberty and western civ...I have to not push my belieifs or censor other people because I dislike what they do.
Get a brain Moran.