Should thots be thrown off helicopters?

Should thots be thrown off helicopters?

why waste fuel?

Why would you shoot a man?

Have some respect for yourself, don't use nigger words.

When the White Ethnonationalist revolution happens they will be sent to breeding camps

>please lavish attention on my ass because my personality is shit and it's all ive got because im a used up cum rag.

Just go to the root of the problem: the media.
Get conservatives in charge of the media again, and see the world change.
Women are the weakest of the pack, and they're more susceptible to provocation and coercion, so manipulating them is easy through pernicious tactics via social media and advertising.
tldr, Gas the kikes.

Nice ass though, too bad she's burned through 500 dicks and the black football team.

>nigger words
a whole movement and about 8 other boards are still using the shortened word for "family"
>which even got wordfiltered
none of these fucking people have any respect for themselves

>caring about a woman's personality
are you gay or what? it's not that she's allowed to talk in front of you anyways

Yea, onto my dick.

that's because they're hipsters that use words for irony, because they're self-loathing cucks.
Don't fucking worry about what other people do.

Get good enough to get their attention and then reject them for being thots.

When they approach 27, they will realize that their looks are fading, the amount of new followers on Instagram begin to drop(and less ad revenue from sponsors), and less men approach them that it was their sex appeal that made them famous and not their personality. She will fade into a has been who will be desperate enough to go on a reality show to "claim" on to whatever fame they have left.

Why do Burgers not have real names anymore?

You are just mad because you don’t get any of that booty.

You make an interesting point.
What happens when these self-absorbed millennials burn out and they find themselves in their 30s, alone?

bullets are cheaper than helicopter fuel.
also don't use normie,nigger words.

they should be stoned
Sup Forums is a white sharia board

Then just throw them off a really high building. Problem solved.

ew she poops out of that

Imagine all the shit she never wiped up getting smeared and stained on the bottom of the leotard getting shoved up her asshole. And for more disturbing mental images, google "why does my thong have poop on it".
Women are a shit. Literally.

betas will rule the world

When will that happen?
When whites are 50% of the population?

The only breeding you losers will be doing is with tissues while Japanese cartoons play on your screens.

The fuck is a "thot"?
That some new nigger slang?

Will not, famalamz

If you are white and unironically using the term "thot" you are a disgrace to the white race

That Hoe Over There

Stands for "That Ho Over There."

after I fugg them

Is that what Bill Gates meant when he said not to be mean to the nerds, because they'll be your boss some day?

So like I thought, nigger slang.
Literally kill yourselves.

Smash and pass the ass.
Simply policy.
The village bicycle isn't owned by anyone nor does it want to be. So, take your turn on it and move on with life.

Yes, they can't take a good ass photo, legs together.

lmao her dad is probably conservatives. men get cucked by their own daughters nowadays.

dont let them know you own da choppa and they wont bother you. leave em to the dirt poor niggers.

because they're not in control, the fathers let the daughters do whatever they want, and the government and the media tells women it's ok to be a whore.

I have 3 white children with 1 more on the way

Sommer Ray's mother also cucked the father.
Pic related.

yes goyim, enjoy your herpes

Gott dam

One syllable, very accurate and concise description all in one word.

Noggish as it is, it's a well defined acronym and works as a word. Even the semantics behind it provokes a feeling that irresponsible women are revolting and it hits hard.

Just gas em.

Jesus fucking Christ, she is so goddamn ugly. That whole fucking family was always an eyesore. I don't really give a damn about Trump or his politics, but it's so nice to see a family in politics on the television that doesn't constantly look like a melting bag of dog shit.

They should be thrown my way.

Yes, thrown off a roof or defenestration would be better, its actually a biblical tradition

>Pinochet helicopter memes
Pinochet was a little cuck that sucked Israeli dick and sold them yellowcake for nuclear weapons

So yeah, you had it right.

the one on the left has literal shit in her panties. Nearly threw up

They're typically socialist, so yes.

she looks so out of place in every picture. I mean, Obama was such a faggot he married the ugliest beard imaginable and somehow managed to produce these weirdos.

would you

holy shit is that this girl's mum?

they're just trendy little twats.
If you educated them properly, they wouldn't be scoundrels.

If the tools for abortion are taken from the roasties, and they are impregnated, they will commit suicide.

It will be cozy to see bodies fall past my apartment windows. Who else /CozyWatchingDeadRoastie/?

bit of a man face, but absolutely.

>thinks it was an actual biological family and not some incubator raised black clone, a post op tranny, and two teenage sudanese refugees

HOw do you even use this in a sentence

Why waste the poor concrete below?

These women don't deserve to be referred to by anything better than nigger terminology. It's the culture they chose to embrace.

i bet you've said "based" before faggot

>Why would you shoot a man?

Before throwing him out of a plane?

Yeah, it really makes a difference. I am glad we have a family which actually looks decent rather than this ghetto trash whore. I want to forget it but I know I can't.

Dogs are spoken of as dogs.

Based is a real word, fuck hole. Just a bunch of idiots decided to appropriate it. Thot is nigger slang.

t h o t t

You should be for using the word thot.

Give it a little bit. Our canook media always bashes trump, but I fucking love seeing that family on TV. The smug alpha dad, the smoking hot ex model milf wife, and that fit as fuck blonde daughter.

Sup Forums uses it in the nigger sense leaf

dear jesus christ.

i want to devastate that milf


If Sup Forums jumped off a cliff, would you do it?

Is it bad that im female and stilll dont know what thot means?


is it bad that you're begging for attention like the slut that you are?

Good one.

Its time to hush up sweetie pie

Show bobs and vagene

>tfw Sophies Instagram is no longer public

Like so,
>Lauren Southern is a THOT
It generally doesn't make grammatical sense when you read out "That ho over there". You just have to understand the characteristics of a thot and use that instead.


I will award you this (you) so I don't have to give it to the (you) whore.

Shertainly shir, right away!

Shut up you fat slut, nobody cares what you don't know.

>haha I don't know stuff, is that bad?

I don't know, is being a fat, deformed, retard bad?

calling attention to yourself due to your sex on the internet for no reason is throt behavior

>that ID

/GXXS/ when?

You dumb fuckinf bitch clean my urine

shut your lesbian whore mouth.

Thots exist for sharing.
Everyone should have a thot as a sole personal slave to enjoym

Yeah, it doesn't work vice versa. Nice attempt at parroting the original though. Men are not as valued as women are in terms of sex appeal: women are valued more and this can be proven in many levels (like humanity have twice as many female ancestors than male).

So an user saying "I'm a guy" is not the same as "I'm a girl".

Allahu akbar you should have acid thrown in your face

Fun facts with femanon time!

Did you know 80% of obese people among blacks are female blacks?
Did you know that 68% of obese people among whites are white males?
Second groovy fact:
Did you know there are more male freminists than female feminists? Did you also know thst white men invented feminism?
Third cool fact
Im 5'2 and 99lbs so therefore, not fat.

No need to project your obesity onto me 4chin boy

thank you for your fantasy wishes, mohammed
Go back to shaving your wife's hairy ass

Or perfaps he's wondering why you wouldn't shoot your load in a thot before throwing her out of a plane?

The thing is, non of us care if other posters think we are guys or girls. Only girls care if a user believes they are a woman or not. Fuck I could be a transexual martian for all the bearing it has on my content.

No, they should be thrown into a cages as to become private property, to be raped and abused beyond recognition then recycled as toxic waste.

>Did you also know thst white men invented feminism?

>Jews are white

Begone, thot.

I like watching planks get split by heavy industrial equipment though.

>posts le ebin harry potter characters XDDD
>acts juvenile and underage
>continues to call attention to herself
Does your father know you act like a bitch on the internet to strangers?

>Im 5'2 and 99lbs so therefore, not fat.
Nobody gives a fuck you gibbering, simpering, mongoloid. Nobody CARES about your body or your genitals, we care about your intelligence, we care about the content you are contributing. Go fuck off and play with yourself in the mirror you retarded, narcissitic fat slut.

Actually the girl in the OP is a bad example. Even though she's sure permeated by modern pop-culture without a doubt she's with an Asian lanklet and cheats on him with his white best friend.

>only girls care if someone believes them or not
Literally only guys care about whether or not Im actually a girl. Because you are so deprived of female attention alone in your "man cave" for eons, that the very thought of a female actually talking to you is unbelivable, and if she is, she mudt have something wrong with her I.E. shes fat or mentally disturbed etc..