Why are normies so against eugenics...

Why are normies so against eugenics? Even if we're just talking about genetic engineering people always seem to freak out about it.

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This kid's gonna grow up to be a Chad, just you watch.

Because you're assuming that humans can completely control forces of nature. It's an opinion that's like 100 years out of date

>average white american in 2017



because one german dude was very interested in eugenics but also kinda hated the jews, so now (((they))) shun any instance of it


with eugenics we could invent black people who arent impulsive and retarded

or just get rid of black people

Don't be so sure.

Genophage the sub saharan Africans make 8 in every 10 children die in the womb. Effectively sterilise the entire race.
Its population has surged to unsustainable levels. By 2040 it'll have doubled in size to 2.4bn and that doesn't include their hybrids and foreign born Africans worldwide.

there's nothing wrong with him, he looks fine, just different. Based on what I've seen he's a nice guy with a good personality.

yeh I get chad vibes from him. He's famous so he's already won, doesn't have to worry about whether girls will think he's ugly ever again, they'll still want him anyway

Who cares what normies think?
The chinese will develop designer babies in 10 years anyway. Just fly to China to get your crispr baby.

Nazis kind of gave it a bad image

Remains one of the greatest ideas ever, if that offends you then I'm sorry sweetie ;)

I have a better idea: sexualize the fuck out of subsaharans in the media and import their men by the truckload.

They will see their seed in millions of soft white cunts.

Black sperm is very fucking potent. African men aren't fluoride bathed soyboys and their slightly lower intelligence doesn't matter.

Evolution is about who breeds best. And on that count, subsaharan black men are dangerously proficient.

What does this even mean? Always some fucking leaf

humans can tho, look at GMO foods, corn doesent look that way naturally, same thing with GMO chickens and Cows

as a jew I think the main reason why people are against eugenics is that they are afraid they are going to be deemed inferior race thus executed

The matter of the fact is all races have their perks and if we racemix like the globalists are telling us then we will lose all our good traits. Nords should date nords Jews should date jews and blacks should date blacks. I personally would never want to bring a mixed race kid into this world, I would think the kid would be confuse and then just get itself into a life of crime compounding the problem

Because we are not meant to play god. Also it can lead to genocide.

I go to a school made for autists (literally all of the autists that got thrown out of high school because of normies) and yesterday in social skills we talked about how eugenics is important to society and that anyone who opposes eugenics is a self centered sack of shit. Now I believe that we need eugenics, it is important that we achieve legalizing eugenics, think of the possibilities, erasing horrible degenerative diseases forever.

You do realize the nigger in your picture was not Made in Africa, right? That is the byproduct of the European nigger breeding program, which lasted for millennia. There are NO niggers that look like that in Africa. They only exist in White countries that formerly allowed slavery.

What the fuck is wrong with this kid's face, I can't quite point it down.

Cleidocranial Dysplasia

I don't actually think they are. If you say something like
>It's best for criminals to have lots of kids.
a lot of people would recoil or laugh

>Cleidocranial Dysplasia
Thanks wikipedia

Suck my cock you stupid retarded faggot, kill yourself you waste of oxygen

Dustin was easily my favorite character.

Because they live comfortably in our dysgenic society, the thought of themselves having to compete or improve themselves frightens them.

because some j00 is just going to find a way to inject j00 genes into your developing baby

Because shit skin even of the white race will become unavoidably obvious when the MOST BOUGHT genetic modifications is SHIT SKINS trying to become WHITE.

Just like with bleached hair.
Just like niggers in suits.
Just like skin bleaching.

Because some kind of (((people))) doesn't like to not be chosen by a higher power.

They've also been brainwashed to believe eugenics is evil.

We will continue to control more and more aspects of nature until mankind ceases to exist. It's an inevitable trend.

do you realize that the majority of abortions are done on spics and niggers and that the liberals love it?

that kid literally has fetal alcohol syndrome

because its right and its proven it would work


we already can do that by reinstating the father into the average black household. but that requires work, something you wouldn't want to do.

Can't happen, won't happen

>their slightly lower intelligence doesn't matter
That makes them bad fathers, which in turn reduces the IQ of their children. That means less productivity, less nice things, and less prosperity. No thanks.

And yet he is probably doing better financially than you are.
Does that frustrate you?

>>>"""(((Slightly lower intelligence)))"""

Those who fear the future are those that know they will be left behind.

they're not against eugenics
they're against your eugenics

I want my children to be leagues better than I ever could be. If I have to cheat evolution to do so than so be it.

no, i'm neet and live like a spartan
i piss in bottles and subsist off of protein bars and water
if i'm feeling saucing i will buy an eat an entire cheesecake
i want for nothing
the responsibility off it all would be annoying and pointless for one such as myself who just doesn't give a fuck
by the time you die I would've have several times over the free time you've had
say what you will, i am a king
i've won

Because it forces them to recognize their own imperfections. Normies hate being held to standards or ideals. They are too weak to handle the concept of being judged.

but one woman was also very interest in eugenics and ((they)) have been very supportive of planned parenthood

The Jewluminati is already trying to breed an obedient populous like the domesticated dog and you want to throw open the flood gates. Sounds like a great idea Shekelstein.

When will the Jews be held to account for their crimes?

>we are not meant to play god
I guess we should say no to medicine and get back to praying.

But we can.

If god created us in his image how are we able to not 'play god'?

>claims to be king
>literal bread and circus pleb

It's fucked up that Hitler (PBUHN!) gets villified for eugenics. He got most of his ideas from the US anyway. There was a time that retards were sterylized in states like Virginia. Imagine him saying, why do you criticize me for advocating for eugenics, when I got the idea from you?

>Black sperm is very fucking potent
As opposed to what race's semen? How can someone's semen be more "potent" than another's? You think white people's semen just stops and dies before it reaches the egg?

People have been raised that even when your retarded and drool over your self contributing nothing to society besides financial drain and a gaping hole of blackness for your family. Your still special and something to be championed.
They can’t turn and look them selves in the mirror and realize their and their families imperfections from physical to mental illness and still think they are special.

I dont nessisarrily agree with the vastly heierarcical eugenic structure of the Nazis but I could see it’s merit.

Weak genes need to be eradicated however not coddled.

Sometimes before it leaves the testes. Damaged tails is a big issue these days as well.

I was watching a documentary over the weekend about just that. Very interesting, shouldn’t have stopped

We also had other neat laws like not allowing whites to marry coolies, and not importing the entire 3rd world in the first place.

>live like a spartan
>in a cubicle somewhere eating shit
I'm not sure what it is about your selfish horseshit existence that is in the least Spartan.

IQ is becoming less and less important as more and more technology is discovered.

Some people will never be rocket scientists and that's ok. There will also be high IQ people to progress technology and medicine so no biggie.

yes, i'm the clown, and yet you're the one dancing
what a world we live in
enjoy your toil

Starting with you, illiterate gabbling dipshit.

Because most normies would be subjected to eugenics.

I value a smaller, smarter population rather than a larger, dumber population. Look at how productive Japan is with their dwindling population. Everything there is automated and easy to use.

>IQ is becoming less and less important as more and more technology is discovered.
I'd really like to know how this sentence can be sensible to anyone.

if there was like a 50 year countdown before the policy was implemented or it didn't apply to all people currently alive and their offspring i don't think anybody would object to that, it would need to be done over time, this way people with dysgenic traits wouldn't think all hope is lost for their bloodline and resist it... if the government went around sterilizing undesirables given the current political climate, there would definitely be an uprising or something along those lines. my IQ is 80 and i have mental illness so i never plan on having kids, but most people in the 70-100 IQ range are functional human beings that live normal happy lives and are still slaves to biological imperatives and would definitely object to it. the criteria for being sterilized would extend beyond IQ though and IMO should cover physical and personality traits. mandatory abortion for people with no chance at life should definitely be imposed. my existence has been suffering due to factors out of my control and i don't want anybody else to suffer the same fate. you cant change animal nature, so you can never achieve true equality or minimize suffering of people who got dealt an unfortunate hand through laws, eugenics is the answer imo and if done right is perfectly humane.

>Christcuck opposes eugenics

yeah you're right hey do me a favor next time you get an infection skip the antibiotics and go ahead and die slowly

>writes well, has wholesome ideas
>obviously reasonably perspective on the matters of eugenics

fuck man, I think your line deserves to stick around



Call it artificial selection instead of calling it eugenics.

Eugenics is only going to get better, more precise, more powerful, as time goes on. And already it can be done without any racial connotations.

Unfortunately for the Jew (who has irrational fear of eugenics and will try to stop it in the west), the chinese will get there first and proceed to exterminate the Jew using their 250 IQ mind lasers.

A lot of kids in the early 1980's looked like this. They turned out crazy, unemployable, and fat.

This exact kid reminds me of the annoying little brother from that horrific "Edison Twins" show. m.youtube.com/watch?v=b9aNXSxTjUM

>rebranding it changes nothing about it
The real concern is that everyone has noticed that the strongest desire to be in charge of who is worthy and who will be extinguished is held by those who are resentful, arrogant failures.

Because if you can "improve" men, then it implies that we're not equal.
Normies are scared of bold visions that force them to leave their everyday safe space shell and face the harsh reality. That's why we've done nothing in human space exploration since the 60s.

Damn that is one ugly shitskin. I can see why le 56% are picking up speed thanks to this abomination.