What is your opinion on homosexuals Sup Forums?


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They're faggots.

Can't wait until the day of rope for sinners!


I hope that people find them Positive......for HIV

I love the gays.

Theyre ok if they keep it to themselves and not push it on children or act like its normal

Sodomite enablers will die on the day of the rope

Guess my stance.

Better question, do you think that gays can operate in a society that handles them correctly.
Understanding that Trannies shouldn't run for office and things like that.

>gays are relient on non-gays to populate their community, gay culture consists of acting like an emotional mentally retarded woman with a dick

deserve to be castrated and branded.

their culture is hijacked by Jewish Propoganda and flouride in the water


I support following the Constitution.
Constitution says you can't discriminate based on sex or gender. Ergo, I support your right to get married.
Not only do I support your right to get married, I don't give a flying fuck if you like dick or what you do in your bedroom.

That said, It's gross, I don't want to see it.

You probably have stupid political opinions too but I know some gays that don't have stupid political opinions so maybe you don't. The democratic party tries to use you, or your gay identity to manipulate you for votes and their own ends though. That should offend the hell out of you, does it?


Shouldn't be allowed to adopt children.

Straight hazing should be mandatory in all parts of Australia. High school boys should have blow job lessons from seasoned instructors from the LGBT community. Every uncut penis should be regularly massaged by another man's mouth, daily. Zero tolerance.

This is our Australia. Get curious, or get out.

Mental disease. Only cure is abstinence from sex. Must treat them normally, with respect and like anyone else but they tend to make it very hard to do so.

Homosexuality should be enforced by the federal state. Prove me wrong.

Poland just told their civilians to fuck lol
You must hate baby making fun?

state issued husbands when?

They're okay I guess. idk.

hate em all but agree with

I'd just as soon leave them alone and let them do what they wish, provided they leave the children alone. They won't leave normal people alone, though. So fuck them.

Sterile, homofacist sodomites. Power spikes, grows and crashes like a cocaine high. Very dangerous to culture and must be regulated and or guarded against.

People gathering together with common idea that they hate God. Cheeks worth spreading.
They bring drugs.. they're rapists. Bad news.

curbstomp this redpill up your buttyoutu.be/Tt19Vp9uBiQ


Degenerates that if I said they got molested when they were young, I'd be 80% correct.

They're fine. I just hate dykes.

Sam Hyde pls

They're one post by this ID faggots and should get gassed and saged.

I think it is way more talked about than it should be. Who in the fuck cares where you like sticking your pecker? You are becoming so mainstream and PC you are boring.