There are many Cultures , but only One Civilization : The European Civilization " - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Kebab removes itself!
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Ataturk more like atajerk
we should post his quotes on universities. They will explode.
He turned a shitty mudslime country in a country aspiring to be civilized. He's revered by thinking turks
Kemal was a sephardic jew from Thessaloniki
Kemal was a turkojewish mongrel from Thessaloniki
He had blue eyes and blond hair. you degenerate Greek do not even have that.
Tyrkey is one of the least retarded muslim countries because of dudes like this nigga
Sweet hat.
True, but that's like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics.
He's a great bit of the reason Turkey is a secular Muslim nation that isn't full of wannabe caliphates and extremist Muzzies
Ataturk didn't want to remain like all the other Muslim nations
Its a start though.
more proof that jews are the real master race desu
Do other Muslims hate Ataturk? Do they think Turkey is a sellout nation for being secular? I often wonder if Turkey is treated like an Uncle Tom state by other more staunchly Islamic nations
>more proof that jews are the real master race desu
Kemal was a gay misanthropist with huge ego. He hates everyone (including the jew) except from himself.
Possibly the greatest man in the history of the world. Seriously, read a history book on Ataturk even if you hate the Turks you'll respect this one.
It is and it isn't.
With over 1 billion Muslims there is immense difference between us.
The BASED Muslims admire him for he saw the danger of the religious right whilst not going full retard liberal.
Others think he went a bit too modern but respect him.
Many right-wing Saudi funded fucks hate hm.
Many equate liberalism with western imperialism and moral degeneracy and so hate him as they think he contributed to the decimation of the middle-east.
Class differences in perception of him too.
Thanks for the compliment, Turk, now get out, and stay out. You're not Euro, and only started pretending to be, at the onset of /our/ great success.
Is this a joke?
>We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven, or from an unseen world, but directly from life.
>Even before accepting the religion of the Arabs, the Turks were a great nation. After accepting the religion of the Arabs, this religion, didn't effect to combine the Arabs, the Persians and Egyptians with the Turks to constitute a nation. (This religion) rather, loosened the national nexus of Turkish nation, got national excitement numb. This was very natural. Because the purpose of the religion founded by Muhammad, over all nations, was to drag to an including Arab national politics.
>The people of Turkey are the heroic children of a nation who has viewed living free and independent as a necessary need for centuries. This people did not, cannot and will now live chained up.
atatürk was pro western-civilization for sure but he was anti-mandate/colonization. he would have rejected shit like nato or eu, despite to popular belief
a proper turkish nationalist and leader. rip in peace
>gay misanthropist with huge ego.
>hates everyone except from himself
sounds p redpilled to me
>They will explode.
>accepting the religion of the Arabs
Most Greeks from Thessaloniki have Sephardic or Romaniote Jewish Ancestry
He hunt the Greeks the Armenians the Jew the Arabs and even the Turks.
Turkish historian and parliamentary member:
If the Greeks was victorious (1922 campaign), they will turn the country to a much better place.
And the guy over who said this, is not a Kurd but a turkish grey wolf
kadir mısıroğlu is a literal islamist traitor you 60 iq ionian
You did not even exist when Kemal dictates Turkey.
If he was alive today, then you will be dead by now.
But with Erdopig in charge, you never know roach.
Ataturk was a good guy
Btfo toilet cleaner
A lot are settlers/refugees from Pontus and Ionia too.
do you even know what btfo means? chill out socrates
"Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women." - Ataturk
Wow the rapebaby thinks he knows literally anything
Fuck off back into your whoremother's womb, greco
Yes i know.
But there's something that you never think.
Political parties wont last forever.
Its a matter of time before the Germans send you some millions of rapefugees.
Get lost now kaffir.
?????????? what the fuck are you talking about aristoteles? are you autistic?
That guy is literally autist like you cuckreek
Women give birth to men amerimutt fag.
The bastardize amerifag speaks!
You know that you are polak only in the name right Brzezinski?
he's a fucking analbanian from greece
Get the fuck out of here slav.
>he's a fucking analbanian from greece
How is it going Alexandrovich? Did your Albanian government remove all the Macedonian sculptures from Skopje?
>trusting zaev
that faggot won't change shit unless it directly benefits him
I heard that you want to become NATO and EU members.
>kadir mısıroğlu posting
What kind of a special moron are you
>What kind of a special moron are you
Gtfo gaymal supporter.
People have the right to know the truth.
Atatürk was pretty based. I don’t like him because my sympathies will always lie with Greece, but there’s no question in my mind that the current crop of Turkish “““leaders””” are unworthy to shine his shoes.