The call that saved America...
The call that saved America
On the background, Paul Manafort, indicted today for treason.
thanks for sharing, don jr
Probably calling Putin to thank him for hacking the election.
Trump is pretty much finished after Muller indites him.
>tax fraud and money laundering
Typical memeflag shill.
That's not manafort you dumb shit, manafort isn't body positive
Ok Louise Menstrual.
That is not Manafort you fucking idiot.
>Trump wants to deport this
I’d bet a paycheck that wasn’t really Hillary on the line, and it was Bill or John Molesta. Hillary was busy on the floor shitting her pants, and pulling her hair out. Memes becoming real.
what are you people going to do when Hilldawg is indicted tomorrow and thrown into the DOC van being hauled off to prison like a slab of beef.
that isn't Manafort
not only are you a double nigger, you're fucking blind as a bat
Nice "ended it all"
is he talking about the pending corruption casualties?
feelin' groovy
>Putin, I won the election
>thanks for hacking the voting booths and flipping the votes so I would win the election
>I would not have won the election if it were not for you, Putin
>tfw Hillary and Clump are both arrested leaving Jeb! the true american hero to take the reigns
Shit I bet this is exact quote
>first post faggot post
1) it's not Manafort
2) he wasn't indicted for treason
3) kys shill
Only 1 out of 10 spics in the US look that white. Most are Indios.
shut it down
Looks like this soyboy needs new glasses.
most cherry picked mexican woman you've seen