Are you ready for 12 more years of me?
Are you ready for 12 more years of me?
Justin Castro?
nah, that fucker is going to be arrested for cp
He's pissed everyone off. He keeps introducing shit opposed by the majority of all Canadians and we only hear about it after it's been silently pushed through. He'll serve one term, you'll see
No because if you're elected again we're going to be declaring independence
>western populists
>ever succeeding in shit
lol, you reformist shits couldn't even balance your budget in 10 fucking years in office
The conservatives literally balanced the budget with a surplus you fucking mongoloid
Finance Canada confirmed multiple times that Harper left liberals a surplus.
I will keep fuckin yo wife wit muh BBC anyways, Truedoe!
Lol. Thats a crock of shit.
And the fuckers managed to transform it into one of the biggest deficit ever seen within two years after being elected
Do you really think andrew "bagel schmear" scheer or Jeet Pajeet has any chance against him?
It doesn't matter how unpopular you are if the competition is worse
Trudeau is worse. Hes done a fucking awful job so far and terrible decisions carried out with a pompous arrogance. Scheer will win with a minority government. Lefties will fight eachother over ndp and lib
If scheer can knock Trudeau into a minority gov I'd be happy. Another majority must be avoided at all costs.
The right is fighting itself too, Scheer doesn't have control over the old alliance side of the party, he's a pure PC boy
A trudeau minority isn't unlikely, but remember that most people don't vote on policy but purely which leader is most charismatic
>The right is fighting itself too
no shit only one party with only one voice to speak/act for a lot of people
Trudeau isn't charismatic, that's the fucking thing. He has a lisp, he talks timidly, and he's an awful speaker. Every second word is 'uh' and he answers every question with a non answer that leaves everyone scratching their heads. Fuck that faggot
Even the Conservatives are anti-white in VANCOUVER!
The party is still in-fighting over andrew scheer, he absolutely isn't the pick half the party wanted
Sure, but look what he's up against
If the conservatives weren't totally and completely controlled by Israelis maybe we could have had a Mad Max trump north.
Anything is better than tucking Jew Muppets like Harper and Sheer.
Its Vancouver, it doesn't count.
Fuck off, stop this rhetoric. You're inviting muzzies into our country
B-but he explained quantum computing right off the top of his head and totally not just a memorized definition a staffer gave him!!!
Right? Amirite?
Of coooooourse!
Checkout the demographics of the area. 70% ESL
Harper was pro-immigration
>“Canada is the largest per capita receiver of new immigrants in the entire world,” Harper said Wednesday. “And we have resettled already some 20,000 Iraqi refugees and a couple of thousands of Syrian refugees and we plan to do more.”
I hope Canada elects its own Trump and everything gets flipped, turned upside down
Anyone else stop following Canadian politics completely? It's like who am I gonna vote for, faggot #1, faggot #2, or faggot #3?
Democracy is voting for the least bad candidate
If the filthy Jew animals think they can replace whites I'm dam well going to make sure its Muslims.
Conservatives are the party of Jews and useful idiots in Allbutthurtahh.
wew you know you're a cuck when you feel threaten by the green party
but then again May is the only trustworthy person in parliament
They all are but Harper wanted to prioritize Christian refugees. Definitely the case of the lesser of three evils, not that the ndp ever have a chance of winning anything ever.
All the (((parties))) are the same
Didn't The budget deficit come in at $17 billion?
NewsAlert: Ottawa says federal deficit for 2016-17 was $17.8 billion
That's less than 1% of GDP.
Meanwhile Trump's budget deficit is like $700 Billion, 4% of GDP.
Theyre ALL pro immigration. The difference is, Harper's numbers were insanely lower than Trudeau's. I don't even know why I have to explain this to you. Of the 3 main parties, the conservatives were allowing the least projected numbers over the longest period of time. Harper was also more reluctant to jump on the sjw dick. Trudeau and the NDP cant jump on the sjw dick fast enough. Conservatives literally do the least amount of damage to our country, even if they're serving the joos
We should annex canada already, its going to happen sooner or later, might as well save them from this level of cuckdation before it destroys them
At this point I am waiting to see how bad things get.
They're fucking equally bad.
>Are you ready for 12 more years of me?
Yes. You give us great anti-leaf material.
Actually Harper raised the numbers to a record high and raised the bar for Trudeau to have to beat.
Messed up isn't it. I Haven't heard of this guy before. Did a search on him and found:
"majoring in Political Science with a minor in Economics at UBC. Charles followed this up by studying Hebrew and Arabic at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as well as the University of Amman in Jordan. Charles then went on to teach English at universities in South Korea where for the better part of a decade he also hosted a live weekly radio talk show."
I'll be voting conservative for the first time in my life next election.
However, even conservatives are too much in favor of mass immigration for my taste.
Basically the Canadian Conservative Party = Tax cuts for their buddies.
No Québécois will ever vote for an uppity poo that thinks its somehow equal to whites. The NDP is going to get decimated and they secretly know it. A knike wielding boo in a genie wrap. He looks like a dirty wizard. Lol
retard, I was following it as it happened. The liberals came out of the gate with a way higher projected number, Harper was much more reserved. It's comparing immigration from the old liberals, aka over a fucking decade ago compared to a couple years ago.
I wonder if Bernie shekel bags would be an honest improvement over Trudeau?
Can we get Bernie to immigrate to Canada?
you have a provision in the constitution that we can join at any time. Funny, it could be the best union ever made without Zionists in the picture
But at least nobody ever called him raci- oh, that's right, they did
Mad Max lost, and my interest in leaf politics with died with it. I bet some of you poorfags didn't vote for him.
At least trudeau is do busy importing refugees to fuck with gun laws.
oh jesus thats too funny
when Jack died all hope for the party died
Harper also jewed the numbers with foreign workers. They all stayed too.
thats your jew, deal with it, we got enough up here already messing things up
>They all stayed too
Harper raised it up to 280k in 2010, right after a major recession no less. That was modern day record high. Harper raised the bar, Trudeau had to surpass it.
Harper even bragged about it like this guy said
Agreed. He is definitely a pedophile
Why do the French portions of Canada claim to want to join the USA?
I know they expect to keep their language, etc. for one thing. But it seems like an idiotic reason to claim Canadian government isn't giving them their way so they want to join America.
And he got us a surplus budget after a long hard recession. His immigrants weren't terrorists. Harper did nothing wrong
12 years of memes and making bitches wet
>claim to want to join the USA?
ya all those referendums for sovereignty were totally all about become the 52 state of america and not its own nation
He won't keep his majority in 2019. Singh is running an identity politics campaign and actually has that on his side. Tories usually do well because of the vote split between the NDP and the Liberals. The only reason Trudeau won was because Harper's majority was bad and Layton died and gave the keys to Mulclair, who was slimy as shit.
He has been slamming policies that are either mixed with social justice or just downright opposed by Canadians. The media may tell you he is alright, but there is a movement against him. The problem is unifying them.
The only thing saving his ass is legalizing weed, which he will just end up taxing and regulating it to the point that people will just go under the counter to get it. The only person I can think of in Canadian Politics that is just as bad as him is Taxeen Wynne.
Every tucking Philippineo tim hortens coffee pourer squirted out an anchor baby the moment they touched down. Grandparents and extended family paperwork submitted with their own
>Why do the French portions of Canada claim to want to join the USA?
This has never happened, and will never happen.
He left the country in a Harper-made recession. He was an abysmal failure.
There was no surplus. They sold off assets to try to pretend to balance the budget for 1 year. That's like selling the fridge to buy groceries.
Harper is the literal definition of a cuckerservative. He was the most Zionist PM in Cdn history.
I hate Wynne so goddamn much. All Canadians do. She has the approval rating of 5% or something insane, and has had it that low for fucking years. She should have been ousted a long time, stupid ugly bulldyke
image for ants
Only Pakis will vote for the dirty wizard. The moment it comes out that his mother aborted all his sisters he's done.
that whole thing was so fucking bizarre, the press basically halfway admitting he's a complete retard and that getting through an obvious set-up without humiliating himself was a cause for celebration
>legalizing weed
he has been in office for how many years and its not even decriminalized yet Canada aint getting legal weed its a carrot for retard voters only the NDP/Greens will legalize weed
phlips are fine, strong catholic morals. They suffer from gang activity sometimes, but cities are doomed anyways
That image is misleading. The 'recession' actually hit the US much harder, it didn't quite classify as one in Canada, although it negatively impacted us for an amount of time. They worked on balancing the budget for more than a year, Harper is based, deal with it
He literally put the entire country's fate in oil.
Ignored our national interests and let a Jew sell nexen to the fucking communists.
Harper was a Jew muppit
>lets not use this natural resource we have a lot of and helped make us rich and prosperous
That's what you're asking Harper to do. Getting the most bang for our buck with oil has never been a fault. The Saudi's are cucking the shit out of themselves.
Ok then, lets suppose you guys get rid of this fucking idiot when his term is up, now what? With all the damage that's been done to Canada by him, and the few prior to him, will you even be able to turn your country around? Not trolling, serious question.
Yeah, bizarre and very cringey. Sorry he is your PM leafanon
Not turning around per say, but Scheer will slow the roll of 'social revision', and take a harder stance on refugees. He'll also stop Canada from funding terrorists millions of dollars because someone was mean while interrogating them
The West Wants Out
>listening to (((ottawa)))
user trudeau literally sold all of our gold reserves to china to get the deficit that """low""". Our country has literally no safety net to fall back on.
you forgot giving china the rights to that oil for X price no matter even if its sold at a major loss and how many decades are the those rights for again 30 or was it 50
At this point all people who'd vote for Libs should be round up and shot.
Latest antics are typical of failing gov't trying to get any source of revenue.
Helping the middle class by:
-Trying to tax health benefits
-Trying to fix "loopholes" that will effectively make it pointless to have a small business.
-Trying to tax employee discounts.
-More conflict of interest scandals than ever before
The national energy plan was going to nationalize the tar sands and Canadian government would be in control instead now China nationalized it for china and a Jew took his billions to Israel tax free
Nope, that's why I left.
that's from 2015
what is your favorite trudeau incident? mine is when he apoligized for a couple hundred immigrants being denied access more than a hundred years ago
She may. But there are two roadblocks:
>Ontario Tories are a bit cucked
>The minimum wage is getting increased to $14/hr in 2018 and $15 in 2019.
We saw Dalton McGuinty run our province like shit twice and he still won the ballot. And he wasn't big on the social justice shit like Wynne is. As for the latter, not many know of the cons of raising the wage, especially in Ontario.
> Reduced hours
> Increased costs
> Potential layoffs
> Increased taxation. The unions that are sucking on her tits are the ones that capitalize the most off of it.
Parts of Toronto (the Liberal Stronghold) are slipping and people may vote NDP if they want to go Left. The Ontario Tories axed Hudak (he was too timid and needed to expand his platform more) and need to get a spine if they are to crush the Libs.
Pretty much. But even then, the NDP/Green hippies will just tax and regulate it to the point people will just go under the table.
What could Scheer, or anybody else do about the Hadji's already in your country now? Its getting worse with immigration, not better. I think what I'm trying to ask is, will the average Canadian step up to the plate and start electing people who will work for you, and stop actively trying to destroy Canada? Although things are not as bad as some parts of Europe, its getting close.
I like when he gave millions of dollars to Omar in a speedy trial never given to actually deserving court cases, so that the grieving widow of the soldier he killed couldn't sue him for the money. And then to followup, he ended up giving millions to another 5 suspected terrorists considered 'mistreated' in interrogations that the media barely covered because Canadian media is in the pockets of the liberal party
I kinda liked the master trolling of leaving any mention of Jews off the holocaust memorial plaque.
God dam Harper pushed this garbage through too
What about natural resources? Shale oil, and the tar sands? Lumber?
Pretty much all the options don't. That is the problem.
We don't exactly have a Populist or an exciting political figure at this time who actually is worth giving a chance.
The NDP lost the Orange Wave when Layton died.
pretty funny. and when they complain he can just play dumb
The left will be vote splitting among the Liberals and the NDP government.
I'm not a big fan of Scheer, would've liked to see Bernier as leader of the Conservative Party, but you know what...
All of the Conservatives will be united to make Justin Trudeau a one-termer.
Then again, anything could happen.
Let's see what happens in 2019.
39% with huge name recognition/celebrity status under a brand-name party against a tired-out incumbent who barely even tried is almost shockingly poor, and yet another example of media scripting massively jumping the gun ("landslide")
our current situation is more about lack of opposition than it is about current-year thinking prevailing
oil is too low for them to make a profit
canadians you need to resurrect this faggot and make him prime minister
It was almost worth the money just to drink Jew tears and see them butt hurt over a terrorist getting Jewish tax dollars
none of it matters boys, canada wont exist as a nation by 2100, theres no turning back time, the damage is done
we need to prepare for this inevitability by staking claims in maritimes, BC and praries
Quebec and Ontario and over, its only a matter of time
who the fuck cares about legalizing weed
this is why we are so fucked, just a bunch of self absorbed morons
when was the last time anybody in canada ever went to jail for weed? its already practically legal, you can buy it anywhere get notes from your doctors, nobody gives a shit anymore, no one fucking cares if you smoke weed, your just wasting your money and brains doing soemthing that is totally stupid
No, the die is cast, only a matter of time until civil war
how much gold? the last few ounces?
my favorite trudeau incident was when a random native chased him off of a beach
Are hash coins a currency yet?
>Layton = NDP as an example. I don't support those Socialist shills.
NDP yes
the greens fuck no
why does everyone think the green party is retarded hippies that solve everything with higher taxes
Elizabeth may is a defender of Canadian land and heritage of the people