Should the United States just annex Mexico and get it over?
Should the United States just annex Mexico and get it over?
No, but we should invade and occupy until we wipe out their criminal element, then put a regent in.
no. gross
What makes you think we have not already instilled our own puppet drug running govmnt in mexico?
Or wipe it out entirely and we have some new beaches.
>America goes from 52% to 20% in a single week
Do it faggot the memes would be delicious
Mexico is already around 40% white.
You can't control shittier smaller countries and you'll control Mexico? sure, go annex Mexico and turn the Cartel into citizens, great idea!
No we should turn it into glass fuck spics and fuck op for wanting to give ever fucking spic access to the US.
Implying they wouldn't try to fight back and get demolished.
>wanting more democrat voters
Every fucking war we've had since proves this wrong.
Manlet spic cartel members are going to defeat our military.
The Mexican racial breakdown is officially presented as 9% white, 60% Mestizo (Indigenous-European hybrid), 30% Indigenous, and 1% other. The Mestizaje (mixture) of Indians and Spaniards is the principal fact of Mexican racial history. And yet, the details are even more complicated.
My bad they are literally le 56% meme.
they mucho stinky.
>let’s have an actual welfare country
This better be bait
That's the problem, the Cartel wouldn't fight you. You basically would destroy the law abiding citizens that fight to protect their country and end up ruling over an even shittier narco state. How is that a good deal?
How does that change anything? Then annex C.America, then S.America after that.
what makes you think the average citizen wouldn't welcome US administration?
I say we take Canada too while we're at it we're already brown to fuck it
So they kill their own population, I don't see the problem.
Then we come and wipe out the cartel. Easy.
Hell no, no one wants that shithole.
I think we have a communication problem. I think you could win a war, I don't believe you could control the country after that and "fix" the Cartel problem only worsen it. Do you want to babysit a war torn Mexico? I thought white saviours were not present in this board.
"Easy". Go fight and die for your neocon masters then you dumb fuck if it's that easy. Don't come crying when your tax dollars go to rebuild Mexico though.
>war torn Mexico
>rebuild Mexico
I don't think you understand just how easy it would be.
Mexico is effectively allied with China in its new opium war on the US. It facilitates the transportation of fentanyl and other opiates on behalf of China. The goal of which is to turn large numbers of US citizens into drug addicted zombies and weaken and destabilise the country in the process. It has been going on for some time now and the results are pretty evident with communities ravaged by drug abuse the lenght and breath of the country. There are over 35 deaths per day in the US as result of Chinese opiates sold by Mexicans. When the extent of this conspiracy becomes apparent to the American public there will be a severe backlash against the Mexican treachery.
What you're saying is we need to annex Mexico?
Yes you do and quickly. Death from synthetic opiates has risen nearly 600% in the last 4 years with over 60,000 drug deaths in the US in 2016. If those deaths were on a battlefield Mexico would be turned into glass. Compare those deaths to the numbers for Afghanistan/Iraq and 9/11 and all other US military in the last 20 years and you get an idea of the problem. Solution is to annex or annihilate.
US should go to war with mexico get fix their corrupt government. It's why so many of them are coming over here.
I see what you're saying, but degenerates dying from drug use is kind of a non-issue to me.
try 5%
A lot of those degenerates were hard working American citizens before their jobs were shipped overseas to China. They are the same kind of people who would have laid down their lives for America if they had been called to do so. Not all of them, but a large majority of them. Hard working towns and people who have been betrayed and abandoned.
No, it should annex canada
unfortunately the mexican government is corrupt because the federal gubbment is corrupt. Cartels are CIA/DEA/DOJ run, after all.
>Pentagon sells training to cartels like Los Zetas
>Holder criminally sells guns to mexican gang kingpin El Chapo
>El Chapo uses guns to murder mexicans and law enforcement agents of both his and our country
>Holder & Obama say "WE DINDU NUFFINS" as they smile at how the deposits were entered into their slushfund bank accounts
to clean up Mexico requires draining the Swamp and MAGA'ing the Deep State out.
Again, the scale tips towards degenerates dying,
Both will happen Mexico will be testing the water.
That's true too, but we can just kill them all instead.
why burgers mad?, we just retaking our old territories :)
Right. As easy as it was to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan yeah?
No, we need buffer states for genetic experiments.
If that is the case then enjoy the Mexican replacements for those degenerates. Most of those deaths are in white working class communities, so at the rate of 60,000 deaths per year and rising rapidly it won't take long to change the demographics of the US in favour of non whites.
Yes, first Annex Mexico and deport all spiks to Africa!
Build the wall
Annex Mexico
Kick spics to Africa
Send niggers to Mexico
Seal the boarder
Niggers aren't smart enough to get back.
So America will be like Mexico when it's 40% white? Chilling.
Yes please!
>Seal the boarder
You know words have more than one meaning, right?
whats to fucking annex?
>oh thank god more cacti and aloe plants this will go great with my rocks and sizable population of poor people
No fucking thanks.
Literally 6 or so posts later I fucking fixed it. Read the next few posts before you reply.
I wish it was 40% but those are spics senpai. Mexico is only 9% pure compared to U.S's likely 60-65% purity.