This is beautiful. Inspirational
Other urls found in this thread:
>last night will save lives
Why would a transgender being elected save lives? Is she saying that their psyches are that damaged by their condition?
She's saying that transpeople don't kill themselves because they are ill, but because society actively rejects them.
Needing affirmation that your life is worthwhile is the sign of mental illness.
Well, at least the 59% that statistically don't end up killing themselves.
It's not gonna save any lives. The suicide rate is so high because those people are mentally ill.
>more trannies go into public eye
>cant handle the stress
>suicide rates go up
This is probably the actual timeline
So they’re weak?
So someone not approving you're lifestyle makes you kill yourself? Maybe they should just kill themselves then.
When does he chop his dick off?
Which has never been proven scientifically, and actually has a few studies showing representation doesn't matter much. the only group of people with a comparable suicide rate are the mentally ill. (Hint: because they are mentally ill)
> Last night will save lives
Don't think trannies getting elected are gonna stop people from chopping their dicks off and making a fake pussy that must be dilated every day to stop it from closing.
>mfw i'm more likely to be mocked in the future knowing that this election is just going to spotlight how batshit nuts we can be
Good times, good times.
this story is as real as the one about 6 gorillion trans kids committing suicide on election night last year.
nobody gives a shit about city councils or state legislatures
There were more than one?
Transfags are disgusting. They've rejected nature, and nature will reject then in turn. Their deaths from cancer etc are all but assured.
>trans youth
We all know who's making the decisions here.
This implies the "trans youth" are *actual* children who don't follow the news themselves. So mommy and daddy has to tell them about "le exciting empowering thing".
Fuck this bitch, fuck these parents and fuck the trans lobby for targeting and brainwashing children.
Because now they can pretend society accepts them and they wont have to kill themselves.
These people are fucking insane. I feel sorry for any children being raised by these cunts. No wonder they all end up on Sup Forums
>Giving into fantasy saves them from their own hands
except those who die from their incompetence
They'll last a few months and then commit suicide though.
Or maybe because they actively reject society. Biological genders are integral parts of functioning society. They are the ones actively rejecting it
I don't know why but this pic makes me sad, unrelated to subtitle.
Why the fuck are people okay with this? Degenerate mentally ill perverts should not be in charge of anything. The good thing is there is a 40% chance it will off itself.
>the deciding factor on whether or not you kill yourself is a trans person being elected in a state election
uhhhhh why don't we want these mentally stable people in the military again, sweetie?
They'll end up killing themselves by 25 anyway
Thinking you're a woman when you're a man is the sign of mental illness.
There's not really much quantifiable proof in that statement. It's highly likely they're all just mentally fucked to begin with
Absolute nonsense
>trans children
>parents failed at parenting so much only the government can (probably) stop their kids from killing themselves now
This is sad on so many levels.
tl;dr this shit I live under a mineral.
I fear the day I will see my father old and lying in a hospital bed.
> Is she saying that their psyches are that damaged by their condition?
Pretty much
also: fpbp
>Is she saying that their psyches are that damaged by their condition?
Is this even in question? I say this as a trans person. Gender dysphoria is one of the most debilitating mental illnesses that exists and easily the most fatal.
lol. I know a M2F tranny that i went to high school with. No one ever expected it from him. Turns out that he started transitioning when he was addicted to heroin and was sucking a drug dealers cock for free dope. Yeah, im sure a tranny being in office will make him feel better. These fucking people. Can they point to one group of people that have dealt with social rejection where the suicide rate was that high? No, because it doesnt exist. These people unironically think they receive more shit than black people did during Jim Crow.
>8 year old kid
>mom can i get elected to city council while wearing a dress?
>yes... *teat roles down*
This is the American way folks
Do you support these fucks glorifying the condition? Non accusing, just curious
>be kid
>don't like typical gender stereotypes
>retard lefties put you suicide hormones that make you deformed because you must be the wrong gender
>grow up
>never have sex outside of being paid for blowjobs
>have to pretend to be another person 24/7
>incredible stress and warped sense of self
>mutilate your genitals thinking it'll make you a normal person
>people are even more disgusted by this
>someone you tricked into sleeping with you kicks your ass
>take increasing amount of drugs to just make it all go away
>eventually kill yourself after hitting rock bottom
stfu sweden
It's the Norwegian way, now, too.
>things that never happened for $500 alex
What is being glorified? Obviously I think it should be inspirational that someone who was born with gender dysphoria has their shit together enough to be an elected official. When the world has dealt you an incredibly shit hand it's comforting to know others have made it.
It bothers me that Twitter now allows 280 characters. Kind of defeats the purpose. Short is sweeet
Trains people bother me too
our people have expired, the once strong people of this nation are now feeble.
Lost sense of what it means to actually survive, its kill or be kill. The juvenile view to the world is an insult to those of us that live in it.
I can't wait for him to totally takeover the state legislature with a bunch of stupid shit and have the rest of the Dems there be too cucked to tell him to shut up.
We need a bunch of democratic trannies in the actual senate too and they'd lose in a landslide after they get their faggy shit televised.
This happened
Imagine being such a shell of a human being that you need shit like this to not take yourself out.
>Gender dysphoria is one of the most debilitating mental illnesses
Yeah, you have it hard compared to those socially accepted pedophiles or necrosexuals
not all life is good life
47% suicide rate
Gender dysphoria has undoubtedly been glorified in the west.
I’m talking about the people calling her and talking about there tranny kids
Most people who are pedophiles or necrophiles have other desires as well, it's rare for them to be exclusively into that fetish and even rarer for it to be distressing, obessive (paraphilia). How do the suicide rates for them compare to trans people?
You act as if cnn represents the average western person's view of the world. Outside the media, extremely liberal college campuses and other bubbles trannies are not gloried at all, anywhere.
0 trannies in Denmark
Hopefully 100%
What are those freaks doing living at home? Should be out raiding rail cars or something
>this is having your shit together
>sounds like a retarded 12 year old boy in their victory speech
>yo guys like you know we gotta get it together man discrimination is bad ya know?
I guarantee you that more people will become transgender due to mainstream media representation. Your ilk is just the next token victim class being used to degrade traditional western values. Its become a fashion choice. Which is honestly terrible for people like you who are actually afflicted with the mental illness.
Would you make fun of an elected official with cerebral palsy? All that matters is that they do what they were elected to do and represent the interests of those that voted for them.
When a necrosexual kills themselves its actually a boon to the necrophile community fyi
Woot, Openly mentally ill people that refuse to take medication are in positions of governance
>Your ilk is just the next token victim class being used to degrade traditional western values.
You're absolutely right. Once the media 'discovered' us a few years ago there has been an insane increase in coverage and we've been used as political footballs for all sorts of issues. This is all despite trans people having existed for as long as humanity, just suffering in silence. I firmly believe the media's 'pushing' of trans acceptance will backfire though, because the more people who 'fall' for it thinking that gender is just a choice or fashion statement, the more people who will actually artificially induce gender dysphoria on themselves by transitioning when they shouldn't have and regretting it. Hopefully in the future it will be seen as a purely medical issue, and hopefully even further than technology will solve this problem permanently (either by detecting gender dysphoria early and correcting it somehow, or by making transition so seamless and perfect that it is a nonissue)
>Would you make fun of an elected official with cerebral palsy?
Yes, would you vote for a literal retard to feel good about yourself?
can these people get any more retarded, I want out of this country, lefties want to destroy everything so everyone is as miserable as they are.
Next let's tell people with dissociative identity disorder that they really are multiple people and give them the legal rights of however many people they say they feel like. Hell one of them could have a job and the rest could be on welfare. Or they could marry each other. Good times.
shut it down
Kill yourself you mentally disabled cretin
You will never be accepted in any society anywhere
Merit is the only thing you should consider. If you are voting for someone due to any superficial characteristic like their appearance then you are doing yourself and your country a disservice.
W..why are the children tied up... Is Spacey in the room? or just UK royals?
I doubt he's a real tranny. He's probably a shameless sociopath who saw a path to power by capitalizing on the current wave of oppression politics.
See.....society has already collapsed.
Pray for an EMP attack. With 75 percent dead
we may have a chance to rebuild
Being mentally ill isn't superficial just because it's trendy to say that. Thinking you another gender than you actually are is called being delusional.
>trans youth
how did we ever let it get to this point
>Thinking you another gender than you actually are is called being delusional.
Delusional beliefs disqualify you from transgender treatment. To have gender dysphoria you have to feel distress living as the sex you are born, and you transition to alleviate that stress, all of that completely requires knowing what your biological sex is. If you actually believe you're really a female despite everything, why would you need to transition? You're already a girl in your mind right?
It's called...
Transpretending. Very very few people are really. Most of them suffer from personality disorders.
Well at any rate, I wish you luck
>being insane
>getting elected
Great job america.
STFU stupid bitch
at the very least it shows mental weakness
40% of them are still going to an hero
nutty fucking lunatics think they can be lunatics and they will magically have people virtue signalling over them
but thats not how it actually works, they are perverse abominations that everyone dislikes, INCLUDING liberals
>city council
Unimportant nobodies
>state legislature
Almost equally worthless
Spirit cooked a child and ate them. Democrats said it was bread.
excuse me if I'm wrong but Republicans still control the house/senate yes?
seems like more of a moral victory rather than an effective one
We need to open up suicide booths.
That was my takeaway as well. "Trans youth" makes it sound like a sexually confused teenager, but these parents are speaking on behalf of actual, pre-pubescent children. The kids aren't to blame for their indoctrination, and their parents are the worst kind of scum
From here on out, I'm going to vote for every trans person I can, regardless of how nuts they are. Seeing Sup Forums this triggered is worth centuries of degeneracy, holy fucking lol
if the only thing that could change my mind from wanting to an hero was this, id fucking kill myself
Holy shit you are mind controlled. Guys I'm so stressed because I'm living as a man but I want to be a girl, but I don't actually think I'm a girl, but I was born with a girl brain, but that doesn't mean I don't know I'm a boy because part of having a girl brain means I'm completely rational about wanting to change my gender.