Is having women in combat roles a good idea?

Is having women in combat roles a good idea?

Also, to any prior, current and future soldier should consider signing the petition below. This also goes for anyone sympathetic to the idea of keeping integration out of our regiments.

Do your part to sign and spread.


Black women, yes. But really who gives a fuck what our army actually does? Anyone should be lucky enough to have the honor of dying for Israel and killing muslim kids

Why black women?

If black men are in jail and black women in MENA fight, then congrats you've just committed soft genocide.
I believe Argentina did a similar thing by drafting Africans and putting them on the front lines of a war down there. Might be wrong, tho

Ex infantryman here. I'd like to see this social experiment completely fail. Now that I'm out, it's fun to watch the disaster unfold. I do feel for all the good soldiers that will get kicked out for being real men. But it's the only way this nation will learn.

So why not sign it? I personally would like this squashed before it hits my regiment.

Just looked it up, very interesting.

Look on the bright side. Every platoon has the fat, useless shitbag that can't do PT or follow simple orders. In this case, you can fuck it. Just make sure to use a condom and don't touch it when alcohol is involved. Eventually the Military will learned they fucked up.

I'm not in a platoon, if it gets to where I'm at it's gone too far. I just refuse to sit and be defeatist cuck.


>Only 2 signatures
This country is more pussy whipped than I thought.

You can either have a functioning unit or you can get them all killed by virtue signaling. USMC already have clear results from all-male, all-female and mixed units tests so why is it so fucking hard to follow clear results and listen to the motherfuckers who knows their shit.

I'm 100% for anything that gets rid of black women
they're like 80% of the reason blacks are so shit since they aren't capable of being proper mothers or wives.

As a non murican my opinion is unimportant. But I don't care I'm giving it.

Women in combat roles? Sure.
If they can complete training to the same standard as men and don't get treated any differently.

You gotta lug the same weight.
Run the same speeds.
Shower Piss and shit in the same toilets.
Get the same hazings.
Get the same fucking buzz cut and bind your tits if you have to for the same uniformity.

If these were the requisites then yeah. But it won't happen because that makes men and women truly equal. Not the superiority the feminists want

I just made this hours ago.

Appreciate your moral support, the system won't keep them out. We can't even throw deserters in prison.

What else should I do?

Honestly I would subscribe to this idea. But we both know these days the Military is a political tool more than an Armed Force. They'll find a way to skim people who fail to meet the requirements in if it suits a political agenda of some politician who has never served.

However if we were in a WWII situation I'd conscript women into a Home Guard type of unit so you can free up more men for the front. Being led by old fossils and men who just didn't fit the bill medically should improve it a little for Guard duty.


Seems like the general consensus is "No" but nobody wants to take a minute to even input a generic ass name. At least with this administration there could be a change.