So Blacks aren't capable of building civilization?

So Blacks aren't capable of building civilization?

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404 civilization not found.

They pretty much for the most part 99.99% tear shit down

No one us saying that Egyptians are white. What we are saying is that Egyptians are NOT black. African Americans and Sub Saharan Africans don't share a SINGLE drop of ancient Egyptian blood. They were a completely different people who have more in common with middle easterners than you niggers.

>reconstruction based on skull vs. artistic rendering
>it's literally a photograph


that was the shape of his skull

So all that gold he's wearing was dirty piss yellow? My almonds, I feel them....

Manu Ampim, a professor at Merritt College specializing in African and African American history and culture, claims in the book Modern Fraud: The Forged Ancient Egyptian Statues of Ra-Hotep and Nofret, that many ancient Egyptian statues and artworks are modern frauds that have been created specifically to hide the "fact" that the ancient Egyptians were black, while authentic artworks that demonstrate black characteristics are systematically defaced or even "modified". Ampim repeatedly makes the accusation that the Egyptian authorities are systematically destroying evidence that "proves" that the ancient Egyptians were black, under the guise of renovating and conserving the applicable temples and structures. He further accuses "European" scholars of wittingly participating in and abetting this process

Niggers “built” Egypt like they “built” America. In chains, following the orders of a White Man. On their own, they can’t build anything.

Can't really trust contemporary depictions because his mummy suggests that he was pretty inbred.

Essentially this. Luckily, seeing as a I am a potato nigger according to my DNA test I can deal with the fact that my people have given the world whiskey, poets such as James Joyce, and Boolean algebra which is the frame work for the modern computer. Also, everyone in America apparently wants to be Irish according to a lot of polls. How many people do you see clamoring to claim sub Saharan descent?

Who cares what niggers think or say about anything? Bonobos are more intelligent, peaceful, and dignified.


They can't even build their own fake history, kikes do it for them!

racists love to lie, and believe their lies too

My, how far you have fallen.

Must have been something you did along the way. Explain yourself; your Egyptian past was indeed impressive, while today, you have places like Chicago suburbs, LA street thugs, all shining examples of civic decay.

I think you must have lost your way some time ago. 4 Chan will not return it to you.


Then explain to me why the modern Egyptian and anyone north of the Sahara looks like an Arab or Mediterranean ancestor?


So do everyone in Sweden. Just saying.

The only proof you have is the material the statue is made out of?

interbreeding over thousands of years

Similar to the "Viking" study that was done recently that showed Muslims dominated their culture only to be disproved by an actual Muslim which showed that the original "scientist' was heavily biased? Fuck all these revisions in history which have no basis in reality.

>what is artistic license
Oh yeah, i'm sure there were also a bunch of guys with jackal and crocodile heads. Get the fuck outta here.

Probably by CT scanning mummies.


look at jesus, scientist know he was a jew because he was born fro a jew mother, but europeans paint him like a white person with blue eyes and blond, but we know that he was darker with curly hair, because jews are like that.

>Manu Ampim
>black guy

definitely not bias and speaking utter bs

Can you prove that? Do you have a definitive case study that shows that ancient Egyptians interbred with Arabs? It seems more likely that ancient Egyptians were interlinked with ancient Arab cultures considering the similarities and anthropology, but you can bend whatever you need to so it fits your narrative.



Why are Australians so degenerate?

must you feed the shills?

Brown people =/= niggers, you shilling fuckwhistle. Niggers make mudhuts on their best day. Brown people helped shape large portions of the world.

Yeah, "Jesus" was an arab. That is exactly the point I am making. He hailed from ancient regions which would be considered the middle east by modern day standards. Stop trying to claim that "blacks" had anything to do with that.

and you are a scientist that has spent thousands of hours in Egipt correcting him right?


It's an attempt to redpill and demoralize them. Despite what you all think regarding why they come here, many of them are not paid shills. They are raiders from plebbit and other sites similar to when Sup Forums held raids back in the day. If you provide true statistics and real info then maybe they will reevaluate their position. If you consistently bombard something with false facts only to be met with educated discourse then what is the point? If you are constantly proven wrong then what motive do you have?

look I don´t have any bad feelings toward blacks like you, because I know that the reason they turned into niggers is because welfare was instituted to turn them into drug addicts and drunkards, read more about it the sixties when all this shit started. you want them to became productive? end welfare as we know it.

Because one is a sculpture and the other is a forensic reconstruction based on the physical remains and aided by computer software and our knowledge of anatomy.


It is high time that Sup Forums expands it's vocabulary and sentence structure in order to truly start fighting back. It's time to start proving we are not a bunch of uneducated hicks. We need to start showing there is validity to our claims beyond the random infograph.

but, but, but you are a bunch of uneducated hicks

Do a bit more research and realize that claim is utterly false. You are speaking as if African Americans and Africans are entirely different. Look at what the average Sub Saharan has achieved and get back to me. They achieved nothing until white colonies appeared and once those left due to modern "white guilt" they fell apart. Look at Zimbabwe for fucks sake. They cannot maintain a modern society.

The only reason they were getting their shit together in the first place is because they were being forced to conform to white society.
The natural state of the nigger is the mudhut, they will always revert to that baseline.
Were their communities sabotaged in the 60s for political reasons? Yes.
Does this prove that niggers are compatible with western society? No.
If niggers are to live among us, they must always be forced to fall in line. They will always be a net loss to society, never a net gain.

How does he explain genetic markers where 60% of british men are descendants of Tut?

They were tan but they weren't black. They were basically Arab-Egyptians and some historians say they were Palestinian

No one has ever been taught they were white. Just that they were 'egyptian'


give them time, remember that whites were in caves, while India and China were civilized 5 thousand years ago


If you say they were caucasian it really triggers niggers.

so the blacks enslaved the jews?

when will the blacks denounce slavery?

Says the man basing his political beliefs purely on human emotion with absolute disregard for facts or statistics when it is convenient. You will be the first to use the white mass shooter narrative, but the last to admit that minority gun violence outweighs it one thousand fold. You will be the first to call out the whites for assaulting native tribes, but the last to admit that certain tribes scalped their captives alive in numbers that put the whites to shame. This is liberalism. I speak only the facts that support my narrative and anything else is irrelevant.


> What is tarnish?

Several Afrocentric scholars, including Diop, have claimed that Tutankhamun was black, and have protested that attempted reconstructions of Tutankhamun's facial features (as depicted on the cover of National Geographic Magazine) have represented the king as "too white". Among these writers was Chancellor Williams, who argued that King Tutankhamun, his parents, and grandparents were black.[31]

Forensic artists and physical anthropologists from Egypt, France, and the United States independently created busts of Tutankhamun, using a CT-scan of the skull. Biological anthropologist Susan Anton, the leader of the American team, said the race of the skull was "hard to call". She stated that the shape of the cranial cavity indicated an African, while the nose opening suggested narrow nostrils, which is usually considered to be a European characteristic. The skull was thus concluded to be that of a North African.[32] Other experts have argued that neither skull shapes nor nasal openings are a reliable indication of race.[33]

Although modern technology can reconstruct Tutankhamun's facial structure with a high degree of accuracy, based on CT data from his mummy,[34][35] determining his skin tone and eye color is impossible. The clay model was therefore given a coloring, which, according to the artist, was based on an "average shade of modern Egyptians".[36]

Terry Garcia, National Geographic's executive vice president for mission programs, said, in response to some of those protesting against the Tutankhamun reconstruction:

"The big variable is skin tone. North Africans, we know today, had a range of skin tones, from light to dark. In this case, we selected a medium skin tone, and we say, quite up front, 'This is midrange.' We will never know for sure what his exact skin tone was or the color of his eyes with 100% certainty.... Maybe in the future, people will come to a different conclusion.

They were Anglo-Alien hybrids. Revered as Gods by their sub-saharan mud hut slave labor force.

Well, those ancient Egyptians depicted him with blue eyes.

How many africans do you know sport blue eyes?

didn't really answer his question buddy

>you are a bunch of uneducated hicks
>to pol
>on pol
>misses the irony


I'll give you china and see your India with the fact that you were shitting in the street or in their own river whilst Germanic tribes had latrines. Also, give them time for what? According to the current scientific narrative we all came out of Africa so if we follow this how the fuck are they so far behind? Especially considering their wealth of natural resources.

Africa...what a fucking joke. Stop saying you stupid niggers can build anything like a modern civilization. How about South Africa and Rhodesia? These tribal savages stepped into an already made and modern country, and look at it now.

I call the shots as I see them, sorry to make you uncomfortable.



Quads have christened the kang slayer


Compare Africa, since dawn of mankind
America, 350 years

Statue of one of the early pharaohs, Neferere, still with original paint.
He was one the first to build a pyramid. You can clearly see that the artist choose a very dark black colour for the wig yet the skin tone is much lighter. Very much in line with modern Egyptians.


too many

They had many great kingdoms and empires, Egypt was not one of them
Honestly, it's horrible how negros know so little about their own glorious pasts that they feel the need to appropriate the achievements of others

His answer will be how the slaves built everything...just watch.

You are cheating, thats a race mixed kid.

We are talking about a civilization thousands of years ago, before all tge race mixing.

Cleopatra was Greek
She didn't even speak Egyptian

Not to say that if she was Egyptian she'd have been black but she isn't a good representative of what the Ancient Egyptians were really like

Did you just admit he is right?
Holy shit.

WTF is up with all the racists?

African-Americans are SUPERIOR to whites

African-Americans have more rapes per capita

African-Americans loot foot locker more than white folk

African-Americans have higher homicide and abortion rates

African-Americans have lower iq and iq is a tool for white supremacists

African-Americans have higher highschool drop out rates

African-Americans have more huts than white alaskans

take that you racists! you will never match us in gang violence suckas!!!!

blacks have no, and never had a actual culture of their own.

even the most advance tribes in africa at the time colonial europe landed at their shores that would barely meet the definition of an "empire" were barely in the stone age. only a few remnants here and there of things like knowledge of metallurgy, textiles, and such though nothing widespread to be even considered barely in that age outside of the stone age.

so they are desperatly trying to blackwash things to give them a sense of achievement and culture to be proud of.

africa is a shithole. with or without blacks. its a shithole of a contient to start off on. i highly reconmend reading guns, germs and steel to understand why.

the sculpture literally looks like a mediterranean caucasian with a dark tan. so does the forensic reconstruction...and this kid wasn't wven as light skinned as the pharaohs during the age of khufu and the pyramids.

>Following the orders of a White Man

But that's wrong. The whites would have been right next to the negros, in the same chains.

In 2009, a BBC documentary speculated that Arsinoe IV, the half-sister of Cleopatra VII, may have been part North African and then further speculated that Cleopatra's mother, thus Cleopatra herself, might also have been part North African. This was based largely on the claims of Hilke Thür of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, who in the 1990s had examined a headless skeleton of a female child in a 20 BC tomb in Ephesus (modern Turkey), together with the old notes and photographs of the now-missing skull. He identified the body as that of Arsinoe.[49][50] Arsinoe and Cleopatra, shared the same father (Ptolemy XII Auletes) but had different mothers

She was descendant of a Greek dynasty, the Ptolemy. Idk if she got Egyptian ancestors though, she was a few generations in the dynasty presence in Egypt.

Another example of a choice of colours which clearly depict a very different skin tone, even on the sun tanned man, between hair and skin. If the artist wanted to depict subsharan skin tones had the colour available yet he didn't.

You didn't make me feel uncomfortable and your other argument was laughable. Scientists ought to feel ashamed to the utmost extant for making their work politically friendly. Yes, you can tell the "race" of a specimen from various factors including nostril size which is how you all figured out that Jesus was an Arab. You can't use science to your advantage in one instance only to discard it when it doesn't suit your narrative. The ancient Egyptians were far closer to Arabs than Sub Saharan's and that is a fact.

look at africa and find me successful civilization


pick one


So the wife was nordic? Ancient Egyptian sources often described some Libyan tribes as white-skinned blue-eyed barbarians.

It was called South Africa and Rhodesia, and was a great place. Then the niggers took over, and look at it now.

As much as I love to debate, I´ll have to call it a night. thanks for the time spent debating, have a good night.

they where Dravidian..

sub African blacks hasent done jack shit since the flood! if it wasen´t for white man,they would be like the Australian aboriginals

>pic related
yes, so great.
>The army of the Mali Empire used of a wide variety of weapons depending largely on where the troops originated. Only sofa were equipped by the state, using bows and poisoned arrows. Free warriors from the north (Mandekalu or otherwise) were usually equipped with large reed or animal hide shields and a stabbing spear that was called a tamba. Free warriors from the south came armed with bows and poisonous arrows. The bow figured prominently in Mandinka warfare and was a symbol of military force throughout the culture. Bowmen formed a large portion of the field army as well as the garrison. Three bowmen supporting one spearman was the ratio in Kaabu and the Gambia by the mid-16th century. Equipped with two quivers and a knife fastened to the back of their arm, Mandinka bowmen used barbed, iron-tipped arrows that were usually poisoned. They also used flaming arrows for siege warfare. While spears and bows were the mainstay of the infantry, swords and lances of local or foreign manufacture were the choice weapons of the cavalry. Ibn Battuta comments on festival demonstrations of swordplay before the mansa by his retainers including the royal interpreter.[53] Another common weapon of Mandekalu warriors was the poison javelin used in skirmishes. Imperial Mali's horsemen also used mail armour for defence and shields similar to those of the infantry.
the north american indians where more advanced than that.


Shit, look what happens to a US city with a high black population (like Detriot) and tell me U Waz Kangs!

If you did create Egypt then you also created slavery.

sure, primitive civilizations with no written language

so what?

egpyt is an outlier if blacks were even involved with it. somehow they managed not to invent the wheel in subSaharan africa

You didnt debate shit, you posted other peoples work, appealed to emotion, and got btfo every step of the way.
Holy fucking shit nigger get a grip.