Nobody ever seen a patriotic Jew opening a thread about the jewish left in Israel who demand open borders and recognition of Palestine.
You always keep a distance from the right blogs.
Israel is like NK, a hermetic state. Everyone knows in Europe where the Israel is, but nobody knows whats going on over there.
((((Why does this board hate Jews so much?))))
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe look a while before asking entry level questions retard
I love how when jews view non jews as pieces of shit. They are they ultimate nazis!
cause they been nogs since time immemorial
I don't, just the kikes that wanna genocide their own people
Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.
The Jew holds no loyalty to his country he only resides there to profit and to destroy the lives of the people that built the society he now attaches himself to like a parasite. His holy book demeans the non jewish, and he acts accordingly just fucking look at Soros.
>Maybe look a while before asking entry level questions retard
There's zero question marks on my thread blindtard.
>I love how when jews view non jews as pieces of shit. They are they ultimate nazis!
You are wrong.
Snob people are everywhere. Its not a Jewish thing.
I do not hate Jews, and I am an active participant here. The globalist, far leftist types are the enemies, and many Jewish individuals are attracted to those movements, for whichever reasons, but that doesn't justify hating an ethnic group. Israel is beautiful country that I would love to visit at some point. It is the Holy Land.
Can we even consider Jews subversive at this point? They don’t even bother to hide it.
Complete mystery...
>Can we even consider Jews subversive at this point? They don’t even bother to hide it.
Every day i spend an hour to learn something new about them.
Jews got us in to both world wars and every single conflict in the middle east. Critical theory comes from Jews. Communism comes from Jews.
>((( why does this board hatr Jews so much)))
go away sage
>Jews got us in to both world wars and every single conflict in the middle east
I've seen conservatives who acting like crazy when they hear Iran.
So no, you cant blame the Jew for that.
They are ignorant with rights.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>globalist agenda
Israeli far right Jew despise globalism. But, many among them are warmongers.
Why do people hate the most subversive group on the planet that is always at the forefront of destructive anti-western movements and activities? I honestly don't know.
I don't have a problem with the Jewish people, I have a problem with the Jews that are ruining my nation and the world at large, the Jewish corruption that controls the media and a great many other things need to be removed.
I'm with you brother. Most people with that perception just don't get it and probably read too much David Icke type material. There are bad "Jews," but good Jews stand against them. Also, there is definitely an Israeli "deep state." The battle we face as Jews is much more difficult than non-Jews, because not only do we have to wrestle with our internal enemies, but also the attacks and slander from all the Jew haters around the world, which is exponentially exacerbated when a minority of Jews are bad (i.e. Soros). We are the keepers of G-D's Torah, and that attracts a lot of heat from those who misunderstand, or hate G-D...
>Make Israel Jewish Again
Surprised I haven't seen this in here yet. Pic 1 of 3
Pic 2 of 3
They hate what they cannot fathom. WE have existed since the dawn of civilization, and shall forever rule this causeless mortal plane. God's chosen people, outcasts of all nations, yet rulers of them all.
We've removed politicians while they are in our beds, and we will remove any other dirty goy who steps in.
Can you imagine what America could become without these ((((people)))) in control? the things we could accomplish...
Pic 3 of 3
People hate Jews all over the place. It just seems so much more prevalent on Sup Forums, because there is less restrictions on peoples' ability to speak openly here.
Why do you think (((they))) are so in favor of "hate speech" laws, the censorship of online social media (looking at ADL's censorship of youtube), etc.?
>Why does Sup Forums have a problem with Jews?
Hmmm. I don't see a connection. Only the most intelligent and worldly people should provide the most unbiased of information to the mundane person.
Anyone have more of these w links to the files?
I like Jews personally. Particularly the Israeli posters on Sup Forums who are top tier shitposters.
Right! At least here on Sup Forums we have freedom!!
YouTube got fucking gutted this year with censorship.
Not real Jews. The ones who act like cunts and try to control the world shouldn't even be considered Jews. In fact, many of them aren't even religious in the slightest, yet they have the gall to call themselves one of us.
The only Jews that have the right to be called Jews are ones who abide by the rules of their host nation (which is a Jewish COMMANDMENT, by the way) and who at least try to follow the old testament.
I pay my taxes, I have a full time job, I go to synagogue regularly, and I play vidya.
I am the Jew. Not those cunts in Hollywood.
Your such an idiot soros hates israel!
u fuggin kidding me m8?
(((because we are jews)))
>Not working both sides
there are 2 types of jew. The atheistical (((gommunist))) open society types and the ultra-orthodox muh yisro types. They work together, good cop bad cop. This shit is getting real old. When will everyone get redpilled on kikes, already?
And btw, memeflagging? Fuck off (((Spencer))).
I'm suddenly reminded of the hordes of Catholics who say that they're against pedophilia, but still donate large sums to the church every week and follow the pope's every word
No nigger its true israel is patriotic and conservative! George soros, obama, Kissinger, and EU all hate israel there anti-nwo!
If ANY rabbi, or member of my synagogue, was found to be doing something as heinous as pedophilia, I would immediately stop going to my synagogue.
And let me assure you that every single Jew should be the same way.
Idiot! Kissinger and soros hate israel! Obama gave iran a fucking nuclear deal!
>implying obama's a jew.
What the fugg? The guy doesn't want to harm his muslim brothers. What does that have to do with kikes?
What is it about Judaism that attracts the vile filth of Hollywood and the big banks?
As a Jew myself I'm honestly not sure.
Harvey Weinstein disgusts me, but then so does my Jewish friend who goes to Jewish pride rallies yet doesn't bother to celebrate a single Jewish holiday.
How significant is Israel to you and your community?
Its a problem that has been around through the ages, its a international cliche that has been passed down from these corrupt Jews for unknowable years. The chain must be broken.
thats "clique" rather.
fuck off kike
I have a bit of a personal dilemma with the country which I'd rather not get into because it'll get into a long debate. But in short, I'd say maybe 4/10 importance.
>my community
Many of them believe that Israel should exist but that its current state is too far from its religious roots and that it needs a major overhaul.
muh "not real gommunism"
your religion preaches slavery of goys, fuck off
What sort of overhaul? Where has it been going wrong?
im a jew and i didnt even know what a goy was until i started browsing this board. Why do you idiots insist on this meme that jews view others as subhumans?
>your religion preaches slavery of goys, fuck off
Where exactly?
In short, they believe Israel should become more religious instead of, well, liberal.
Shit like mardi gras existing in Tel Aviv shouldn't happen.
"Goyim" is a common word in your holy texts
Oy vey thanks for the shilling
I did see an article some time ago about a gay pride parade taking place in Israel that was frowned upon by most of the nation. I'm kind of surprised that that was even allowed over there.
not mutually exclusive with what i said. most jews are atheists and just happen to have jewish ancestry like myself. Do you seriously believe jews are enacted some ancient biblical directives?
So you're purely an ethnic Jew? You haven't read any scripture or participated in any Jewish traditions for your whole life? And you identify as a Jew? It's hard to believe
>fuck off kike
So whoever reads and learn things about them is a kike?
Well im a Greek Fascist.
how many proxies do you have?