Just months after threatening ‘joke’ about killing Trump, Johnny Depp gets life-shattering news
Poor Johnny depp
Johnny Depp isn't guaranteed to make more than $30 on a movie anymore, no, those days are done. He brings in about, maybe, 350 extra viewers these days. Because he just looks like a dope. He's just got a mustache. It's worse than this one. You know, he's quirky. He's gonna be, I dunno, Chuck 'e' Cheese, or, or Willy Wonka or something like that. Some sort of, ugh... He's cool? No. He's got a mustache. He's got a flop hat. He gets tattoos of, I dunno, witches and warlocks and, I dunno, bathhouses or wherever he hangs out. He was good friends with uh, River Phoenix. And uh, the thing about Johnny Depp and how he gets his kicks, is he likes to watch his good friends die of drug overdoses, and not really do anything about it, just be high.
You’re right. It’s like Pro Wrestling, his gimmick is stale and he can’t draw a dime.
Actors are retarded with their money and waste all of it. They will need to continue working to keep making the payments. Depp has to sell like 5 properties to pay back a loan.
Fucking cunt I thought he was a pedo
Learning the hard way to not trust your Jewish accountant.
He isn't Australian though.
How the fuck you can have financial problems id you make millions by acting?
Huh, I guess I will never know what the life-shattering news were
Johnny Depp is a victim of the Trump curse and went bankrupt.
Movie (((Con)))tracts.
I remember hearing about this when the whole Greece thing was going down a couple years ago.
Terrible investment advice, same happens to sport stars.
At least fucking archive this shit before linking a clickbait article god damn
He's a pedo.
lol, right? I ain't clickin that link nigga
>own five houses
>still take out loans
Trump never forgets
Manlet cuck like that, you’re right he must have a kiwi parent
The worst part is they make enough money that they don't even have to invest it. Yet somehow they all blow it. I really don't understand how these people are considered adults.
>Implying sheep can get pregnant.
We've been trying for years but no way to produce more kiwis has been found.
It's usually they get suckered in by a kike and they think they'll at worst only experience small losses.
But of course before they know it they're invested in who knows what. They certainly don't.
Trump curse is truly real and savage.
He should be thanking his pagan gods the Trump curse let him survive this long.
It loses its value if they just store money and 3% annual inflation might not seem like a lot to someone making minimum wage, but when you are talking about 30M dollars, that is a million dollars a year lost to inflation.
Even low-risk investments generate more than inflation given the scale of the investment. Plus losing one million while making 30 more isn't something my eyes get wet for.
This sounds like something Johnny Depp in character as a Sup Forumsack would say
Depp comeback confirmed?
>Even low-risk investments generate more than inflation
The other person said they didn't have to invest it and I am saying they do if they don't want to lose a million dollars a year just for keeping it liquid.
>Plus losing one million while making 30 more isn't something my eyes get wet for.
That is not how it works, you make 30 million and lose about 1 million each year just by holding onto it.
My point is, you're earning more in one year than an average joe in his entire lifetime and chances are you'll earn about the same in the next few years. I don't get why I should weep that a millionaire loses more purchasing power than I do in absolute numbers, but way less percentage-wise?
>>My point is, you're earning more in one year than an average joe in his entire lifetime and chances are you'll earn about the same in the next few years.
And what if you decide to retire? Then your fortune just depletes super fast because of inflation. That's why you have to invest so your money is accruing you interest at a rate greater than it is losing value due to inflation.
Being a leftist. Meabs believing mana falls from the sky. Means believing in magical communist economy. Meaning doesnt understand economy n money, at all.
I know this is from somewhere, I just cant seem to put my finger on it...
They are losing more in one year than the average joe makes in two to three decades.
Nobody said you should weep, I was just saying that is why they feel the need to invest rather than hold onto the liquidity because the current system forces it.
>way less percentage-wise
You lose the exact same percentage to inflation, you just don't have much to lose.
how can one man go from looking relatively attractive to so fucking ugly? he looks like an italian man shoved his face inside of a mexican's anus
>The other person said they didn't have to invest it and I am saying they do if they don't want to lose a million dollars a year just for keeping it liquid.
Thank god, maybe we wont have to see another film where it is just "And Johnny Depp dresses up as something cwazy"
>This is Apocalypse Now!
>Johnny Depp gets life-shattering news
The dark side of success is that it insulates you from life's struggles, so you gradually get weak and ignorant.
Much like every empire throughout history
Who did it better Sup Forums, Depp or Gomez?
Something i somehow didn't learn in highschool (not saying it wasn't taught, just that maybe i missed that day?) But i just don't understand how this isn't something that is drilled into teenager's heads.
Its more important that you learn about the 50 different genders and that they wuz kangz.
Gotta make sure we know to apologize for slaves my family nor i ever had.
I might, unironically, watch an Addams family movie with Depp as Gomez...
>Johnny Depp is a victim of the Trump curse and went bankrupt.
and it continues...
The world still the same, just less in it.
School will never teach you about basic economics or their importance. I mean your family should teach you that (Mine didn't) but now that you got the internet you can learn about it much more easily, no excuses. However if more people learned about it you'll see less broke and in debt people. Money is a tool, and the most used tool in the planet. But it is also the most mismanaged tool there is.
someone post the curse wall, jesus christ it'll get too big to post here soon
>However if more people learned about it you'll see less broke and in debt people
No if more people learned about it, they would have to change the system, so the rich could still benefit from the ignorant, the system only works because the greedy at the top know most people won't be able to understand the complexities or have the discipline to implement all the bullshit.
If he would have invested instead of spend, spend, spending he'd be so fucking loaded right now. 5 million would seem somewhat insignificant.
not reading that shit
>The other person said they didn't have to invest it and I am saying they do if they don't want to lose a million dollars a year just for keeping it liquid.
Who would lose that much just for having it handy? What trade off is there?
>You’re right. It’s like Pro Wrestling, his gimmick is stale and he can’t draw a dime.
holy fuck I wouldn't have recognized him if I just saw this picture randomly.
If you taught teenagers economics they would not turn into libtards. So they purposefully skip that.
Ding-dong diddly checked.
He needs to grow a chin and take a shower.
Remember when Johnny Depp used to pretend to be a serious actor? Then went on to do yearly shitty Tim Burton movies with his ugly Jew wife? That was funny.
He broke me :/
Onyx the fortuitous
Five homes in LA, just in LA WTF! I would understand having a nice place in the Hollywood Hills, Beverly Hills or somewhere near LA, and a nice condo in LA itself, but FIVE homes in LA is just pointless.
>3% annual inflation might not seem like a lot to someone making minimum wage, but when you are talking about 30M dollars, that is a million dollars a year lost to inflation.
Holy shit youre a dum dum.
That's 10% you fucking fake jew ass turd.
And he's going to get outed as a pedo satanist and we WILL revive the (correct) notion that he had an unsavoury involvement in River Phoenix's untimely demise.....
and his career won't be worth ten cents. Given what a drunk and druggie he is, he will no doubt end up in the gutter where he belongs. Tick tock....
I'm beginning to think that fabled "native American" blood he used to brag about was really just trash Mexican. He looks like he should be mowing someone's lawn for five bucks.
Be a stupid narrasitic celebrity cunt who can't manage his own money because he is still mentally a child.
>Who would lose that much just for having it handy?
Anyone who has enough liquid money that the inflation level the FED forces is more than one million.
>What trade off is there?
Investments can fail and be unreliable too.
"and mutters incomprehensible shit in a weird accent"
10% of 30M is 3M, can you not even simply move a decimal point?
Instead of playing smart and investing in something like a mutual fund, actors tend to buy stupid shit like expensive houses that have volatile and unpredictable future value, and generally very little payoff. They essentially want to park their money buy buying expensive houses that they only visit once a year (if at all), and end up losing their shirts when the property value goes down.
The other thing they invest in is stupid pet projects like opening their own "studio" (essentially just a way to get producer credit on movies), restaurants, etc. They invest in businesses that have no real way of making money and that chips away at their fortune.
He was happy, in love with his wife, proud of his kids, was cool and could sword fight
A depressed looking professional liar "actor" who has lost million to his 20-year younger Hollywood whore of a wife to whom he was married to for only two years.
There is no fucking comparison between Derp and the utterly awesome Raul Julia. I would trade Derp's worthless existence in a hot second to have Raul back, dammit.
Dam.. journalist bro was right..
Don't think it his gimmick, pretty sure Hollywood has flanderized his person.
Please let it be so.
So Depp doesn't has 5 million dollars. I though 1 million was not so much money in USA. Now class A actor doesn't has it.
bwahahah. I really like if smug bastards who get shitloads of money for play pretend or lipsyncing some auto-tuned bullshit crash their considerable fortunes.
I wouldn't even bee to jelly if someone gets a load of money dropping into their lap. Why bother one-s self cause other people get lucky. but if their smug little shits at the same time it irks me and if they lose their wealth due to their own incompetence then it greatly pleases me.
>every single (((celebrity))) denounces trump
>a couple of them have ill-fortune
>make claim
Trump may not be the greatest Christian ever, but it does appear that God has placed him where he is to bring some wrath.
The day of the rope looms large. Perhaps that day will dawn on the California coast?
roIling for Rollins
clickbait thread and link
not gonna be baited mate
Hunter S. Thompson likely would've been disappointed as fuck in Johnny. Went from a constitutional libertarian to a liberal buttfucker. Hollywood is cesspool of sin and nothing that goes in there comes back out right in the head.
doesnt johnny depp hang out with doug stanhope?
man i used to love stanhope but looking back he is just a blackpilled mess
$1 million is a shit ton of money in America. We just have a few insanely wealthy people.
I make about $26,000 a year...before taxes, and support a family of 5 if that puts it in perspective. I am better off than many.
Oh man, Rollins getting caught would be so much fun.
Kill yourself fng
they blow it living large* taking on financial responsibilities and following terrible "investment" advice. do not forget all kinds of relatives and "friends".
* one thing that i can come out as their defense is that if you get rich by being famous you'll kind of have to spend quite a large amount on your security (and residence - if you have to be locked up because outside is filled with crazy fans, madmen, leaches and petitioners then you better buy a large and beautiful property)
That's why I'd prefer to become rich without fame really. Otherwise you're kind of a prisoner to all of it.
Johnny Depp has a fucking insane amount of connections and almost all of them arrived naturally without what is known as "jew-herding", which is basically kikes herding their pet celebrities into relationships with other ones so they can form their own stable through that one celebrity. Depp did it on his own just by being a good guy willing to do the right work, but boy has he become a cocksucker ever since the early 2000s
i would laugh so hard if rollins is really a pedo. he's such a self righteous faggot.
It's actually the curse of divorce, since Johnny Depp had that money, he gave over 7 million after divorce. Fix your women.
If you're going to post clickbait bullshit at least archive it you cocksucking kike
Looks like he's getting JUSTed as well. Not surprised he's running out of money and nobody wants to hire him now that he's rapidly turning into a hideous balding freak. Once your hair goes, it's OVER.