Look at the way they try to intimidate us into bending to their will. Truly despicable.
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peak boomer-posting
Show these kike lovers what you think pol.
that's enough to give someone an aneurysm
Protestantism was a mistake. One the main fucking points about Christianity is we are it's chosen people now and Jews are the heretics who refused to accept Jesus
I'm fairly pro Israle but I NEVER understood this mentality. Sounds so brainwashed.
>Christian conservative patriot. Love Jesus, husband, family, USA. Praying 4 POTUS, Godly leadership, wisdom, & return 2 Godly values & it's happening! MBA
Someone should tell this bitch that Jesus is a Palestinian and that true "patriots" don't support the Jew World Order.
I did it sempai.
When do we start hanging pedophiles?
bump for interest.
Fucking saved
This should be meme
How in the flying fish fuck did Jews convince these Christians that the Jews are "Chosen" and somehow above everyone else? It's fuckin nuts lol
The (((New))) Jew Testenment.
Ib4 CTR least liberals hate the apartheid state of Israel
God's chosen people - god chose them to be gassed
There are the Christian burgers that believe that Jews are the "children of Israel," then there are the other Christian burgers who believe that they are the "children of Israel" simply because they accepted Jesus.
Both are fucking retarded. The Palestinians (Christian/Muslim) are the literal "children of Israel."
It's so creepy and weird... They are literally mindslaves to this satanic parasite country
Thanks. I just voted yes. How's that feel nazis?
>The Palestinians (Christian/Muslim) are the literal "children of Israel."
literally wasting gasoline during wartime to light a fat bitch on fire.
I would never argue for a two state solution of dividing their land up. But I would argue that there are easier ways of getting access to Muslim nation's resources than supporting Israel
Real SHRIKE hours
Christcucks need to be killed. That fat atheist neckbeard did nothing wrong.
>Protestantism was a mistake.
Ironic given that american Catholics are far more likely to vote democrat/liberal than american Protestants.
>one of our closest allies
>supports us
>we support them
you can tell who the white soyboy virgins are by seeing whether they like or hate the jews. if they hate jews, they're failures and losers at life.
That fucking savage needs religion, to control his insane ass. He is a degenerate, he doesn't deserve to be called an atheist, a mongoloid savage is what he is.
Why would Catholics vote for people who terrorized them in the 60s?
Shoot all Pentecostals.
That is what most American Christians believe
Beats me, but the numbers don't lie.
Yet he killed more degenerate Jew-loving christians than you ever will. How does that make you feel?
Find the video at the bottom of pic related. Will show you h
Some of how the Jews hijacked Christianity. Remember Jesus threw the (((money changers))) out of the temple and was put to death by the Jews.
>The Palestinians (Christian/Muslim) are the literal "children of Israel."
This is beyond homosexual.
America was doing just fine until you cathloicucks started flooding this country and you brought all these kikes with you
I listen to Jay and his show is very good desu
Jesus throws people into hell for murder, so bretty gud.
lmao, this post alone justifies the systematic extermination of boomers
How the hell isn't this getting more traction? One of the most important threads of the day. Dew it nerds.
Some christians don't seem to know this, but it says pretty explicitly in the bible that you MUST support Israel:
Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
It is in fact heretical to be against jews and Israel.
That is not entirely true given Israel has been inappropriately established by my understanding, then again I'm not much of a scholar of the church.
nice img boris
Only Muslims and Atheists are anti-Zionism, is OP exposing themself here?
“Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie – I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.”
Speak for yourself inbred
It's written in the Bible that Christians and Jews must respect the state of Israel.
Lol at the boomer comments. Thanks for brainwashing them, protestcucks
>he unironically believes these khazar babies are the true Israelites
But they ARE Jews
Israel is more than capable of supporting themselves
They’re a product of the zhazer empire
Yeah, the true Jews fled to Europe after Rome razed Israel to the ground
So you better respect your fellow Jew lad, especially the ones doing all that good Godly work in the banks
Amerifag cristians want to help those who killed Jesus? Really?
Heretics gonna heretic.
Christian Zionism is heresy.
Killing Christians isn't murder. It's pest control. Murder only applies to (white) humans.
AI gone wrong. Google is learning from us.
It's a LARP, she's jewish
whats the % on the poll thus far lads? it wont let me view without an account
we need to get B and every other pro natsoc board on this
shut up crumpet
No, new testament says nithing about this, it tells us not beleive Jewish teachings
you shut the fuck up kike
You've never met a Jew in your life mate, keep forming opinions from memes you find on the internet.
my gran was a camp survivor m8 and im half anglo
i really hate jews :^)
>I really hate Jews
hmmm, I wonder who else said this? Your fucking gay ideology will never win, I will defend minorities from people like you you reatrded bigot.
lol silly goy,you have already lost
the moral panic of yours is over and a new era is coming to light that is nationalism
at the height of your power you lost now you are losing steam and the more you lose the more violent you get thus making people abandon you in droves.
you aint cool anymore,you aint relevant anymore and the MSM have abandoned you also lol
we have already won silly goy
lol nationalism is dead, the age of empires is over, embrace internationalist liberal capitalism and submit to progress or get left behind in the dark ages.
These morons don't realize Christianity was created by Jews to have a whole religion of people to be their servants and footsoldiers.
>Jews are oppressed by capital
fucking kek
lol we both know that aint true
>Le 56%
omg Drumpf is a fucking senile old pervert not anything more, a fucking imbecile that is ruining America, you understand this, don't you?
>nationalism is dead
>nationalism is rising in every country on the planet
okay mehmet.
Can someone just bomb the living shit out of them? I don't care who. Just do it.
>Nationalism is rising on every country on the planet
you wish, burger boy
Sorry can't vote I don't have an acc anymore.
A very American strategy
Thing is rigged. It was at 56/44 back when I voted at around 10k voters and we were bitching that is hadn't moved at 12k voters. It's now just shy of 14k voters and hasn't moved at all.
without a boarder and culture anything else is irrelevant.
you want a world where money is god and culture is the latest iphone unveiling,gas yourself
trump,brexit,far right parties making gains all over europe
>nationalism is dead
lmao stay cucked
And this time we won't be listening to our Israeli overlords. Let the nukes and carpet runs go
Bump for you
if culture cannot survive in a free market then it doesn't deserve to, trying to rig the game by making the government enforce bullshit into your kids' heads is disgusting, I value freedom, not tyranny.
Voting now, user.
surrendering cultural dominance for the sake of misguided altruism by force to 3rd world subhumans is not free market
its degenerate authoritarian ideology.
>right-wing = nationalism
confirmed 12-year-old
nationalism is predominantly a left-wing policy of economic preservation.
Extremely important.
Israel is love.
Israel is life.
hahahah, a free market is the natural state of nature, the strongest shall survive, if you have a problem with how the earth operates then fucking move to mars.