Ask Me Anything of Korea

I am Korean

Other urls found in this thread:

Marry me?

How rapidly is automation/robotics being embraced in Korean society/businesses?

Pic is realated


What is the gay culture like there

The refrigerator in my house

Very Stonger than the West


Is it true that your virtuous people were created through the marriage of a mountain god and a bear-woman?

>meme flag
>OP too lazy to even use a SK VPN

The fairy tales from Samguk Yusa

That's all.

I am in SK now

translation korea man???????????????????

what does machine say?????????

I'm learning hangul, i bought few books.
Any tips?
I would go there to work and live.

냉동 온도

특급 냉동


잠금 1초
풀림 1초

Where did SK's wealth come?

And that was followed up several years later by its more popular and easier to use model, stick (aka branch 2.0)

Is there a secret cult that controls your politicians, same as we have here?

post your face or skin color

If your skin color is shitskin, you will be seen by most koreans as "literal Subhuman monkey"

yeah what happened with this mess?
is feminism still going crazy in SK?

pic related

which starcraft race is best?

What is your opinion on Jews, be warned, there is only one correct answer.

> 1 post by this id
> meme flag
we got got. sage it like oregano.

What's it like to know that every beautiful woman you see is just plastic surgery and they originally looked like a monkey's ass?

pagure telle

It's about temperature control

lol nokor


>I am Korean
Do you leave a fan on at night to keep cool in the summer?

Tong sen hanguk mal hal-so i-sum-ni-ka?

what do you faggots really think about trump

How big is your cock?

다시 카톡 있어요?

Yeah, switch to nihongo instead medfag. Nihonjins have more world influence than kimchi dogs.

Which is ironic as fuck.

What breed of dog tastes best with teriyaki?



The Jews are viewed badly by most South Koreans becaise its massacare in Palestine.

If you see a big-eyed gook girl, she is 95% platic-surgeried

>Saving that on your computer

Literally no excuse.

Do you dream of escaping to the north where you can live a peacful and prosperous life with a thicc nork waifu?

The Korean flag features the trigrams for heaven, earth, fire and water from the bagua. I always thought Taoism was mainly a Chinese system. Any idea why these symbols were chosen?

OP? >> What about assembly programmers?

what does that even mean?

Are you afraid of the coming war?

Do you regret not finishing it before you built your economy, population?

Do you rely on US too much, are you fucked without them?

Are you and Japan friends?

Where will you evacuate to when war starts?

Where is Korea in relation to somewhere I care about?

your bank account, USA spends more on defence than everyone else combined.

I know you make some back , but still, you work every day to pay for Koreans to live safe and free

Thats very decent of you Wyatt

Most Koreans have it.

no you're not

Just got out of hapjeong. What do Korean women think of Singaporean men?

When's the ski season in Korea?

Are all Korean girls this qt?

Case by Case.

But the liberals tend to hate him and the right love him.

yes i am

깃발 바꿔 존만아

Filthy chink who is inferior than herself

Thoughts on my boy GDragon?

What made you this mad

Are you Korean Canadian who is the poor in Canada and hated by the Mainstream comunity of the country

When will another General coup the government again and execute all nork sympathizers and agents?

They all bowed to the master race.

Gooks can't even speak English properly

Only the rich do that. Most Koreans are poorer than whites of the West

I aint even mad
if you're asshurt for calling you a 존만아 then you're not a proper gook

트럼프 연설 들었노

why are you uncivilized African ungrateful to your american and Japanese modernizers?

A true corean would have used a c you falsflag

Thoughts on my boy Jay Park

I am the gook

He is the hero who can save the West

>Jay Park
Shit tier compared to GD, but to each their own.

Why are your people afraid of having electric fans on in closed rooms? What do they think will happen exactly?

I am really Korean

May you get rid of the meme flag?

lmao this 2nd gen raven haired foreigner
I asked you if you listened to trump's speech not your opinion about him

change the flag then, boyo


false flag everyone.

>Why are your people afraid of having electric fans on in closed rooms?

Just before the developement of the Internet of South Korea

I am truly Korean you faggot

Do you have butler cafes in Seoul?

did you guys ever sort out your stupid Cultist SJW run shithole of a government or are you guys still completely fucked in that regard?

at this point I'm certain you're not


All I see is further proof that you are not,Meme flags, how you refer to yourself.

Why is the capital K a tip-off?

kys burger


because a true person of that nation does not spell it like that.

because gooks like to follow the original form and the original romanization was Corea

by the same reason, they refuse to use simplified chinese when writing chinese characters

Why didn't the military take over and purge them?
That's actually grounds for death squads to be formed to free them of secret societies.


Where did you attend university?


that's your gf's/wife's passport
and why are you writing in english

2nd gen?

>he draws a fucking manji instead of swastika
you have a long way to go, larper



Because Koreans aren't creative enough to unleash the full cheese potential of protoss.
It is up to the Taiwanese and Americans to unleash the full power of proxy pylons, cannon rushes, cannon contains, and 4warpgate.

나한테 안녕이 뭐냐 애미뒤진새꺄

너 교포지?

I get you graduated 2016 but from where?


DElete this the wannabees must never know!!!

I have no interest in triangulating you, just curious desu

nah don't worry, I'll be there, btfo'ing them

Japan is our father

Hello brother. A gyopo here.

Being on Sup Forums, I know that (((they))) are pushing for the multiculturalism meme in both Korea and Japan.

But growing up in Korea the first 10 years of my life back in 90s, I know how ethnocentric we are and how strong race is tied to our nationality. I hope you guys don't fall for the multiculturalism meme. Thoughts?