How can you seriously argue against feminism? It literally just means equallity between women and men. You really don't want that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>it literally just means equallity
>Demands special treatment.
>current year
women should be subservient blowjob machines
allah be praised
>How can you seriously argue against feminism?
Feminists are fat ugly unfuckable women that want to raise taxes on white males and ban freedom of speech and gun rights
Thats my argument against feminists
suck my nuts larper
because women are emotional and on their own volition they make bad choices in life. They are their best when then are under male guidance.
I wish there were more pictures of this girl. Every time I see her I fall in love a little.
No, I don’t. In fact, most women don’t either.
>blowjob machines
that's it?
>equallity between women and men
Then why do you have laws that favor women like domestic violence, divorce and rape?
If it was about equality it wouldn't be called feminism.
I always wonder what she's up to. She must be in her 30s by now. Does she know she's been on the chans for years?
I unironically don't want equality for women.
im five and boobies feed me and i just came from this vagina but this could also be somebody else's mom so imma recreate my birth anyways and put my penis inside of this
> It literally just means equality between women and men.
So why call it feminism?
Of course we don't want them to be equal, we artificially elevate them above us in society. Feminism is systematically oppressive, trying to incite violence against women - aka - treating them like a male equal. Trying to hold them accountable for their poor decisions instead of treating them like children is cruel.
because Eve-ism would never fly
Then why do feminists not seek the things that males have greater misfortune with?
Checkmate cuck
Most * feminists
Liberals always hide behind words and titles that mean one thing but their goals mean the other.
Feminism really means forcing guys to pay alimony for literally nothing given in return while she fucks other guys, child support for kids he rarely sees, giving up the house that he bought with his money. Oh and also, pay for some bitch's contraceptives and abortion even though feminism claims she should be able to carry her own weight.
Antifa really means lets use fascist tactics against anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders to silence speech
Black Lives Matter really means, fuck the niggers and the issues they actually have to struggle with, but lets pretend otherwise because they make great human shields
its always
Domestic violence,divorce and rape aren't the West.
There is no such thing as feminism anymore
in the West
It's just a term used to continue destroying
society. We have already collapsed.
The rest is just the final nail
>1 post by this id
Women rights were a mistake. Also a reminder that feminism is just female nature unrestricted and has nothing to do with equal rights.
>If feminism had anything to do with equality, you'd see feminist attack institutions of female power like the family court system.
Sage this shit
>equallity between women and men.
So are you going to chop all the men's dicks off or sew dicks onto all the women?
Equality between men and women KEK. would be fine if women weren't inherently inferior.
Yes I really don't want to treat unequal kinds of people equally. Women are both intellectually and physically inferior to men. God made them to be subordinates to men.
I think it’s funny how everyone says “it’s equality for everyone” Even though the first two waves of Feminism we’re about making feminism were about making women equal to men men and women equal Because women were actually treated unequally because women were actually treated unequally unlike today.
Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to traps or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Sup Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.
don't really give a fuck about the equality of women; just want a woman who's my equal.
yes, i really want that.
Really? This whole thread just for some stale pasta? You could have done better.
I think it's great as long as they act like a lady.
Because jewgle cyber stalks you and personalizes results idiot
Women are clearly not equal to men. They are much weaker, emotional and shortsighted, incapable of taking necessary risks and incapable of loyalty to anybody except their children.
Trying to eradicate literally millions of years of evolution with a century of feminist brainwashing is a pointless exercise that can only lead to ruin.
wrong. why would something equal be named feminism? go ahead, ask yourself.
I started this exact same thread this morning.
Obvious bait but...
My boyfriend's got me redpilled over feminism. I never thought I'd change my views to this extent of actually wanting kids in the next 5 years.
Feminism causes women to be whores, hate men, wait til they're old workaholics to consider kids or all of the above. I'm starting to see women reach their 30s and cry saying they regret not settling down or dating earlier on. I'm 22 and want to raise a couple of good kids to bring into this world with good family values.
Best way to fight the jews
>It literally just means equallity between women and men.
Theres a word for that...egalitarianism. Third wave feminism is nothing more than a sexist misandristic ideology.
Get erradicated,op, you literal disease, you subhuman scum.
So your saying if you go to incognegro mode, it will BLACK your image search results?
>>I'm asking for a friend obviously
Who's the girl OP, got any more?
Who is this cow titted animal.
How can you argue against nazism? It literally just means socialism for a nation. You really don't want that?
I get Stacey Dash, or Theresa Coulter depending on the mode What do you get?
i'll post moar if u guys bump this thread 1 more time
>fucking witnessed
Im getting Flesh, in both odd
who is she?
bump and i will share her identity
invoke kek, acquire GET
I'm pretty sure Uncle A was a supporter of feminism, mainly because it valued more highly than anything the differences between the sexes.
>It literally just means equallity between women and men.
No it does not.
i don't think anybody really knows.
she makes an appearance every now and again.
God made her for sportfucking; that's for sure.
yeah, op, post a few more -- for old time's sake.
she's built like the girl i've got it bad for.
dump what you got and then go to sleep. it's way past you're bedtime. and you do too much coke, OP.
Then they wouldn't be feminists because they accept their gender role.
Simply, this.
It's a woman's rights movement.
They'll fight for equality where they deem themselves inferior, and supremacy where they deem themselves equal.
Men's rights are irrelevant to them.
If equality was truly their ultimate goal, they'd call themselves egalitarian.
It's essentially a scheme.
There's too much money to be made in playing the victim, and too much power to be gained in agitating the masses.
Actual equality is the last thing these people want.
bitches can work and vote, what more do they want? wear the pants but don't pick up the tab?
>Not her
>Fake news
wrong girl, faggot
I support true feminism/equality but not the modern misandry that masquerades as feminism nowadays.
Once women have equal outcomes in college acceptance, workplace deaths, suicides, custody battles and lifespan then it'll be equal.
>discussion about feminism turns to discussion about porn
Close enough. Dont be such a faggot over a girl youve never met, dont knows name and will never see her more nude than that one picture.
Equality must also mean equality of responsibilities. Women do not produce the same output as men, not by a long shot. They do not serve in combat roles, they do not work labor, they do not do a fraction of what men do. Before they receive the privileges of men, they must also bear the responsibilities of men.
No. It would be a false equality that requires us to live in a false-consciousness.
especially when socialism doesn't work.
No, I don't want equality. Saged and hidden.
They are fundamentally unequal.
If this is not so, stop separating them in sport and let the two compete as equals.
Equality means having the same basic rights as men.
>awoo pliz
Which women don't deserve.
Sage. Men and women are not and will not ever be equal. We have different roles in society and biologically. The end.
>tfw i had the 50 pic set of this milky maiden on my old HDD but it got fried
Haven't been able to find it since..
Having the same basic rights means having the same basic virtues.
Not true and even if it were true, women are NOT equal to men so it would be wrong either way.
For totally equality to exist is impossible.
Women can have children, men can't.
Men are physically much stronger.
There are some things that can never be completely equal, men & women for starters.
if you still had that you could probably make good money off those pics
if you're not trolling, that is. She is practically a Sup Forums meme and nobody has any other pics
>No other pics
it's stacy dash dudes, and she's a negro
No it isn't faggot.
False, the fuhrer would not support such degeneracy. Kinder, kuche, kirche.
No it doesn't, it about promoting women's rights... but that's a very vague idea as anything that benefits women, no matter how evil or unfair is ok by feminism.
Even if it was about equality, what kind of equality? We have equal opportunity for the most part, and equal process again for the most part, but if you have those you can't have equal outcome.
It's a fundamental reality you have to accept when it comes to humans
>equal opportunity
>equal process
>equal outcome
You can only have two at most
This. Women should not have any desire to be as men, it is unnatural and unhealthy for both herself and her family.
>none of the walls are lewd
Whats the fucking point then
>why doesn't A = B?
>You can't seriously believe that A =/=B
Grow the fuck up.
If you drop the word feminism and pick up egalitarianism, I might at least respect it.
But you already have equality.
Some of us are more equal than others.
I'm not against "feminism," just "feminists."
That's completely different.
Is it anything like equality among shit skins and human civilizations where shit skins wish to take and invade?
Equality means equality.
Stop being a retarded cuck.
Originally yes, but the new generation of feminism is just hatred towards men. Neofeminists blame men for everything, and believe women's rights should come at the cost of men's rights. That is, men shouldn't have rights, and shouldn't even have a space to discuss their issues.
If you're an old school feminist, then you're not about women's rights at all, but about equality. And equality means treating everyone equally, so all people's issues should be given the same weight.
Let me ask you this, have you watched 'The Red Pill'? If you're a feminist who is about equality, you should be able to watch this, and it shouldn't challenge your views at all. You should already be aware of the issues it raises.
No. I want the superiority of women. Men are fucking worthless trash. I hate men. Women are the absolute fucking best.
Neo-feminists like to focus on the top 1-2% of the population, and argue that this demonstrates that men have greater power and advantage then women--while ignoring virtually everything else.
What they can't comprehend is that those males in the top jobs are from hereditary wealth, and are given power positions to carry on their family names. There's maybe only a few hundred families in the world that this represents. The women of those families also wield immense wealth and power.