> My elementary school had no blacks. Saw my first on in sixth grade. He had flunked a couple grades, so he was the age of an eighth grader.
>Bigger and stronger than all the other sixth graders, he was a bully. The other grades in my school (7th & 8th) also had flunky blacks, but high school sized, also bullies.
>Bully niggers never get in trouble, because they have "special needs". I learned to hate them from sixth grade on, and it got worse in high school.
>Flash foreword to age 36. Be a police officer in a small town in Indiana. Chicago is about an hour away.
>Cops get "throw down" guns all the time, that criminals drop or throw out car windows as they are pursued
>Keep these guns, do not turn them in. Wait until 5 to 10 are saved up. Clean them, wipe them down, load them.
>Drive to Chicago slums on a Friday, just after dark.
>Drop guns on ground outside liquor stores, or wherever gang-bangers hang out.
>Check the news on Monday morning. "Seventeen shot, nine killed in Chicago this weekend".
>Smile, and collect another batch of guns.
What have you guys personally done to combat the nigger problem?
I've gotten them jobs, told taught them economic responsibly, and made sure they stay on the path of civic nationalism
I larp online
you are doing gods work user, bump bumpity bumped
I'd call you a Hero, but at least some of those guns killed innocent whites.
I combat the CIA nigger problem by doxxing suspected members of the IC
Today I glared at a nigger who was being loud in the library
I have built a backpack battery microwave device... looks like I am holding a phone, but I am zapping their nuts with microwaves so they cant have kids.
I hire them, make them move from a new town or state, give them a big check, then fire them and watch.
Shitty copypasta
reminder that all racist posts are done by niggers to make us look bad
if this isn't larp, good job user. interesting solution. give the niggers the tools to purge themselves.
Nice pepe user,
have some coke
user pls stop baiting
so you a animal trainer?
You know how there is a liquor store on every corner in the hood?
I put them there.
Nogs will take out each other. Just give them an arena to do so. White people should naturally return to small communities in the countryside and then fence in cities like Chicago and televise the barbarism.
Make it into Thunderdome or Hunger Games or some shit like that.
Innocent whites should leave chicago
this is Chicongo we're talking about, no innocent white were harmed in the making of this greentext
>innocent whites
Very nice work
Shit are you a fucking wizard?
[spoiler]Because I don't believe that shit is real[/spoiler]
Very cool. You are doing God's work. Thank you.