im a 21 yo neet turk who got called for military service. i obviously dont want to do it but there is no alternative. its either do it or prison. what should i do?
Should i flee to europe?
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you should do your military service or go to prison. easy
am i welcome in Sweden?
kys my dude
im reporting you to your govt now. get fucked roach
how the fuck do you survive as a NEET in turkey?
Go you fucking pussy.
no, stay.. please
As a fellow prole I can relate to your situation. I say run away unless joining the military over there is like civil service.
Flee to Germany, trust me. At least you're not a spic stuck between 2nd class servitude or getting sent back to hell.
Fight for your country. Don't be a coward and get welfare from white countries. Deserters deserve death by firing squad.
Convert to Christianity and reconquer Byzantium after changing your name to Constantine. Make your ancestors (who were likely mostly Greek) proud.
"I just did what I was told, I fought for my country!"
-Retard sentenced to death at The Hague
Go and serve your country you little pussy. We do not need another weakling like you who avoids conscription by claiming to have war traumas or depression so atleast don't show yourself here. Damn coward.
why would any other country want you when you're too much of a faggot to fight for your own, you cowardly cockroach?
Go do your service, change yourself and serve your country. You'll come out a changed man with purpose. After your time in the military youll feel like like you can do anything. This is a blessing in disguise.
>what should i do?
I heard turkish prisons are nice.
You do not do any fighting for your country as a conscript in Turkey nowadays. Anti terrorism (Kurd removal and dicking around near Syria border) is handled by the paid "real" soldiers. All conscripts do are menial bullshit tasks invented by some officer in order to keep the boys busy or serving as the officer's housenigger. Conscription is pretty much a waste of national resources and everyone's time at this point.
You should reach down between your legs, find your balls and serve your country. Or kys.
Come to Lithuania and make delicious kebab like some of your countrymen.
Amdan götten bir tecil uydur bedelli bekle daha gençsin aşağı yukarı bi 10 senen var muhakkak çıkar o arada.
So you're even a bigger sissy.
Go to Sweden
quit trying to leave your circumstances, but i can't bitch at you because honestly the US has been violating the NAP for decades. Nuclear proliferation is the hilarious cherry on top.
>pro tip
NATO and the US has already ate the muffin hell the whole world has at this point.
the next 5 years will be very defining for us millennials.
And he's scared of this?
Fuck ya dude do it. Dont ask these fag neet autists to live an improve your life.
Try refugee stats otherwise go legal.
2 optoons say ur a kurd.
Then u can goto school get job not be depressed be happy an you can have motivation for fun n women.
Non criminal brown guy in europe girls will love u.
Germany uk sweden irelamd n norway are easy.
Finland austria czech croatia are other options.
Just fucking do it. Fuck ur feels ...feels are for bitches. Otherwise u waste ur youth
you make this thread so goddamn often, just join your fellow muds onto the NBO boat and arrive in Europe with free benefits, housing, welfare and consequence free crime committing.
U autists are
Whats ir immigration site
Fuck off
Do it. Also, give back Haga Sophia.
>Inb4 samefag
we're all chasing stray hopes of recovery at this point, anybody with a brain see's the world kicking the can down the road with our disagreements we can no longer solve through war because of atomic weapons.
Any faggot fuck, nigger, soyboy reading this must realize that the bull market in stocks must end, when one dies the next will be born hence cypto.
Fuck you.
Why dont you fuck up your pysical examination if you are that worried.
Just go to Europe and get your free benefits like everyone else.
I don't think it's about being scared. It's the pointlessness of the whole thing. There's literally nothing about the Turkish Army Experience™ that improves you. You will be lucky to get to shoot your rifle 3 times during the year you serve. All you do is collect garbage, clean the barracks and shit like that. Would you want to be forced to leave your family, friends, job and life for 12 months for this shit?
Shit meant to reply to
Join the military for training and then come to Europe. We will need soldiers for the final jihad, brother.
Put your name in the United States DIEversity lottery and hope for the best.
Oh gee thatll keep him away....low t undermensch for nord standatds.
Mehmet here will easily amog u.
When whites need help u fags will but an ethnic one that is ni e to u guys u shit on him.
Can see why u incels have no friends an ur family dont take u serious....take ur meds
U wish trap fapper
Go to the fucking military service. Serve your country and learn to be a man, your life will improve dramatically.
Only 3 times? Dafuq? My time in conscription was almost nothing but shooting and being in middle of a forest freezing. Also barracks cleaning 'n so on is important for discipline.
well, if you ever change your mind and decide to come back to Turkey once you've already left, you'll have no choice. If you're 110% sure you don't want to live in Turkey, fucking do it.
Maybe you should learn to write before posting you damn ape.
Fuck off, even in France we're full
im 1100% sure
Yeah maybe it's not the same for everybody but it was 3 times for me and 5 times tops for the most of my mates that served in another places. Why waste ammo trying to teach people how to shoot straight when they will never see combat I guess.
wait till the war between saudi and iran starts, then shoot your commanding officer
go to prison
Well, before you leave, think of your family that you'll leave in Turkey. Have you lived overseas before? How was that? Moving away from a country permanently is a huge decision. 12 months isn't that much anyways. Where I'm from we have to do 3 years, I dodged it but now I don't have the option of coming back.
go to the militairy faggot and don't forget to livestream your beheading once the faggot kurds are done railing your ass
Send them picks of gay sex (you getting fucked) and you will be off.
>Turks ruin what's left of Roman Empire
>Ottoman Empire fucks up middle east
>Genocides productive native Christian population
>Cockroaches now want to live as parasites in white countries that worked hard to be prosperous
Unironically kill yourself. If you're such a piece of shit that you want to 'flee' to escape 1 fucking year of military service the world would be better off if you offed yourself. Welcome in Europe? You are welcome to eat a fucking bullet or get raped in prison.
I think he will get lynched by neighbors this way.
>>Genocides productive native Christian population
Armenians are not productive they are just jews with more hair than usual.
Seek refugee status in germany
Just go to prison. I've heard Turkish prisons are delightful.
But seriously, once the conflict is over you will be a free man. Just stay as a conscientious objector. Say you are a Buddhist.
you realize that you coming to White countries makes it Hell for us so you deserve to live in your own shithole?
Stop crying
Please come here, you can easily fit in Constanța where there are 5-10% Turks. However you'll get no gibs here, unfortunately. Maybe if your parents send you money you can hire a comfy commieblock apartment, from where you will hear the dogs barking every night most likely, but just buy earplugs.
As for the females, they don't have a good opinion about Turks because of the historical enemy stereotype and the different religion, but since their brains got washed by the liberal propaganda they may accept you. I don't know and I don't care about females, but in my opinion eastern women (Romanians included) are less intelligent and empathetic than their western counterparts.
What's your training? Have you graduates high school? What skills have you got; can you practice any trade? You can easily find a job here, especially blue collar since almost every Romanian youth goes to uni in a socialised system where everyone can graduate a university and everyone wants to be an "intellectual". As I have said, leeching off is not a choice, hence you will have to get down to work so as to win the bread.
How is the army there? Here it is worse than prison from what I heard from my dad (they ceased the drafting in the 2000s as far as I know) who got an exemption after 4 months as my grandmother talked the family medic into coming up with a disease from him to get him away from the army. Maybe it works like that too, try going to the family medic or ask your parents to do it, here it wouldn't work out without bribing the doctor as far as I know.
Get fucked in the ass and record or get fat or cut your index finger
Why don't you flee to Egypt instead you Turk fuck
Are you a filthy Muslim willing to rape Swedish women and be a strain on their economy?
If, No. Then fuck off.
Easy, join the military, stage a coup, and overthrow King Roach.
In other cultures, parents don't kick you out as soon as you are 18, it's only a Western thing.
Must be why we're so successful.
Unless your are a Komando by that way
How about helping defend your fucking home country instead of being a pussy, leaching off of the white man's prosperity, and adding to the crime rate?
You are right. The atomization of society and radical individualism is the reason why Westerners buy so much crap and are willing to work hard to buy a lot of crap.
You literally create holes in peoples hearts and then force them to fill this holes with material possessions, but... you are successful.
Well, not always material possessions, sometimes we can fill the holes in our hearts with dreams
No the final boss is burger land user.
Your country is fucked up. But it's your country. You don't have to trust your government to love your country. Do it. See if you can change it. When you can't, finish it, leave, and go on. If it sucks, you'll have people with you knowing it sucks. That's not nothing.
Islamofascism... you wanted it...
im disqualified for the army, but why the fuck wouldnt you do it? its like summer camp with all your favorite roaches
Serve in the military, be a man. Stop being a faggot by avoiding responsibility. Europe doesn't need more Kebabs, especially not Draft dodging faggot Kebabs.
Go to europe and enjoy free stuff paid by tax of the cucks on this board
Treating the internet serious....sad autist
Effort belongs on an academoc papet
I mean just do the service. You'll stop being a neet then.
Uncle tom
So u want him to rape
These are neets they dont wanna share
That rarely happens. Like 1/3 of people in their mid twenties live with their parents still.
Go to Mexico, they could use some enriching diversity.
Just do your service you pussy.
I dine mine when I was 23 for turkey and I never even lived there.
My parents are Turkish and I have dual citizenship. It was a good experience and made me a more rounded man.
Youre a NEET. You need this. It sucks sure. But sucky time hell bring out your true self.
Besides. Youre mainly just gonna be cleaning and shit anyway. You could use the discipline.
You speak English also. Most likely you'll be tutoring officers kids and doing chores anyway
>big-assed azn
No,that requires a darker shade of brown
just do it. you will get beaten by other cadets in basic training, but after that it's pretty nice. i can personally recommend diyarbakir or sirnak. enjoy your time. it's a question of mentality, nothing else.
Military service is fun. It's just one year, right? You will make friends, learn some discipline and useful survival skills, shoot guns, probably fuck thirsty women near your base and get fit. What's not to like?
Only university students.
Rarely will Western parents allow their "children" to stay that long without contributing to the rent.
Well you can trick the recruit health commission into believing you are sick/handicapped/retarded and stop larping faggot
stay the fuck away from my country mehmet.
So instead of wasting your national resources you want to waste ours?
It's like you really are cockroaches and turkey is the hole you crawl out off. Why don't you go east instead? Or Africa? Or literally the hundreds of other countries that exist.
is it not like USA service where you go through hell for many months before you actually get to start service which is slightly less hell for a few years?
this just proves again that every poster with a german flag is in reality a turkroach. are there even any germans left in germanistan?
Serve your country you disgusting excuse for a human bean.
Israel doesnt gave these problems, I wonder why, because we have a national identity and had proper education compared to autistic goys especially arabs who would stab their own mothers for some cake.
Just kill yourself OP.
>I'm too big of a pussy to join a military that I'll probably never have my life risked in, gets me pussy, shows me the world, and develops my skills
Stay the fuck out of our countries, NEET faggot. Race and culture don't even have anything to do with it. You're no better than those cunts pouring into Europe right now. Fuck off.