Realistically, how many more years does the West have before it's inevitable collapse?
Realistically, how many more years does the West have before it's inevitable collapse?
14 years 88 days
It's all already in full blown collapse mode.
It will never collapse. It will soon awaken and rise up to cleanse the world with the blood of the undeserving.
aren't we, as a whole, already collapsing? are you asking when we hit rock bottom? if so, my guess is ~30 years. the US will be the last one standing, but i'm not super optimistic about the US' odds of making it out on the other side in one piece
It won't happen. Plenty of countries, most notably in South America and Africa, have been in much worse a state than the U.S. and they're still fine. Nobody bothers to invade them.
Europe's demographics have become irreversible I'm afraid.
I mean it all depends on what your viewpoint is.
My personal definition of "collapse" is either when a first world country becomes third world, or when there's a large civil war, or when it gets invaded.
At worst, what might happen is America's demographic looks similar to something akin to Brazil.
june 6 2020
-9 years
We're kind of already there. Degeneracy is the last phase before the total collapse.
And Europeans are just sat there, pearl clutching at islamophobia and xenophophobia of everyone who doesn't want to be raped/maimed/murdered by an immigrant from some Mulistan. .
2025ish for Europe. US won't have a singular collapse, but it will slowly degrade into a Brazil esque shithole with brazen violence, multi-race mutts everywhere, and limited law enforcement outside of large metro downtowns. Its foreign influence will become small in wake of its domestic issues, and China will sieze the oppourtunity to galvanize its influence in the Pacific area.
about eleven
2020 oil shortage, 2030 anarchy
The 1960s
15-20 years
Anarchy is already here. This is what post-truth actually means.
Actually it'll be food shortages in the 2030s. Think tanks are worried about rioting and full fledged societal collapse, it's why there's a push to normalize eating bugs.
>it's why there's a push to normalize eating bugs.
Huh, for real?
Good thing I have family in NZ if SHTF.
I don't like dogs, but it would make sense to own one in a place like SA or a shitty inner-city area
Only a nigger doesn't like dogs
whites will be genocided like in south africa
i’m ok with this as long as all white women die too. they’re a disease and don’t deserve life. white men, for all their good contributions to the world, definitely deserve extinction for sitting around and watching their race get replaced by mutant brownies
>thinking oil can't be easily replaced as a fuel resource
European animal worship is retarded
because it can't
Small list of things oil is found in;
Plastic packaging
Clothing Ink Heart Valves Crayons Parachutes Telephones Antiseptics Deodorant Pantyhose
Rubbing Alcohol
Hearing Aids
Motorcycle helmets
Electrical tape
Safety glass
Nylon rope
Hair coloring
Toilet seats
Credit cards
Golf balls
Fishing rods
Soft contact lenses
Trash bags
Hand lotion
Shaving cream
Paint brushes
Fan belts
Dishwashing liquids
Tennis rackets
House paint
Guitar strings
Ice chests
Life jackets
Artificial turf
Artificial Limbs
Ballpoint pens
Nail polish
Fishing lures
Shoe polish
Every couple weeks here in the US some liberal media outlet will run a piece pushing eating insects. One of the tamer pushes is cricket flour.
I could almost be ok with this, but I'm gonna need those guitar strings to support my newfound hobo lifestyle.
Ehhhh, I feel around 20'ish before it's said and done. We gon be Somalia tier bois. PIRACY AND AIDS FOR EVERYONE!
I'm sure alternatives could be found for most of those
More men have colored wifes than white women having colored partners you delusional fuck.
Once the majority of your representatives are "diverse" they will turn on you, like they always have.
It's laughable that you think the U.S. will be the last one standing. I have no doubt that the U.S. will be the first to fall.
>Unimaginable debt
>Ineffective military that can't stop goat herders
>Being out paced by the Chinese in almost every single economic way (steel, infrastructure, soft power)
>Hordes of subhumans that leech off the system backed by "people" who support them
>Hemmoraging money because of this
>BLM, La Raza etc all promoting separation
>Beaurcracy means it's almost impossible to have a successful business in the US and employ Americans
>US soldiers poorly trained (worked with a few of them in Afgayistan) to the point of being so "macho" in a war zone they're suicidal
Sorry man. I think we're all fucked but the U.S. is the most fucked of all of us.if you guys don't balkanise in the next 20 years, I'd call that a success.
I'm hoping for full on apocalyptic tier collapse by the early 2020's because then I'd be ready for a fantasy land short of irl fallout. My bet though is that Trump unveils or does something SO DAMNING that the illuminati jews desperately start WW3. Europe's demographics will at least give us a European battle ground by the 2020's.
It already happened, quite some time ago
US isn't even in the top 10 for government debt or the top 30 for public debt. Get some facts.
it won't happen at a specific time point,it will be gradual, and is already in the early stages. it will not be a collapse,but a gradient of decline. there will be no identifiable point where it goes awry. the various changes - in immigration, in acceptance of "progressive" values such as multiple genders and relative morality - will come in steps ,as they already have. take a look at the demographic changes which have occurred as a result of the changes in immigration into the US since the 1950's. the change has been increasing, steadily, allowing the society to adapt in order to accept it as norm. the ghettoes of central and South Americans where Spanish is the only language spoken - they existed 20 years ago, they were just a little smaller back then - it's not a big deal!
Tell us more about your time in Afghanistan, what do you think made American soldiers so arrogant?
Not Africans though. Also the stats for that are about marriages so don't include single mums and wwam couples who don't get married.
Look at Germany's stats for children born to German mothers and foreign fathers
Oil shortage? We have enough oil at current consumption for over 500 years. Not happening.
I hope not too many.
Fuck that degenerate society.
Its already begun.
White is evil, """"""""diversity""""""" is virtuous. White populations aren't keeping up with the replacement rate and race mixing is A-OK if not desirable.
It's over.
O brave new world that has such people in it. Let's start at once
I'd say in about 30-40 years we'll be in a weaker state. Other countries can emulate America but I don't think anyone besides Japan, or South Korea can take on our culture or values. Other countries are just too corrupt or weak. Western countries are taking in too many immigrants that can't contribute and only bring their backwards beliefs and values that didn't work in their last country so for whatever reason they practice them in ours. The Wests saving grace is non-soulless Asians(no Chinese), or for the Jews to finally start herding the unwanteds and minorities elsewhere. Africa is already a soulless place perfect for the Chinese. South and Central America are corrupt laden cesspits. India is way too extreme on the spectrums of anything. I'd replace a majority of Americans with Japanese if there were enough. They just have to start fucking more and stop being neets.
I listen to national radio a lot in NZ and they're been talking heaps about the virtues of farming and eating insects. Habbening here too
I guess in Australia they are talking about eating fucking dingo dogs and kangaroos.
Fucking retarded savages.
about three fiddy
There's a number of ways to measure debt
As percentage of GDP is the only realistic way to measure debt. Which puts US debt very far down the list. You just don't understand how insanely huge the US GDP is. We have individual states with GDPs bigger than most countries. We could take out Australia's whole GDP as debt 100x and it wouldn't matter. It's just a drop in the bucket compared to our ability to pay for it.
You answer
But by external debt as a % of GDP it is 98%
Anybody know the story behind OP's picture? I've seen it before but there's gotta be a background to it. RSA, obviously?
>in debt to the tune of 103% of GDP.
>Not 103% fucked
I worked as an officer over there with our special forces in Helmand.
>Out on patrol, doing a sweep of some goat villages. US patrol about 5ks away doing the same in another village
>Come under fire from some bullshit house on a hill
Typically we'd wait for air support and just flatten the house but for some reason, not available
>Call it in and start to methodically approach the house, cover fire and whatnot. Don't know what they've got so very careful
>US patrol arrives
>Just start driving towards to house blasting it with gunfire
>House spits out an RPG
>Because they're goat herders with little military training, it missed. Not by much but still misses.
>US humvees start doing drive bys (Literal drive bys) basically just circling the house and punching holes in it
>after a minute or so of sustained gunfire, US soldiers burst out of humvees and just start chucking grenades into the house.
It was the first time I worked with them. In Australia we're taught to slowly approach a target and confirm everything. It was so surreal to see guys just shooting with no regard for safety and then pop out with no cover to start throwing grenades everywhere.
Got another story about US in Afgayistan if interested
I worked with a guy who served in Afghanistan. All he said is that the locals always offered you boiled sweets, and that whole place needs a nuke
Yeah, more
it is already over, what remains is poisoned and subverted.
I say, it is time to panic already
Muh debt and muh military aren't what will make US fall first.
The demographics are what will make US collapse. It will be the first country to collapse because the country will be completely incapable of performing basic functions.
You can't feed the people when the majority of the work force are niggers and spics. You can't keep hospitals functional when you can't get any white or asian doctors, and all the patients are black and spics. You can't maintain roads when there are no-go zones and the white road workers have fled the country.
20 years. Screen cap this
Mad Max/Fist of the North Star soon white brothers
I will sieze the heaven
The west won't collapse.
It's going to descend into civil war and form balkanized ethnostates.
If you assume that there's not going to be violent conflict.
You'd be retarded to assume that.
> oil shortage meme
> doesnt know about the fracking revolution
While I was there, we werent allowed to take gifts like food because of poisoning worries. There was also a nasty rumour that if you bought cokes off kids (they came to the base to sell drinks and lollies n shit) you'd scratch your throat up because they crushed glass into the cokes. Never found out if that was true.
Working with some US army guys in digging a trench. Same province. Dunno what the trench was for. We dug for a week then got called somewhere else. Never found out if it was for something
>Kids and shit selling us food and drink. They're basically like spies though. So you never let them into your base fully though if that makes sense. Gotta keep any eye on
>Kids withdraw
>I tell US equivalent that they all withdrew at the same time. His fellas should gear up. He tells me he doesn't have time for my delusions. Whatever.
>I tell my guys to keep digging but to keep equipment close.
>Tellyban attack
>My guys are dug in
>US guys are dug in but with no weapons. Humvee is *budda budda-ing* away but other than that, nothing.
>US officer tells three privates to run across empty ground to retrieve weapons from stash
>One guy gets hit though. Vest saves him but hell have a bruise the size of my fist
>meanwhile, were picking our targets, slowly advancing. Careful of surrounding and pincer attacks
>US guys just move forward and repel.
I swear. The us army just removes the brain of any soldier and give him a gun. If we ever end up attacking China, we'd better hope they just zerg rush us because other than that, the US will be outclassed
It's already over
flash point will be when welfare can't be paid anymore / countries default
I guess there is a reason the US no longer does ground campaigns .
With 7.5 BILLION people, the Jews could flood and destroy any White Nation, in a very short amount of time.
But they have to be careful, because the faster they accelerate things, the more alarm bells, and survival instinct switches get flipped for the White man.
All that being said, time is running out.
Whites will be a hated minority in many Nations very soon.
I doubt the West will collapse.
All it takes is a voice, and a mob of upset people.
I have a feeling Europe will rally behind the idea of SPQR, and Americans will start to squelch leftism though a soft form of Nazism.
>How long
Until the USA collapses, then all hell breaks lose due to how stupidly globalised our economies are.
So, 20 years-ish, that's around the time the USA will become minority White.
You're fucking retarded if you buy those hand-waiving arguments the Econ 101 professors trout out and believe. All numerically illiterate retards.
Weimar Republic status is around the corner.
US is already White Minority. They're lying about the numbers, and they count Hispanics and other groups as White.
>Army grunts are the same as the other thousand different facets of the military
No, they're literally the worst, bottom rung, HS dropout, borderline retards.
>We will just go nazi, no problem that there are no white babies.
Kek we are doomed.
I don't think you understand just how low our acceptance standards for the military are. Our billion dollar warships are crashing into fishing trawlers.
Depends on what part of "the west" you're talking about. The USA wont fall for a solid 100 years at least. Sweden will collapse in under 20.
next year
Not doubting it too much because I've met many a retard in my time but you have to have dealt with especially lobotomized 11Bs.
What in the fuck are these pics??
South Africa.
Dunno if you've noticed, but it already collapsed
hello anybody here?
American just vote tranny openly saying "I want Easy-life for me"
Is this mentality will work out at long term?
Baby boomers and older groups make up 40% of the white American population
you would need 78 million white babies to be born with the in next few years to stave off the impact of the boomer extinction
If white boomers die out, America is done
Welcome to third world Kleptocracy
the fact that the chinese will become powerful as fuck with the decadent west gone is largely ignored.
So? Lets take gasoline for example, it can be produced from coal. Most of these things can be made from other materials. And we are still finding new ways to drill oil, from placesvthat were unaccesible mere 20 years ago. Think fracturing drilling fir example.
I'll admit, I don't know what the recruitment process for the army is but if I was an American, I'd pray that Mattis at least attempts to plug up the holes in the army. In a pitched war, these guys win beach heads and hills. At the moment, I'm not sure they could win a game of basketball against a team of inner city "youths"
12 years
it is 3rd number of half-lives elapsed of the last big generation of roasties
also it is a time of complete retirement of all babyboomers.
This. The numbers they give out are a complete fabrication. Other than family I have next to 0 % interaction with British people. All young people are foreign. I have to go into peoples homes for my job. In these homes there all always loads of old people hidden away who can't speak English. How did they get here.
People are constantly asking me where I from in my own country. They think I'm from Eastern Europe. They are surprised when I say I'm English because they have such little interaction with British people.
I tell them we are being replaced and they agree and say things have got a lot worse since they came here.
Look at the UK posters in this thread. There response is that the collapse has already happened.
Poland's population in 1939 was only 66% Polish... This includes 11% Jews and 1% gypsies. In 1989 it was 99.8% Polish. Do never give up, user
Many as long as kikes and shit skins are put in their respective places. That is 6' under! It will happen but the next one will be the final one. Where kikes will no longer exist!
I tell people to go out an count White kids if you live in a big city.
There aren't any.
It's as if Whites have given up, or they just don't want to bring children into a world where hell is right around the corner.
There's a white kid in the photo you posted.
lol, owned.
Sadly, she's a fat little pig. :facepalm:
Get your eyes checked Mestizo.
jesus christ
england specifically seems just so bad
I live in London so everything seems particularly bad. I have to constantly remind myself that this is not how the whole country is.
When you see a group of school kids there is rarely a white kid there. It gets worse the younger they are.
Everything is health and safety here. So when a class of Young kids are taken out of school they make them wear Hi vis jackets. So there will be a class of little brown kids in Hi vis jackets escorted by their white teachers.
I would say the future doesn't look good, but the present is already bad
2026 for America
Watch this
Then read the paper THE FATE OF EMPIRES by Sir John Glenn.