Centrist thread

>leftist makes a criticism of conservative beliefs
>counter their criticism and bring their own hypocrisy to light
>"lol nice whataboutism drumpftard"

>right winger mocks liberal beliefs
>point out why they are wrong as well as their own flaws
>"soyboy cuck shill reee"

I fear the death of intellectualism is at hand. How might we prevent this, fellow centrists?

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You're too late.

Centrism isn't intellectual.

centrists get the rope

When the times are tough, the extremes gain a following. Let's hope it get better or else well be under total control soon by the elite who are above our grass roots divide and just use that divide to control us.

ps. The two party system of USA is the most retarded political system ever. So easy to abuse against the people.

I bet you also believe in god unironically?


Centrist? Next you're going to be telling me you're a libertarian.



wtf is a centrist anyways? Being against international and nationalistic socialism isnt some "middle" position. It's being consistent.

I'm a centrist. I believe in personal rights for individuals, no discrimination in the government but private, non-publically traded businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason (Also don't bake the cake.) I believe the government should be strong enough and well funded enough to secure the borders and protect it's citizens. And I believe that the rich should have a fair tax rate to prevent capital flight. I believe individuals should have the right to private healthcare or public healthcare, with the quality based on how you pay. And I believe that everyone, commies and Nazis, that all citizens should have the freedom guaranteed by our national Constitution. I also believe illegal immigrants should not receive constitutional rights.

Can you give an example of one of your center positions? Where do you stand between globalism and nationalism? Also, being a centrist just sounds boring.

I think it's interesting because it means I can debate with someone on either side about something.

I just want to be left the fuck alone. That's literally all I fucking want. I don't care how it happens as long as we can avoid a Communist dictatorship run by Soros and his Zuckerbots or a literal Turner Diaries-style DOTR.

Centrists do nothing, you achieve nothing and you have no real values.
It is not intellectual because you don't lean left or right, and you don't have to be either way, but to compromise with these liberals is not possible, they want to go forward into the abyss and we want to go backward into the tried and tested past.

Centrists want to stay put. Fuck that we're near the end of civilization as it is

Centrist stand for nothing.

I'm a centrist who doesn't want to stay put. I literally want big changes for America. Tighter borders than a Mormon preteen, and a military that isn't afraid to slamfuck a country if they attack.

Really? Do you think you can make a strong case for white nationalism right now?

centrism doesnt matter

you aren't a centralist then, if you think about it what do you consider yourself and why?


I am literally in the middle of the political compass, see

Unless you think the universe is random........

Being a centrist ain't easy. It's all about being reasonable and neglecting radical ideologies of both directions. Left and right. People will call you inconsistent because you don't root for the same politician or party for all eternity. They will hate you for not being an ideologically driven and stubborn fanatic. They will call you shill and cuck... but don't care. They will never make us disappear. I hope for a rise of centrism soon. Here in Austria a center-right party won with amazing results at the last election for example. That's a good sign. Well, anyways... forget about getting radicals to understand or accept you. Just keep your beliefs and convictions.That's how centrism will live on. You can try to spread your beliefs though. But that only will work with more open minded people. Anyways... good luck to all of my fellow centrists! Stay strong.

desu i think most of your stances are retarded, even before i filter them though my ancap gaze.
>I believe in personal rights for individuals,
coolio, who enforces that? the gov?
> no discrimination in the government
why? should we continue our leftist policies of egalitarianism? cause we gonna die as a union with that thinking
>private, non-publically traded businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason (Also don't bake the cake.)
>why stop there? why should any business be government funded in the first place? the powers listed by the constitution say that they should only do as listed in the constitution, paying out money to businesses, public or private is unconstitutional.(as is having nationalized businesses at all)
> I believe the government should be strong enough and well funded enough to secure the borders and protect it's citizens
again, why? its against the spirit of the founding fathers to have a standing army for lulz, that what the whole 'well regulated militia' is for
>I believe individuals should have the right to private healthcare or public healthcare
same as above, you cannot get liberty ala the founding father's idea if you enforce equality and go the route of socialism
>commies and Nazis, that all citizens should have the freedom guaranteed by our national Constitution
>this is wrong only because commies are society destroying monsters, nazis are unifying assholes, little better than commies, and only because their heart is in the right place
> I also believe illegal immigrants should not receive constitutional rights.
if you mean treated like the trash they are then yes.

>Being a centrist ain't easy
It is though

It's just
>turn off your brain
>Everybody is wrong except for me
>My opinon is law
>I don't care about anyone except for myself
>Facts and shit don't matter

You're like a fucking Amoeba

The government enforces the safety of it's citizens from both foreign and domestic threats. Even the police work to do that. So yes. The government.

The standing militia is to protect against governmental tyranny. Less likely to be attacked by the govt if you have firearms in every household.

Shut down bad ideas like communism, fascism, anarcho capitalism, etc, with words, not fists.

And I agree. Private businesses shouldn't receive any government money unless they're contracted for a job by the government.

Unfortunately, all citizens have their rights equally applied. Meaning yes, Communists and Nazis can both have public gatherings. When you call to violence is when you are infringing on others' rights.

Re: Illegals, they should be shipped back to their country of origin, by aircraft if necessary.

Lazy coward. And no, Gayboy Basti isn't a centrist, whatever that should be, his party are new liberal lefties. Now get your rope and end your life useful idiot.

>The government enforces the safety of it's citizens from both foreign and domestic threats. Even the police work to do that. So yes. The government.
let me tell you why that is shit. because the gov does not enforce personal rights, that is the job of the people
>Shut down bad ideas like communism, fascism, anarcho capitalism, etc, with words, not fists.
but you can't, and before you call ancaps unamerican, pls consider that i am not a leftist, and that what i want is literally early americanism called by the name of 'jeffersonian democracy' which is a rural based(municipal), limited gov, and expansionist(settlers and shit) in nature. most others of my ilk will agree as well.
and going back on the whole shutting them down with words not fists, you can't because if you've read a bit of their ideologies, you'd learn that commies won't quit(look around you for christ's sake ALL the marxist thought is responsible for the destruction of america)
fascism is about eternal conflict and collectivism, directly against american principles, now tell me how ancaps are against the idea of america?(excluding leftists)
>Unfortunately, all citizens have their rights equally applied. Meaning yes, Communists and Nazis can both have public gatherings. When you call to violence is when you are infringing on others' rights.
not if they promise violence to you if they get in power, you never learned about what happens when commies get in power?
nazis are better from the ancap point of view because at least they don't take over ALL industry and private property. on their interference was low when it came to business(but that's before they got snubbed out, and if they didn't how much would've gotten regulated?)

>The government enforces the safety of it's citizens from both foreign and domestic threats. Even the police work to do that. So yes. The government.
also wanted to throw in that the only powers recognized in the constitution when it came to law enforcement was the sheriff, so you can call the police unconstitutional as well(unless its state funded, and then they couldn't enforce federal laws)

Stay away from retards. Pretty easy, really.

yall fucking dumb, crown me the king of the universe, I'll show you faggots

>How might we prevent this, fellow centrists?
You can only accelerate the impending collapse, try to survive what happens next and rebyild it better than it was before.

The western societies are beyond repair.

As a true center centrist, it's clear to me that most centrists are of a similar nature. They s pretend that deflections imply correctness, however they fail to justify their position except to say that they aren't invested the way their opponent is.

We true center centrists understand that this isn't a justification for their position. We must do what we can to cleanse centrism of these false actors.

You are getting close at the end there. Which is why we have to stop the gun grabbers. The Gulags are the next step.

“How we burned in the camps...’

Government cannot redistribute wealth.
Government can only redistribute poverty.

close to what?
government can only use force, that is what they do, so decide early on what you want your personal retard to do. enforce liberty, actual liberty i mean, or equality

>free dog asses for everyone!!
good job WEEDKING

The people as a group should not visit violence on anyone. The point of a government is to forfeit my right to beat my neighbor to death with a bat while fearing my other neighbors will beat me to death with a bat, and allow them to instead take my neighbor who committed the crime against me to jail, and that is meant as a deterrent more than a true rehabilitory method.

I didn't say anarcho-capitalism was Unamerican. I also don't believe the Constitution is the be all end all of answers. The Constitution doesn't call for any kind of airforce at all, but we maintain it the same way we maintain the army and Navy.

As fucking awful and terrible an ideology like fascism or communism (any collectivising ideology really) until they call for violence in any way, they should always be allowed to speak. Though I agree that it is the individual platform owner's right to deplatform anyone they please for any reason, I dislike the vocal minority using political repercussions as threats. When it comes to the sort of small ass Nazi parties in the US who actually threaten to exterminate x group, they shouldn't be allowed to run for office of any type due to not supporting a non-discriminatory government.

I don't want Communists or Nazis in charge of the US, because I don't believe A. That the majority of the US are either of those things, B. Because they are disgusting, collectivising scum. I'd rather have a person who believes in American values, which again, I am fairly certain do not include any communist or fascist values.

>same as above, you cannot get liberty ala the founding father's idea if you enforce equality and go the route of socialism
Unlike any other form of wellfare healthcare and education are crucial to meritocracy.
To establish equality of opportunity everybody should be given a chance to get a free svholarship based entirely on individual competition, if you're poor but good you win, if you're rich but dumb - pay for the services.

And healthcare is like feeding your horse.
If your society works productively, rather than parasitizing on handouts and foodstamps then keeping them alive pays back for itself in taxes.

You niggers should cut all the autismbucks and shit BUT pay for the educayion and healthcare, this way everybody can be productive or fucking die in a gutter where they belong

Hmmm. Do I smell a salty breeze? Huhu. I guess you are a depressed FPÖ voter. Just do the world a favor and blow your brains out. If you got any. Because you really act like a brainless sheep in a herd lol.

I agree, russiabro. This is the collusion we should have. Removing autismbux. We'll take away Chris-chan's first.

Lol. I guess you are a brainless radical since you spit out such retarded nonsense without bringing actual arguments against centrism. Go back to school and learn how to discuss with people without seeming like an autistic kid. You don't even understand centrism. It's all about the facts and doing what's right and reasonable no matter if it's a left or a right wing thing to do. Well, good luck my poor uneducated burger.

Holy shit finally someone who understands meritocracy,here everybody usually is muuh full socialism(let me not work and give me money),or muh anarcho capitalism(who gives a fuck why he is poor let him die).

>hobbes's social contract
you are not wrong, you describe the contract perfectly, but have you considered the entire philosophy to out of touch? after all it relies on the assumption that people are will always be in a state of constant war with each other and that the only solution is to have an even bigger and badder man to keep you both in check, now historically, when their was little gov around to say how things should go, were people always killing each other? no in fact during the most brutal period of the us, the 'wild' west, crimes were at the lowest point in all of midwestern american history, this kills the hobbesian account. thus eliminating the need for the contract, and by extension of logic, the government in its federated form.
The government enforces the safety of it's citizens from both foreign and domestic threats. Even the police work to do that. So yes. The government.
>. The Constitution doesn't call for any kind of airforce at all, but we maintain it the same way we maintain the army and Navy.
very true, and to add on to that in the original document it WAS discriminatory, in fact the limits of who could run were EXTREMELY fascist like, after all only white, wealthy, and owners of large land could join congress or even vote on officials, does this sound like our modern day democracy?
cause it sounds like an ancap paradise
> When it comes to the sort of small ass Nazi parties in the US who actually threaten to exterminate x group, they shouldn't be allowed to run for office of any type due to not supporting a non-discriminatory government.
this wrong as well see above, the gov was discriminatory and did enact violence on those it did not like, and with huge support. like the trail of tears, or the mexican american war, where they destroyed most documents saying that mexicans and other mixed native owned land along the border. it was against your modern sensibilities, but not an ancap's

Search what DR William Pierce has said about "lemmings" you are a political conscious lemming but just like your ignorant bretheren you will not take any action to harm the state(via revolution,civil war etc).Why?
Beacuse you are the product of a modern capitalist consumerist society.You are exactly what they want,an individualistic cunt with no strong convictions that is willing to get bribed to change sides or just sit on the fenece.
You may think yourself an intelectual but you are actually the plebest of the plebs,George William Rockwell said :"reveolution is a spectators sport,they will join the winning side".If a communist revolution would win you would suck them,the same with a fascist one.
Just like you do with the current system,you dont see the flaws in capitalism and democracy,to you everything is an axis.
You are just what the jew world order wants a mindless drone that thinks voting matters while it changes nothing,but its ok as long as the government will provide you with a minimum of confort your people,your nation,your race and your legacy can perish for what you care.

Oh fuck off with this shit, you're not intellectual, youre just too pathetic to take an actual stance.

When someone says 2+2=4 and someone else say it =6, you're the guy saying it's 5, because that centrist. It's compromising simply for its own sake, not because it's actually the best option.

Oh fuck off with this shit, you're not intellectual, youre just too pathetic to take an actual stance.

When someone says 2+2=4 and someone else say it =6, you're the guy saying it's 5, because that centrist. It's compromising simply for its own sake, not because it's actually the best option.

I'm not "right wing" or "left wing", but I'm not "centrist" either. I'll look at each issue and take a definitive stance on it, that is not being centrist. Some times that puts me on the right and sometimes the left, or wherever, but that is irrelevant.

I am not an ancap, so your ancap desires mean less than nothing to me, but I defend your right to talk about them and to desire them and to try and work toward them. I honestly have no more responses that won't lead us in a circle. The social contract is very important to me because it protects me, and more importantly, dissuades the need for protection due to fear of repercussions.

Thank you for allowing me more insight into ancap thinking. I hope I've given you a good insight into centrist thought processes, if only ones like myself.

>When someone says 2+2=4 and someone else say it =6, you're the guy saying it's 5,

Actually the guy is saying it is 4 but nobody listens too busy fighting between "its 3" and "its 5".

Extreme right and extreme left are both fucked up and centrists are supposed to be switching sides all the time when it goes too far one way or the other.

Right now the left is fucking everything up so centrists should side with the right but ONLY until the left is brought down to heel and then stop the right from going fucked up.

now let me tell you the problem with socialised welfare, look at canada, or britain,
in the recent month, we've seen babies killed at the decision of the state(hugely immoral)
and drastically long waiting periods for everything
in the us we see it in the form of obamacare(getting tax penalties for not getting obamacare)
as well the infamous organ donors list, that lets people dies while waiting for stuff, and the only thing that can keep people on the bottom of the list alive is the black market organ trade.
this i think destroys your argument that the gov should have a hand in health care, also may i add, that there are free hospitals, and none would turn you away for not having money if you are dying from something.
education i also disagree with, only becuse in the us the schools are made for two thing
>1 creating a lackluster citizen ship where any possible 'bad minds' are weeded out for wrongthink and ostracized. it puts kids in a position to tear each other apart
>2 it is literally a marxist indoctrination camp
i don't think i need explain this to you, but i can personally remember a few times where various teacher pushed egalitarian, or straight feminist propaganda down my throat
>If your society works productively, rather than parasitizing on handouts and foodstamps then keeping them alive pays back for itself in taxes.

that is not the situation in the us, and if you incentivise laziness you will get it, no matter the moral or religious integrity of the people.

>disgusting colectivist scum
>Lives in a massive colective
>Whites have become less colective
>Shitskins keep being colective
Yah m8 i am sure when 5 niggers come to kill your ass as a collective you the individual will be able to fend them off.
Damn i did not think you individualists could be so severly retarded.Its ok though nature has its ways.Just how Hitler said this is a world of ethernal struggle and if you will not fight you will perish.

you have, thanks, i hoped my ancap ideas would resonate with you, as in my reading i've found out that i literally just want early americanism, i hope to wake people up to that. but maybe i should take down the ancap flag then?

>become collective because niggers
i won't problem action solution myself in to becoming what my founding fathers fought for, we can take care of niggers and jews without turning fascist

It puts up a lot of defenses.

centrism is a rather peaceful and intelligent ideology, better than being a right vs left shill who lives a hollow life on twitter

A (you) for you.

Ah yes. The only answer to mob violence is bigger mob violence. How gay and retarded of me for missing that.

Angang of 5 niggers isn't millions of people in an ideology. Obviously I don't believe in hyperindividualism and "Every man should be 100% independent." That's retarded.

As long as we are armed gummint does NOT have the monopoly on force. That is what I mean you are getting close to.

If you look at the sticky on Sup Forums entrance you may conclude that 99% to 98% of what is here on Sup Forums shouldn't be here.
Pol is literally an eternal food fight between manlets for shits and giggles.

seems too, and i get it, i browse the /lrg/ and have to bat away egalitarians, and other assorted leftists and leftypol trolls all the time(i've meet some lefty trolls on their off hours on Sup Forums and they argue the same way and post the same stirner memes, they are obvious)


If you don;t engage in whataboutism, then they can't claim it.

If you can't articulate your point and choose to sidestep their point, you deserve to be called out.

but they do still, by their power with the unconstitutional police, who enforced their laws despite being state funded, and by their abilities to create whatever legislation they want with power that would make an actual dictator blush, before we get into the whole 'TRY to resist the gov and see what happens' stick

How does centrist create a law or manage a bank?
Prototip: centrist just takes money, occupies job in politics and doesn't do a thing. Most politicians are centrists, which is why they inherit something and don't do anything, just continue with the cash flow from whoever comes.
What centrists think they are: democratic, solving problems that benefits both parties.

Whom else /classical liberal/ here

I think I did a pretty good job debating a few more right leaning ideas. I'm not as well-trained in live fire scenarios so to speak. I have one ethnostate friend who I debate with but he and I don't disagree on much other than "Should America be a white ethnostate." And even then he agrees that if somewhere gave land just for a white ethnostate he'd be happy to go.

We have some 100 million American gun owners that are armed to the fucking teeth because the fucking iibtards have been threatening to disarm us for decades. So, yes, I do believe that we still have a BIG say in our destiny.

poland your flag is upside down man

>Be classical liberal
>liberals see me as a nazi
>conservatives see me as a libertardian

Works in my country the fact that Canada has wasted its budget on socialism and fugees and now cant maintain healthcare doesn't mean its a problem with healthcare.
Also when the free option exists and provides satisfying services the private optin had to compete offering a better service for reasonble price. Paid healthcare still exists too and is affordable like 100$ for a full body MRT.
Pure capitalist healthcare is insane, your life has an infinite value to you so they can charge you any price and you will pay because it is literally "your money or your life". Capitalism cannot opetate with infinite values, the mathematics simply cannot divide by zero.
> creating a lackluster citizen ship where any possible 'bad minds' are weeded out
>2 it is literally a marxist indoctrination camp

Any political or non-scientific education must be strictly prohibited to recieve any govt funding.
The marxist feminists professors can go and be a 100% private service, govt funded education must be apolitical at constitutional level.

And yes, i have had a free aerospace engeneering scholarship, currently employed, and there were no political activists at all, FUCKING ZERO POLITICS JUST SCIENCE. So yes it is pisdible.

>that is not the situation in the us
Because of the bad and the cortupt wellfare, you feed the vermin and badh the good people.
You need to create a literal situation "Who doesn't work doesn't eat" and them provide everybody a chance to work.


a big say is not the final say is what i'm saying. i say no chances, why have a blade over your head and an iron necklace on when you can just get out of the guillotine and not worry about it

What laws do classical liberals write and how do classical liberals manage the banks?


Debating some spadey centralist who thinks we need balance... Cunt what are you on about? Your just a typical lefty fuck who wants to sit on the fence. Fuck off leaf!!!


good luck on your debates, just remember to read the founding father actual philosophies and the whole federalist/anti federalist debate of yester year to bolster your ideas on the proper course of the nation. and your friend is right, america was founded as an ethnostate(nonwhites weren't human back then and the fathers wouldn't even dream of giving them citizenship)

but in reality, you're a fucking retard

So basically liberalism, but no black people running anything important, this is what classical means.

I believe in equality for all, and I can promise you that it's time wasted trying to say whites aren't human for the purposes of trying to change my view on who can be represented by the Constitution.

Whoops, meant to say "Non-whites aren't human."

Now that liberalism has been hijacked and corrupted by commies libertarians are the closest thing to classic/real/actual liberals.

Theres no centrists.

Every known elected democrat and media personality would call themselves a moderate but they are all radically left.

Everyone else is considered a nazi now. Theres no center.

Yeah, if you're a *commie.*

>Works in my country the fact that Canada has wasted its budget on socialism and fugees and now cant maintain healthcare doesn't mean its a problem with healthcare.
even before the fuge crisis it was a shit show, but that's only local knowledge.
>Also when the free option exists and provides satisfying services the private optin had to compete offering a better service for reasonble price. Paid healthcare still exists too and is affordable like 100$ for a full body MRT.
Pure capitalist healthcare is insane, your life has an infinite value to you so they can charge you any price and you will pay because it is literally "your money or your life". Capitalism cannot opetate with infinite values, the mathematics simply cannot divide by zero.
you are right on the first sentence, that private must compete to be competitive, bu consider how the would work, would the gov own hospitals and pay doctors themselves?
that is a bad idea, we have the VA(veteran hospital) and its shit with people being abused, killed by slow systems and neglect from the diversity hires, as well when you throw money at an industry(in the form of insurance for example) you only raise the prices drastically, that is the true problem, as americans have been doing exactly that since the 1920's, and now you can't even get a shot without paying your arm.
>Any political or non-scientific education must be strictly prohibited to recieve any govt funding.
The marxist feminists professors can go and be a 100% private service, govt funded education must be apolitical at constitutional level
how would you determine what is nonscientific in this age where the scientist and all hired teachers are forced to think the same and will come up the same bogus studies that say gender is a spectrum, but for whatever we try to discredit as pseudo science
also the same go for political courses, as anything can be justified by a leftist, they are masters at screeching so hard entire societies collapse

Meritocracy works either way, one size fits all.
If racists are right then meritocracy will purge the niggers leaving only the talented and worthy people around.
If egalitarians are right then niggers will be OK.

So there's no need to talk about, just pull all the wellfare and see who survives, if niggers can do it then there's some metit to them, if not then fuck them lol.

I believe in a welfare state for anyone who genuinely needs it, unfortunately. Just in case I ever do.

>And yes, i have had a free aerospace engeneering scholarship, currently employed, and there were no political activists at all, FUCKING ZERO POLITICS JUST SCIENCE. So yes it is pisdible.
i applaud you ivan, i did not get enough when i tried to apply for federal aid, i assume its because i work and don't live with my parents, and the feds expect your parents to pay for it, which isn't bad, but when society is gearing for collage from the time you enter the classroom it can be quite impacting to be unable to do collage. i could've gone if got loans, but i'm not in idiot who gets in debt.
>Because of the bad and the cortupt wellfare, you feed the vermin and badh the good people.
You need to create a literal situation "Who doesn't work doesn't eat" and them provide everybody a chance to work.
our solutions are different, in the us everything from serving food, to the way to fish is regulated and its impossible to play entrepreneur and gain wealth like it was possible to do in the old days. if you wnat people to work than deregulate, that is my solution, i could be making money as a private security guard right now, if it wasn't for legalistic restrictions, so i say that deregulation will solve the job problem, only stupid people cannot make it in capitalism

>Pure capitalist healthcare is insane
I thought you were an-cap?

There should be always an absolute. There is no center, you are either a part of us or a part of our enemies. You should know that right is right and wrong is wrong and these should stay like that. It's wrong when you find in right thing wrong parts and in wrong things find right parts.

but what if the constitution is not meant to cover those people? that is the view point i see most struggling with as nobody wants to address that beyond a cursory thought, i think you should serious think that over and ask yourself why you think the way do. cause from my side its pretty clear that non whites weren't meant to be in a white ethnostate

>that is a bad idea, we have the VA(veteran hospital) and its shit with people being abused, killed by slow systems and neglect from the diversity hires, as well when you throw money at an industry
That is corruption, removing corruption is extremely hard, the best way serms to be use the power struggle of politicians and make them attack and expose each other for personal gains.
Also you need some people in black suits and cool shades investigating where were the money spent, and somebody investigating those people too.
>how would you determine what is nonscientific in this age
Scientific criteria.
Liberals only pretend it doesnt exist but it is still there.
In fact women studies, gender studies, psychology(not to confuse with psychiatry), are non-science.

Also absolutely prohibit political coloring. Nazis and commies must not be painted as good or evil, but only reported as a fact, no ideology must be preached or judged, only reported neutrally (here's the point Naxis had and what they believed... bla bla.).

read harder and realize i fucked up the format
put down the bong hippie, pipes are more your speed

On this website: politicalcompass.org/test

I got 3 squares over to the right and one 2 down.

America has had amendments to the Constitution that have been desired by the majority. If the minority desperately wants something, they need to work harder to change the majority's minds, or just go somewhere else.

the indecisiveness of centrism is what makes you a useful puppet to your detractors. i dont care if you are a nazi, a commie, a libcuck, a feminist, or whatever, but unless you choose a side or make your own you are nothing but a sacrificial lamb to those who have already chosen.

>deregulate, that is my solution, i could be making money as a private security guard right now, if it wasn't for legalistic restrictions, so i say that deregulation will solve the job problem, only stupid people cannot make it in capitalism

Deregulsting some things is obviously necessary.
Part of the reason there's no chean Mc'Hospital™ is because there are many barriers to entry and mandatory expensive tests and checks designed to protect the big pharma from possible competition, that certainly has to go.

But not too much indeed, you dont want to be sold placebo or poison pills indeed, regulation needs to be cut down to a reasonsble size.
I believe that if Mc'Donalds can feed you cheaply, somebody could offer cheap minimally acceptable medixal services for the poor if they were allowed to.

Whoa man, totally couldn't tell you fucked up the format, sorry man.

rational intellectual debate is for virgins
chads just tell you how it is and people just agree with them through sheer force of personality. rational justification comes later. Thomas Aquinas came over 1000 years after Jesus. Jesus himself just told people "sup I'm god" and they listened. rationality is always, always secondary.

This is what makes centrist people. You take positions and you decided to make it super sharp and pointy. While I probably like some of your ultimate goals, you completely lack humility.

Everyone, at a time, is wrong - they are wrong throughout history, today, and tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'm sorry, you're anime lied to you. The extent at which you believe in yourself or the extent of which entire nations believe in you or even the simple majority of the war resources of the human race does not have any correlation with how right you are. Entire religions and belief systems are really good at some things, but suck at other things. People are like that, too. This is why I stay around the center, because I know that in some ways I'm wrong.

>but if everyone's wrong then nothing matters dur

Centrists are not nihilists, they have core beliefs and goals, all around the spectrum and they will kill for them. Yeah, if space natsoc became a thing I would probably want to date one, but that doesn't mean I think hate crime makes me cool. Truth is a bipolar cunt and if you learned anything on Sup Forums you should understand that you can have trucks of credible sources tested arguments that work for adding catshit to your coffee with the right amount of pitch and yaw. This isn't to say some nihilist air. It's just to admit that I could be wrong, so I would like to take things slow and consider things from the other side.

Not because I'm some retard that thinks the perfect ideological mean is perfect, but because I see the advantage in not beheading my devil's advocate.
I don't get why this is common knowledge for people that use this site, I understand there's autism and such, but it's just basic stuff a middle schooler would pick up on. .

>But not too much indeed, you dont want to be sold placebo or poison pills indeed, regulation needs to be cut down to a reasonsble size.
>I believe that if Mc'Donalds can feed you cheaply, somebody could offer cheap minimally acceptable medixal services for the poor if they were allowed to
what is too much and how can that be determined? cause idk how, what i know is that the job of regulation can be taken over by private companies and some do now, like the rainforest thing that makes sure the company didn't fuck the environment, it can be done without a compulsory monopoly is my point, and we'd be better for it
also being sold placebos and poison pill happens, its called big pharma haha

>i was just pretending to be retarded
switch to cartel grass, the dro is freezing your mind