>the irish are useless potato nigge-
The irish are useless potato nigge-
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Average Irishman makes less than half of the average Norwegian. Yet this map doesn't show this. Why?
rs, yes
what the fuck is wrong with ukraine man
the irish are ok... the real niggers of europe are balkanians..
How come all irish whisky is so boring
You have shit taste user, the Irish invented whiskey. Uisce beatha, water of life
Uh no I'm pretty sure scottish people did
politics and geolocation
Wrong again haha fucking retard Irish monks did plus the Irish colonised Scotland
Irish colonised Scotland then somehow developed an entirely different language and culture while living only couple dozens of kilometers away from each other. Explain.
The Irish have a higher innovation index than Great Britain. They're not stupid. And le IQ meme is inaccurate since it doesn't take account of the huge brain drain which occurred right after the famine. Just look at the successful Irish diaspora in Australia, the US and Canada and tell me the Irish are stupid.
The Irish and Scottish spoke the same language and had incredibly similar culture and religion up until 300 years when the Anglo interfered.
Canaryville in Chicago is one of the worse and most inbred places in the U.S. And it's almost entirely Irish
I'd also like to point out that expect for Reagan they were all Ulster Scot
but belarus sits 10k above
what the fuck is wrong with ukraine! aren't they supposed to have the most fertile land in europe?
Ahh yes JFK was a great (((ulster scot))) wasn't he?
ukraine doesn't exist
Sorry forgot about the pill popping cripple for a second
Who else /moldova/ tier here?
Simple. Hohols are the niggers of Europe.
>Best arable lands on the continent, still need to import food
>Biggest coal deposits on the continent, still need to import energy. They owe Gazprom billions upon billions in unpaid energy bills
>Top export are prostitutes
>No national heroes outside of a balding dude who achieved nothing and ended up being betrayed by his allies the krauts and a guy who literally got cucked by a moustache wearing polak who ended up rebelling against the PLC and put Ukraine in Russian hands for centuries
>No natural allies and friends. Every single bordering country either hates them or dislikes them
>Nobody gives a shit about Crimea anymore
>Huge HIV epidemic
>Losing over 500k people every year
>A literal vassal state of the IMF kikes
>Economy is worse than half of Africa. The only country doing worse in Europe is Moldova. Which is thousand times smaller and less populated
>Their ancestors are either: tatar rape babies, runaway peasants or bandits from Poland and Russia, khazar jews
>Literally 60% to 70% of their current land mass was given to them by Soviet commies
Never fall for the eternal hohol memes. They ought to be exterminated already.
>Their ancestors are either: tatar rape babies, runaway peasants or bandits from Poland and Russia, khazar jews
makes sense
Because Belarus has a good relationship with Russia.
Is this one of those Russian bot posts I hear a lot about?
potato nigger please, every time you shit on cuckraine they call you an Ivan or whatever. Literally the same shit as SJWs calling everybody they dont like a nazi.
are you an ukrainian or a jew?
Ireland is a tax haven you thick shits
Probably from being a tax haven for the megacorps
I view you Eastern euros under the same branch as Ukraine all lazu Slavic subhuman cunts gibsmedat leeching off of the EU and generally being completely useless don't see how you can consider yourself superior to the Ukrainians
Nah the cultures are pretty much the same, kilts and bagpipes have been common to Ireland for hundreds of years at least
The Irish languge is pretty similar Scottish gaelic. I listen to BBC Alba all the time and have no trouble understanding it. It is almost word for word indentical.
The difference between the homogenously Caucasian Scots and the Irish is that modern genetic analyses prove that the huge Moorish invasions 5200 years ago dominates Irish ancestry. Despite the Irish constant refutation of this history, the evidence is literally in their blood. If you are of Irish ancestry, take the 23&Me type test and then look up your genetic ancestry in GEDmatch or such sites to reveal the truth to your own eyes. As Dennis Hopper said to Christopher Walken in True Romance - the niggers did so much fucking in Ireland, that they turned you all into eggplant.
The inferior IQ and the inferior cultural and technological achievements of Ireland throughout history bears witness and provides evidence of the buggered by negroes history of Ireland.
I like Irish people, only had good experience with them. I like their different sense of humor, they are rude but honest, way better than the Brits that are always backstabbing each other and making aggressive passive jokes.
I think you will find that Dennis Hopper was talking about Italians.
As for culture Ireland has a great culture stretching back millennia. Just because you choose not look in to it dosen't mean it doesn't exist. Remain ignorant if you want to but don't feel you can lecture from a country only a few hundred years old that is effectively a mongrel nation made up of a stew of all the nations and races of humankind, including 10% of Irish decent. I doubt very much that any family in the US is not a mix of some sort however much you want to believe otherwise.
Oh please, Mr. 47%, tell me more about my mixed blood.
probably doesn't help that Stalin killed off all of the Ukraines best farmers in the 30's.
Dhia duit!
t. Potato who was displaced by IRA grandfather running from english rope
wtf I'm moving to Ireland now
I am Irish and have taken 23andme and my ancestry is 100% European and 99.4% northwestern Europeans and 96.3 % British and Irish
Because of all of the North American coproprations that have relocated their hq's to Ireland due to their low corporate taxes. This in turn has for a result the data that their profits that they realized over the year are accounted under Irish GDP.
Working a trade in Dublin with get you around €30/hour if your experience, very good pay.
obrati se obližnjem psihijatru i ako to ne pomogne sam si oduzmi život
It's not Moorish you idiot, it's more likely Anatolian/Levantine from the Neolithic period, where middle eastern farmers invaded parts of Europe and brough farming technology with them, which is the foundation of civilisation. Most Europeans have partial middle eastern ancestry. And it's not the middle easterners were total uttermensch back then either. Some have said that western civilisation started in the fertile crescent.
And also a disgrace to Western Europe, just like Moortugal.
All thanx to murica investment
>be european
>get raped by arabs thousands of years ago
>be descended from mongrel arab rape baby
>le 40% face
So should poles to be honest. Hope Putin annexes your shithole filled with cowards that surrender faster than frenchmen. Would love to see the pole butthurt when they all try to get into Britain to fix toilets and lick shoes.