One thing whites have noticed, that's contributed to the "awakening"

is that about half of the people in the supermarket with them eat for free, while whitey the sucker pays full price for everything.

How can the massive EBT program (a favorite gibs program of the Dems) be made more fair? How long will whites continue to pay taxes so that minorities and all their spawn eat like kings, while whitey has to work hard for his daily bread?

Other urls found in this thread:

All forms of welfare should only go to citizens with moderate to severe disabilities that actually does prevent them from working. Possibly, assistance to their unpaid family caregiver, also.

Using welfare to buy votes is disgusting and should be grounds for recall and prosecution.

well put, user, and would be an improvement, not to mention MUCH more fair

None of that "it's for the children" horseshit like EBT/SNAP either. If you can't feed your kids they starve. Make more later when you have a job.

I was in a grocery store here (California) and the EBT system went down. When this fact was announced over the PA speakers, 90% of the shoppers just abandoned their carts and walked out of the store.

the little mexican kid on the cart in the left picture is so accurate

wayward Mexicans make out like bandits with all these Dem gibs, it's almost like they can vote in our elections

>family shopping trip that happens once every 2-3 weeks
>single cuck who shops every other day

Good, good! Be proud of consumerism

Pedro, weak attempt at a dodge, and a false flag, really?


One main thing is to make the program more restrictive. Calculate based on the age and number of family members and allow the X dollars worth of meat, X dollars of produce, unlimited beans and rice, and a small stipend for seasoning. Compare it to the WIC program where they get 1 gallon of milk, 1 loaf of bread, 1 dozen eggs, etc.

It's meant to survive, not to buy fucking birthday cake and Red Bull.

ebt is not the problem.

THe fucking FED is the problem.

Dont let the jews change the narrative of who is taking our fucking money!!!!

>Only inferior races would dare question the love of rampant consumerism!

You may think you're a big man fighting for your race, but you're just another piece of the |||narrative|||
Sorry, Cletus. You're no Hans

What woke me up at a young age is living in a council estate, having two parents who work full time, yet all the kids with unemployed parents always had the newest clothes/games consoles/football shirts and their families always had new cars and what not, while I always had 3rd generation hand me downs.

Really fermented my fruits.

I took a job at 7-11 while unemployed due to a lay off. Our EBT system was down for a week. I never realized the number of people getting free food until I had to tell them the system was down. Most of them were white (like 85%), and they were all buying trash. We even had a special way of ringing up pizzas for EBT customers. Big Gulps are covered by EBT.

OP here, you sure you're not the one trying to "change the narrative"?

that's some weak, disjointed, "all over the map" shit you got there retard

What if they've got personality disorders that prevent them from being hireable? Like, if they were legitimately so much of an asshole that they would be a detriment to any and all workplaces they entered?

I literally saw this shit today. Some peasant bitch got 2 heaping cartfulls of absolute bullshit. Had her fetal alcohol syndrome kids take the first one out to the car while the poor checkout worker spent like 15 minutes in full scan mode. Shit was baffling

Get rid of it. Even if they benefit some whites, most welfare programs essentially function as a wealth transfer from whites to blacks/mestizos. They all need to be destroyed.

Living on chocolate, chips, soda, and pizza?

problem with american politics:
hey guys omg some puerto rican get 192 dollars a month food stamps to feed her children

lets vote to give billionaires multi-billion dollar tax breaks to ameliorate the problem! lets keep these people ghettoized and told they're worthless and feeling cheated by the system to the point of cheating the system and then criticize them for it instead of looking at the social structures in place that allowed this person to do that

lets employ (as if any ofu bitches have a job) fundamental attribution error to criticize the "other"


bye bitches~


Kellogs, Nestle, Pepsico, General Mills, etc etc would not stay in business another year without food stamps.
Deal with that problem

Than they starve.
Simple. Fair.

If nutrient pasta was a thing you can bet your ass that's all I would eat. Shit like that needs to be sold at the store and subsidized rather than fast food shit. Food is first and foremost fuel and should be treated like it. I'm not ignoring the cultural things, but fuck it's nonsense nothing like what I mentioned exists on a common scale.

The minute I got out of prison I was eligible for EBT. They awarded me 192/m which is Max here and almost 66% more than the amount of a severely unhirable but only slightly retarded woman I know.

I bought her some decent foods and got a fucking job ASAP and have just been using the card to help her. They cut it off after six months.

Only lowlifes do shit like OPs picture though I will say they do shop like once a month. Also idk where she's at but there's no way I could fill two carts for 200. Then again she probably claiming beaucoup kids

Welfare stops the masses from rioting. This is what emperors did in ancient Rome during its decline. They gave out free bread so the peasants wouldn't revolt. There's an unspoken agreement between the chronically underemployed (or simply lazy) underclass that if they get their gibs they won't get angry and kill politicians. They'll just sit around eating their shit watching TV, drinking malt liquor, calm as Hindu cows. Obviously, they'll also vote for the politicians that promise the most gibs.

Do you think the government actually gives a fuck about poor people? They don't want to give people welfare out of charity, they do it for political control! I'm not sure how we could end poverty honestly, but I have some ideas. We can give charitably without ulterior motives, we can get rid of fiat currency and return to a gold/silver standard, we can reduce market regulations while at the same time seizing the property of the 1% and redistributing it.

Foodstamps should be done like WIC. Can only buy healthy stuff and limited to certain items/amounts per month.

Can literally buy candies, red bull etc (anything that says nutrition facts, not supplement facts so no protein powder lol). And they knock off tax.

The work-shy should just be sent to camps

>If nutrient pasta was a thing you can bet your ass that's all I would eat.
You could come up with a recipe and make a trial batch yourself. Just saying

let them riot.

I really love that pasta

Remove sodas and snack foods from the EBT program.

Only allow un-prepared foods, such as the cheapest ground beef, pork, and bone-in chicken. All the vegetables you want, all the water you want.

Teaches people how to cook, and gives them a valuable skill they could use to make money and get back on their feet while also making sure they're eating healthy and inexpensive meals.

The biggest redpill of my life was working at a Dollar General and witnessing how EBT is really spent. Burning cash directly would be less wasteful.

What makes you think that PepsiCo and Coca Cola would allow that to happen under any circumstances whatsoever?

If we had actual representation in government, we'd have shut down pepsi and coca cola decades ago for poisoning the public.

This is truth. It should be limited to raw food. I used to be a cashier. People use EBT to buy junk food and snacks. A lot of the EBT people had nice cars and shoes. I had a guy one time give me shit for not having white cheddar Doritos, then he drove off in a shiny SUV. He was wearing new digs and had his hair gelled. It was 3am.

Uh please go on. I always hear insane stores about EBT but most are exaggerating or outright lies. What "red pilled" you? I know for me it was embarrassing as fuck to use it one month to the point I shopped at midnight or waited around like I needed to look at something til line was clear.

Please don't come with the iPhone X checking their card lies

They already have that, they serve it in prisons. It's used as a punishment and some people consider it a violation of human rights.

Is pretty fucking close and they're perpetually refining it. It boggles my mind that something like it hasn't gotten super big. There are people who eat only it and are fine. With a machine and government backing food stamps could easily be replaced with it.

I had the same experience at 7-11. They got honey buns, candy, pizza, and big gulps. Never saw a kid.

Once the benefits were cut, you'd be surprised at how quickly those disorders would either disappear or would assist with a quick demise. Either way, problem solved, person finds a way to become self sufficient or joins together with someone willing to support them.
The junk food brands are also heavily subsidized for corn syrup and other cheap, nutrition-free fillers. WalMart is the largest beneficiary though as most food stamps are redeemed at their stores.
In some states, they allow the """homeless""" to use food stamps at fast food places, too. People claim to have no fixed address, free KFC and McDonalds.

please stop reminding me he exists

>How can the massive EBT program (a favorite gibs program of the Dems) be made more fair?
The system at current encourages them to graze like cattle into an early grave, which your picture shows clearly.

The best way to fix EBT is to have government brand foods that are basic and bland, and made by welfare recipients.

If you're poor and need to survive, we'll give you the nutrients you need... but don't expect to enjoy the experience.

People would have probably just figured it out on their own without government help.
Foodstamps are THE ONLY thing keeping these mega food corps in business.

They own the water companies too, though, and water costs more to produce than cola thanks to getting all that free corn from the government farm program, but costs about the same, if not more, to buy retail.

im here for the job interview

Damn yankees

Pic makes my blood fucking boil.

As far as I know you can only get one meal a day off the dollar menu as a homeless user. But even if you can get more it's bullshit I agree.

Can't explain why people are shameless enough to buy sweets and shit. I'm not defending welfare at all but yeah shit food isn't the answer and neither is starving. WIC has it right.

Almost nothing nutritious or thrifty is bought. Its spent on candy, junk food. Then they pay for cigarettes with coins. Never ever spent on ingredients, rice or beans or veggies or anything. Incredible waste.

And then there are the people who will sell ebt money for real cash. 20 bucks cash for 60 ebt. Then they order pizza.

yes, I think the attitude society should endorse is that children are a sort of privilege. If you can afford a child, you should have that child. If you can afford ten children, you should think about having ten children if you'd like. People talk about eugenics - I think this is the most humane way to go about something like that.

White niggers

They buy a whole lot at the beginning of the month because they only get one check a month and know from experience that they don't have the discipline to save enough money to have food by the last week of the month.

How exactly does EBT work? I am Asian and my parents are always pissed off when they see Mexicans using EBT on things like steak and other luxuries

A lot of coupons are shitty snack food or deals so the left in the photo is shopping within their budget to get more

Shit like ebt is unironically good for small business and other corner stores

Its pretty much get n spend straight away in the local community

Its not like they are hording cash

But fuck welfare leaches

Its a confusing feel

Could it be that buying niggers' EBT is the smart move? Get more bang for your buck AND put a nigger six feet under, sooner.

But then they'll make a communist revolution, which will just be shittier for them anyway.

You'll find that anyone goes nigger when they are desperate. Most of the white EBT users were employed.

They will just pimp out their children or train them to hustle and steal (since its harder to convict minors) before they let them starve since starving kids are annoying as shit.

Shit, but then you pay your taxes to subsidize his medical care because he ate, drank, and smoked his way into the hospital

Someone run the numbers, which way is more expensive?


>once every 2-3 weeks
No it happens on the first of the month when the welfare check arrives.


>All forms of welfare should only go to


Not really, I used to do this.
The nig will eat much much healthier and much less without his foodstamp cheetos and mountain dew

How is that a red pill...? That's basic greed/stupidity. I bought like 5 pizzas, 10 1$ jambalaya mix boxes and a box of sausage with mine. I don't eat vegetables making 1800+ a week since then.

Either make it to non snack/soda (you can drink water out the fucking faucet I have my entire life) or outright WIC style.



This is hilarous

Everyone should be given a small amount in EBT each month, unless you make over 100k a year, we're rich enough, just need to cut a little military offense spending.

Cutting 1% should do the trick, maybe 2.

Set up ebt so that it can only purchase staple foods like rice or beans, meat, dairy, and vegetables. Begars dont get to be choosers. You would save the taxpayer an incredible amount of money and make people healthier in the process. A hotplate can be bought for 20 bucks. I worked like a damn dog my entire life and here are these fucking leeches living off the corrupt tit.

pic sure falls accurate for me

I'm a mexishit who pays cash on everything, my trips to the grocery store usually set me back about $60 every week and a half. When I go, I see carts stocked up like that and just know they're getting it free

What is it with nigs and bikes? I almost never see them riding. The few times I have, I just assumed they stole it.

>Everyone should be given a small amount in EBT each month,
NO. Everyone should not be given money. Everyone should work for their bread. IF they don't work, I have a very cost effective program. We deliver food directly to the house. There are plenty of farmers who would be happy to provide excess for this.

Why did we move away from government cheese?

I was on EBT when i was a college student. I even wore my school's shirt when shopping just so fuckers know I'm a poor student and not some low life.

Republicans put a lot of welfare programs into effect. That being said, the Dems sure are riding high on it.

Good idea except the part where Nabisco, Coke, every junk food corporation ever would lobby the shit out of that.

It’s not just food stamps for basketball Americans. It’s also food stamps for corporations that get their shit purchased on the government dime.

>that distance between the pool and the trampoline

I'll also add that I personally know of several people who get upwards 800 a month in food stamps. One couple I know files separately and get around 1200 in food stamps a month! It's ridiculous, and every time I'm reminded I think of how broken the system is. perhaps beyond repair


When I was in high school. One night I saw a nig riding a bike while carrying two more on his back.

The statue of liberty's bloody bite marked tit. A nation of immigrants who see the system as something to be exploited rather than something their ancestors toiled to build, something to be protected.

>ow can the massive EBT program (a favorite gibs program of the Dems) be made more fair?

Simple. The taxpayer will either consent to pay for the programs and pay extra. Or the taxpayer will not consent to paying for these programs and pay less.

Opting to not pay for social program means you are barred from using it until 5 consecutive years of payment on taxes are met.

If the program runs out of money, then clearly it was broken and unsustainable.

Now correlate the trash and the amount of waste a shit skin like in OPs pic will waste.

Half that food will go to waste and they probably don't recycle either.

holy shit! of course satan is a woman.

>be leaf
>go to store first day of the month
>get all i need with a basket
>walk past beer section
>mass pile of chimp fuckery
>look further in
>no beer
>top kek

their is a big problem with welfare, i had 3 friends who chose welfare life and 1 died of heroine overdose
>turn 18
>ask gobmint for welfare
>also mentions they smoke weed and are alcoholics
>gobmints gibs them dats

a lot of people noticed this years ago but blame it on deh white devil.
i saw a woman in the grocery with a moms demand action shirt on, noticed a 50 yr old white male notice it too, scoffed as we made eye contact, no response.
whites are cucked, my frendo

100k ain't shit, you leftypol faggot.

Take the Keto-pill anons, to kill the processed food industry.

Keto is the way to go.

>neofag fallout

Hear! Hear!

I could live with the USA being for ever Republican.

Until they fix taxes to kill loopholes, and make corporations pay at least 35%. Sure why not..

do you think that hurt? would getting shot in the head just kill you, so you'd be dead so quickly that it isn't a painful death like being shot in the stomach and bleeding out?

People on gibs should be barred from voting. Thats how you save democracy

>Work at Target as a cashier
>Mexican moms (the fat brown native-looking type) always pay with 100 dollar bills


of course it doesn't hurt, are you retarded friend?

>big red

Mexican confirmed