>The three richest people in the US – Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett – own as much wealth as the bottom half of the US population, or 160 million people.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett are richer than poorest half of US
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Nationalism when
They are all ultra liberals too. It's almost like the rich liberal elites want to keep poor people and trick people into supporting their agendas.
Maximum income when
>rich people have more money than poor people
>allow monopolies to form
We will confiscate these filthy capitalist rats wealth and redistribute it to the proletariat.
Bill Gates donates millions...to Africa. Why not to working class citizens here? Because he is a rat. Work with us, we have some common goals fellow socialists. National or otherwise.
The cuck magazine
Who's smarter and harder working?
Bill Gates or a nigger from Baltimore?
This writer probably failed algebra
And they're all self made. The fucking American dream.
Gates is donating his fortune to charity, too. What a guy.
that's why they're liberals, to keep liberals from taking their shit.
Are people not allowed to make money from a business they own?
Considering 90% of low-middle class normies have negative wealth due to mismanagement of finances and the insistence on borrowing money for deprecating assets like cars that end up tied up perpetually as collateral on loans they can never pay back literally anybody who is in the black can be said to be richer than the combined wealth of like the bottom 25% of the country.
And Americans are better off and wealthier than half of the planet's population by sheer virtue of being born somewhere, but that isn't sensationalist enough for them to report on is it.
Yes, goy. He's clearly leaving billions upon billions of dollars to (((charity))). There's absolutely no way he's evading taxes or funding globalist agendas.
You can look up what Gate's fortune is being spent on yourself (mostly heath care, nutrition and education). His foundation is the largest transparent charity the world.
Buffet is actually the most charitable person in the world, they're really quite amazing people.
Good goyim yes believe they are spending the money on you
What does Warren Buffett own to be so rich?
Gates and Bezos make sense.
Not me, certainly. I don't need it.
Buffet spent his entire life making good business, basically. He was fascinated by becoming rich. He held good jobs, always found new business opportunities and eventually make some very good investments. I think he got a huge amount of money from his Coca Cola investment.
>a monopoly
Apple, Linux, Android, Sony, competors in every direction
>a monopoly
7% market share
>Warren Buffett
>a monopoly