Someone in another thread mentioned this shit

Someone in another thread mentioned this shit.
>Destiny has thus far:
>Sexually assaulted a girl on stream
>Hurled racist slurs
>Failed multiple marriages
>Been a school dropout
>Been a carpet cleaner

Why is someone that's such a fantastic debater guilty of such things? It doesn't make sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's not a good debater.

Who is that dirty slav in a jump suit

I get that Sup Forums is jealous of his rugged good looks, but that's no reason to pretend he doesn't trounce everyone he debates.

>been a carpet cleaner

Then he must be among the lowest scum on the earth


A lot of great men start from humble beginnings.


>nu male face
>body of a 10 year old

What a Soyboy.

He talks like a 12 year old, debates like one and has the pubescent voice of a 12 year old too. He also obviously shops in the children's clothing aisle.

No wonder he is successful streaming games to kids. He has so much in common with them.

Be sure to check out
everydaycarry com
and to buy a blue microphone from bluemic com

whats this disease called?

Can people stop giving this troll a stool to stand on
Seriously i dont want to see this midget
This dwarf doesnt even make the height requirements for this site

Fuck off with this nobody


>hey what's up buddy
I bet he wish he knew what happend up above.

Wew, nick and his pet niggers are so salty that he won again. America first optics xD you fucking spic manlet

this, they're so mad that he won that they keep making threads about it

He doesn't?

Sargon embarrassed him.

>sargon of cuckad
>destroying anyone

WTF I hate Destiny now

This guy is probably one of those filthy Draven mains


yum bet you love slurping up that liberal tiny cock

No wonder people don't take us seriously with retards jerking off sargon

>Won a debate against a retard without any sources or preparation
Quite an accomplishment now lets see him bring on Ryan Faulk again and see if he refutes any of the points he made last time.


>such a fantastic debater
isn't this the guy who got his shit pushed in multiple times and ragequit?

That's why this guy is a shitty debater. He lost to fucking Sargon of all people.

Yes, but some fuckbag posts daily as if that big noggined manlet actually has won all debates he has participated in.

So did jontron, and naked ape

probably trying to stroke his own ego

Still haven't seen Steven refute the it comes down to personally responsibility argument Sargon made maybe you can try for him right now?

The only one who "destroyed" Destiny was Naked Ape. I actually felt sorry for him.

I wish Jim would debate this kid again. The last time was some top tier entertainment. Just calling him short is fun, but shitting on his ideas and watching him cry is something else.

that was funny. he even tried to nuke the video

Personally I'd rather clean carpets then get btfo for a living.

He actually raged and kicked Jim/Metokur out of his call when he was getting pounded by him.

>such a fantastic debater
gets me every time

Who calls themselves Steven Bonnell the 2nd. I mean, is Steben Bonnell junior really that bad?

Even when he names himself he comes in second.

You can add Jim ,Ryan, Thorin, and Leigh Huxley to the list. Destiny even admitted he couldn't refute any of their points without a degree.

You could tell Jim really got under Destiny's skin in that livestream.

I just watched Nick Fuentes vs Steven Bonnel Fight#2

Destiny really needs to learn what Culture is and why people love it because his materialistic views don't let him understand or comprehend what it is.

Here for anyone wanting to know how actually intelligent people debate:

full retard

>constantly misrepresent you opponents argument
>gets triggered and talk really fast

repeat these until the other side gets tired.
wow the manlet is dishonest, crazy concept.


lmao, you overplayed your hand


He legitimately made him take back everything he ever said about him for the last three years in just an hour completely annihilated him

gonna need a sauce on this


Wasn't this a discussion where Thorin was just venting his asspain at Destiny being a dick in the past?

>He hasn't seen this

Utterly btfo the guy

He never responded to my multiple attempts to try and debate him about Holocaust revisionism. That's one debate he'll lose.

It sounds like he should be /our guy/ but he isn't. What happened?

Actually it does. He had to improve his skills just to survive.

Remember when Destiny cited a study and Naked Ape knew it better than Destiny did?


It's the one where Thorin tells Destiny he's wrong on everything he thought he was right about and got completely blown the fuck out.

he rapes every conservatard that tries to debate him. it's embarrassing. watch his conversation with shkreli it's a better use of time, he links you to a nice autism test you all might want to try too.


>Be sure to check out
>everydaycarry com
>and to buy a blue microphone from bluemic com
I will check those out thank you.

Can win against Jontron but thats about it.

>Failed multiple marriages
How old is he ?

>when Shekreli brings up the autism test and Destiny shat his pants

So he is in his 30s

>Manlet attempts to talk over every person he tries to debate
>Captain Faggot doesn't let that shit happen and calls him out on it
>Manlet tries to name a study and falsely claim its points
>Captain Faggot knows the study better than he does and calls him out on it
>Manlet keeps trying to divert the focus to something else when he gets cornered
>Captain Faggot calls him out and explains exactly what he's doing and how he's done it in multiple other examples
>Turns out faggots are really good at detecting when someone else is acting like a faggot

Destiny sounds like Sup Forums's guy honestly

Unironically this.

Then why has no one on the Alt-Right been able to beat him in a debate? The other night I saw him debating about 5 (?) people on Lauren's stream and he seemed to handle them all - with only ad-hominems been thrown at him. While I don't agree with him on pretty much everything, he seems to be quite genuine and honest when he debates - and he helps expose autistic LARPers on our side, weeding out all the pseud-intellectual opportunists. I'd like to see him debate someone a bit more experienced on the right - I doubt he'll beat someone like Jared Taylor or even Stefan Molyneux.

He'd lose a debate with Gary Younge. That's how bad he is.

Destiny won the debate against:
-Fuentes (earlier today)

He's generally a good debater. Prove me wrong.

What did he score on the autismo test?

Late 20s. Pretty sure it's only one failed marriage and not multiple

Kinda. But he can't truly be, because he supports massive tax fuckery (wealth (re)distribution) and doesn't care about having small govt.

I'm half-way into the debate currently and at this point it's like Fuentes is blabbering 70% and Destiny is at 30%. Does it change it later on?

The debates with naked ape and "his destiny is autism" are good shit

Hes not good at debates. Every debate I've seen of his all he does is the classical liberal talk over everyone else, screams for everyone to cite sources on things that are common knowledge, and claims every source someone does come up with isn't valid or peer reviewed or something. Its nothing but excuses and shitty behavior.

Failed to refute most if not all his points and unironically sperged out and resorted to ad hominems
Same as above even got Destiny to say ridiculous shit like wanting to have a full scale invasion of Mexico instead of a wall.
>-Fuentes (earlier today)
Yeah but it's but that's not an accomplishment by any means Destiny literally wrote an 18 page outline against a retard who brought no statistics or sources to a debate.
>He's generally a good debater. Prove me wrong.
Literally debates low hanging fruit and refuses to debate people that would give him any kind of challenge like Ryan or Stefan.


>Then why has no one on the alt right been able to beat him

He couldn't beat a literal drunk I don't know why people think he's some great debater.

>Failed to refute most if not all his points and unironically sperged out and resorted to ad hominems
Sargon literally engaged in tactical nihilism. He's literally saying "I care about muh equality, socialized medicine etc., but here's where we draw the line for no reason whatsoever" and "I can't explain these issues, I won't explain them by race realism, but I won't accept your either". More people might've liked Sargon's answers but Destiny's took most points if you want to be intellectually honest.

>Same as above even got Destiny to say ridiculous shit like wanting to have a full scale invasion of Mexico instead of a wall.
I love Metokur, but he got BTFOd hard. Ultimately every one of his responses could be boiled up to "hah" in sarcastic disbelief tone, without bringing anything to the table. Metokur had no coherent position from which he is arguing, it's just a collection of popular points without anything being behind them. My guess is that Metokur would generally agree with Alt-Right positions but he doesn't want to go public with it so he's arguing from the point of Sargon-like outdated classical liberalism. Again, if you're intellectually honest Destiny is more consistent and doesn't engage in tactical nihilism ala "I don't care if that other group does badly, but I care for this other group without being a racist".

Also, USA should invade Mexico.


one of the worst things about Destiny is that he's got a heavy case of Trump derangement syndrome. He turns into a gigantic fag when the subject is about Trump. Just mute the stream when that happens

>Fuentes is blabbering
Not really. Nick has a lot of "points" but he avoids discussing them in detail

>invasion of Mexico
Yes, to take out the cartels. With the Mexican government's permission (and help).

calm down pajeet, it is okey to be midget


if the things he's asking for sources on are common knowledge it should be pretty easy to cite a source then, shouldn't it? i get how that style of debate can seem clunky or even pathetic but it's still valid. In a debate it's about facts, it MUST be about facts, otherwise you get into anecdotes and touchy feely bullshit about your opinion, which, unless you're formally educated on the topic (ie: have a Masters or PhD) your opinion is worth fuck all without academic sources to back it up. And I say that as someone that fucking hates Destiny.


all it would take is a razor and a haircut and he would look a lot better

Jim isn't really alt right but he crushed Destiny.

>fantastic debater

Wew lad

Yeah I saw it and it was a cringefest
It was hypocrisy(density) vs consistant retardness(soygon) and soygon won

An example would be race:
>Race exists and it does influence people but only when I want it to exist
>Race/genetics deosn't mean anything.

Destiny is a dumb manlet, he got his ass raped in debates a few times, he's just dumb and delusional so he won't admit it.

I don't know if it counts but the Ryan Dawson one was brutal.
It isn't even considered a debate but more of a lecture if you ask me.

He also planned a murder and admitted it in a stream, also he condones peadophilic incest,
1:32:48 - destiny absolutely rekt by Mr Metokur

why hasnt he been permabanned?

>Sexually assaulted a girl on stream

Why so negative? Couldn't we at least TRY carpet bombing Mexico, and see if it helps?

No he is right, destiny asked glinkz to cite sources on why the cia wasnt trust worthy or credible despite the facts that every one knows that the cia is an agency with a long history of doing very bad shit. You are giving destiny way too much credabillity.

stop spending hours watching twitter users argue with each other.

this is a degenerate waste of time like watching someone else play video games.

I couldn't listen to that debate with Nick Fuentes last night
I made it about 20 minutes but Destiny's autistic screeching at anything Fuentes said was too much. I don't think he addressed a single point Nick made or asked about, he would always just reframe the question of point to the point of nonsense and then respond to the nonsense trying to show how it didn't make sense. He outright ignored data and statistics and used semantics to purposely confuse the situation to make answering it impossible, because he knew if he answered it honestly, it would show he was wrong.