Germany is finally a good lad

I hope Trump recognizes we are doing our duty and considering the F-35 as a way to pay our NATO dues. I mean, what else says "we are your servants" than buying the F-35 lemon?

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Muellner did not specify the other candidates, but AIN has learned from other sources that the GAF has been considering the Boeing F-15 Strike Eagle, the F/A-18 Super Hornet, and even a so-called Tranche 4 version of the Eurofighter. However, according to the requirements for the new fighter that Muellner listed in his conference presentation, the F-35 seems to be the key contender. The Luftwaffe chief said the new acquisition “must be survivable in a contested environment through low-observability by radar and infrared signature; have low emissions; offer stand-off capability with its sensors and weapons; and be capable of sensor fusion.

The mission set would include offensive counter-air; air interdiction; close air support; suppression of enemy air defenses; tactical reconnaissance; electronic combat; and nuclear deterrence, Muellner added. AIN believes that the last mission is a reference to the U.S. B61 nuclear free-fall bomb, which can be carried by the Tornado under NATO nuclear-release deterrence doctrine. An updated version of the B61 is due to be integrated on the F-35.

“If we bought the F-35,” Muellner continued, “it would fulfill our requirement, strengthen interoperability because other NATO members are acquiring it and make a contribution to balancing our trade surplus with the U.S.”

I hope you are satisfied now, Trumpstein Americans.

I wonder why all these countries are buying F35s yet it's only from Russiaboos on here that I keep hearing it's a total flop.

even english sources state that the f-35 still has a ton of flaws and unrelyability.

but why spend billions over billions on the eurofighter development when you "help out" the allies and buy their stuff anyway?! german tax spending habbits.

Should get the F-22. It looks way cooler.

f22 is the peak of aesthetics, it only goes down from there

>I wonder why all these countries are buying F35s yet it's only from Russiaboos on here that I keep hearing it's a total flop.

Honest answer? The F-35 is the only thing available that can actually meet all the arbitrary requirements set by the military... including "stealthy" (bs) capabilities.

Europe has no indigenous stealthy fighter bomber. It just does not exist. The F-22 is not available to purchase and is out of production anyway. The F-15 SE is a nice choice, but is still old tech and its stealth effect is minimal. The F-18 and the F-16 in their latest variants are even worse. Russian equipment is out of the question from a NATO perspective and Chinese stuff is shit anyway.

So what options are there left? A. build your own stealthy fighter bomber jet, which costs a lot and takes 20yrs or B. abandon the stealth meme.

Germany wants to do A., but that will mean we get the new jets in 2040 or so and B. can't be defended to the military by normies.

So we end up buying the F-35 at an enormous price tag, even though it lacks in various areas, because A. lack of alternatives, B. to satisfy Trump and his Republicans, C. because we cannot develop this shit on our own quickly and D. because normie politicians see buying 50 F-35s as the easiest and least problematic way forward.

It is like buying Teslas for your corporate fleet... it is a completely shitty decision which makes no sense from an operational point, but it is great PR.

you are wrong. russian jets are way ahead.

sure russian jets are cool looking but more 'lamborghini cool' than 'ferrari cool'

>including "stealthy" (bs) capabilities.
reduced visibility is real, by the ranges modern air to air combat is performed it matters

>because normie politicians see buying 50 F-35s as the easiest and least problematic way forward.
i hope your picking up more than that germany, cause we are buying more than that and have a 16th of your population

F22 looks way more futuristic. This is just a standard modern fighter by the looks

>economists talk about surpluss in Germany's budget
>''yo, ameri-chan, can we get your new shiny toy?''
Meh, thing is it's nothing special. Germany won't have it in any engage even if they buy hundreds of them. Theywill collect dust or patrol the sky over Poland if anything.
My point is that 2% or whatever germoney is contracted to be given yearly to NATO will go to NATO, they are just asking for something that looks like new rolex and not some IKEA furniture.

is the fire rising?

Is Germany even allowed to have an army anymore?

>reduced visibility is real, by the ranges modern air to air combat is performed it matters
It is absolutely real. Correct. But you forget when stealthy capabilities are required for the Luftwaffe. They are required to bomb Russia. But that is a non-scenario. Bombing Russia won't happen. The only time the Luftwaffe will use the F-35s will be to bomb some Islamists or other poor beggars with AK-47s and some Duskas. What you need for that scenario is a solid armor, not stealth.

>i hope your picking up more than that germany, cause we are buying more than that and have a 16th of your population
85 Tornados are still in service and will stay in service until 2025. These are to be replaced by the F-35s. So the max we will buy is 85. I am pretty sure we buy fewer than those. 50 is just a wild guess I read somewhere. Might be 60 or even 65, but likely not 80.

Yes, but it would lose to WW2 one.

>Is Germany even allowed to have an army anymore?
merkel argued that gibsmedats aids to afrikan countries should count as defense spending for the Nato 2% goal

>Theywill collect dust or patrol the sky over Poland if anything.
Our F-35s will be used in the exact ways the Norwegian, Danish, Dutch or British F-35s will be used. To bomb America's enemies in some Asian, Middle Eastern or African country.

When are the Baltics purchasing their share of F-35s required by NATO (the US)?

yes, but it's a joke. Germany's combat readiness for their Leopard-2's is something like 30% of the total fleet.

Germany has been leaning on NATO for the last 20 years and has really let their own capabilities erode.

>merkel argued that gibsmedats aids to afrikan countries should count as defense spending for the Nato 2% goal
She also argued, successfully, that our contribution to Poland and Greece and for the refugees should be counted towards the 2% goal. The billions that go to Poland and Greece and Hungary ends up being put into the military budgets there, so it is a credible argument. As to refugees, only if they all sign up for CIA created Islamist organizations like ISIS would that argument make sense.

when 2% make enough for it and when moscovites already can build them.

>Germany's combat readiness for their Leopard-2's is something like 30% of the total fleet.
Define "total fleet" and define combat readiness.

We built 3,500 Leo 2s. 1,400 were sold to all kinds of allies, even Canada. Of the remaining 2,100 Leos, we kept 300 in use, scrapped, donated or mothballed the rest. The 300 we use are by vast majority operational, no joke. The mothballed Leos (a few hundred) are rusting away and are not operational.

The reason why we only have 300 Leos in service is because we have never really used them and do not see a credible scenario of using them. What we use abroad is our mobile artillery, our light and mid-sized infantry tanks (Puma and Marder) and a shitton of armored vehicles for personell transports.

>I mean, what else says "we are your servants" than buying the F-35 lemon?
Bringing in the 4 wives of every man you just imported.

>when 2% make enough for it and when moscovites already can build them.
you are quite rich, you can increase those % to 4% and buy at least 20 F-35s.

>be under us occupation
>have a non-joke army
pick one

>Bringing in the 4 wives of every man you just imported.
We did not import US&US greatest allies young men, so I doubt this says (((we are your servants))).

What a time to be alive, germany is considering buying planes meant for assault rather than defense.
I havent thought you guys would be back on track so soon

Our military is a branch of the US military. The US is very keen to keep our military up to some standards. It is an easy 200,000 soldiers which can be used as auxiliary troops in US wars.

walls can be that efficient when ballistic nuclear weapons are almost outdated technology by now. Dogs will bark, but won't bite if you can bite their head off and they know it.

your entire country is a branch of the us military, as is mine

But I thought yiu guys are strong and independent now. If Drumpf wants you to spend money in your military that's a good thing so you will finally be on your feet since WWII not only economically but militarily.

> you can bite their head off
You mean nuking some sand niggers would dissolve terrorism? Has anyone said that to the burgers? I think they used the wrong tactic the whole time.

>your entire country is a branch of the us military, as is mine
No, currently just 1.2% of our country is a US military branch. But Trump wants us to increase this to 2%.

>If Drumpf wants you to spend money in your military
Trump wants us to spend money on his weapons, not our military. This is why the B-61 nuclear free fall bomb cannot be mounted on the Eurofighter, only on the Tornado. But it is integrated into the F-35s.

More German metrosexuals will die for America in future wars and will not be buried with a true German flag in the future.

>he believes this us bullshit

Berlin here.

I remember when they organized this "anti-Trump protest" last year. Seriously, most of those people were not Germans. The vast majority of people who showed up to that were American liberal expats and other english speaking expats, and of course a small amount of lefties from Kreuzberg who go to every virtue signal protest the city can muster.

If history is any guide, Germany will request a bunch of Germany specific modifications to the jet which make it unsafe to operate and will lead to several German pilots crashing and dying.

the f-35 and f-22 programs are nothing more than a public line-item and test bed for other non-public projects.

>American liberal expats and other english speaking expats
Germany is ground central for liberalism. English speaking expats are just integrating. When they go back to London or America, they vote conservative and have 3 kids.

The F-104 was awesome. Widowmaker for a reason. German daredevils said "Safety? Can you pleaz remove zad safety."

You may be right, or that is just wishful thinking. They may stay in Germany, marry an arab or a turk and have 10 kids for that sweet kindergeld.

Germany is fucked, and so is their culture.

>anti-racist mural
>still portrays a chinaman with slanty eyes and a rice picker hat
top kek
by the way, congrats for your openness to diversity. I see you now have ceremonial gunfire after your weddings now.

>Germany is fucked, and so is their culture.
As long as there is Bratwurst, there is hope. No kidding. They never say Bratwurst is pork, it is implied. You just buy a Bratwurst. If you want a beef wurst, you buy a Rindswurst, which is grilled right next to the Bratwurst.

I wouldn't go that far now.
Germany is still largely homogenous.
German nationalism isn't dead, but it is spread out among rural populations and muted through social engineering projects since ww2.
I think in about 20-30 years you'll see exactly what you find in the US. The majority of the white conservative population will live outside of major city centers, and you'll have a large population of non-ethnic germans concentrated in urban cores. You'll see far more racial and ethnic segregation, but clear divisions between the populations. Ethnic Germans aren't going anywhere, but they will be forced out of their cities and their population will decrease.

Such is the refuge of the country side in America.

>tfw living in Germany but allergic to pork
>tfw so many muslims I can now get my salami and sausage in beef or turkey fleisch

>but allergic to pork
Impossible. Sorry, but it is literally impossible to be allergic to pork. Not even Asians are allergic to pork.

Don't try and talk to Americans, they literally just believe that Germany is full of niggers, yet Germany is still better off than America in terms of homogenous societies, not to mention East Germany seems to be gravitating to the right. Heard that Lower Saxony recently banned migrants into their provinces.

>way to pay our NATO dues

buy Russian get 30 fleets for the price of one

NATO has no Dues
It is a min amount of money you spend on your own damn military.

I think it's funny that the best fighting ace in aviation history told the Luftwaffe it was a tough plane to fly and it probably wasn't a good idea to buy a lot of them for the inexperienced pilots in the re-booted Luftwaffe and they told him to shut up and resign.

The problem is, in America, large urban centers have almost overtaken the rural areas as far as voting bloc's go. We are going to have to murder the city folk, or starve them out to lower their numbers so our representatives are a larger piece of the pie.

ok but why
I mean we pretty much protect you anyway why buy our military equipment

Start shooting the muslim invaders and we will respect you.

A bite from the Lone Star tick can cause people to develop an allergy to red meat, including beef and pork.

I developed a meat allergy about 4 years ago, after many tick bites in my life. However, the reaction is really only noticeable with pork. Much more mild with beef.

at least Israel knows how to treat Muslims.

...but I am an American

>Rindswurst, which is grilled right next to the Bratwurst
Is open flames even legal in Germany?

>I mean we pretty much protect you anyway why buy our military equipment
30k US soldiers left in Germany, the majority in auxilary units, mostly hospital staff and logistics.

200k German soldiers, 60k contractors and reserve.

You do understand that America's wars are expensive, so any billion spent by Germany is a billion earned by America?

f104 had speed and nothing else. it was an absurd design, flying that thing was fucking suicide.

This is true. Americans subsidize urban cores which then outbreed them, and finally outvote them.

The racial segregation in the US remains strong though. Even urban racial residential segregation is stronger than almost anywhere in the world. Although the US has a lot of blacks, whites and blacks do not live together.

Basically there was a agreement within nato that all countries had to put in so much towards defense. So far hardly any country but the US has been keeping to that.

Germany cannot elect a conservative or pro-German government. If they are still more white than we are then that just makes them all the more pathetic for being such self-hating cucks, and furthermore, with the way they elect leftists it won't last much longer. Mama Merkel will let in another million durkas next year just to show how tolerant they are.

There is no such thing as Germany.

>You do understand that America's wars are expensive, so any billion spent by Germany is a billion earned by America?
I guess but you're just spending to be spending. If Germany ever went into a war again the US would just transfer equipment to the country

The caliphate welfare bill will bankrupt you before theyre fully ready

Go on....

Yes, but your in Germany and you can actually see for yourself, not just believe everything they hear on Sup Forums as fact.

Yes, but your in Germany and you can actually see for yourself, not just believe everything you hear on Sup Forums as fact.

It has also been outclassed in some training fights by even F-16 and others like the French Rafale..
It costs a fortune to maintain, even just to fly in and out.
It’s a ballooning project cost-wise that became too big to fail.
Textbook 101 failure of a project, with constantly changing scope, poorly implemented (good) ideas, and used by too many people as a political tool rather than a military one.
Good luck with that... oh and the Chinese have downloaded the plans and most likely shared some with Russians and whatnot, meaning it will be vulnerable on day 1.

bro , do you think germans is just buy this shit? i bet that german ministry of defence is simply part of corrupted system with this f-35

Refugees only go to certain areas, where they stay and create a hive, like a ghetto. People are largely seperated, except for the idiots who stay in those areas (Berlin etc etc).The problem will not be solved politically for a very long time. Germany at least has areas of nationalism, which you never see in the media or ever demonstrated on Sup Forums, its something you have to actually see for yourself. Especially in the east.

>I wonder
That's because you're a retard. It isn't complicated.
And, yes, it's a bad plane, but that's hardly relevant.

From what I understand for a good pilot the original design wasn't that dangerous if used as a "fair weather fighter", it's original purpose.
But the Germans asked for a bunch of modifications to make it an all-weather bomber with a bunch of extra equipment that made it a lot less safe to operate.
The Spanish bought a bunch of them and never crashed a single plane.

that's a jew in the grey sweater in front of the nigger

>Germans can't build their own jet fighter
Is this shit for real?


I'm talking about the F-104 starfighter, not the F-35
It was basically a missile with wings.

true, we are all cosmic particles and stardust. there is only one nation and that is a human nation.

you do realize that we have more whites then germany right? We have 250 million whites, germany only has 89 million if im correct.

the F104 was definitely a product of it's time, it was a maximum performance early jet where the engineers went balls out to make something that went fast. The thing was meant as a short range bomber interceptor. The glide ratio is terrible due to the short wings and absurd wingtip tanks, plus range is poor, along with a low weapons capacity. Later planes, like the F4, vastly outshined it in capability.

Yes brother the fire is rising. But they are expecting a body in the wreckage. You must stay behind

The F-104 was from a time where Germany developed their own stuff with success.
Then bigger company's toke over and wasted all the potential they had to make their company more (((Cost efficient)))
I hope we buy the F35 only to kick the german weapon industry in the ass.

But I think that they wont go for it, they want to keep the jobs in Germany. And with the Job argument all the other arguments did not count.

Bin that flame!

That and the F22 has been kicking the shit out of everything else in dogfighting since it's inception, 20yrs ago. It literally out fly's much newer combat planes from other countries.

Actually, the numbers are way lower than that.

Total Military Personnel: 200.000
Active Military Personnel: 180.000
Reserve Personnel: 20.000-30.000

Moreover, most of the reports from 2015 and 2016 clearly show that the German Army is severely lacking equipment and maintenance + the command centers are filled with inexperienced officers.

>Germany's defense forces are stretched to the limit, military ombudsman Hans-Peter Bartels told lawmakers, calling for an urgent change in policy. The army currently has fewer personnel than at any time in its history.
>Germany currently has 177,000 soldiers, down from some 600,000 at the end of the Cold War. In 2011, Berlin decided to save money by providing only 70 percent of required equipment for some branches of the military, such as armored divisions.

Now, let's take a look at some other factors: your mechanized battalions (Panzergrenadier Battalion 371) is suffering from a shortage of pistols and night vision goggles; a shortage of MG3 machine guns resulted in the usage of painted broomsticks by the Bundeswehr in official NATO exercises; Panzergrenadier Battalion 371 had to borrow 14,371 pieces of equipment from a total of 56 other Bundeswehr units… and it was still short on equipment - and this is your "elite" unit.

You can easily check this info by yourself - it's all available online, from multiple sources. The state of the Bundeswehr is at a historic low, mainly due to political incompetence and poor leadership, and the army itself is filled with inexperienced soldiers.

Completely false. The German authorities have made sure to disperse the refugees all throughout Germany, as a means to limit the very effect you talk about - the forming of a ghetto. They made sure not to repeat the same mistake the French did back in the 70's with their Maghrebian "citizens", but sadly it backfired immensely due to the violent nature of the refugees themselves. Yes, they did not offer them the prospect of forming a ghetto, but instead they made sure to completely destroy the German demographics for the next 20 years or so.

That's how the German authorities have officially lost more than 40.000 refugees over the last year or so and that's why most of the media will actively suppress any negative news about them. Heck, if you actually know politics, AfD getting that score is a wake-up call for every single analyst and politician on this continent - it shouldn't have never happened, not in this "progressive, liberal and peaceful" Europe.

the F-35 is meme plane. One shitty overpriced "stealth" failure.
oh and Denmark bought 27 of these crappy over designed and over priced aircraft.

at least you're not stuck with crappy second-hand F-16s and MiG 21 *Flying-Coffin* Lancers


bah for our use the F-16s would do just fine. The maintenance on the F-35s will be astronomical. Also the (((stealth))) only works against modern long range radars. If anyone puts up WW2 era radar shit then the STEALTH planes will show up like anything else.
Its such a useless meme. Useful only when fighting extremely weaker nations and technological backwards countries.

Should we get the Typhoon instead? Definitively not buying the F-35.

>not going for the Dassault Rafale

the design committee put too many eggs in one basket. the F-35 would have been far better had they taken a different approach, ditched the VTOL, and just focused on a low-cost F5 or F16 type plane with F22 based tech.

90% of the combat advantage is in sensors and avionics. We spent a trillion fucking dollars trying to make the F35 multirole as fuck when we should have just stuck to the basics, but that's not how the US defense industry works any more.

I wouldn't trust the USA.

There is probably a switch they can flip that would turn all the planes off.

Better be prepared to null and void the warranty.

Those aren't for sale.

indeed. Its the jack of all trades crap that really fucks with the aircraft.
>that's not how the US defense industry works any more.

>There is probably a switch they can flip that would turn all the planes off.

You bet your sweet as there is one, and we all know who's controlling it - the same guys that got theirs completely for free.

can non ethnic germans there vote and get citizenship? if so you are fucked because the 20-35 age range is like 20% muslim already and will increase with them bringing their family over

why give the fence, Dutch and Belgians German territory? they are just as cucked. give it to the east