What does Sup Forums know about Black Cube

The private intelligence agency, staffed by ex-Mossad, MI6 and ex-CIA agent, used by Weinstein to bury rape allegations.

Inside Black Cube:

Unlikely an entire organization existed just to protect Weinstein.

Raises a lot of questionS:
Who else has been hiring this organization? What 'services' are they offering?
Could they be linked to Fusion GPS and the DNC?
What crimes are they committing in sovereign states in order to protect their clients?
Are they murdering people?
Can they be linked to Seth Rich?

Other urls found in this thread:


Too dangerous to touch?

It's the spaceship where the jew god lives

du- dude... don't talk about the black cube. Seriously.

They are a mossad front group that protects Jewish rapists and pedophiles. Ehud Barak was heavily involved in Epsteins lolita island and here is fixing Weinsteins problems.


Fuck off satan you filthy cunt.

Barak was a regular vistor and friend of Epstein



My cousin worked for the FRB in San Francisco. He sniffed out a board member who was involved in some SWIFT shenanigans around the time of the LIBOR scandal and was transferred and promoted. In KC, he started getting invited to a lot of functions outside the bank due to his position, which was more public than previously. Each time he went to one, there was one of two women there who were "aggressively" flirting him up. He was going through a divorce at the time, and that was amicable and not even on file yet. He once saw the two of them conversing at a cocktail reception, and basically wrote them off as scammers, due to which he reported them to the FRP.

The FRP investigated the two women, who disappeared as if they had never existed. Months later, he was briefed that they were PIs for the organization mentioned here, hired by the BoG member who had been caught by my cousin. They were both apparently Israeli-US dual citizens.


What are these?


Did someone say Black Cube?

Federal Reserve Police
Board of Governors

Saturn worshipers must die

I have recently converted to Saturnism. We will control you all.

murdercube is best cube


I don't like cubes

>esoteric meaning of black cube

That's disturbing.

How can they operate in the US without the FBI and CIA being all over them? Surely that has to be breaking a ton of laws.

Is that the cube you can spin around in NY?

Yeah. I originally posted this with the Black Cube logo, but something went wrong, and came up with 404 when I clicked on it from the catalogue.

The recent movie IT had a scene with a black cube appearing on Hexagram in the window, don’t know how many paid attention to it.

The scene was on the Synagogue when the Jewish kid sees the scary woman for the first time.

the black cube represents Saturn
check out a photo of saturns north pole
the jews worship Saturn
hence Saturday is their day of worship
also worshippers of the cube o Saturn seem to
love purple
Saturn was the old sun
now jesus is the new son

>Can they be linked to Seth Rich?

That would have been MS-13 "hired" by the DNC to do it, then they would have been whacked afterwards.

These guys are glorified private investigators.

the storm on the north pole of Saturn rotates the same direction as the people who pray around the cube in mecca
Saturn gives off unique radio patterns

Purple is the color of royalty since ancient times, Semitic Phoenicians-Cartagians controlled the purple trade in antiquity.

NWO going back to a time before the Sumerians use their control over our lives for the last 5,000+ years to drain our life force to be sacrificed to a super god known as the Saturn Moon Matrix.



That exact same cube sits infront of Westfield mall in massapequa ny

Without going into too much detail I used to work within a British law firm in Manchester. Obviously with the level of profession I was in smart dress code was the regular. Some of my colleagues would often wear cufflinks, and obviously they'd have different ones in rotation week-by-week. Some of our more prestigious clients would often come in wearing matching cufflinks to their chosen lawyers too. This wouldn't really be all that odd as most would just wear the standard silver/gold bars, but there were a few clients who would match with these 'black cube' links. I've never been massively into fashion, and honestly one of the reasons I fell out of the profession was due to the snobbish culture, but a few times I'd ask my workmates where they bought their links from and they'd either ignore the question blatantly, or laugh at me and tell me 'you wouldn't be able to afford them even if I told you'. Furthermore most of these clients were in DEEP shit. We're talking money laundering, selling private information to rival businesses, even large-scale drug operations. It's probably nothing and inconsequential but I thought it'd be worth a mention

the law firms you worked at would be worth a mention

Kikes and other underground enclaves love to tease this little social cues that allow other members of their group to identify them, whilst still being innocent-looking enough to not draw much attention. You wouldn't believe the sheer amount of Masons I've discovered while working in the big-money world Just paying attention and laying low.

Another group of spooky kikes. They dont deserve the respect of anyone. Litteraly kiking their own customers aswell

Guaranteed LARPer. Also Manchester is an irrelevant backwater town, there is no reason for these people to "operate" there.


For Blackcube:

1. This is the parent or affiliated company listed on the Blackcube website: bc strategy ltd (apparently its head office is some grimy-looking Tel Aviv office block)

2. Blackcube has only been in London since 2012: beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08153977

3. The British arm of the company has an individual named Avi Yanus listed as Director: companiesintheuk.co.uk/director/11013663/avi-yanus

4. They advertised on anfacebook page for London-based Israeils (lol) for a HR manager in 2012: facebook / BeLondonYesh / posts / 477868298949341

Is this in any way related to niggers in Cuba?

So was Trump

Looks like this is how much money they're turning over:


You can't handle the truth about the Muslim religion

You think it's a game until you fall out of a window.

You wouldn't too John.

The thing I dont get its feminism vs jews.
If I where a sionist jew I would thrown Weinstein to finances and keep the jews in the "right side"

So jews and muzzies both have the black cube as a major symbol in their religion, what about Christianity? A cube is a cross when opened.

5g is going to be black boxes everywhere

You're busy this morning

our allies get free reign to do as they please goyim, no matter how detrimental to national security.

just kidding, (((they))) are the 5th column.

I keep seeing this Black Cube meme and I'm 100% convinced at this point that it's real. A fucking literal manifestation of Saturn/Satan. The hexagon on the poles is a 2D representation of a cube, the jews have known about this for aeons, and it explains why some of them are committed to evil underhanded shit.Are we facing the final boss of the universe or what? If I'm still bluepilled give me a quick rundown

Don't ask.

>Israeli tries to call someone out Mossad style by using one of the most common names in the history of the English language


What's the deal with the star of david? Why dont you use the menorah?

Because it's funnier to put your zionist symbol everywhere
>t. la tumba del Cid

Take the train to Astor Place.

The mystery deepens.

Avi Yanus is in his mid-30s and has been registered at several addresses in London since 2012.

One of these addresses is linked to another intelligence agency named Tzur Intelligence Ltd, perhaps a precursor to Blackcube, perhaps another shell company these "people" use.


>Group of Jew Spooks
>Name group "Black Cube"

They're a literal polandball meme.