Guys... I think we're losing our influence in this country. FUCK...
Guys... I think we're losing our influence in this country. FUCK
At least I made this....
Virginia was already blue.
Reminder that the Virginia vote was a proxy for White ethnic replacement. Actual Americans vote comfortably Republican, but actual Americans are outweighed by Black and Hispanic bloc voting.
>Virginia Exit Polling
Republicans need explicit appeals to White identity and group interests so that Whites bloc vote (R) the same way Blacks and Hispanics bloc vote (D) for their own racial interests.
A small increase in White turnout and White bloc voting (R) means permanent Republican victories, the Sailer-Coulter strategy:
>GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote
I still think Virginia is flippable. Gillespie was a cuck and the political landscape will look much different in 2020.
that's a little exaggerated
OMFG blue states who voted for hildawg turned blue
drumf on suicde watch
Most Virginians literally work for the govt, and the GOP in Virginia are not real bright. It's a blue state.
dont get cocky
>>>>>>Our influence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Historic wave
You won power in a massive way, then didnt know what to do with it, made some mistakes and tried to go all in immediately instead of slowly transitioning people into your movement. This is similar to the post-Brexit regret. Now we need to get some accomplishments or the pendulum is going to swing hard to the other side of the populist spectrum, which is Bernie Sanders socialism married with the most degenerate identity politics you can think of. Democrats are already starting to go in that direction.
Nice copywriter ,lol...
Do you faggots really think the people reading this post will react or care to your regurgitating directly from Shareblue daily press points?
>Shareblue and all its w9's are getting RICO'd
Google CTR before you deposit that dirty money.
>anons are gonna pull your card soon
Pic related
holy sheeEEEEIT IMPEACH DRUMPF NOW!!1!!!11!!!
>Republicans need explicit appeals to White identity and group interests so that Whites bloc vote (R) the same way Blacks and Hispanics bloc vote (D) for their own racial interests.
This. Republicans need to be dominantly pro white on all positions and all republicans who are not needs to be long knived.
Fucking hillarious how democrat shills continuously try to push a blue state remaining a blue state as some kind of massive victory.
How demoralized have you poor faggots become that you are euphoric about not losing a state you already had. It is like that retarded kid proudly showing everyone is his participation trophy.
This is exactly why the Left is obsessed with keeping whites demoralized, divided, and with no racial identity. If whites set aside their petty differences and vote as one, the left dies within a decade.
Wait until you see the midterm election results next year. Sad.
>trusting polls
Did you learn nothing from the presidential election?
You didn't have influence.
You had a reactionary knee-jerk that was overplayed and is since being corrected so that it won't upset the order if it happens again.
Remember, your place is to represent the world left behind, a continual reminder for everything global liberalism has changed for the better.
LOL Virginia GOP. In other news, liberals won big in California. The right is finished!
Overall result from Virginia:
-1 state legislature seat; maintained overwhelming majority control of VA Legislature
This is what Democrats consider "historic"
It was a blue state that even trump didn't win. These are shill threads. Sage and move on.
>give 200K+ felons voting rights
>State turns blue
iMAgiNe My ShAWk
Wow the left really can't meme
Fuck off dude we know who you are. Saged
Go to VA
Niggers everywhere
Fags everywhere
Why did we lose?
I think you should look at the chart again. The obvious statistical difference is thr percentage of the white vote. Clinton 35%, Northam 42%. The overall percentage of the white vote remained the same at 67%.
An extra 7% of 2/3rd the total vote means that Northam got an extra 121,000 white votes that Hillary didn't. Multiply that by 2 because these voters swung(+1 D, -1 R). That's 242,000 votes. The actual margin between Northam and Gillespie was 232,000 votes.
The wave happened because white voters swung toward Democrats, not the other way around.
Virgina was red until it was flooded with shitskins and that's what's going to happen to the rest of the red states
Fuck but why, why vote for a radical change in scenery then slash the tires of the vehicle responsible for getting you there? It's madness
people who didnt vote the first time bought the bullshit that the media was selling them.
>20% black
Virginia is long gone.
Virginia is prime territory, user. Lots of suburbs and moderate sized cities. Even the rural areas have places like Roanoke, Blacksburg, and Radford. Higher income, higher education. Places where Trump struggled.
All this really tells anyone is that the Democrat strategy to target suburban districts in '18 is a good one. The mid-terms will still be a bloody political fight.
An actual measured response from main stream media
>elect a bunch of retarded nigger trannies to rule over you
Fuck I remember white America in the 1980s fuck 2017.
So many Niggers every where
This shit reminds me of my childhood.
>b me
>older brother, 8 years diff
>play ping pong
>all the time
>always kicks my ass
>finally pull out a 2 point victory
>You suck!
>It's over, I win now!
>my final all time record
That's the Dems right now, 1-12,366. Good job guys, here's a cookie.
>Bernie Sanders socialism married with the most degenerate identity politics you can think of
Basically, Democrats are gonna go full Brazil; including trying to ban guns (reduced to using cucked bolt-actions with 6 gorillian dollar liscences that leftist judges can deny you anway), since the murder rate will keep going up and up as the shitskin population rises.
This is why the US needs to Balkanize before leftists get full control of the Feds.
>Bernie Sanders socialism married with the most degenerate identity politics you can think of
Basically, Democrats are gonna go full Brazil; including trying to ban guns (reduced to using cucked bolt-actions with 6 gorillian dollar licensees that leftist judges can deny you for no reason), since the murder rate will keep going up and up as the shitskin population rises.
This is why the US needs to Balkanize before leftists get full control of the Feds.
Same fag much?
honestly in a lot of local area elections here county seats that have been republican since 1799 just went D for the first time literally ever. it was an off year election so who gives a shit, but I'm in a swing state and it could definitely be a bad sign for 18 and 20
They actually have a huge voter fraud problem. Dems will keep winning there.
democratic controlled states account for the vast majority of american GDP, and their tax bases artificially prop up your repulsive shitholes
rather than complaining about "muh libtards", conservacucks should concentrate on proving that their policies dont run communities into the ground, because all empirical evidence demonstrates this.
So you tellin me an East Coast state thats a suburb of DC likes big government democrats???
It must absolutely blow when the only excitement you get out of life any more is pretending that the shill thread you wrote yourself is actual news to be excited about... Every time I see a thread about "SHE WON!" or "DRUMPF IS FINISHED" or "WE R LOSING GUIZ" I just picture some faggy urbanite in his overpriced cuckbox apartment drinking a glass of wine sobbing uncontrollably, his hands shaking as he types the thread out, picks out the perfect terrible leftist meme, and clears the captcha before letting in just a ghost of a smile when he sees it land on the board and he can finally pretend... She won.
Grow a dick, chicken little.
>its easier for the dems to control rich areas full of money and semetic allies
Republicans and democats didn't exist until well into the 19th century retard.
>how do you do fellow Trump supporters, >democrats won in a blue state, it's over
Why hello there Shareblue, why don't you and Brock go off yourselves?
>everyone who disagrees is a shill!
This is why Northam won.
But a Republican was elected in PA to the Supreme Court. Considered blue also like Virginia before 2016. 'Historic',more like the first average news they could possibly report.
>more fence sitting democrats get motivated to get off their lazy stoner asses and vote because of the 24/7 media barrage of FUCK DRUMPF FUCK WHITE PEOPLE
They really are getting fucking desperate at this point. Pathetic.
t. actual shill
Considering Bush and Obama, the damage is already done in Virginia.
Trump took back Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania!
Bush could never do that.
>Posts 2012 election results proving Virginia was Democrat state in 2012
>Tries to make nonsensical point
>Fails miserably
Thank you for disproving this thread topic
If you want to end transfer payments and entitlements you're welcome to do so at any time.
*blocks ur narrative*
Virginia was red until all the fucking immagrants and marylanders moved here.