No original content or real EU posters are left. They have all been raped and killed. Now whenever you try to contact the European resistance they just grunt and post recycled memes. The reason is that they have been replaced. By jews and by mudslimes.
Went you see their posts remember. This could happen here. Let the fall of the Euro/pol/ remind us never to turn our backs to the jew.
But we must give up on Europe. They are lost and we must look to our own.
Europe has fallen
kys t: Pekka
No they are not left here. They got their shit together and found comrades in the real world to really change stuff. Unlike you Amerimutt
>comrades in the real world to really change stuff.
Yeah now they can really commit terror with their friends
so much more change
this meme sure opened the salt mines in fatistan
IOTBW came from America though which is the only thing from here I've seen that involved going outside. Besides the seed ball thing but that was Americans too.
this is some shit bait
Making changes in the real world like what, re-electing Merkel? You're fucking pathetic, by the way the destruction of Europe is on YOU, kraut, not the U.S. Literally three times in a row, you are the cancer of the West.
This thread is blessed by kek
He wants us to give up on the europoors until they can solve their own problems instead of just blaming America for everything and sweeping their problems under the rug with these shit memes.
>says the literal jew lackey
do remind me who killed the nazis and who destablised the middle east, casuing the flood of refugees?
oh ofc it was that kike shithole america
>wah its all big bad Americas fault
>we arent a culture of push overs that spread our ass to the muslims hordes
>do remind me who killed the nazis
>who destablised the middle east
British Empire
>casuing the flood of refugees
And that'd be Merkel. It's a shame I have to hear this from a Hungarian, I guess this is what Soros' $18,000,000,000 bought for him.
well this garbage cultural marxism all comes from america so pretty much yeah
oh yeah the brits started the war in afhanistan, iraq, iran and the ones bombing syria
fuck off mutt
oh also
>muh soros
fuck off, why would any hungarian nationalist like america? for bombing our cities twice in the last 60 years? and then pushing your jew shit propaganda with cnn constantly?
nah mate, fuck off
Americans are Europeans but they were to lazy to work and live a normal life so they ran away across the ocean looking for gold and shiet America≤Europe
You might be confusing America with Canada
every msm propaganda comes from america and then the hungarian jew lackey sites just translate them
hungarian liberal news are literally just a bunch of translated cnn articles
The utterly haphazard divestment of the British Empire lead to those conflicts, yes. Afghanistan is not a problem, the problem is that the British drew the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan right down the middle of Pashtunistan, AKA the Taliban's homeland, and that invisible line is the only reason the war wasn't over in 2001. Iraq once included Kuwait till the British decided to make Kuwait its own country (it had all the oil and was ruled by British puppets). Saddam's attempt to retake what was traditionally his gave us the Gulf War. I could go on and on. We are only picking up the broken pieces left by our Anglo cousins.
By the way, just because refugees exist doesn't mean you have to take them in you fucking mongoloid. Europeans have only themselves to blame.
Well, America just democratically elected 7 trans people to lead you. So there's that.
We just elected Trump, and you just spurned Wilders. Fuck off Aquafresh.
>I read translated CNN articles online so fuck America
Hungary confirmes ghost town.
you do realise that those were soviet controlled territories after the war right? the brits haven't had any influence there for a very long time, then the americans armed muslim rebels and then started fighting them, devastating the whole area
but " we dindu nuffin", sure nigger, sure
except that's exactly what the americans told us, constantly, every single day during the crisis and gonna remind you that there's 35000 american soldiers stationed in germany, they don't have a choice in doing anything other than what america says, and you told them to take refugees
amermutts, destroying one country at a time because jews told you, and then you wonder why no one likes you
>lol cultural marxism isn't coming from america xd
>except it does
>lol ghost town xd
american """"""intellectuals""""""
>over 90% white
>no daily mass shootings in kindergartens
>incredibly rich history
>while pantheon of different languages, cultures and customs
>4% white
>daily shootings
>no culture
>spanish and ebonics are the only spoken languages
But somehow it's Europe that's finished lmao @ mutts
This was before the Soviet Union existed you imbecile.
>The absolute state of Hungarian beat farmer education
Look past the Europoors, they are no longer white, we must look to our own, I agree brother, I agree.
yeah that's exactly my point, the british empire (lol fucking empire what age are you even talking about) haven't had influence there for a long time, it was the americans who destabilised the region with constant wars, are you retarded?
oh that's a given
Ave, True to Caesar!
>Marxism literally came from Russians
>socialist EU jails you for wrong thing
>America has a national white supremacist movement getting nonstop media coverage
>President is called a racist bigot
Your shit is ass backwards
Hollywood is very powerful remember that anons. We're breaking through the conditioning.
you don't even know what marxism is do you, let alone cultural marxism
You're in denial of all the hate towards Americans. Not a single country ( but probably Japan and Korea) likes you. We can all see through you. And ffs the Jews are fucking you. Have you seen your government and media?
>except that's exactly what the americans told us, constantly, every single day during the crisis and gonna remind you that there's 35000 american soldiers stationed in germany, they don't have a choice in doing anything other than what america says, and you told them to take refugees
We aren't in charge of your countries numbnuts, your leaders make their own decisions. What, if you don't yourselves then we're going to drop the 82nd Airborne into Berlin? Don't make me laugh. If we could just tell the EU then a lot of things would be different, your NATO force budgets for example.
>Get shot.
t. Janez
Yeah it's commy think by a German forest nigger that Russians loved so much they made a country out of it
imagine becoming this fucking butthurt from some simple banter
Original content for you amerimutt
You and the sand niggers must be bonding well over tour hatred of freedom
can confirm
Sup Forums would actually be so much more productive if Americans weren't on here. They're so fucking stupid and believe the "white is a race" meme so fucking hard that they base their whole fucking thought process on how white someone is.
> The moors invaded Spain. I know, we all know. Don't really care too much in all honestly.
>white isnt even a thing
Amerimutt posters true colors show
Hello from Europe. In my country there are no niggers. We stand strong unlike you mr. *le 56% white face
show your flag you fucking nigger and a nipple, dick and face pic
>tiny ass country smaller that one state
Yeah I'm sure you'll be a real world power landlet
>le -1% face
I'm sorry your village didn't teach this in serf school. I will help. In 1896, Queen Victoria (you know, the Empress of India?) drew the Durand Line formally separating Afghanistan and Pakistan, dividing in half the homeland of the most aggressive fucking tribe in the region, the Pashtuns. This is the obstacle to this day in defeating the Taliban and it is the reason the war can't end without also invading Pakistan. Victoria is similarly responsible for carving
(contd) Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan, giving us the endless India/Pakistan wars.
White isn't a thing.
Slavs are a thing. Gaulls are a thing. Germanics would've been a thing if they didn't get splintered to form multinational empires like Prussia and Austro-Hungary.
Now, Europids are a thing, but many of Europids aren't light-skinned. Indo-Europeans are a thing too but about half of those are Asian (at least that's what paki rape gangs are called in Britain, though in US even they will probably count as white).
Sup Forums for years couldn't even come to a consensus whether the Slavs and Irish are white, yet you claim that "whites" are a real thing.
t. FSB propaganda officer
Nah, whites are a thing. Slavs just aren't white.
Now you're just asking for it, amerimutt.
>Niggers with 0% white are some kind of powerful darkness beings
Wow you must really love niggers
you know Europe isn't a single country, right? countries like Poland and Hungary got their shit together by not accepting migrants.
we got some good people here in Bulgaria too, pic related.
Thanks to ur stupidity
>you know Europe isn't a single country, right?
You don't need to tell us. The German Chancellor however could probably use a reminder.
somebody is triggered...
This is a divide and conquer tacktic, do not let the jews promote in fighting amongst the white man.
It's far worse than a nigger. It's a mongrel.
The begotten form of something humanoid after countless DNA corruptions.
Did you just change your IP? You sound like the same retarded Hungarian from earlier.
>pure whites
Pick one
But burgers aren't white
>There must be a Hungarian IP-shifting proxydemon on Sup Forums, shitposting le 56% memes
Show us more of your "I love America" folder. How deep does the psychosis go?
>Slavs just aren't white
>"proxydemon" jargon
>like going from one IP to another is complicated
Well I guess if your entire Hungarian village shares a modem.
lol, have a (You)
Sure. Pic related - Polish border patrol captures refugees from Syria and deports to Belarus, which means deportation back to Syria. Leftist media howl in outrage.
>Slavs aren't white
nobody is ever able to prove this, and never will
The fightback starts in Poland.
I actually kind of hope that you guys help us a little with the whole ZOG problem
I think Europe can still reverse it now. But I have no idea since I'm not over there. For all I know they could probably be more white than the US at this point. By the looks of statistics and videos they seem fucked.
lol, no sorry sweety but those europeans seem pretty healthy to me.
lel, we are still here deporting afghans and watching Sweden crash and burn from over the fence
Never turn your backs to the Jew? May be a bit difficult not to as they OWN the United States.
Third day of divide and conquer, huh?
really now
East Europe is just laughing
Britain is still fighting. We are all in. Fuck them.
Christ, I really hope Brexit happens.
We're fucked.
OK achmed.
Please do
>not all ppl with vaginas are women
The federal state I live in has no community of mudslims whatsoever. There is a bunch of refugees that try to make their way but they don't succeed and we kick their asses every once in a while when we're bored in town.
they fear us whites like the devil by now.
pic related, its from the village I was born in
when your leaders initially told Merkel to fuck off I assumed it was mere posturing to try and negotiate some sort of additional perks for themselves. I thought there was absolutely no way politicians in the east weren't every bit as self-serving and traitorous as here (UK).
Now I think I was probably wrong. It's great, even if I don't get it.
Not all of Europe is lost. We must stand with the few based countries over there doing their best to fight off the invasion. Sweden and France of course are totally lost, and going forward need to be treated as the Islamic colonies that they are.
Yes please. Please, leave Europe alone. We do not want your "help".
If a fascist coup was to happen in my country, America would be there to stop it and (((save the day))). Same for the rest of Europe.
You cleaned up the shit you made during the war, ok, good. Now get the fuck out of here.
War in EU is unavoidable.
America will be first "Former" western country fell into third world status
American just vote tranny openly saying "I want Easy-life for me"
Is this mentality will work out at long term?
The only way to achieve equality is you have to violate other people's property
That's what LBJ did it, and what Democrat doing now
Germany and France still have white majority and "Middle class"
you are nothing but country fell into "Kleptocracy" and kardashian black voodoo culture
you are the only white country think get rid of European nobility is good for the name of diversity
Read Edward Gibbon , Frederic Bastiat , Ernest Renan books and educated your self
You retards failed militarily and betrayed your own leadership you fucking moron. Don’t blame America for going to war after you faggots declared war on us and our allies
based magyar.
Take refugees never, hope u get nukes soon just in case some idiot starts shit with you
You don't know history do you?
You didn't have any allies, but we did. And one of them did Pearl Harbor.
You dealt with mafia because you couldn't get into Sicily. Mafia stopped weapon trains, threatened soldiers and generally sabotaged our country.
And yet, our divisions, without even a proper leader and poorly equipped, forced you to a retreat.
While some of our generals did suck, that does not mean our country's war efforts.
The King and Badoglio were right though, the war was over for Italy. We just became a battleground after sicily was taken. Mussolini still refused to surrender, even if that meant becoming a German puppet. And the few italian troops left fought to the last.
can the white race win war with so many traitors?
i dont think theres ever been a side in a war with so many traitors in the history of humanity.. in fact th majority are traitors, not the minority.
unfortunatly the propaganda worked too well in the last few decades.
i feel so sad..
Its worse than that
White people who have money and power vote for LBJ's kumbaya land
White people who live in gated community is traitor
Low income whites already blending in mud race
Only few white men see the big picture and resist globalist plunder economy
problem is white middle class are too comfy and cozy
It can make them traitor among us