Sup Forums embraced triggering people and causing chaos for almost a decade
at some point it became a right wing political movement
when did this happen and why?
Sup Forums embraced triggering people and causing chaos for almost a decade
at some point it became a right wing political movement
when did this happen and why?
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When being cock sucking degenerates became the societal norm to such an extent that being a regular straight guy was considered '90's. Sup Forums has always countered the currents, and as it stands leftists are the new-age bizarro puritans performing mass scale witch hunts against straight white males.
not sure how you can say that when trump is president but sure ok
We grew up, and noticed the direction the world around us was heading. The cancer was not apparent in the 80's, or the 90's, but now it is plain as day.
when the left progressed into a movement to make it illegal to hurt people's feelings, it caused problems with a group centered around chaos and triggering people
Trump is the president exactly because of that.
It's like a pendulum.
Do leftist cunts REALLY think they were just going to be allowed to behave as they have the last 8 years without any sort of reaction?
>having to even ask
Because have morals, discipline, loving your race & nation and honouring your ancestors is what trigger people the most.
Trumps been shaking hands with jews since day one, the same jews who want you under thier boot. Those leftists are white user.
When Kek willed it for the luls.
Sup Forums has been called a cathedral of misogyny, but to be more accurate it is the cathedral of psychological reactance. If there is one thing that unites every user, from /d/ to /r9gay/, it is that when you tell us to not do or believe something, that is the one thing we will do or believe, if for no other reason than to spite you for having the hubris to attempt to control us.
Since the left continues to view itself as the counterculture, it justifies to itself incredibly restrictive methods of control (e.g. hate speech, safe spaces, preferred pronouns, and so forth). However, since it is not in fact the counterculture, but rather the culture, it also possesses the state apparatus necessary to enforce its will. This is an existential threat to civilization itself, but is most sensitively felt here on Sup Forums.
We are like the amphibians in the wetlands. We are most sensitive to the environmental change that will destroy our entire habitat. Consequently, we react blindly against the left. At first we were happy to be mostly lolbertarians. But the more their evil hypocrisy filtered through society, the more they clamped down with their totalitarian measures, the more we were attracted to the diametric opposite point. Hence we self radicalized into actual Nazis. Now we rebel against their depredations in the most effective way ever developed. We mock them mercilessly while promoting the values that made our societies worthwhile in the first place.
In other words, we became Right.
>Trump is the president exactly because of that.
>Trumps been shaking hands with jews since day one
Do you REALLY think anybody on Sup Forums really has faith in anyone? We aren't little faggoted cocksuckers who deepthroat other mens balls to show how fucking "loyal" we are.
We literally supported Trump for the sole reason it made you and the rest of the degenerates prime for lynching angry, that's it. Trump is our Incitatus. He completely destroyed any meaning of the position you thought so highly only once you elected King Nigger to the throne. That's all that was needed.
the forces of satan, or the non-authentic and non-funny zeitgeist temporarily allied itself with the liberal ideology
don't worry, there are still wars to fight, so the right will get it's full share of pure evil in the years to come
pol will adapt faster than anyone else
real answer: once it became "an offense to polite society" the group of people that enjoyed trolling and being dangerous and subversive started using conservativism and right-wing politics as a means to troll.
society moves left, the trolls move right. not hard to understand.
back in the day the individualists and "cool people" were liberals. it was actually a little dangerous to be a liberal. not like you would get your ass beat. it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now for conservatives. but it was a little dangeorus. took some balls. now the opposite is true and all of the cool individualist people are "conservatives" and "right-wingers"
Just started coming to pol, been on chan sites for years, started on 420 chan, then b, x, and now just recently started coming here. I couldn't believe this place existed the way it does. I am from Alabama, most people around just do not care what happens. Im really happy I've found a great outlet with like minded people. I'm learning as much as I can, if anyone has a recommendation on other outlets please reply to post. I want to help with this as much as I possibly can.
>Give it all to the jews, fuck this world
>the left have become insane racists who hate white males
>hurr durr I'm not sure how you can say that when Trump is president.
Can you go be a retard somewhere else? Cheers.
need source sauce on pic
>hurrrr hillary was going to gas all the kiiikes user
why are leftists so dishonest? is it because you are soulless shit-skinned subhumans that have no morals?
Universities, media and politicians become so overrun with radical leftists that ordinary, down to earth conservative opinions became entirely taboo.
It's fun to trigger people, but triggering people with simple and obvious facts is 10 times more enjoyable.
Phoneposting, i would have posted the message.
>We grew up.
>left right paradigm
You sound so divisive, you must be a jew gauging the Sup Forums census
why post such a shitty version?
a lot of us had to leave moms house and work for a living
we all got older and got more repsonibilites
real world started inflicting itself upon us, so we started caring
you can only be detached from society, laughing at pulling it's chain, only by entirely depending on it for your food water and shelter internet
we realized this
As if Hillary had a moral compass. Leftist europeans enjoy complaining about Trump but they know, deep down, that Hillay would have used the EU as a pawn to escalate tensions in Ukraine.
Everyone boasted about her fitness to serve, but she couldn't even drop the feud with Putin for the sake of the country. The bitch is batshit crazy and no one seemed to care.
When Ebola Chan was created and the idea of a virus killing all the niggers took form in my mind. And then all that GG shit happened. And moot turned Sup Forums into shitposting board with css crap and anoying ass "i am a robot" playing on loop. That is when I decided being a Sup Forums ack was worth doing, I looked at all the hate they got and decided I wanted a part of that.
Also I found out about the Jews.
>if you call leftists leftists you must be jewish
Why are leftists so deceitful? Is it because you are soulless shit-skinned subhumans that have no morals?
(((stormfags))), that that bitch shillary, then ((( alt-right))) and now (((mainstream media)))
>not like you would get your ass beat.
Watch Easy Rider.
It is like path of least resistance, but path of most chaos
>Also I found out about the Jews.
I'm sorry.
Holy fuck C.H.U.D. is real....
a mixture of the edginess that comes with being a social outcast and concerted efforts by right-wing groups to attract such people... they do the same thing irl.. target and seduce vulnerable young men
Left wing became radicalized. 5 year old traps, embracing terrorists, censoring and banning everything, pretending black crime isnt real.
Any logical person would be anti left at this point.
>You must be jewish
You're not a jew, you're a fake impostor who conspired with European traitors before WW2 to seize land that was never yours in the first place. You'll be killed.
The radical controversial right has always been more freeing in words and arguments then the more radical controversial left AKA Communism so it was always bound that we'd be more inclined to move to the right; Gamergate was always a good part of this as most of POL has always been gamers at heart so when the radical left began attacking games we automatically combated basically turning us completely down this path.
It's the Burroughs Welcome Center in North Carolina, designed by Paul Randolph
>t. architectfag
I didn't need to know that existed.
>leftists worship the golden kike
>think jewish university with 50% niggers is gods gift to earth
>love pedophillic hollywood, cheer it on daily and support its success with their shekels
>love jew infested rap and pop music marketed to destroy communities
>identifying leftists like, is now met with "duurrr naming the jew means u must be a jew"
Frankly I'm almost glad the left went insane, if it hadn't I'd probably still be a woke centrist
Instead their insanity drove me to Trump and once I'd gotten used to actually questioning my own views it was a short leap to being a fullon race realist reactionary
> mfw the far right wins and instead of bitching about pol like the left does, it instead crushes it with an iron fist
Upper class liberals are so deluded now. They think some nefarious underground movement is luring people into disagreeing with them.
Like its unfathomable that a person could disagree with the New York Times world view without having been brainwashed.
/POL Politically incorrect guess what that means
The kids grew up.
Because intelligent people are not libtards? Is this really that hard?
im not going to cite my work on Sup Forums sorry.
. of course there are rational arguments against sjws, radical islam etc etc.
but this place is clearly not on the level. do you honestly think that the perma trump itinerary threads are just some average lurker?
there is plenty of political manipulation all over the net by both sides if you bother to pay attention to it.
its not a case of good guys vs bad guys, both sides resort to all manner of underhanded bullshit
easy rider is a fictional movie made my pedos and rapists you stupid shitlib
easy rider is a fictional movie made by pedos you stupid liberal
>people rise to troll
>troll more
>use mass media to say trolling is naughty
>trolling continues
When being lefty is trollish, things will change.
>t. basic gestalt
Russian subversion coordinated by Putin and Kreml shills. So obvious.
>t. CNN
We bring the chaos to bad and evil people as kek wished us to do so.
Always get triggered when Kiwis use this spelling.
For the lulz
for a past couple of years Sup Forums has tried to be on the side of edgy. back then edgy meant to be an atheist, gay, etcetc. but now on the darkest corners edgy means love of god, nationalism, love of your people. its quite sad.
it 'became right' when crazy SJWs went to 11 on the retard meter and it will no doubt 'become left' when conservatives show any sign of becoming the crazier party once again.
Nicely stated.
Because you have no proofs. The right does not look for "disaffected young men" to recruit. Rather, the right has been killing itself for decades in a desperate attempt to appeal to minorities. That is part of why we have an ALT right that appeals by design to whites.
Because right wing political movements are now the most taboo and triggering thing on the planet
Yes. And it portrays leftists targeted for assassination just because of the fact they were left.
Most importantly, it was a movie adored by a generation of Americans. Politics is downstream of culture, my dear user.
Because being pro gay, trans, abortions, migration is satanic in nature and needs to be stopped
We are here to shame those people and redpill the newcomers
It's just satire
because Sup Forums is white, and whites are inherently right wing
Sup Forums hasn't become alt right, it is just one of the last places where the alt right and white nationalists aren't kicked out.
Also, the left has gone complete retard and anti western culture and anti white. This naturally leads to libertarians, like me, gravitate towards supporting movements who want to preserve western culture and movements who aren't advocating discrimination based on skin color.
Combine this with free speech regarding taboo subjects, like jewish over representation in the media etc and you'll see why it is easy to assume that Sup Forums has suddenly become alt right. There has been more discussions in "alt right" subjects lately, and on straw polls on Sup Forums there has typically been a minority supporting Richard Spencer and the alt right.
Exactly. We knew Trump would cause this:
And he has. And it's been sublime. If Trump doesn't fix anything - well, it's not as if $hitlery would have either. And at least we have a ton of hypertriggered commie shitgobblers going up (down?) in flames on a daily basis.
So yep. Trump was the correct choice.
yoer engrihs bery goud. is enrsigh techaer?
Because you touch yourself at night
Libertarian ..Swedish why am I not surprised the libertarian stance led to the current situation you dummy, you will just repeat the cycle
"movement" with 0 goal
shitposting doesn't exactly pave the roads
The left embraces Political correct culture
The right allows you to be politically incorrect
It's not hard to see where this goes
O Muslims shit on the board again isn't there a goat you need to fuck Ahmed ?
nice 70s style architecture pic you have there.
The spirit of Sup Forums rocks between chaotic good and chaotic neutral.
By some twisted game of fate Trump came along and the chaotic goods aligned, ordained by the heavens, to defeat the liberalism and degeneracy infecting the west
no its because convincing a bunch of nobodies on the internet of anything i know isnt worth the time to search for sources.
ALL ideologies prey on the disaffected, if you dont see the logic and truth and cant think of instances where that was demonstrated, thats your problem
The moment we started realising the nigger invasion threaten our NEET incomes.
One of the goals is kebab removal.
online soapbox for the paranoid, & anonymous for the cowardly
>no its because convincing a bunch of nobodies on the internet of anything i know isnt worth the time to search for sources.
Ah, the calling of the no facts faggot use to be a rare sight around these parts but since the last couple years their species has more than triple and are now removed from the endangered wildlife list.
All ideologies except for yours, right? That says that all ideologies are bad? And that's so self evident that it is incumbent upon everyone else to do your work for you?
Reminder for those LARPing as rightwingers on Sup Forums you're on a site which is the opposite to everything righrwingers claim to value. This site is irresponsible, degenerate and idiotic. You're anarchists pretending to be fascists. You praise traditional values and western culture on a Japanese rip-off imageboard owned by a gook with a dozen Japanese culture boards and a dozen pornography boards. You are not rightwing. You're anti-leftwing. You're defined by what you're against, not what you're for. You have no values which aren't pure hypocrisy, and when the tide changes, the true heart of Sup Forums, chaos and mass triggering, will turn on you too.
This ain't Sup Forums this is Sup Forums anyone with a working brain and interested in politics is going to lean right on most issues these days.
Christ ministered to the prostitutes.
Chaos and degeneracy became the norm, no fun in that.
>Um all men are sexist sweetie
>Not muslims or black men tho ;)
>Patriarchy! Rape Culture
>Um migrants in Europe aren't raping women lalalalalala bigot
>You dont want violent rapey 3rd worlders flooding into your country? Too bad racist colonialist
>We need to take away your freedom of speech so you can't offend the violent rapey 3rd worlders
>72 thousand genders!
>children should be allowed to have sex change operations and we should make everything gender neutral
>Lets rewrite history, England was always full of africans
>Vibrant Diversity must be prioritised over competence, everywhere
>Um college professors should all be comunis- I mean, """socialists"""
>people need to stop having kids. And by people, I mean white people
>video games are sexist, so is everything actually. And racist!
>Islam is the religion of peace sweetie
>Haha fuck Christians tho rite
>You know what why don't you just let us tell you what to think because we know whats best for you. Just ask Google and Facebook!
the right used to be the party full of religious authoritarians trying to restrict our freedoms
now the left is the party full of religious authoritarians trying to restrict our freedoms
Trump is our president because he's a shitpost king that triggers the absolute fuck out of all the insufferable commie jews who have dedicated their existences to destroying user and his natural habitat.
Some new people came to the site and some old people left?
im sorry, i just dont care. look it up yourself...or not. whatever
you are literally asking me to educate you, im not here to teach you
yes all ideologies prey on the fringes for their zealots
>for almost a decade
fucking newfag GET OUT
No, you are making an argument, and then demanding that it is my responsibility to support your argument.
Interestingly, I haven't even yet disagreed. I just asked you to PROVIDE EVIDENCE for your claims. But you don't. Because you can't.
>look it up yourself...or not. whatever
Nah, I care less than you do about what you believe just pointing out the fact how many times that or similar phrases are used to not state ones facts or beliefs.
It's became worse in the last three years.
well written but
>we self radicalized into actual Nazis
nope, just trying to view the world based on facts even if they seem "racist" or "problematic" to some
Leftwing is death, destruction, Anti-Nature.
Right is opposite of that.
I quite agree with you, but it is just so delicious to me how afraid lefties get when they hear the word Nazi.
This. I would gladly spend my time shitposting and playing vidya all day but when you have to pay your own bills and pay taxes, you become more interested about what's happening to your neighbourhoods, which people are moving in and where your tax money is being used.
But the goal is to forcefully remove nonwhites from white countries achmed
Bless you user.