>Poland's health ministry has created a video to promote procreation, encouraging the country's citizens to "take rabbits as an example."
Are they, dare I say it, /ourguys/?
>Poland's health ministry has created a video to promote procreation, encouraging the country's citizens to "take rabbits as an example."
Are they, dare I say it, /ourguys/?
Other urls found in this thread:
>poles just start fucking rabbits
We need to encourage every single Anglo family to have a minimum of 3 children, and well off Anglos to have as many as they can afford, William and Kate have been married for 6 years now, but only have 2 kids and expecting one. They should be expecting a 7th by now.
Nothing will change.
OP doesn't even provide link
What a turbo-hyper-mega-ultra giga nigger
What are we sliding shlomo ?
Fuck lad
Referencing rabbits means that the government is not aware of r/K reproductive strategies and unwittingly want to promote r-strategy, which means they are idiots.
On the other hand if the government understands r/K, it would mean that they are willingly promoting r-strategy which means that they want the society to degenerate further.
I'm not sure which is worse, honestly.
Our president is married to a Jewess. Does it matter? How?
>Referencing rabbits means that the government is not aware of r/K reproductive strategies and unwittingly want to promote r-strategy, which means they are idiots.
are you literally autistic
I hope the V4 get to be the only white countries to survive, they deserve it.
I also hope the shithole I live in gets nuked to oblivion and just before I experience the extremely painful death, I get to see these commie cunt politicians suffer like I do.
Jared Taylor did a video on eugenics in asia, and specifically cited a Singapore state project that have tax benefits to educated women for having children. Woman with degrees went from 30 some odd to 40 some odd percent of the total births in the nation in just a few years. It isn't about wealth per se, but intelligence that is important in regards to white birth rates. Sure, everybody should have kids, but the state should actively incentivize high IQ birth rate.
Only if they leave the EU and bring their young people back. Otherwise this is more likely to happen.
Yes, Poland hadn't surrendered to (((them))) - they are closer to being /ours/ than any of the more corrupt states.
If we could sell the idea that procreating is desirable that would be spiffing. I just got in from a failed mission so my mind is tired, some other bod will have to do the big thunk.
stop sperging bracie, and post the link please, I want to see
It will, Europe will become Polish.
My solution to encourage increased birth rates
1. Abolish all taxes, people need to keep their wealth taxes are a temporary measure to fund an army. Instead we should place tariffs on non British made goods (British meaning the British commonwealth but only the white countries)
2. Abolish all laws that hinder job creation, we need to encourage factories to start up in every city so the common white man will have a well paying job
3. make the wife the legal property of the husband, remove any laws forcing workplace diversity the workplace should be only men I don't like a woman trying to sell me coats. She should be taking care of her kids
Checked, kek wills it
>inb4 world has bitcoin, we should create pierogicoin
>out pension pyramid scheme is falling apart
>create more humans and make our limited land and resources shittier for everyone because we can't be assed to come up with something actually sustainable
No. And you better fucking feed and clothe me when I'm 80, you fucking kikes. You've been leeching off of my entire productive lifespan with absolutely nothing to show for it.
nothing new
common poles are personal bydlo serfs of their elite. polish elite needs more bydlo, they dont want common poles to accumulate real wealth.
4. Ban the internet and TV. Population will skyrocket.
Also every other convenience too desu. Make the only form of entertainment possible: fucking.
>Poles should fuck like rabbits
>like rabbits
expand polish lebensraum
Remember if you fuck like rabbits the stds will spread like wild fire
They're fucking poles. So retarded they have problems screwing in lighbulbs. This won't save the white race any more than having people in trailer parks fuck more
Polaks are retarded, cut off their EU gibs so they starve to death desu
>implying EU gibs do anything
message is fuck like rabbits in a monogamous relationship, not your degeneracy open relationship shit, cuck
In reality living under EU occupation costs us more, than we can get. It was only profitable at the beginning. Only our hard work as a nation is making it looking good for the outsiders. Given opportunity - we die hard. But EU seeing this is trying to limit us and force us to bow and be loyal goyim. If you see only word 'gibs' in that matter, then you're more blind than Stevie Wonder.
*Blocks your path*
When you'll fucking realize that living in a good relationship with us will help you in the future? Like seriously. Do you want to be nation of whores with HIV or you want to prosper?
polish attempt to get lebensraum has triggered kurwa wolyn massacre of poles
Marrying her resulted in pic related. I'd say the Polish president did well.
How can any man be so cucked to allow his daughter to dress like a whore. No way I would ever allow my daughter or even wife to show her legs like this in public
t. abdul idn a'lahad
Based Serbian (like always)
ywn be so white a white wall looks nigger compared to you
Works in Africa and compton.
The bible says to cover your knees, maybe you liberal atheists who invented porn (Denmark was the first to legalize it in 1969) think it's okay to expose your wife and daughters nudity but I don't.
Also Muslims are degenerate, their women wear pants sorry, I'm against cross dressing.
Be honest, when you were with us, you had it the best, our little autistic child
Don't treat bible as be-all end-all, because it's a sin. There is word of God, but also interpretation, and oral tradition, plus social norms
Oh, no, don't bother, it´s their norm.
First they fuck their relations with every neighbour up, then they get clobbered, then they cry for help, then the cycle repeats.
Imagine being this much of a basement dwelling virgin kek.
Partition when?
Żyrinowski offered us long time ago, we should have accepted
why are there so many of you on this board.
Not with current gov. It'd be suicide. I'm glad we didn't acccpt it.
I really want to save my homeland and do my patriotic duty of impregnating Polish qts, but I'm an asocial beta. Fuck you games and animes
we got the offer in 2014 but we have refused
> not dying out as an ethnic group means you are nazi
Get out, shill kike.
Self hating libtard detected
tfw the global economy runs on kielbasa's
We have taken the few things of value left, take the covered in pigmen, shit and rust land of no 3G or IKEA.
The next generation of British toilets aren't going to clean themselves
feeding and clothing you should be responsibility of your family knul. have more children you fat dyke, surplus can bleach 3rd world resource rich regions
Well, Kek agrees. Also,
>5IQ 17F in ID
Bimbo fetish is patrician´s taste.
memeflag, opinion discarded.
go away D&C shill
Yeah why don't you go to Africa and bleach them.
if you take e-SUC from excuses, you get sex
^It means to gtfo from the internet if you suck.
Now it's the time for everyone to taste polish sausage.
Checked. But they still something that's worthy. Not only for us, as Poles.
its okay user, ill do it for you fucking weak faggot cuck.
go to the gym
They're untrustworthy, unreliable, greedy, egoistic and on average dumb as a fucking brick.
Worse than Jews. I'd know being parts of both.
>t. Fornicator
bleaching is for surplus, im already planning to have 4 kids with my loyal homely gf whom ill be marrying soon
Ikr, but always you can change someone who's the deepest shit into the most loyal one. Just like from Лeв Hикoлaeвич Toлcтoй's "Three questions".
>them numbers
Something odd is up. I reconnect and get a different, too with a meaning ID and again numbers.
Doesn't work with them. We gave them their own ethnos, their own country, industry, nukes for fuck's sake and they blew all of it.
And you'll be sending 1 or 2 of your kids to bleach Africa, no doubt?
>not using oppai bunnygirls as an example
They've learned nothing!
Just wait for some Pole to change it. We're the nation that doesn't know limits or if no one believes that it's possible to do something, we just usually don't know it and we just do it.
Gib monies.
>they blew all of it.
Well, we all remember chernobyl
I will give my life if need be to kill you and your great leader Aleksandar Musliu, you second-Serbian fifth-column massive faggot.
Serbia is ruined and has zero chance of existing in 100 years because of you fucking people. I only hope you live to see your children become degenerates and KNOW you are responsible for it!
Yeah, Poland is all around pretty based. Shae they're not white.
Well meaning but I cant even afford to look after myself properly let alone a kid and I'm not scrounging benefits fuck that.
Chernobyl theoretically can be blamed on evil Russians. You can't blame the fucktards selling their nukes on us.
The fact that this attitude doesn't stop you from still existing, for centuries now, is the ultimately proof that God favors the fools.
Uh. This is getting spooky.
what are polish women like and how well do they age i just might go and help inseminate one
>giving russia anything
Is pepe secretly a Slav?
What could go wrong?
Have the last couple times not taught you that we are greedy and thus will take clay, either willingly or not?
We need to abolish every tax and environmental regulations
90% of the worlds trade ships used to be British, we were making railway parts for the argentine! Belfast was making ships for the world
The worlds linens came from Manchester
We need to make this a reality again
>Gov favors the fools
"I shall make from fool a sage, and from sage a fool"
>yesterday's thread had the video link in OP
>now it's not there also 1 post by this ID
>changed the original post around a bit
hmmm really makes me think,it's almost like a bot
Link to sauce
>has an extremely violent, murderous side to him
>can value good things in his life but mostly is seen as not pleased with his life
Seems Slavic.
Pls give me a qt Polish gf
Well pooles, even if we have some disagreements i hope you won't bend over your ass under cuckold leftists.
Don't forget what being a Slavic means.
Slav-Slava,Slavo - being faithful to your own word, being famous from it, word of fame, etc. Slavic people are real Aryans, Hitler just stole our identity and the idea of it.
hah, prime minister Cuckban is almost too short to play with his friends