Japanese politics/feminism

今回のトピックは、フェミニズムと日本についてで行きたいと思います。(today's topic is feminism and Japan let's discuss)

私は日本はフェミニズムを受け入れるべきだと思います。(I think Japan need feminism)

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and a fine ching chong ding dong to you too

Get your moon runes out of here.

Deutsch ist die einzig akzeptable Fremdsprache.

Take this to Sup Forums. Little to no one understands you here. Not enough to keep this discussion alive anyway.



just go cut your guts out,ur a dishonor to your family

You better knock that shit off.
You do not feminism.
Whoever is saying you need feminism, is trying to fuck your country in the ass.
Tell your ching chong friends.

why don't you use google translate?

sod off Zainichi traitor
you will never be accepted in the West.

>google translate to talk about feminism

i think Sup Forums wouldnt care about feminism so much if their countries were being invaded by foreign hordes right now.

japan may be a slightly feminist country but in 100 years japanese people and culture will still exist

i cant say the same about europe unless there are big changes (aka civil war) in the next 30 years


But wait, you are arguing there is a labour shortage and women entering the workforce can fix this. If more women are working, then less children will be produced. Won't the labour shortage get worse then?

But he did, lol.

なぜ日本でフェミニズムが欲しいのですか? 日本は完璧です。


read all my post.

More income=more child to raise

Are you retarded? You can already see where feminism has gotten us white countries. Feminism fucked the US. Feminism fucked Europe. You really want in on that? Are you shitposting or are you some roastie just looking to run around with your tits out?

I understand and can write Jap, but it's not worth it here. Plus, Google translate is garbage.

Again, take it to

read my post


Is this the new "japan need migrants" threads?


how does Japanese work again? do I read this from bottom to top?

engurishu ticharu

I read it all. But this has not been the experience in Western countries. When has "more income = more children will be born" been proven? The birthrate has decreased, the divorce rate has increased, people are getting married later and having fewer children.
I'm not saying that you are wrong, misguided, a bad person, etc.
I'm just saying that the modern lifestyle has largely meant that less children are being born.

Engrish prease

"I am that one """Jap""" who posts on Sup Forums about wanting leftism"

>feminism is great
>need females in workspace to combat the industrial decline caused decline of labor force population
>there is no difference in the abilities of women and men

It's the same kind of shit as usual, just in japanese.
Shill thread.



アファーマティック活動は、西洋世界(USA)を本当に助けたことはありません。あなたは仕事のポジションを取っている非常に不公平な人たちが、職場を失って仕事場を台無しにしているだけです。 彼らは実際にこれから学ぶわけでもありません。 そして、はい、男性と女性の間に明確な違いがあります。 生物学的に、私たちは平等ではありません。 身体的、精神的に。 それに対処する。

If you want to solve the shortage in the labour force, you need more traditional families and less feminism. The traditional family is a system that can produce many children AND raise them in a healthy environment (producing many children without raising them properly makes matters worse, not better (see niggers)). Feminism will attack this system and demand that men and women live independent from each other, which in practice means that intense coorporation between men and women is impossible.

Probably some chuukakuha faggot who has way too much time on his hands and decided to post his mid term essay here.

Trust me on this, feminism was never the answer

>Affirmative Action has never really helped the western world (USA), you just see very unfit people taking job positions they have no skills for and ruinning the work place. They don't really learn from this, either. And yes there is a clear difference between male and female. Biologically, we are not equal. Physically and mentally. Deal with it.

No, feminism hates the fact that women are encouraged to be baby factories because they're women.
Life in the 50s wasn't that great for women. Their husbands would cheat on them on a regular basis and many women turned to alcoholism out of sheer boredom for staying at home all day.

That's what feminism fights.

There was also this idea that men were the breadwinners, having big important jobs while women sucked their cock and made them food.
That's not a respected partnership, that's slavery.

That's what feminism fights.

And quite frankly Sup Forums doesn't help this issue. Women-hating threads are always great for a laugh but making fun of women isn't going to make them go back to being glorified slaves again.

fucking pimple ridden forehead from having it caked in foundation all day

Because 2 NUKES

Your own native population is shrinking so fast that you are actually considering the culturally suicidal plan of bringing in mudslimes to replace yourselves, from the endless supply of them that seems to be the only function of the third world. Letting women take men's jobs instead of doing their own and bearing children is the best way to accelerate this. How far does Japan want to go in order to conform to it's own suicidal stereotype? Feminism is cancer.

Maybe if they put a national ban on anime all the otakus will finally get the urge to breed

Feminism is based on the mistaken idea that men and women, in general, are intellectual equals such that the only reason why women are underrepresented in prestigious (hence competed over) occupations is the existence of an anti-female bias imposed by "the patriachy".

But cognitive testing (IQ tests, college readiness tests like the SAT, etc) demonstrate that while the average mental ability of men and women is fairly equal, the variance in mental ability is not. Contrary to women, who tend to cluster around the mean, men tend towards the extremes such that at both the high and low ends of the bell curves, men are vastly overrepresented. Almost all geniuses (in every field, from science and philosophy to arts and literature) are men, but men are at the same time overrepresented at the bottom of society in terms of criminality, suicide, educational failure, etc.

You can read the literature on this yourself (start with looking at the ratio of men and women in the SAT depending on score band, from high to low). But you can also just call to mind readily available facts you hadn't previously thought through.

Take chess. Chess is a purely mental game, so we should assume, if the feminist conception of reality is true, that women should be competitive with men. They are not; at the top ranks, they are so heavily outclassed that they compete only in separate women's leagues against other women. Same thing in e-sports.

Or even consider such a basic trait as height. As we all know, men are on average significantly taller than women. So you would think that the smallest people in the world are women, right?
Wrong. Higher male variability, which is seen across virtually every quantifiable human characteristic, results in male overrepresentation among the very short, despite the higher average height.

tldr: men lead society because there are much more top-grade men than women. Restructuring society based on ignorance of this fact is willful sabotage.

Olet täysi idiootti
Japani ei missään nimessä tarvitse feminismiä.
Feminismi on vienyt naisilta oman sukupuolensa arvokkuuden ja muuttanut heidät alempi-arvoisiksi miehiksi. Feminismin syntymästä asti itsemurhatilastot sekä naisilla että miehillä ovat olleet vain nousussa.
Mene vittuun kuukirjoituksesi kanssa.

Onko se fiksua että englanninkielisellä laudalla jokainen alkaa kirjoittamaan omaa kieltään ja odottaa että nyymit käyttävät google translatea ymmärtääkseen viestejä?



Just to let you know folks, he isn't Japanese just a larper.

>mfw Sup Forums is turning into Sup Forums

lmao no, get rekt nerd

Fuck off roastie

Women like you ruined white families for everyone

Probably some white libshit trying get foreign support because real Japanese people won't support him and have ignored him






open your borders or else,japan

>Feminism will attack this system
>Life in the 50s wasn't that great for women. Their husbands would cheat on them on a regular basis and many women turned to alcoholism out of sheer boredom for staying at home all day. That's what feminism fights.

You're just repeating what I said but with a different normative perspective.



What Japan needs to do is get to fucking and make some damn kids.
It's not that hard, it's actually quite pleasurable and raising children only costs time.
Get the blood pumping already


gook shit.

ゲイのセックスはどうしていいの? 私はまっすぐだと誓って、私は女性が大好きですが、肌の長さにぴったりの汗ばんだ毛むくじゃらのボールが私の前立腺に擦り傷を付けて、奥深く10インチの奥深くて丈夫な肉のコックの感触はすごいです。 私は毎回ザーメンします。

You mean you men for treating us wives like shit.


私は薬を飲んでいる。 助けて。


Stop speaking mandarin

Ching chong ping pang prease throw nucrear bombu

gb2 2chan you niggerfaggot.



dont you have like 50 containment chans for rice niggers already? fuck off

I dont speak chinesese man
Use english

Ik hoop dat je kankeroma is omgekomen bij de bevrijding van het jappenrijk, spleetoog.


...yeah, at least I can't understand this. Not so annoyind as always.