It’s Time For A More Inclusive Rainbow Poppy

If you had grown-up watching Hollywood blockbusters about the First and Second World War, then you’d probably be mistaken in thinking that everyone who died during those horrific wars was straight, white, and male. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth!

According to today’s estimates, up to a third of all British people identify as gay. Okay… ‘well, what this got to do with the First World War’ you’re probably wondering?

Let me tell you. Unless they’ve been putting some kind of ‘gay chemicals’ in the water for the last hundred years, then around a third of all those who died fighting for our freedom back then would have been gay as well. You don’t need to be Einstein to work that one out.

And yet, for the past century men, women, transgender and gender fluid people all over the country have joined in with Remembrance Day by wearing a poppy that symbolises straight white men, whilst disregarding the contributions of gay people, ethnic minorities and Muslims during the first and second war world.

What about the white poppy – doesn’t that help to remember all victims of war, you’re probably wondering?


As if the red poppy wasn’t un-inclusive enough, the white supremacists out there are now pushing for everyone to wear a WHITE poppy. No thanks, I’m not some Brexit voting, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, little Englander!

It’s time to ditch the red and white poppies and bring in the rainbow poppy. The only inclusive poppy!


Literally fucking kill yourself.

Where can I get one?

I looked them up and cant find where to buy them.

That's because you can't, it's a piece of fake news created so people can feign outrage over it. Outrage culture has gone too far

>Unless they’ve been putting some kind of ‘gay chemicals’ in the water for the last hundred years
They literally have.

just kys

I would hope if anyone got caught wearing these abominations in the street they would be given a burning tyre necklace. One of the few African inventions worth keeping.

>According to today’s estimates, up to a third of all British people identify as gay.
Where the fuck are they getting those statistics?

In the car park of dalston station at 11pm on a friday night

Fuck off cunt.

Let the market decide.

As long as they promise to stop bitching if no one buys their tranny shit.

Well I quite like the idea. I mean look how they treated Alan Turing!

or abney park cemetery most days, hackneybro

(that's not a fucking invite btw)


>Unless they’ve been putting some kind of ‘gay chemicals’ in the water for the last hundred years

Why do (((they))) feel the need to mock us like this?

>mfw i thought this was real considering the state of this fucking country

>inclusive poppy

sounds gay af tbqh fa'm

Eh, get fucked I guess. That's what happens when you throw your lives away fighting for the Jews. Hitler was right.


Surprised that wasn't a guardian or BBC piece

>can't write фam properly
Pathetic creation.

Gay Poppy to stick in Poppy's bung hole !

you can simply fuck off

calm down lad

Don't give them ideas like this.

>tfw wear an easter lily instead

Anglos can never be proud of their history in their own country and it's fucking hilarious

History ? Fuck your history my ancestors were sold as slaves from Africa and ended up in the Caribbean. Your future belongs to the BBC.
