Morning Joe starts in 8 minutes on MSNBC
Anyone else tuning in?
Let's talk about the best show on morning TV in this thread
>watching the electric joo
You're kidding right?
I liked watching morning joe when I was watching the run up to the '08 election but joe isa bitch now
link to stream?
why isn't /ptg/ good enough?
Morning Joe got worse and worse until it was completely unwatchable. I think I only liked watching Joe interrupt Mika every time she spoke DESU
Fox and Friends in my house.
Morning Joe General - /mjg/
Nice work.
I'm gonna post Joe's in the general.
>Drink every time Mika gives Joe a cold disapproving look
>Die from alcohol poisoning
I hate the way this bitch looks. I just want to punch her straight through the fucking face with my knee.
>Anyone else tuning in?
sorry, no, I don't feel like brain cancer
I don't think that's how punching works. But I appreciate the sentiment.
Mika's dad was a member of mj-12 he actually could see aliens getting worked on at Area 51 she's part of the cover-up. He also destroyed Afghanistan with psyops. Scum.
They've gone into full propaganda mode. Trump has made them completely lose their shit.
Well i turned it on. Where the fuck are you OP
Ok pretty sure i know that body.
No more porn for me
I recognize it, forget her name though. I've fapped to some of her JOI videos.
Murderin' Joe
>watching (((msnbc)))
Haven't watch that show in like 10 years.
Is Mika still a ditzy airhead?
Have they admitted they are fucking yet?
Does she ever talk about her Khazarian / Illuminati father?
How much do they tow the bullshit media narrative that Trump is literally Hitler?
>1 post by this leftist retard
Steve Bannon, Kim Jong-Un, Donald Trump... who doesn't watch Morning Joe?
Morning Joe is the best show on TV
Joe had a chance at redemption, a golden ladder reaching down, but he threw it all away. Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.
Low I.Q. Mika does that show a disservice
That show is fake.
I only ever watched that garbage for the trump interviews in 2015
That's Crazy Low IQ Mike to you, bub
Joes a bitch. He literally just agrees with everything his far left guests piss out.
Well until he wants to whine about the debt as a sneak attack to torpedo republican plans