When will you retarded Swiss give up your guns already? You are backwards compared to the rest of Europe. If you want to own guns fuck off to Burgerland.
When will you retarded Swiss give up your guns already? You are backwards compared to the rest of Europe...
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nice bait
Show flag krautleaf.
A guy just got caught with 400 illegal full autos in norway, whats stopping me from getting one of those? Youre not stupid enough to use guns registered on you for crime user?
>Be a Eurocuck
>Have no guns, can't defend yourselves.
>Shitskins flood your nations
>Rape your women
>Make you a minority
>Force you to accept Islam
>Uses Trucks of peace to kill those that wont accept Islam
>Shoots you with AK's of peace
>Can't do anything about it because of no guns
>Part and Parcel
juncker pls go
Me are numbah one
Switzerland will always be better than your gun grabbing shitholes eucuck
show flag you retarded piece of shit.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>You are backwards compared to the rest of Europe
Are you living behind the moon? Open your eyes EU is falling and switzerland is chilling in the middle like always.
Show flag if you shitpost
Never. Fuck off.
>Switzerland is chilling
Leave your house for a while, NEETscum. Fucking integrationist shithole. Nothing worse than integration of immigrants. it’s a common mistake on this board to think that Switzerland works. Switzerland used to be German-dominated state with French minority and literally oppressed Ticino Italians that knew their place before the 1960s. It was a proper Germanic state. The average native Swiss is not rich. Banks, few individuals (many of whom are not native) and corporations are. Switzerland is everincreasingly socialist diverse shithole. nu/pol/ thinking Switzerland is good is part of the problem and a clear LARP. Full of Portuniggers, Albos, Serbroaches, Greeks and Itwlians. Naturalized several nogs and gooks by voting as early as 1980s. Could have been homogenous, but no. Now some fucking subhuman naturalized tamil (descent of toilet cleaners with australoid blood) lectures the native races about possible African infiltration while wearing the SVP badge.
The only good option - kicking out Ticino(or better yet cleansing it from Italians) and repatriating non-Germans/Northern descendant French. Secession of the German regions is a good option too
While our regime is mostly EU cocksuckers, the weapon lobby is quite strong similiar to the US. So I don't think we'll accept the new EU gun laws just like that
you don't get it do you? I agree we have too many immigrants. And they piss me off as much as you. But as long as they integrate and don't cause trouble i don't really mind. I don't have to talk to them and i mostly ignore them on the street if they want to ask a question. I really hope the socialist politician will get a beating.
Swiss accounts
this albonigger is still talking.
don't you have a job?
you are always here spitting the same shit over and over.
explain, why swiss retarded. you come from albania?
>But as long as they integrate and don't cause trouble i don't really mind.
t. Blerim Yahwee Al-Mario De Silva
Albshits love Switzerland and feel way to comfortable there and that’s the biggest problem with many Western Germanic European “nations”
Don't fall for the Mountain Jew meme. Ch is EU tier.
>Switzerland is a multicultural country with 4 different native languages (German, Italian, French, Romansh)
>Switzerland has 2 Million immigrants out of 8 Million inhabitants
>Switzerland got 1.25% nigger and 6% mudshit as supposed "stronghold" against the EU. For example Sweden: 1,5% nigger and 5% mudshit
>Switzerland got low purchasing power due to high cost of living. Switzerland is on par with Straya and behind the USA
>Switzerland didn't get rid of its Jews and their people enact Jewish behaviour hence Mountain Jews
>Switzerland can look back on a rich history of not having combat experience
>Switzerland uses overly expensive & heavy manufactured weapons due to tight tolerances that give them 0 advantage in the field
>Switzerland's mountain bunkers are a meme. They aren't in use anymore and could be easily avoided and starved out by an attacking force.
>Switzerland's "great gun laws" are equal to EU countries and in some cases even worse.
So you're telling us that we're almost ss bad as Bavaria?
Far worse since Bavaria doesn’t have French and Italian semi-state enclaves in it. That’s the truth - it’s all quite similar as long as you don’t have the racial laws and eugenics to target the problem - displacement and mongrelization.
The Germanic Genocide is not mass migration or race-mixing.
The Germanic Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" American hookers being able to sneak in Norway and procreate. The Germanic Genocide is 1/32 Jewish, 1/16 Italian or 1/8 Bosnian "Germans" that think they will be allowed to stay or when they claim to be German
>swiss gun laws are equal to the eu or worse
aboslutely and utterly wrong
and? I can almost as easily get a gun in Germany or ScandInavia. Nothing special
Holy shit, it's the 500% Bavarian 1000% Swiss heritage, Russian faggot.
You aren't even white you retard, stop posting in a thread for Swiss.
But they don't integrate, user
They do, you won't find turkish speaking districts. Pretty much everybody in the second generation immigrants speaks Swiss German perfectly. It's a lot different to Germany or other shit holes.
>German Genocide
You're framing it like it's a Swiss problem while you arguments could also be applied to Germany(also Bavaria) and Austria.
Also we're far worse then Bavaria? So you're basically saying that the SVP is far worse than the CSU? Are you serious?
And it's not our responsibility to preserve the Germanic races. It's the responsibility of Germany and Austria.
We have the responsibility to preserve Switzerland and Switzerland would die as soon as we would start to be German first before we're Swiss.
I rather make a last stand in the alpes with my Swiss-French and Swiss-Italian brothers than giving up Switzerland. Just like we would've done in WW2.
The guy you are replying to is not German, or Swiss. He is a Russian mongrel that is larping since half a year as "1000% bavarian phenotype with 5000% Swiss heritage". Yet he lives in Russia and doesn't speak a single word of German (not to mention Swiss German).
Speaking Swiss German doesn't mean that they're integrated. They're many Turks and Kurds who are born here,speak Swiss German perfectly and are Swiss on paper but they rather stand with Turkey than with Switzerland.
I want them to fucking burn.
I'm pretty sure that he's Bavarian. If a guy shittalks about Switzerland with a Russian flag than there's a big chance that it's a certain autistic Bavarian guy in Russia.
I bet he's still buthurt that we rather sided with our Swiss-French brothers in WW2 than with the other Germans.
Speaking Swiss German, living and paying taxes as well as not being a leech or threat in general is integration. I know more native Swiss people that wouldn't even stand with Switzerland than immigrants, who are mostly very aware of how great this country is and what it's worth.
Nah, he's not Bavarian. He doesn't speak a single word of German. It was proven many times, he always changes his stories and reasons as to why he is in Russia etc. it's a complete waste of time dealing with him.
>Mossberg MVP
>2200 Francs
You can get those for half the price here in Sweden.
back to Albania/Portgal you mongrel parents crawled up from
When you see Günther and Coon shitposting about race - it’s this guy.
That "Swiss" (not native 99/100) dude can't tell Sardinians from "Slavs" (a race now?) and Bavarians from "French", so you see yourself whether or not he is an expert
They shouldn’t integrate and you can’t integrate in Race, which in itself is rather eternal. Even the Americans who are largely mongrels today understood it
Exactly. Fuck Switzerland
>Speaking Swiss German, living and paying taxes as well as not being a leech or threat in general is integration.
No, being integrated also means being integrated into the Swiss culture.
>I know more native Swiss people that wouldn't even stand with Switzerland than immigrants
And i know many immigrants who don't give a damn about Switzerland.
Having the Swiss pass is worth nothing these days. And many many immigrants are against the SVP, one of the very few parties which at least cares a bit about Switzerland.
I think for a start double citizenship should be abolished and criminal foreigners should be deported. Then we'll really see who stands with Switzerland.
I think we should exile Switzerland from Europe and it's alliance, invade and make it a state of the union.
Thats not a reason to dislike Switzerland, They have higher average salaries than us so it doesn't really matter.
You can’t integrate into Race. Society and culture are both racial constructs. You abolish double citizenship tomorrow... okay. Guess what happens? Roaches, Alboshits, niggers, Serbs, Italians all pick up Swiss instead of their own shithole’s pass
gercuck laws are way worse
>Society and culture are both racial constructs
Ich denke deine Aussage kann man debattieren. Ich meine z.B es gibt keine Schweizer Rasse aber dennoch gibt es eine Schweizer Kultur.
>ou abolish double citizenship tomorrow... okay. Guess what happens? Roaches, Alboshits, niggers, Serbs, Italians all pick up Swiss instead of their own shithole’s pass
Die haben den Schweizer Pass sowieso schon und du wärst überrascht wie viele Serben und Türken sich gegen die von mir vorgeschlagene Massnahme wehren würden.
You are completely delusional, I don't even know what you are talking about because it's completely senseless. But I am sure everybody here knows already that you are a complete joke.
There is no such thing as "Swiss culture". Culture = what you do every day, without thinking , nothing else and certainly not wearing traditional clothes once a year.
Ne, es gibt keine Schweizer Kultur, es gibt eine gewisse schizothyme Persönlichkeit und sorgfältige Art die viele Schweizer besitzen und die uns einen sehr guten Ruf beschert hat in den letzten 50-100 Jahren, von dem wir heute immer noch leben können.
Shut up frog
ur a nazi, why do u support gun ownership for citizens?
>There is no such thing as "Swiss culture"
Traditional clothes are part of Swiss culture just like traditional meals such as Raclette are part of Swiss culture.
It's the same for every other country, a Kimino and certain fish meals are also part of Chinese culture.
And of course, culture does not only exist in tradition and meals but in the way of behaving in your everyday life. Being dilligent and on time is part of Swiss culture.
You can also take it to the political sphere. For example neutrality has become a part of our culture,that's why it's so important that we don't lose it or else we would lose a part of our culture.
So no, you can make the argument that culture doesn't exist and we can debate on that line but Swiss culture does exist just like Japanese,German or Russian culture does exist.
>Chinese culture
Wanted to say Japanese culture....
What are you gona do about it? shoot them? lil bitch
Mein scheinbarer Angriff gegen den Alpenkameraden war ein gewaltiges Täuschungsmanöver. Der wahre Feind steht im Süd. Der Völkerzoo wurde seit jeher nur durch das Nordische Element am Laufen gehalten. Der Niedergang der Nordischen Rasse dort führt auch zu dem Verfall dieser Länder.
>Schweizer Rasse
>Schweizer Kultur
richtig pathetisch und bedeutungsschwanger also. Wer hat den Begriff den eigentlich eingeführt?
Literally wiped out ethnically, culturally and racially “nation”
>There is no such thing as "Swiss culture".
Move to bongland and see what culture erosion looks like faggot. The Swiss have it very good still compared to the rest of EU and the world, I hope you keep it and don't take it for granted like you do.
He said in a thread where two “Swiss” posters are not even from there. Like the most “Swiss” posters on this board really
>Like the most “Swiss” posters on this board really
Most "Swiss" posters on this board are busy working, living in a high quality environment and enjoying the outdoors.
Google Translate muss richtig nützlich sein. Deutsch kannst du jedenfalls nicht.
And another day where this mongrel embarrasses himself.
I wish Germany would just split up into individual states again. I would love to see an independent Rhineland and Bavaria.
Amen. The same goes for most Nordic poster - Nordic flag on Sup Forums is some halfbred with mental issues, yugoshit diaspora, turk or romanian 8/10. Those nations already have their own web and irl networks predating Sup Forums and don’t really need this board. The same goes for 50-70% of “Austrian” and “German” posters
>Deutsch kannst du jedenfalls nicht.
1st gen Kanake subhuman confirmed
You may lie, but your shitskin DNA and bloodline won’t.
Your day or getting removed is coming
And we wish your nations sinks
>you weren't born in the greatest country on earth
Why even live?
have you been there at least once? You can’t imagine the amount of problems and bulshit the average Swiss German native has to go thru
Fuck Switzerland and fuck Toblerones
>Russian fag who doesn't understand why despite being "multicultural", Switzerland maintained cohesiveness whereas Belgium can't even fathom being united.
>Why is Switzerland among the most competitive countries in the world.
>In the meanwhile, his country is so socially decrepit they can't even trade via the internet without getting scammed.
Labor, Family, Fatherland is literally their motto. That's the core traditional values around which the swiss people are united. That's why they're the last healthy country to live in in western Europe.
The swiss people are gentlemen and gentlewomen. I've never had to endure any kind of bullshit, be it social, administrative, work-related ever.
The country has its flaws as much as Russia has its strengths, but it's not nearly 1% as bad as any other surrounding country. There's a reason why old rich people seeking some peace of mind move to Switzerland.
That’s very nice illusion about some way of life preserved in villages, but the TRUTH is that Zurich, Basel and Geneva are degenerate racemixed shitholes driven by greed alone
As is any other urbanized area where more than 10k people live together. You actually don't need to live and partake in its degeneracy you know?
I don’t. Bolsheviks became victorious because they captured the urban centers. Very similar to this anolagy immigrants, degenerates and mongrels have their HQ in our ancient capitals running the very industry guilty of our racial death