Do you really want a racewar?
Do you really want a racewar?
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Want this inspiration? Flip cow patties and eat the fungus.
no, but what other options do we have?
change your fucking life dumbass
>Use cobalt in your blues
>Use uranium in your yellows
Yes. It's time for the 80% to be in charge again and everyone is tired of the crybaby welfare regimes that exist.
Niggers only exist to ride on our tax money and I'd rather pay 13% less.
I just want to be left alone
NYC Sup Forumsacks(undercover) are passive throughout entire encounter, still endure violence by upstanding kangz
They got assaulted three times, video of kangz media trying to edit and manipulate the audience
If you legitimately have a desire to go out and kill people you don't personally know then you're a psychopath.
Dem feels
Not everyone can be a worthless solipsist like yourself. Other people have to live in the real world, where everything has consequences and things will happen to you and your loved ones that are completely out of your control.
Hard facts: Due to the Reagan "Affirmative Action" program being cut in 1988 (or so) as far as Military Modes of Service went: yes, the Military IS .33 minorities, but those minorities are not "black". They are, "60% black, 10% Latino 12% Puerto Rican (technically US citizens) 12% Jewish Etnicity, and 3% Carribean (Dominican, Haitian) and roughly a similar number of white, black, etc International Servicemembers serving to obtain US citizenship. Pilots, commanders, signals, supply, are almost all white E-7 and above. There is no hope of a race war spilling into the military, which would act under one of several applicable Cong Acts and presidential duties to engage and imprison both sides. Jus sayin'....
if youre assuming a certain level of sencerity to these posts then youre seeing a lot of psycopathy - mass insanity
ok ahmed calm down, but why don't you want people to live the way they want to live, why do they have to change to your way of life away from the superior western culture whites built?
I want a race war.
But I will not fire the first shot.
But i will fire the last.
Nigger Love = One Way Street to Nothing!
find the things you dont like and change them. make peace with everything outside of your control and test yourself. then call yourself a worthless solipsist
A UN Definition of Genocide
To cause Mental Harm Upon a Race or Group to Prevent Births and Prosperity with in said group.
oh fuck off. people should live to make 5hemselves happy. bu5 they cant be selfish cunts, theyve got to be responsible. just do the best you can to live the right way and inspire people to do the same.if youre miserable, find someone strong and get some help. 5there are plenty of options besides racewar
no i want mass deportations.
and i want a nice bottle of champagne as i watch their planes and boats take off.
yes plz
you like anime, you want a racewar and youre afraid of conflict? hmm...
it's already happening but most whites are asleep to what's going on
for you thats reasonable. americans dont have that option. we have to help our lowest people out of the muck or they will drag everyone else down. i5s calles 5he white mans burden.
a truly rare specimen on Sup Forums
whats the point of wasting bullets like that
I want an anime war. All anime autists sent to the camps
The thing about sleep is, at some point, people will wake up.
No. But if niggers and jews really insist they'll lose. Our patience has its limits.
whats wrong with ethnostate?
i dont see RAHOWA happening the next century
I first thought the file name was going to be "charged but not comped"
impossible for many reasons
I'd rather clean the system of evil and corruption. Everything else will sort itself out after that.
There will be no war. The majority of people in the US are too fat, lazy, stupid and poor for anything to happen. Things will just gradually continue to get worse until you wake up a despised and disenfranchised minority, in a slum rife with socialism and unemployement. The best thing you can do is look out for yourself enjoy the few freedoms you still have left.
Are you a boer?
As long as the ever-emotional & collectively cretinous goy is manipulated into fighting amongst themselves over the differing collective shades of their orangeskin, they will never be anything but servile to the natural elite.
so of course (((someone))) wants it.
>tfw mixed black/white
what the fuck do I do
I assume ill have to join the blacks as according to you mutts being 50% white is still nigger, even though your all mixed with all kinds of shit
8% of niggers voted Trump. As well as, 30% of mexicans, 30% of asians. And 30% of whites voted for Hitlery.
Race war would be a wrong term to describe the desired event.
But whatever the name - left must be banished. Any kind of left - nationalistic socialists, capitalistic anarchist, democratic socialists, social democrats, etc. All of them.
Been dying to get it started for well over 20 years now. The niggers don’t have the balls though.
The Racewar is inevitable.
thats retarded. im too smart. niggers are good at building shit, and since we have a lot of 5hem, we can build a lot of shit. we just need to have shit for them to build. instead of killing th3 niggers, why dont we give them jobs?
This scene bothered me even as a kid. Every other victim he copies is sampled through physical contact. The cop only touched him with the sole of his shoes. I could touch on some other points, but overall it's a very sloppy movie that heralded the decline of the Terminator mythos. Stan Winston and Brad Fiedel made this movie. T1 for life baby!
it won't take much to start it.
No but I don't think we have a choice.
Whites are providing force of civilization. If you would not stand with whites, whatever some of white groups think, you will eventually lose.
It`s better to be a servant in a gentlemans club with some visitors thinking you are an ape, but still pay for your services, than a chief of Mobongo village. Especially when village is not located in warm Africa, where you can sleep butt naked on the street trough the year and eat from a tree.
No, but with the coordinated non-stop villification of whties to justify wanting to thin down whites to free up more room for the over-populating third world, I dn't see anything else happening.
Make sure you're good friends with some conservative white guys, or just move somewhere safer. I'm half Jewish so I'm in the same boat. In all seriousness though I don't think there will be an all-out race war.
kill the blacks first, then kill yourself
Yes. It is inevitable
clearly an ironic statement cia/mi6/BND/ASIO/europol
No, but it will happen eventually. When one side is just unwilling to compromise on anything, turning to violence at the drop of a hat, it will lead to war.
Hopefully, something will change soon, and set us off the course and onto a far more peaceful road.
It's getting to the point to where it's now fairly common for people to manufacture "hate crimes" to further feed hate and violence against whites while the left-controlled narrative keeps all "racism" pinned solely on whites.
no, the war will happen. mk ultra demands it
If you’ve said yes to a racewar, just remember, that means you must be willing to kill someone. Not necessarily a lot of people, in America it’s 56% white so if all the fighting age males killed 2-3 people that would easily clean up the 44% of scum. But don’t wish for a racewar and be such a coward that you think you can sit inside and one day magically western civilization will be 100% euro again
Should say "Anti-White"
In fact you are much worse than that nigger.
Only snakes come from snake eggs.
Nigs are perfectly integrateable in society. Not all works need smart people to do. Intelligence can be augmented trough information technologies.
But if you being white deem yourself *ethnic* part of the modern jewery, which is a cult - you inevitably will cover up the cult higherups plans. With exemplary case being: you would not report to local police if a mossad jew will ask you to hide a couple of people or some bags filled with "sugar" at your place. Worst (for them) you will just refuse and go on with your everyday living. And they will go to ask another "ethnic" jew for the service.
You have to disavow the cult indoctrination. It`s not like you gain anything from them anyway.
>kill people you don't personally
Typical lefty response as usual.
>Remember goyim, you must know your enemy personally before it is deemed palatable to kill them or else we give you a new nametag.
Psychopaths are the only ones willing to do what is necessary for the common good. It IS and will always be a fact of History. Even that little faggot Ghandi knew this.
So are you going to physically enter people's households and bash in the heads of nigger children?
That is one of the more blind statement's that I've heard. Most lower class americans are not lower class due to some injust system of systemic oppression that targets them from an early age. Theyre poop because theyre likely lazy cunts whose habits and dispositions are not compatible with a functioning system and society - even our broken system. They arent builders and they arent great at anything. They're too lazy for hard work, given just enough to not feel any sense of urgency about anything, they prefer free gibs and doritos on ebt to pride and self worth. Dont ever oversell these people or just assume the system holds them down. It's a broken system for sure, but government is currently too stupid, slow and pockmarked with loopholes to stop motivated individuals from succeeding. They fail of their own volition.
There's nothing more beautiful than a dead nigger.
>you would not report to local police if a mossad jew will ask you to hide a couple of people or some bags filled with "sugar" at your place. Worst (for them) you will just refuse and go on with your everyday living.
The hell? What the fuck is this scenario? If that happened I would report it to the police just out of fear for my own safety. I wasn't raised Jewish and don't consider myself an ally to Israel.
no but it is the only option left to us
>niggers and communists
Well you're already in one; you don't really have a choice unless you opt to just book it and leave that hellhole you're living in. Stay safe.
come home white man
prove it. i think if you give people good work they will work.
jak najbardziej
>dying to get it started
>must wait till enemy is ready
oh you'll be dying alright.
So once he changes his life what about the faggot niggers running around who want to stick aids needles in him?
This is the first time I've seen the full video that includes Black Orca falling off the back of a pick-up truck.
ye, BLM can have the white alt-left soyboys and we get the hoteps
Unironically yes
> What the fuck is this scenario?
It comes from multiple cases, that actually happened. When you cover up shit you will think you are helping muh oppressed jews and after the happening you can not disclose anything from fear, that people would lynch you.
> If that happened I would report it to the police just out of fear for my own safety.
You wont cheat anyone but yourself with that shit.
> whites lynching a jew or whatever all over the Fact News
> Sargon, Milo and other shills repeat that shit too in vague manner, so everyone indoctrinated idiot sees "something totally happened, that is not freshly pulled from the ass, there is something to it"
> a jew in proper attire comes to you and asks Юoh please you are half-jew, but first they came for socialist, then they come for us, then they will come to you, plox help our underground railroad to fight these literally Hitlers in the name of Abraham Lincoln, totally one of us and totally like murdered not by us.
> I wasn't raised Jewish
Your children have a chance to be raised free, if you hide the indoctrinated ancestry. So they would not accept other indoctrination. MSM, movie MSM, education, social MSM, MSM-manufactured public opinion, literature.
Just fucking listen to yourself:
> ish
It fumes with you being oppressed by evil white males in swastika hats.
Dogs don't deem themselves the wolf relatives. And so do the wolves.
I follow a ton of Hoteps on Twitter. They're legitimately really funny.
All this makes me sick. Not in a judgemental way. But seriously. The user that posted that video. Fuck. How can you want that? For another? For your neighbor? Would you want that for yourself? For your family? I have unique beliefs just like anyone else. I am not even gonna talk about them. All I am is a huge lurker. Fellow strangers.. you guys are scaring the shit out of me. Do any of you actually think your better than another based on color or some other expression of your genes, or do any of you really think that there isn't something fucked up about snuffing the life out of an innocent person? My minds just blown.. given the light of the Circumstance I don't think that is what I should say. But what's really terrifying deep down. You might do that to me and I would have done nothing but try to help you and treat you like my equal. How can any of us want war? I am part of that question. I will defend myself, my family, those around me to the death but that's a heavy thing to carry through with. Can't we dig down deep? Aren't we capable of extraordinary things? I know it's crowded, but aren't you glad your alive? Whether through divine creation or mere circumstance we are here. I say it's time we look around. Start asking real questions. Start demanding real answers.
Niggers gets 3 weeks notice of a Hurricane coming to flood the fishbowl they live in.
Stays in fishbowl.
Cries about dying.
Cries about loss of law and Order
Cries to gubment.
Cries to Russian TV outlet.
White cuck comes to save them.
Misappropriates Black Culture and starts crying too.
Cries to gubment for gibs.
Cries to whitey.
Lebos are executing your police in the police station, It's started.
Non-whites declare racewar.
Whites stop gibs.
Non-whites perish.
Whites forget you shitscum ever existed. Start exploring the stars coz that shit looks cool.
Yes, all races vs (((those guys))). It's a race war the world deserves.
Nah. You think the entire negro population survives on welfare? Hardly. They get their money from crime. Cut the gibs and you only turn more towards crime.
Don't want it but it's coming anyway. You can thank (((them)))
Just hire some dogs to piss on the niggers.