CBTS #172 Until The Fat Lady Sings Edition

1. This thread's purpose is to log EVENTS over the coming days to compare & understand the various timelines.
2. Stay focused. IGNORE sliders. DON'T bump unnecessarily!!
3. Develop & push the memes (ideally ones asking questions + providing answers)


'Endgame' - important (via #127 ) pasteboard.co/GSNvFoQ.png
(another version )
Military anons are focused (via #122 )
Big picture (via #100 ) i.imglnx.com/w0WJvG.png

CBTS RD: dystopiausa.com/storm-week-4-cresting-sticky-post/
Saudi Arabia RD: twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/926939400990113792
HRC Indictment RD: twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/927699093685641216


Full text of Q postings - qanon.000webhostapp.com/ (NB. needs updating)
Current answers: app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=e3d1071b533c412f8bc08ebbb1b444f6
Backup answers (Nov 7): archive.fo/hSUJN
Backup answers (Nov 5): pastebin.com/cUrSr54y
Bread Crumbs (Nov 1): archive.is/aaWPu

** Please note and confirm recent Q postings from:: ** (NB. )
#150 #161
#162 #163 ARCHIVE.IS link dump #1-#117 pastebin.com/kGQ8FGHt (NB. needs updating)

Most recent:
#161 #162 #163 #164
#165 #166 #167 #168 #169 #170 #171

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing about these threads feels organic. Most of the posts are bots, search the images on 4plebs and it's the same text worded slightly different each time. CIA shit.

Tell the mods to do their damn jobs. Remember this shit for when the spooks face public trials.

fuck off kike


Since there's been an influx of normies and newfags
(probably they came to Sup Forums via YouTube videos about this),
here's a quick glossary on some stuff they have to know.

/ourguy/ = a person who's on our side
baker = a person who makes a new thread
BC = Bill Clinton
BO, OB, O = Barack Obama
HC, HRC = Hillary Clinton
Huma = Huma Abedin
JP = John Podesta
MbS = Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman
Meg, MegAnon, Mega = woman who pretends to be as important as Q
newfag = a new person on Sup Forums
normie, normalfag = an average Joe
Q = a government guy who started all this shit
shill = a person who wants to prevent what we're doing
SR = Seth Rich
TP = Tony Podesta

to bake = to make a new thread
to bluepill = to tell the lies
to derail = to turn us from our final goal
to redpill = to tell the truth

HUMA = Harvard University Muslim Alumni
MB = Muslim Brotherhood
MS-13 = a criminal gang
Wizards & Warlocks = U.S. Navy science and surveilance squadrons
WL = WikiLeaks

(((something))) = suspected Zionist person or activity
bread = thread on this board
breadcrumbs = Q's questions
LARP = fake, not real
QRD, RD = quick run-down

Include in further breads, and add more stuff as you see fit
(everything is sorted alphabetically).

Well said

Thread theme

Is (((Body Odor's))) location currently known at this time?

bump for slightly more educated newfags that are lurking moar.

The answers to some of the 911 questions are incorrect. Allow me to illuminate this subject till it glows in the fucking dark.

236 - The flights were authorised by Richard Clarke which he confirmed himself.

But later clarified that he deffered the actual decision over to No. 2 person in the FBI, Dale Watson, and asked him to deal with this issue.


237 - The final domestic airport before intertnational departure was Boston Logan Airport archive.is/oY19S

238/239 - This is significant becuase this is the same airport where flight 11 ( WTC 1 attack ) was boarded from. This is also where Atta, left in his luggage at Boston’s Logan Airport. It also contained a Saudi passport, an international driver’s license, instructional videos for flying Boeing airliners and an Islamic prayer schedule.

are we still playing the game
God and emperor needs neets of anime board to save the world.

...did AJ already tell us what Qanon is hinting at? His crazy gestalt that sounds like nonsense at first:


Skip to 2:43...he's talking about everyone voluntarily feeding their thoughts etc into one place for the sake of convenience/dopamine hits (Qanon's "what do Google Facebook and Twitter have in common?"), which allows them to build AI that can predict what the "global consciousness" is thinking and essentially predict the future based on that and then introduce specific stimulus to us to direct us all toward whatever they want (like the MSM, Hollywood, social media, Facebook/Google censoring certain stories or results and promoting others, all working together to push the decided narrative goals, normies see stories about Trump = bad and hillary = good and that becomes their view etc).

Qanon's who would want this product, why, who controls it, how is Hollywood connected etc are easy to answer if this is what he's talking about. And Sup Forums is people not feeding into or listening to this system they're trying to make and optimize, while everyone else tunes into CNN, social media, hollywood, controlled opposition, etc The tech isn't there yet to really effectively do this, but feed us drugs & passive entertainment so we're docile and apathetic, introduce UBI so we're completely dependent on the govt, squash places like Sup Forums that fight back and maybe this election & the propaganda they tried to push would have gone a lot different

This election was like a test run of this system before it was fully optimized cuz they didn't expect Trump to be a threat or places like Sup Forums to be equipped to fight back so it's been easy to find holes in it and fight against it but they ultimately failed (for now)

AJs rant isn't as crazy as it sounds when you break it down line by line, but this part seemed relevant to the Endgame shit.

why is it always a canadian? who pays you to follow these threads?

So all these happenings, things behind the curtains, the sex scandals, the uranium bullshittery, the child trafficking and maybe even the AYY LMAO and satanism and blood sacrifices among world leaders have already been said/predicted by a random bloke from Leicester in the early 90's?

I chased a rabbit more than once,
some would say I was a dunce,
for I followed it into a hole,
and as I dug like a troll,
it eluded me not once but twice,
so I picked up a new device,
the Sword of God with shoes just right,
a shining breastplate that fits me tight,
with a belt of truth and a shield to bear,
I finally caught that elusive hare.
Now that i've captured that furry crit,
i'll find a place where I can sit
and roast the prize of all my work,
and now I know where rabbits lurk.
If by chance I get the itch
to chase another in a ditch,
I first will weigh what is the cost,
sometimes the chase can get me lost.
But prudence calls I must beware,
Some rabbits just aren't worth the care..



I fell asleep around 11:30 EST what'd I miss? We were looking in MIS Dept. Inc. We determined that the Q posts from yesterday were not really Q (the north south ones). We determined there were 33 sealed indictments in DC and 50 in Washington, the total number being double what the US issues in a year.

What'd I miss during my sleeps?



Was the last Q post about the glowing rabbit?

I went to bed but this is what I gather:
SA purged the DS funding because they want IN with what Trump has planned

Oil will be a thing of the past and SA doesn’t want to go poor

Trump is commissioning a Tesla tower or something similar. Free energy. All the oil tycoons will wither away. We have had the technology and knowledge for free energy BUT big oil (bush’s and deepstate niggies) would never allow that. That’s what this meeting is about in Vietnam Nam and China Japan and South Korea.

I think the nuke testing bunker in NK was blown up by something we couldn’t understand just yet. But this is very crazy time and it will shift humanity for many years to come

>Meg, MegAnon, Mega = woman who pretends to be as important as Q
what are y'all tryin to say

Question 240

>Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).

Do we have any information at all regarding podesta and aircraft. Also are we dealing with Tony here I presume so

Rampant shitposting by AIs, mostly. No idea what timezone is currently active, but I'm guessing NA is getting sleeping and eurofags are tarded.

Pic related was pretty funny, though.


Nice try, memeflag.

>CIA shit.

Could be worse.

m.youtube.com/watch?v=7L-GdzdioQ8 ¥R$ TRULY

Glossary is helpful for us newfags! Ty!

Godspeed to all fellow anons.


Listen to this album (Asgier, Afterglow) as we go through these threads today. it is called "Afterglow" by "Asgeir".
>Asgeir means "God's Spear" or "Spear of God"

I've been incubating
this album and its tracks over the past year with intention and will. "Afterglow" is a metaphor for the
timeline our meme magick is guiding us towards. the next track is "Unbound" the lyrics read:

>I want you to be out there with me
>I want you to be unbound with me

Ive always transmuted with the intention that this is Kek, God, Being "I Am That I Am" calling to us,
to be unbound, to be limitless. We are proving that we are.

I love all of you.
Jam this album.
Listen to the words, imbue your own intention into the collective Will.

Praise Kek.

(Pic is Trumps tweet, "connect the dots" "Nothing is random" Q = confirmed.


Endgame png is not from /our/ people, too many spelling and grammar mistakes. Focus

> #
We can do that. Quick response box and then, if necessary, elaborate in the secondary.

I was also wanting to add citations if possible. This way anons can link normies to the info.

Can also trim out any blank statements that aren't direct questions if possible. We have the Q quote template still in OP and archived

you can't blame the thread creator because Sup Forums has a 365 post limit on each thread, these are rolling threads talking about the coming indictments, where have you been? get up to speed faggot, this is not about organic anymore ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/rss_outside.pl

use this.

post more feet and we can bump you up a notch.

>It's happening.jpg
So when do I bug out or am I too late for that?

BTW the white rabbit twitter account has been zapped...

Posting this one more time for the time being:

Thread: →

>Who died on Nov. 23rd 1985?
Plane hi-jacking. easily found on wikipedia. Implications? 9/11 victims can sue saudis. possibly reference to another hi-jacking to take place.
>Who lived?
Omar Rezaq, survived, and faced trial in U.S. His case is why 9/11 victims could possibly sue.
>There is a set flow to the next sequence.


>Not the list.
>When is the next sequence?
>Image is important.
Harrisburg, PA. Three Mile Island.
Thread: →
>Yes in 2019.
referring to Three Mile Island scheduled reactor being closed in 2019
>What can save the two remaining?
>Will north save south?
Theory the north reactor can possibly save the south reactor in case of a melt down. Not sure.
>Why is this relevant?


Honorable Mention:
Walter W. Jenkins
AKA Walter Wilson Jenkins

Born: 23-Mar-1918
Birthplace: Jolly, TX
Died: 23-Nov-1985
Location of death: Austin, TX
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Government
Party Affiliation: Democratic

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: LBJ assistant, outed in gay sex scandal

P.S. No leaked info here, as all of this is already known to 90% of people here, so stop moaning it's a "code breach" or some similar crap

checked btw

didnt include pic for some reason.
Pic confirms Q, from Trumps twitter. Nothing is Random, Connect the dots.



I hope you get hit by a car and you become a vegetable.

Did I see someone had figured a way to view the indictments last night? If handy please repost

it had to happen at some point.
Open the Gates! Let them All In!



Please help. The Jews are winning and I'm running out of options.

Cmon grand hivemind this relates to many subjects and is extremely important.

>Question 240: Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).

Do we have any information at all regarding Podesta(s) and aircraft private or otherwise?

I am but a simple OP...
Delivering my memes.

I toldja we manifested within reality.
You should look this book up... read the last part.

Dedicated to Mizz Beanz.
This is for you.

Sooo.. what stops one of the ones who have infiltrated to spill the beans to jewtube?

then add to this that Mark Zuckerberg wants to run for prezzie, all the insane narratives that have been pushed over the last couple years, people like Hillary saying exactly what most of Twitter Facebook etc (aka lefties) want to hear (Trump/conservative people have generally kept a lower profile on social media platforms because they aren't bloggers sitting at home on their parents dime all day) etc

hell they even used this to MAKE Trump go up against Hillary cause they thought they could beat him, cause they didn't know what the silent majority thought since some farmer or construction guy isn't posting his political views all over social media, and all the false polls that make people assume "well she's gonna win, guess I shouldn't bother to vote, or should jump on board the popular wagon"

if they thought Hillary was guaranteed to win then they'd have another 8 years (since by the end of 4 years they'd have full control to make her win again) to make us docile (drugs, movies, gaming, etc) and get us addicted to UBI take away our guns import hostile immigrants to scare us into staying indoors and staying plugged in etc

...tfw you're filling in captcha telling it how to identify fire hydrants and contributing to this AI

Dude it’s an open forum that literally everybody has access to lmao

>Compromising our lingo when they should lurk more

Fucking fag

It’s fake fag. They’re sealed. You’ll find out when they are arrested

Half the time I come in these threads half the people are trying to dox Q

oh shit, is alex jones explaining the 1981 book lawofone.info?

I feel very organic, even carbon based while you seem to be made of silicon. Fuck off evil bot.

oh shit
is he?


Isn't it interesting how the metanarrative keeps coming back to the same themes?
It even fits the Bible thematically.


Well if they do, they risk putting our GEOTUS and Q at risk. They want that on their conscience fine. But I sure AF don’t. They can answer to the ppl when treason charges are filled

It didn't happen now when I posted the glossary, it happened a long time ago so I don't understand all the bitching about it
Regarding YouTube, there are at least two channels covering all of this from day one, so don't bitch about it either

The body broker place busted has ties to the Mayo Clinic.. which is tied to Hawaii Biogenesis department that makes glow in the dark rabbits. They probably use stem cells from MedCure (body broker place). There's probably more but i haven't dug deeper into it yet.

I will not rest until the Jews and blacks are wiped from existence, my name is Matt Myers.

You don't understand what's going on here.
Divine Transparency.
It's all good and it's funny how it works out.

Doesn’t mean they get to steal our intel and blab it all over shit tube

Quickly approaching 200 threads with zero relevancy. Congratulations.

>HUMA = Harvard University Muslim Alumni

Yup. Cunts

This is a bit off the rails, but I'd like to take some thoughts away from the box completely.

Glowing white rabbit... White rabbits go down holes. Tunnels. Glowing tunnels. Uranium. Large energy potential. Other than a nuclear bomb, what might be happening? Stargates. A white rabbit would surely glow if sent through a stargate.

I think the cloning in NK and CERN and the glowing rabbit and all of the bat shit high strangeness going on has to do with the Secret Space program and stargate technology. Hence the necessary help from +++

Q - any truth to this?

I expect for this to be shredded, but we cannot keep tossing around the same ideas without at least tossing in something new to break the monotony.

There is only one way to separate out bots from real people that I know of. Fish Puns. Just add one at the end.

Bots have no sole you see.

>so don't bitch about it either
i'm not
I'm doing the opposite.

>Why is it always a Canadian?

Cause it's the same shill Everytime you retard

They dox him they get reported. Fucking asses

I chased a rabbit more than once,
some would say I was a dunce,
for I followed it into a hole,
and as I dug like a troll,
it eluded me not once but twice,
so I picked up a new device,
the Sword of God with shoes just right,
a shining breastplate that fits me tight,
with a belt of truth and a shield to bear,
I finally caught that elusive hare.
Now that i've captured that furry crit,
i'll find a place where I can sit
and roast the prize of all my work,
and now I know where rabbits lurk.
If by chance I get the itch
to chase another in a ditch,
I first will weigh what is the cost,
sometimes the chase can get me lost.
But prudence calls I must beware,
Some rabbits just aren't worth the care..

yeah, they do Youtube vids for cash on info they get just casually browsing here. I don't mind it. They're /oursleaze/

i dont mean to shill it, but yeah. though he says we are already in the fifth/sixth dimension

You're implying I don't know, when I'm just asking the question to show that exact same fact to the other user, without explicitly saying it.

statistically prove relevancy on Sup Forums.

Is the cloning digital or IRL?

New acct

well fuck lads. heres the deep state plot to attempt to get us shut down.

>November 9/10 Harrisburg PA resident Matt Meyers shoots up black AME Zion church

Glowing white rabbit = moon in Chinese
Moon is prez of SKorea

Jeez... This sounds like that Don Hertzfeldt "World of Tomorrow" cartoon.

Y'know, the one where humanity gets uploaded into AI cubes that nice in theory, but hellish in practice... And the human race is forced to rely on clones to progress and survive, but the clones suffer genetic breakdown and decay...

Short little cartoon, but may prove inspirational?

What fucking intel, go to YT channel of the whiteboard guy, it's been there even before I joined this shit

See Tavistock Clinic - all related.

Same Templar fag from last thread?


I don't see why not.
Just because we aren't making use of it, doesn't mean it's not available to us.

But Ban Ki Moon is the "Prince of Peace".
Look into him.
He's a "thing" in too many ways.

Q = 17th letter of Alphabet
1st letter is A
7th letter is J

Whose initials? ++

The only flight, the first flight, was the one out of San Diego with the venom. This was approved by the head of the FAA.

You are talking about the flights over a week later.

Snow White and the seven dwarves = Chuck Schumer, Gang of Eight

I do mind it. Beanz et al use our work for profit. FUCK THAT. GET REAL JOBS SLEAZES

A ?

Albert Johnson!?
Holy Shot!

>oh shit, is alex jones explaining the 1981 book lawofone.info?
desu I have no idea what that is so I don't know if you're being sarcastic lol
But he's describing what the elites think, not what he personally thinks (he stresses that a bunch of times), and all the stuff around this AI data-mining thing is about levels of consciousness and reaching singularity etc it's actually interesting when you slow him down and listen line by line
but this part stuck out to me because Qanon is asking what Google Twitter Facebook have in common and it's the average person putting in their thoughts feelings questions ideas etc...could all be feeding toward this kind of crystal ball AJ is talking about, esp when we're more docile down the road (or would have been under Hillary)
if it doesn't work out or Sup Forums exposes it, blame it on Russian hackers or nuke the story (Vegas)...I think they had to jump the gun with it because Trump turned out to be a threat but their plan was for Hillary to win and to have more time to perfect this mass propaganda machine

As a general rule, newfags are not allowed to post comments or threads on the Chans until you've lurked here for at least long enough to question if you're still a newfags.

The reason being that you add zero substance to the discussion, make us cringe with your cluelessness and distract/take up space.

So shut your fucking mouth and lurk more.

And just in case this is a kike shill derailing go gas yourself you and your other new friends are going down.

I wrote his ass a message too. Fuck him

I'm going to guess both. And if you subscribe to holographic universe theory IRL and digital are the same. And now my brain hurts.