has it sinked in yet /pol?
Has it sinked in yet /pol?
>men becoming politicians again
pretty disturbing times when you vote in person with a literal mental disorder.
I'd be willing to be he is going to do such a terrible job and do something so embarrassing that it will make Virginia go full fascist.
Trans freaks are the biggest degenerates that have ever existed. You know for a fact that him taking estrogen and crossdressing as a woman is the least degenerate thing he does.
trans hate is a mental disorder
>first trans state legislator in America
Assuming a whole lot of genders there, buddy.
Mods are asleep. Post some sinks! You know you want to, you degenerate pervert.
you are losing facist. we are winning, your god emepror drumpft will get impeached
>Is hiring trans-women problematic for cis-women and women of color? Here's our top reasons why!
>Speaker of truths, Person of reason, Human of insight
he's got a mental problem. he's a man. don't turn the table around and act as if ive got the problem for ignore his mental problem.
the thing needs to be put out of it's misery.
their government representative is a 33 yr old man dressed as a women. let that sink in!
If you are born with a dick and turn yourself into a woman, don't ever call me crazy for calling Obama a Saudi Bin Laden plant.
/pol BTFO
its a she, shes a woman
i will never be able to prove it but there is no way that thing won. that shit was rigged.
>be virginia
>de facto home to DC
>home to CIA
nobody likes, respects, understands, or is encouraged by transthings expect those who are severely mentally ill or severely brain washed.
Fake news.
First trans person was Althea Garrison, who was a republican and railroaded out by the dems and havingher name smeared in the press, simply because she never openly said she was trans and simply said she was a Woman
He has XY chromosome which makes him a male in denial.
identity politics really works guise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get ready for DRUMPF to be finished in 2020!!!!!!!!
>Transgender Politician
Okay lets try and move away from that now and face reality here for a second.
What the fuck is xe gonna do?
kinda cute for a dude, no homo
in her head he is, people mental disorders dont know they have them.
they'll keep thinking it's normal and defending it. it's called denial.
Trannism is a mental illness
>men thinking they are female and pumping themselves full of estrogen, cutting off their genitals and then living their entire life having to put things inside your wound so it never heals is a mental illness
Gee, I wouldn't have guessed
A master is out as well, oldfag
>Sup Forums shit from somewhere around 2012
The final collapse of Rome is near.
>That neck
She must do headstands as part of her daily yoga routine.
>it’s a she
Then why not call “her” a woman instead of transgender woman?
USA just keeps on getting more based by day. So much basedness, i cant take it
its a democrat.. what do you expect?
cant help myslef
Damn this probably really, is the final decade for USA. You almost had the world in your pocket after ww2. Literally giving it away now.
Literally who gives a shit.
>pretty disturbing times when you vote in person with a literal mental disorder.
that actually caused me to cringe in disgust what in the fuck is that thing
We won't need an Islamic Army to come to our shores and invade our countries in the west
we'll just collapse within
truly these are the end days
go home, Skejo
This is more evidence that the democrats are committed to crashing their party with no survivors. If electing niggers is TNT, electing trannies is atomic.
I can't waIt for her to become the first female president so feminists get booty blasted
If "she" really was a woman then people would simply call then woman instead of "trans woman"
I thought the "bathroom bill" was in north carolina with mccory, who was voted out last year
>trans woman
what hte fuck it's not a woman god damn it
>the absolute state of the JewSA
It's sinking alright.
The first transgender state legislator was a Republican from Atlanta in the 1990s.
So the Democrat party hates white women so much for voting for drumpfh that they are disenfranchising them and replacing them with mentally ill men who cut their dicks off and calling it progress.
It's called gender dysphoria, it's in the DSM5
this has got to stop
Um, I dunno, I think I remember being in a meeting where we interviewed a completely unqualified dumbass, who was trans and claimed to be an ex-state legislator.
Really anyone can be a state legislator: It's a part time job that relegates you to seasonal/temp work when the legislature is not in session, so state legislators tend to be poor as fuck with no prospects, or rich enough not to care about not earning money but ambitious.
Basically state legislatorship is like an unpaid internship for politics. It keeps the riff-raff out of real politics.
Anyway people vote R/D and have never heard of whoever is running usually.
Bahaha, will almost be as delicious as when Trump loses to a black woman in 2020
Democracy was a mistake.
oh shit oh shit oh shit
my sides
>over 24 hours since trannies ascend to the legislature
>no tasty photos of their engorged feminine penises
I'm starting to get a bit upset
>the left quadrupling down on their bullshit
2018 elections in states that aren't overrun by progressives are gonna be fun
It's a man.
All this proves is that Virginia is a shitty state.
That the degeneracy has gotten worse and we need to purge it? Oh yes.
>heavily blue district
>99.9% of democrats just vote (D) without knowing a damn thing about the candidate
>tranny wins
Low information voters have been destroying America for generations now. Nothing to see here.
By the way, republicans are still 5/5 on house representative elections since Trump took office, which is all that matters ;^)
honestly who cars about what may or may not be between a politicians legs, if they do a good job then good on em, if its more of the same old shit, whats difference does it make?
The "woman" was 33 years old. Check any story in the media, if it has 33 in it, it's fixed by the Freemasons, they have 33 degrees in thier craft.
It sinkeded in alright! Really sunkeded right in down there!!!
I'll never recoveringed from this.
It was "her" turn
The first woman politician in Virginia.....is a man.
I know Bob, it sucks he lost but it really was inevitable given his district.
That looks like Ainsley.
has what sinked in? "her" dilation wand??
that we're rapidly degenerating and humanity needs to be wiped out? Yes.
Why won't someone just let that sink in? It's cold outside!
trans dislike is logical and common sense. Fucking abominations. Into the fire you go.
IT is the second trans not first
>The most power woman in washington who spent a billion dollars in a worldwide orcastrated media seizure with 40 years of experience lost an election to an angry orange cheeto
You seem illiterate.
kekkedy kek
Uhm sweatie? Being trans isnt a mental illness, it's a physical one.
What the fuck Virginia!?!
>from North Carolina aka best Carolina
I'm not Nero but, I've decided to take up the fiddle so I'm prepared for the inevitable.
Who will be playing with me?
I think that as long they do a decent job without any bias or preference for an especific group of people, they are ok on my book until they do said things
>first TURBANED Sikh
So another Sikh has been elected but he wasn't wearing a hat so he didn't count? I swear liberals are almost as bad as sportscasters with meaningless milestones and statistics.
Couple different ways to look at this situation:
1) we get to make fun of "le strong independent career womyn" meme by pointing out how even men make better female politicians than females themselves.
2) Hopefully the success of a mentally ill tranny causes the democrats to get emboldened and think they can continue pushing for LGBBQWTF shit, even though it's one of the main reasons why normal everyday Americans are rejecting their message. The more the democrats focus on SJW social issues and less on trying to talk about working class economics, the worse they'll do overall.
All Virginians will now be regarded as the country's laughing stock.
Hot before and after
>this is the America we want
Implying voting for people simply because they're minorities instead of their platform or oratory skills is the right way to run things.
So a white male just duped you all into voting for him. Got it.
Every Democrat is the "first" something, it's their new shtick.
Why does this post not have the most (You)s?
I don't hate you tranny, you just need help
*breathes in*
But she's a white male reeeee!
Off to the showers Mr.62%
>has it sinked in yet /pol?
it's : *Has it sunken in yet ?
How the fuck is it, that a German has better enlish skills than an American ? God, this is so pathetic, really. Rethorical question tho, cuz i know why : Cuz of your socialist, leftarded (((educyashn))) system. :/
Gg retard