I don't and won't tip

Why should I tip a waiter who gets paid a decent amount of money? And don't give me that "Waiters live and rely on tips" bullshit because if that's the case get a real job where you have a steady income..I hear they need a manager at mcdonalds. If you want a tip you have to do more than take my order, serve me dinner and ask if I need a refill every 40 minutes. I can do all that myself, your job shouldn't even exist.

You're not special for not tipping

I'm glad we don't have this tipping thing in Finland.

"I can do that by myself" ??? then get off your lazy fucking ass and go do it yourself. i can already tell you're a little special but the last people you should be fucking with are the ones handling your food

what? their job is to handle the food dumbass
and no one is 'fucking with' them

if they can't handle handling food then maybe they should get a new job? what the hell

It's a nightmare in the US, especially when you're travelling with someone who's desperate to "do the right thing". The tip becomes part of the meal which is disgusting and fucking ridiculous.

If I fucking could i'd tell the chef what I want, check back in 20-25 minutes, get my food, pay for MY FOOD and leave. What the fuck are you about kid, fuck outta here.
ape gang.

Do you have to tip in 'merica? Over here you just tip if you feel like it and any amount you feel you want to.

Food makes sense to tip at least. What the fuck is up with taxis expecting tip? $40 for a trip 8 miles and I'm expected to tip on top of that? Fuck you.

You realize your server may be a med student? Or maybe they are doing that as a side hustle for extra income? I'm not saying a lot aren't total retards, but the flexibility of food service gigs sees people of all backgrounds and futures. The get a better job argument is fucking retarded. to say to a college kid who is trying to make extra cash for books, or a stay at home during the day mother bringing in extra income at night to pay off debt is a dumb ass is not only nigger tier, but it is also intellectually dishonest. You don't want to tip? Fine. Tell your server that on the front end you colossal faggot.

Something's off in that image. The suggested tip amounts are all fucky for the total.

What I hate is paying a delivery fee for food or a convenience fee for free same day delivery...

...first of all, it's not free PIZZA HUT and others who charge a "convenience fee"...

...and on top of automatically charging this "convenience fee" (the convenience of delivering to you, thus a delivery fee), they STILL want you to tip the delivery person!

Fuck. That.

I never tip. Fuck em.

I didn't say get a "better" job, I said get a different one if handling food is too difficult for them.

You realize most waiters/waitresses/bussers/chefs (because typically the tips are split) end up making $10-15/hour easily?

>Tell your server that on the front end you colossal faggot.
Okay, sure, why not? Are they going to whine to their boss that they refuse to do their job for that patron or something? Their boss will probably fire them.

Oh my god it's a fucking nightmare I had to throw down like 3 dollars it's happening, oh fuck you could have just listenened..... What a NIGHTMARE HOLY FUCK

Seriously though how poor are you? Maybe you should stick to fast food and actually cooking for yourself in lieu of actual restaurants, it sounds like you don't have a lot of money if a few paltry dollars is a fucking N I G H T M A R E

>waiting until present year to read the alchemist
That is basic af

you're just a cheap prick

Pick one

Questions for waiters:

* Did I force you to become a waiter?
* Did I create a situation where waiting tables was the only job you could get?
* Am I relative of yours and therefore obligated to support you financially?
* Am I obligated to give tips to all service workers, including shoe salesmen and check-out clerks?
* Is your job the only low-paid job on the planet?
* Is your job uniquely onerous or dangerous so that you deserve extra money where paramedics and coal miners do not?
* Am I preventing you from finding better employment?
* Am I forcing your employer to pay you artificially low wages?

If the answer to all of these questions is no, then my final question is this:
* Why do you deserve free money?

>suggested tip amounts
Are you fucking kidding? What the fuck

I tip, but have nothing against people who don't and I was a delivery driver for two years.

The fact of the matter is, is that if they were paid minimum wage and tipping was banned they'd all quit. Not being tipped is a risk you take when you rely on strangers to pay you what your employer should

>a waiter who gets paid a decent amount of money?


Obviously you have no idea just how little a waiter gets paid.

Also, if you reward the waiter for doing an excellent job, the next time you stop in you'll get preferential treatment. The service will be a little faster and friendlier.

If you don't like tipping, stay at home and cook.

What is a tip? Never heard of that word.

Tipping in america is a fucking con, they always bullshit about how they NEED tips because they get paid under minimum wage, these fuckers have the right to claim up to minimumwage from their employers if their combined tips and wages dont reach that amount. But these assholes demand tips for doing their job, take home more than minimum wage, dont declare it and/or get taxed on it and still cry it isnt enough.


You kind of are forcing the employer to pay artificially low wages because the expectation for food service pricing forces employers to put their employees in a situation of this nature. But it's okay, cheap bastards like you are out there and once a server knows what you really are, they'll give you the appropriate level of attention, which is the bare minimum

It tickles the back of your throat

Confirmed Algerian

Nice digits, kek confirms tipping is retarded

I recently came back to Prague after spending some 4 years here in Mother Russia and got into an awkward situation in a pub where I came to pay my tab at the counter and gave them the sum asked. And then we started at each other for good 15 seconds before I realized I'm expected to tip the fucking barkeep where i had to GO to the counter to pay for my drinks.
Fuck tipping and the whole culture surrounding it. Just add a fucking 10% or 20% or whatever fee to the tab and write it at the end of menu or whatever. I don't care about the money, I just don't want to fucking think about it when i'm already paying nontrivial sums to have food and drinks prepared and served for me. REALLY FUCK THIS TIPPING CANCER. FUUUCK I MAD.

S-shut up Satan!

20% of 60 euros is 12 euros
1.5% of 17000 euros is 255

If a waiter sucks don't give a tip.

Chances are you go to the same restaurant more than once, and tipping will ensure you get good service every time. Women also like men who are good tippers. If you are a legitimately charitable person it's also a great way to get money into the hands of the working poor.

You pay the asset manager once a year, you go to restaurants dozens of times per year.

>You kind of are forcing the employer to pay artificially low wages

Kind of? I am or I am not. Since I have never forced, compelled or ordered the employer to do anything, I have no part to play in the level of wages paid to servers.

If a server's labour is worth $15 an hour, he will get $15 an hour. If his labour is not worth $15 an hour, he will get less than $15 an hour. QED.

>the expectation for food service pricing forces employers to put their employees in a situation of this nature.

Expectations are irrelevant to the free market. If everyone expected to get free food, the restaurants would still charge a fee.

>cheap bastards like you are out there

I pay the fee demanded by the business owner for the goods he is selling. You do not deserve free money just because you're too stupid or lazy to get a real job.

>and once a server knows what you really are, they'll give you the appropriate level of attention, which is the bare minimum

The serve is paid a wage by his employer. The wage is his compensation for providing labour in the employer's business. If the server needs more incentive to do his job, the server is lazy and entitled. If the compensation provided is insufficient, the server has the option to leave that business and enter into a contract elsewhere.

It is not my fault that you are too stupid to look after yourself and it is not my responsibility to give you free money for doing your job.

I congratulate you on mastering basic arithmetic.

The entire reason we implemented tipping as a thing was a way to teach young people responsibility and customer service on their way up the job ladder.

It's like how you tip a kid for mowing your lawn in the summer. The goal of it isn't the free labor, the goal is to teach the kid some work ethic. That's why we have lemonade stands and stuff

This is the culture of capitalism America has cultivated

waiter, checked please

Check out the big brains on Rudi.

I'd rather deal with a machine than pay some cunt +20% for doing his job.
Let me tip the fucking combine driver who harvests my corn while I'm at it.

Can I predict the future?
>Minimum wage becomes 15$
>Liberals get 15$
>15$ are now worthles
>Liberals can buy as much as before
>Liberals blame capitalism

Ok, so me and my wife meet up for a meal after work, check comes to $80 for food. The waitress who spent a grand total of 5 minutes talking to us, bringing us wine or bringing food out for us now deserves $16 for those 5 minutes, is that what you're saying? So if she fills up her hour doing the same thing, she could be earning upwards of $100/h if you take into account some people paying less, or time spent moving between places.

>The entire reason we implemented tipping as a thing was a way to teach young people responsibility and customer service on their way up the job ladder.

It's not my job to teach someone how to be a decent human being. If you need to be bribed to do your job properly, you aren't doing your job properly.

i dont tip. your not required to and any place that doesnt at least pay minimum wage in america will be shut down. there is no such thing as only paid on commission thats illegal

in fact most dont even get to keep the tips its collected by the company. fuck tipping. if the place closes down due to insufficient cash flow then it was a shit tier business

Do you guys think people would be more or less likely to work as a server if tips were no longer a thing and lets say the position typically started at $10/hr or so? I think young kids would do it but seems like most servers I've known like the current system with sub minimum wage hourly plus tips because they end up making out better.

It's not your fucking job, it's your social responsibility.
This is what we call a society you autistic shut-in

Must be a burger thing.
No one tips in here unless it was great service.
But its a rarity.

Okay Mr pink you made your point.

>gibs tips or we go fuk wit you fud.
Your job is a joke and you are even more so because of your entitled attitude regarding it.

I fucking hate waiters. they think the know what work is. And expect everyone to hand them money for something I get my 8 year old son to do for me at home.

the problem isn't the income, the problem is their spending habits. even if they'd make a shitload of money they'd still end up with nothing at the end of the month because they'd just continue to live above their means.

>You kind of are forcing the employer to pay artificially low wages because the expectation for food service pricing forces
What the fuck are you on about? Nobody is forcing the employer if the employer is being forced those wages. I've worked in kitchens for 3 years and every single owner/manager who orders the food each week is the cheapest bastard I've ever met right next down the line. They make more than enough to pay the waiter 7.25 w/ tips and tipping isn't obligatory and nobody gives a fuck if the waiter becomes this smug asshole when he puts your drink on the counter. He has a problem you can kick his ass. Restaurants get cheap food, dress it up nice with the cheap, low-intelligence, low-level workers labor and send it to the table. A god damn monkey could do the entire thing start to finish. Hell, they DO have monkeys doing it if you compare IQ. Yeah I'm buttmad, you got me bro. Oh you so fucking got me, thinking that "once the server knows what you really are" and what's that? A guy who makes shitty amount of money like they do trying to fancy a girl on a date and he's got to shell out all his cash for your parasitic lifestyle? I've known waiters to brag on a good day they make more than the cooks. I've been cooking for 3 years and I'M the one doing all the fucking work, they literally JUST bring it to the table. Like OP said if he could go talk to the chef he would, if I could serve the table because I knew I'd get a tip I would. Why can't this be the system? Then it would actually justify tipping.

You can tip whatever you want nobody forces you to.
But i hate assholes who don't want to look like greedy jews and claim that if they stop tipping somehow the employers will raise their wage and everything will be fine
just admit it that you are a greedy slimey kike

>I don't and won't tip.
Pfft dumb ass christcucks

>hen get off your lazy fucking ass and go do it yourself.
I already do. There's some restaurant nearby where the kitchen staff just puts your meal on a counter and you can pick it up. Way nicer than constantly having to deal with an obnoxious waiter who can't let me eat two bites without asking if I want another drink.

Didn't read.

The server is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a crytojew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

dont have to tip over here, however if i like waiter in questions attitude then ill chuck them whatever pocket change i have. if the cunt serving you does a good job and is polite then why not

Is this why the super rich rarely dress/act expensive outside while upper middle, middle and lower class always buy and use/wear stupid trinkets that eat away their income like expensive watches, cars, I-phones and so forth?

Holy shit this thread again. I always thought roofers were the guys under the impression they're the toughest guys around but apparently it's waiters with how much I've seen them bitching last thread and this one. Lmfao you carry food from a kitchen to a table, I don't pay my wife to do that shit I'm not paying my-male faggot in college to do the same for overpriced food. Lmfao get bent.

T. Former waiter

I worked at the airport in Portland and those curbside check-in guys? Usual $5-$20 a person tip. Doesn't seem like much? The guys I knew were making $300 a shift on a slow day, normally $600-$700 a shift in just tips. One guy told me the most he made was $1,500 or so in 10 hours. Let that shit sink in. They had to fill out tax papers every shift reporting their tips so they could be taxed on em.

Why don't you tip him for being socially responsible?

I don't mind tipping for decent service at a restaurant as it involves being attentive (like asking if I want a refill of my drink when/before I need it instead of me having to flag your lazy ass down after ten minutes of no water, etc).

But when I order ahead of time and go just to pick it up, why should I tip the same amount? You literally just handed me a box right behind you.

Makes sense. The kind of people who think tips are deserved usually aren't very good at reading.

Is that a joke? Because I lol'd
You didn't read it but you had to tell me to read it.
Is this what forums are like? People edging the ever living fuck out of you?
Fight me IRL

Honestly, I never eat out unless I'm on a date. One of the main reasons is because I don't like some greaseball spics in another room fucking with my food and another reason is I don't like being guilted into paying extra for usually sub par service. Sometimes I'll get someone who actually makes the effort to provide good service and I tip them really well but I think it's horseshit that someone should get a tip just for showing up and doing the bare minimum their job requires.

Lol idk why this made me lol so much probably cause that combine driver could easily be me. PAY ME REEEE

Pretty sure the super rich tend to do that stuff, too. But they are super rich so that shit eats up way less of their income (proportionally) than for middle and lower class.

We have countless examples for people who make a shitload of money (artists, actors and athletes) yet end up in debt because they were living above their means.

I mean, there is some minimum threshold you have to pass, because if your basic necessities eat up all your income then nothing will be left for smart spending. But once you get past that, it is all down to your own habits. You won't go from ghetto trash to 0.1% in your own life, but the 0.1% accumulated their wealth over multiple generations, too. If you aren't retarded, you'll always be able to pass on a better starting position than you had yourself to your children.

You make a good point.

A waiter deserves free money for carrying a tray of food 10 feet.

A cook who slaves over a hot stove to prepare the food does not deserve any free money.

To the greedy entitled tip cucks, this makes perfect sense.

Ive always tipped but after reading some of these counter rants ill probably stop.

daily reminder that if you tip or have ever tipped before you're a cuck and should probably kill yourself.

>being this delusional
It was so that kikes could cut down on costs.

>you have to do more than take my order, serve me dinner and ask if I need a refill every 40 minutes
that fact that this is all you notice at a restaurant means that your waiter definitely deserves a tip. the best waiters, you're barely aware they exist

Fuck off Randy

I used to tip cunts who delivered pizza, all that did was encourage places to pass the delivery charge onto the customer and now I have to pay 8 bucks extra to have some guy drive 3 minutes to my house despite the fact delivered pizzas are already more expensive than pickup
I just go pick the shit up now

People like you are why we need government.

>hurr it's not MY pasture so i don't care if i overgraze my sheep

I don't get this pic. Where is the waiter complaining? Seems like Bernouts patting themselves in the back for giving a high tip

If a banker helped me earn $/€ 17000 with skill set that required years of education and training, for fucks sake, I'll give him that much.

>The USA immediately after tipping is outlawed...

Forget getting your food delivered. Instead of that 2 dollar fee plus tip, there is now a flat rate of 8 dollars for delivery, every time.

Your favorite restaurant has just enacted huge price increases. The 4 dollar shake special? Try 6. That burger for 8 bucks? Try 12 now.

If you don't want to tip, eat at home.
Also if you go to a restaurant and order free water to drink, you're an abject loser and should kys.
ITT niggers and kikes high fiving

You don't tip?

>You didnt even notice them, they were that good.
At doing what? The same thing to other people, gettings someone their bill after? They do nothing to justify tips.

even though it's the kikes who invented tipping so they can pay their employees less?

Best restaurants are usually the ones run by natives or Eastern Europeans around here. Half of the time the kitchen and waiter staff is identical, so if you tip it does actually end up in the pockets of the people who did some work, not some student with an overblown ego who thinks carrying a plate for 20 feet is easily worth 20% of the chef's work in tips.

No one has explained it better than this
Everyone else is so fucking retarded
>muh free market!
Some of these kikes even took advantage of the thread to defend bankers. Really ya faggots?

>Also if you go to a restaurant and order free water to drink

Ease up on the b8 and it wouldn't be so obvious

>greedy restaurant owners go bankrupt after no one goes eat at their establishments just to pay ridiculous high prices for mediocre food

>Paid a decent amount

Think of it this way user. The object in question is how much you value the contributions of "little people" in your life.

Personally, I think it's almost commie tier to think you're above tipping. The implication is that said person is a mere servant doing a mindless job that requires no effort or intelligence.

The libertarian position is that said person is a fellow citizen, and to have some gratitude for the effort they display.

>t. raised by serial entrepreneur

>Why should I tip a waiter who gets paid a decent amount of money?
I never tipped a waiter more than 1 € in my entire life. I only tip when i don't want to bother with the change.

It's not like it's a law or anything, but it's expected at a sit-down restaurant where they bring your food. If you order at a counter and then they check on you, no tip necessary, even if they deliver your meal.
10% would be the minimum (blacks tip no more than $1 though), 15% the standard, and higher is for virtue-signaling, exceptional service, or large parties. The latter is the only time you typically see the resto add it to the bill.

This thread is a good example what happens in a post-jew economy. Now whites are getting so poor and niggardly due to jews stealing their purchasing power through inflation and predatory trade deals that whites are having gripes about tipping, despite being the only race that tips properly. Sad times

Hey, OP. How's about you SLIDE this over to /qa/ since there's nothing political about this? Of course, you'll lose your meme flag there.

you're probably not aware that doing "the same thing to other people" really means managing an asynchronous flow of material in and out of a section of the restaurant, providing the smoothest service possible in the fairest order, ingratiating yourself to clueless normies as you hope you can make more than $3 that hour, but you won't because someone's mother is PMSing and "blah blah blah, but they just got here, we've been waiting 20 minutes"

not even at my fancy salaried job with full benefits do i constantly have to track 10+ threads in real time. i mostly just shitpost

>don't do anything
>therefore they deserve tips

Yes, this is the one topic all kikes and niggers agree on.

You disagree? Why even go out to eat in the first place if all you're going to order is fucking water?

>mfw americans actually believe this
I went to America recently. After factoring in tipping the food is basically the same price as here. It's more expensive, if you go to fancy restaurants.

Not only that but the quality is shit. You get a fucktonne of food in the USA but it's all garbage. I could never eat all of it anyway. I would have rather had less food but better quality. Anyway.

Free soft drink refills is the only thing I miss here.

You're right. No wonder I was confused.

One of the best arguments for tipping is how resistant Euroserfs are to it.

>a mere servant doing a mindless job that requires no effort or intelligence
How is that not the exact description of a waiter

>If you don't want to tip, eat at home.
Wow you are a cuck

>order something to eat
>pay more than it actually costs

By tipping you guys support employers not paying employees a respectable wage.
The only time you should pay more is when you get a 97.5 receipt where you just leave a 100 and leave

Tipping on a $20 meal... fuck no.


Blacks never tip.

I deliver pizzas in a 90% white, upper middle class town.

I usually get about two non-tippers a day, almost always blacks.

I literally wont smile or even look a black in the face when I'm delivering because it is always a guaranteed no tip