So lemme get this straight

So lemme get this straight
>Jews are crying 'antisemite'
>waah give us an ethnostate
>It's the holy land
>let's just fucking invade by sea and take Palestinian land
>waah the Arabs are hurting us
>give us your modern jets and tanks
>hmm where do we Jew next
>how about we fight a war against every neighbouring country because muh mt. Sinai
>waah the Arabs hate us again
>give us more tanks
>the Middle East is fucked up for the next 50 years because some snowflakes from nearly a century ago wanted a safe space
>And I'm expected to believe that it's Iran's fault

Why does this make no sense?

Other urls found in this thread:

I like how you completely skipped the holocaust
>inb4 hoax

ashkenazim arent even semites.

>hitler was fine with small jewish businesses
>150,000 jews served in hitlers army
>hitler made a deal to help migrate jews out of the country
tell me why he would want "muh shoah" exactly

>get massacred
>win your most coveted piece of land

They're basically Sicilians.

I skipped it because I mentioned it under antisemitism
I don't think it played into this so much

Powerful jews in wall street helped fund Hitler in order to justify the existence of Israel.

The next great war in the middle east will see lots of jewish victims but also the rise of greater Israel.

The thing with jews is that they're too tribalistic to see that their elites don't give a single shit about them.

Israel didn't even have support from America, or anybody else, in most of their wars.


>lose half of germany lands
>kill quarter of europe
>an hero

OP here
Well now at least, anti-semitism has been redefined to mean sentiment against Judaism, not just Jews

Yes, cause the Jews/ Israel started the Arab Israel war, and weren’t defending there land.

It's true. If you don't count Suez, they were in heir wars on their own, until '73, when America started "Supporting" them. Israel didn't start any, or most of, their wars.


I suspect an Israeli flag behind the ancap autism

Ah yes Holocaust

If the history if Israel was a book, then in every chapter it would be owned by a different group/religion/ethnicity/state.

That is why the place is rife with violence, they could argue about who has more claim to the land for centuries, and they have done, and will continue to do so.

The only way to stabilise that region is for a first world western country to completely colonise it.

Jews are more legitimate in Isreael than Whites will ever be in Australia.

Trouvé le juif

90% of today's Jews are from religious converts called Khazar's who identify themselves Ashkenazi in order to hide their evil past.
10% are actual descendants of Shem

The 90% are either atheistic or follow the Talmud Cult worship (actual Satanism) these are the Synagogue of Satan that Jesus was warning all of us about.

France is rightful Neanderthal clay!

>comparing Terra Australis Ignota inhabited by nothing but animals, with the fertile cresent, fully populated since the dawn of civilisation by strong empires and states

Didn't the Australians decimated the abbos almost entirely? who are you to pass judgement?

When you holocaust your enemies, they win.