How do we save Poland?
Kill Kikes that are in their Government perverting the Nation, The Culture, and the People.
Others have died for less.
You guys have an SJW/feminist infection like we all do, but you seem to be holding out better than most of Europe. Keep strong and resist those mudslimes and you'll be fine.
import strong african bulls, so that they can provide polsih population with their superior seed
Is there a lot of gay in ukrine?
You mean use niggers for harvesting?
How? Uprising in Warsaw and establishing the racial laws to get rid of cryptojews and eugenics to stop the degeneracy spread
i cant help but laugh everytime i see that kid
yes, big black corn
polska ish fien
we need to invest more in Eastern Poland
No one in Poland wants to work for 10 złotych/h so it may be a good idea.
>Russian actually talking sense instead of liberating us
What the fuck Ivan, did you put your vodka away?
Polish Catholic schoolgirls belong to Arabs now desu
That kid could be quite handy in our meme campaign
Slavs are neither white nor human.
>liberating us
Let’s be real, ethnic Russians were the biggest victim of communism themselves. NOT A SINGLE gensek of Russian blood, not a single ethnic Russian majority Soviet government, being used and wasted as a human meat and clay for judeo-bolshevik goals. Poland has it all to rise up tomorrow and achieve the freedom to grow once Folk and live in prosperity. Not much people to deport either, 200k cryptokikes, 100k armenians, a few gypsies and international students and their mongrel offspring. I’m sure Britain would love to have those. More taxpayers amirite?
The absolute state of Polish girls
By inviting more Jews
True that, end of Imperial Russia was end of Russia itself, in the name of jewish bullshit.
dont click any lookism.net links they have viruses
jesus christ
>those rapid punches
he never stand a chance
am afraid the toaster inteligence of poles would improve by bringing literral chimps, toasters can feed someone at least
would anybody step in to help that guy? even if i was with a friend i could trust im not sure id have the balls... noone wants to fuck with someone that aggressive, that violent ... hell, you'd probably end up getting arrested too (especially since you'd basically have to use a weapon to put that animal down) and have to deal with his friends later
poor fucker was braindead for sure after that
>How do we save Poland?
Look to South Korea. They have the solution to the single mother problem.
-Single moms don't get social gibsmedats.
-Men don't want to marry single moms on a natural basis.
-Single moms will be pushed to adopt the child away if they can't take care of it.
This will at least solve your nigger issue partially. At least they won't grow like a cancer in a Polish nest.
Here's a story of a sub-mayor of Copenhagen.
Her mom was divorced. It's preferred among Korean men to only marry "fresh women". So her mom adopted her away to some Danish couple. The mom was able to marry another man afterwards, but she has to keep her first child secret from her new man, because she basically lied to him. Later on she found out her daughter achieved something great in the world. everybody involved was happy in the end.
By the way, when you avoid the single-mother epidemic, you also save your country from socialism.
Talk shit get hit.
>literally run by batshit insane feminists
Poland will die, just like Denmark, UK, and South Korea. West is fucked, so fucked that it will soon comes to a point where Islam will save some.
>t. my father in law
Honestly, there's no reason to do this shit, the more you lie, the more it hurts pur narrative, if you need to lie, you're on the wrong side, prove niggers are violent and despicable with numbers,not dramatic soap opera bullshit