"In Beijing, Trump declines to hit President Xi Jinping on trade: ‘I don’t blame China’"

>"In Beijing, Trump declines to hit President Xi Jinping on trade: ‘I don’t blame China’"

>"Chinese state media appeared pleased with the summit. The Global Times, a newspaper known for its nationalist rhetoric, declared that Trump “respects our head of state and has repeatedly praised President Xi Jinping in public.”"

>"At another point, Trump told Xi: “You are a very special man.”"

>"And despite the pageantry surrounding the visit and an eagerness of the Chinese to reset their relationship with the United States, Xi — now arguably his nation’s most powerful leader since Mao Zedong — appeared emboldened to demand concessions from the United States."



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China has been putting massive pressure on NK, if trump wants to butter them up a little so be it.

You just don't get it, Sup Forums. Trump and Xi are two Inner Party chums, and we're all the plebs.

We have always been in a trade war with Eurasia.

Look at those hands. Two fuckin' women who are trying to look like men.

They'll make a good show of it, but their policy on the stability of Kim's regime has not changed.

Why should it? Goyboys like Trump won't do shit. What, you thought he'd declare them a currency manipulator on his first day in office? How'd that go, faggot?

Why does it sound like Trump was trying to seduce Xi?

go away share blue. am sure the TPP would have been passed if Hillery won so your mad about trade but your side would have been worse. op mental case trannie maybe?

We don't want to make an enemy out of the Chinese.

Shills sliding this thread, they don't want Americans to realize their man in the White House is a big-talking dope.

Don't believe the propaganda. TPP had problems, but it would've rekt China.

Good things its replacement is coming along smoothly! One Belt, One Road!

>"US leaving TPP: A great news day for China"

>"For years, Beijing has listened to the Obama administration say the 12-nation regional trade deal was a way of bolstering American leadership in Asia.
China was not included in the deal, and President Barack Obama went out of his way to remind the region that this was no accident."

>"The Chinese government will rejoice to hear Donald Trump promise that the US will quit the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on his first day in the White House."


Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep better in your globalized, opioid-addicted rust belt meth town.

It's a lose lose situation.

If he's nice, he's being a cuck. If he tries to be strong, people will say hes a bad leader.

I really don't see how this narrative is supposed to upset anyone here? You can do better

Trump's right. China goes for the most advantageous deals and past presidents were total pussies.


He's not wrong, we shouldn't blame China. Our own fucking politicians are the ones who set up all these retarded God damn deals with them that zapped our economy. No one forced us, we intentionally gave up our position.

Am talking about negotiating trade in general. so what it would have hurt china. is like burning your house down so your neighbors house will catch fire. both left and right agreed it was shit. it was so shit no one was allowed to read it.


Whatever the (especially Chinese) media is saying, You should probably believe the opposite.

The TPP would have barely affected China. The US already has trade agreements with most of the countries that were in the TPP, and the ROO provisions in the pact were weaksauce, so China would still have been the country of origin for most everything. Meanwhile, US tech and pharma companies would have enjoyed never-expiring patents and other anti-competitive IP protections. TPP was garbage. Get over it.

I don't blame China either. They did what was best for their own economy and took advantage of their neighbors when they could. Nothing wrong with that from a country point of view.