Isnt it time we let go of racism?

Lets all just strive for a global peaceful community instead.

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Nice try schlomo. But you have little power here.

>nigger confirmed


How about you let go of all that irrational hate and try to have a constructive discussion about how we can all live a peaceful life?

Sounds better doesnt it?

tell that to your fellow brown people.


we can all live in peace without destroying eachothers, each culture as something worth preserving instead of killing it for "progrees" or "money".
i like humanity but replacing whole populations with high amounts of inmigration and telling the locals they need to be more progressive and stop behaving in the way they had for years its just as intolerant as it gets

OP is a Talmudic possessed jew
Mixing races makes weak willed individuals ready for programming.

>says the leaf.

>black skin
>blue eyes
>blonde hair

Niggers can't even draw a picture without stealing something.

is that a picture of XXXtentacion?

Just get along with your neighbors man. What youre proposing incites conflict in itself, someone needs to come into your country to flee war and you deny him because all the aforementioned things you said?

"Yeah we should all live peacefully ummm but not you youre not from here, stay outside of this arbitrary line and DIE instead"

You think thats the way to achieve global peace? Just live and let live bro

Racism, the study of race relations and differences. Racist, one who studies race relations and differences. Prejudiced, prejudging someone based on past experiences with others. Hatred, this is what you're talking about.

but niggers are not human

Fun fact. A chimp doesn't have the same muscle contraction mechanics as a human. If a chimp "squeezes" it does so with 100% force effective enough to accidentally crush a human's hand. This is also the reason why evolutionary-wise chimps can't be taught to write with pens and so forth.

That poor fuck in the photo probably had his hand crushed half-way before they took the photo.

This kind of shit is exhausting to PoC doing racial justice work. Fuck you fucking white liberals pushing this colorblindness shit. Communities of color don't have the luxury of ignoring race. Our bodies experience racism 24/7 and you want us to talk about "one race"????? FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING NAZIS

One species, several races*


the 'human' is a species, not a race.
and how do you propose this is done? you want to strip people of individual rights for your globalist agenda?
literally the same species huh?

Lessening hatred, the daily exercising of the integrity of the individual. Falling short of this means conflict. We all fall short of this since hatred is irradicable. Increase your personal integrity and the world reshapes itself around you.

>Isnt it time we let go of racism?

Back to the Cotton field nigger


bitches be sukin muh dik, ay

Yes. That is the Jews ultimate plan. We've known this for awhile now.

that's not how the line goes stupid manolo

I'm black with blue eyes lol

Human is a species, not a race.
Try again.

Kanker indeed.

>Just live and let live bro
am afraid its not easy as that, theres no problem indeed helping those who need help from war in a reasonable way.
you can give your house to a few hobos but you wouldnt put the whole city of homeless in your home, help stops being help and starts being stupid once you put yourself in danger thats what some people dont understand, if you have 2 tunics you could give one to the poor but nobody could force you on given the only one you have because its necesary to your own well being. so helping a few refugess its nice but letting a great number of them without a background cheeking and even kicking the local people out of their homes to give to refugees and once the natives complaing tell them to suck it, thats not helping anymore that doing self harm

Yeah man like we are all humans. Everyone is cool in my book. So just accept those friendly migrant neighboors so that i can collect money from the EU from dem programs you racist antisemite

So you are saying there is no such thing as black people?

Ειρωνευεσαι αλλα ισχυει

Basic biology you leftist cuck

>one race
>multiple ethnicities
pick one

>συγkρινει ζωα με ανθρωπους

What race are Americans now?
Judeaus Nigericus Mixericanus?

>irrational hate
It's not "irrational". I hate them, because I have to live with them. There's literally nothing I like about non-whites.
We can have peace if they gtfo of my country.

>ο άνθρωπος δεν είναι ζώον ( δεν υπαγεται στο ζωιkό βασίλειο).
Έχουμε kαταγωγη από την Ανδρομέδα το ξέχασα χαχα

We should let Europe be for Europeans
America for Americans.
Africa for Africans.
Arabia for Arabs.
Gas chambers for Jews.
Asia for Asians.
Australia for Australians.
Hell for Canadians.

there is only one human race - white.

I'm sorry Abdul but you can't fuck my waifu.

beat me to it, also holy shit those digits

what difrence does it make, he's always saying dumb nigger shit along those lines

Fuck off nigger.

can i fuck you pillow waifu?

I wouldn't mind getting along with my neighbors if they stayed in their own home. illegal immigrants and the shitskin invasion is basically like that. they come into my home uninvited, unwelcomed and have the gall to be treated as citizens. it would be as if a squatter claimed your home and there wasn't anything you could do about it.

if people knew how to respect laws I might have more tolerance but you cannot be slient when shitskins have no respect for the law or your home.

i’ll let go of racism if i get my ethnostate

good luck in a few years when SA turns your country into a shithole


There will be no racism after the race war ends and all the subhumans have been exterminated.

"Racism" has been officially vilified by governments for like 50 years. What a peaceful period that was. Never had any wars.

>impliying that didnt already happened
>impliying i am not planning a magical escape to italy
foolish italians with their passaports, time for reverse inmigration bitch

Or, of course, all the various types of niggers go back to their own god motherfucking damn countries.

>global peaceful community
Not possible with niggers.

But niggers genetically AREN'T humans.


good luck bud

we need someone like rockwell

Does have a point.

The vast majority of white people HAVE let go of racism. It sticks around because most BLACKS are racist and scream racism everywhere they go. If they let it go, it'll be virtually gone.



It's a perfectly healthy reaction to threats. There's nothing wrong to be wary about them. They kill each other because they are from different tribes, just wait what they do with different races once they become the majoriy.

Do you know who doesn't give a shit?



Friendly reminder that humans are not a race, we're a species.

"Race" is a term that falls into a genetic classification, like Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species...

"Race" is an undercategory, in much the same way breeds are an undercategory for dogs. You can have large genetic diversity among plants and animals of the same species. This includes but isn't limited to intelligence (Dobermann vs Poodle), size (Caucasion Sheperd vs Chihuahua), temperament (Pitbull vs Whippet), or hair/eye/skin color (Black Dobermann vs Red Dobermann). When you are able to classify a group of isolated differences among a species, you can call it a "breed", "race", or "subspecies" depending on the context. The goal of geneticists is to classify and label anything that can be observed and classified.

But nobody is disturbed when we call a plant a plant, or a animal and animal; so why do some people fear the genetic classification of "race"?

For some people, it feels uncomfortable to identify these genetic differences among humans, because it promotes a level of self-reflection that disturbs them. For example, white people might invoke a sense of guilt, or hispanic people might feel a sense of inferiority. So as a result, you will encounter some people who deny these differences altogether (since it's too emotionally painful to acknowledge). While this is understandable, and everyone is entitled to their thoughts, opinions, and feelings; it's also dishonest to portray all people as equal, when the virtue of evolution, biodiversity, and sexual selection command otherwise.

Which returns me to my original point: There is no single "race" among humans. If there was, then there'd be no need for the term in the first place. There is a single "species" which we all share. And while your political opinions on the matter may differ, let's agree on one thing:

There is one species, the Human species. = Fact

>intelligence (Dobermann vs Poodle)
I'm not a dog guy, so forgive my ignorance, but which is smarter?

It was a bad example, they're both very smart. I should've picked a better contrast like Beagle vs German Shepard.


To further build on my point: Here is an example in the plant world.... Maize corn.

Same species, different "race".

( Actually, it's called "landrace" in this context. )

>Isnt it time we let go of racism?

Sure. But we all have tio do it -- the left is the biggest collection of both passive and active racists in the world today, they could lead by example here and stop blaming white people for everything, and stop being so damn condescending and paternalistic to black people.
>Lets all just strive for a global peaceful community instead.

Problem is that Leftists created a social and even economic (working positions like "diversity managers", teaching positions for Leftwing-Pseudosciences, etc.) bubble around the concept of white-scapegoating. If they weren't able to get money from- and feel better about themselves by making evil white males responsible for all of their shortcomings, there would be nothing left for them to do. I think some of them know that, too, and are afraid of such a situation ever happening...

>A chimp doesn't have the same muscle contraction mechanics as a human. If a chimp "squeezes" it does so with 100% force effective enough to accidentally crush a human's hand. This is also the reason why evolutionary-wise chimps can't be taught to write with pens and so forth.
>That poor fuck in the photo probably had his hand crushed half-way before they took the photo.

That's why you never see pics of chimps holding hands with humans -- every human who tried it lost his hand...


And of course you can just imagine what would happen if an animal as strong as a chimpanzee tried to pick up a banana, with no control on how hard they squeeze -- it is literally impossible.

whitey needs to know their place


That is not true. Chimps are scary strong though. Not only can they crush you with their hands, they have wicked teeths, and a male chimp has jaws strong enough to break another male chimp's femur if he bites full force. They usually don't when they fight, though.

>Bulgarian education

You're an idiot.

Friendly reminder that average Gorilla have 85 IQ

*we* will once all of the niggers obtain an iq of over 150



that's true, there is only one human race.
there is only one race that is human

spoiler: it's not niggers

kys shit cocktail