Was Gaming Journalism a mistake?
Was Gaming Journalism a mistake?
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Looks like someone else is angry about black nazi women
No. Every controversy surrounding game journalism is a stark reminder of how fucking autistic the community is. Don't like their opinion, don't read it. Stop feeling personally offended.
don't forget to report
Oooooooh noooooo OP I'm sooooooo enraged
>Jew Yorker
>every single german solder in ww2 wasn't pure evil
Wow, who would have thought, it's almost as if they were just normal people.
Anyone who uses both sides as an argument is stupid, there is no both sides when it comes to Nazis because there are no good Nazis in the first place.
The ones who are right are the good guys who are all anti Nazis.
>2 Sides
nice post retard, meyer is one of the most common german names.
wow you are actually retarded, good job
>try not to offend anyone by saying some germans are good
>you offend everyone
here comes the SJWs, I mean, the alt-right, I mean, Sup Forums
>Americans being able to think outside binary thinking
What a surprise huh.
>Gaming Journalism
>Not Burgerstan
Literally AIDS the country.
I agree and it's the same with communists who are worse by statistics alone that the Nazis. Kill them all I say.
t.triggered german jew
Yes, I'm sure all those thousands of young, simple Landser were gassing jews and eating babies when they made camp at night.
It was surprisingly devoid of social commentary.
So every german is a nazi because they had compulsory military service?
Most German soldiers in WW2 were ordinary people. Not directly affiliated with the Nazi party.
>implying there are any jews left in germany
Are these people actually retarded? Is there no room for nuance in historical conflict anymore? Are we only going to get cartoony schlock that portrays the Nazis as comically evil villains?
This is the kind of binary "good and evil" worldview that I associate with children. Just embarrassing.
>Americans in charge of last names
this this this this this this this this this. fucking this.
Surely all Nazis were inherently evil and none of them ever questioned their leader in their mind (as they would be executed if they spoke up) or fought to protect themselves and/or their family instead of for the ideals of their leader.
I bet that the Allies were also all very good people and never did any wrong like kill or rape thousands of innocents. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
This fucking "Good vs Bad" guys approach in politics is literal brainlet material. These people don't realize that anyone on their side would do anything good or bad as long as there was enough money in it for them.
Capitalist niggers killed and still kill the most.
the good germans would have quit the Nazis if they were good.
>The ones who win are the good guys
Fixed that.
Who the fuck types like this except pedogaf refugees?
>you can't discuss things if you disagree, just walk away from everything
No. Faggot.
If you’re writing about video games it’s not journalism
No wonder Tallinn has more niggers every time I go there.
Same for the Dutch Meijer. Why are most Americans so clueless when it comes to international shit? It's like is going off about a guy called John Smith because a jew was called Smith.
I thought gamergaters won. Why does gaming journalism still suck?
me, faggot.
>libs are this delusional
I should be surprised, but I'm not.
Capitalism is working right now though. Communism never worked.
Analogy is flawed.
>Nazi Germany was a dictatorship
>instantly thinks anyone who lived under it and fought for it must also be bad
>completely disregards those who only fought to keep themselves from being executed as traitors
I can only hope there are people on the right who are rational and see the idiots on their side for who they are because man, here on the left we sure do have some fucking morons.
Why is the controversial opinion the cowardly one? Wouldn't subscribing to the prevailing opinion be more cowardly?
You're not wrong lets kill every last one of them then? Or is it only communists that are exempt?
>Implying most people ever had a choice of quitting
You were either fighting or imprisoned as a traitor and later sent as a meat-shield.
War has no winners among common folk.
>Sup Forums falling for bait again
Capitalism isn't a form of government retard
No one won anything. The fact the gamergate was mostly anonymous, it lets retards become figureheads of it. Being retards, they drove it away from the original intent.
>Grouping yourself with retards because you can only place politics in either the "left" or "right"
Is this what being American entails?
There are,they were about to make one of them chancellor
Gaming journalism
It's because we the good guys are the ones who champion diversity, love, tolerance, charity and all the forces of good while the other side are the ones who fight for division, hatred, racism and more.
There is no two sides to politics, there is only the enlightened intelligent compassionate and good hearted people like the liberals versus the stupid misguided brainwashed evil people on the conservative side.
But user, everybody knows that repeating the same old stuff over and over like everybody else does because dissent is punished is really BRAVE!
So that means the good germans sacrificed themselves rather than see and do the evils the Nazis have committed and should be celebrated.
>post pinochet Chile
>best country to live in south America
>post castro/chavez venezuela
>absolute shithole, minimum wage is lower than $5 a month. People resort to garbag because food is expensive or not found at all
Makes....Me think...
how do we destroy (((gaming journalism))) bros?
Pretty much.
I can't believe Germany still exists as a country after attacking the world twice. It should be annexed.
they didnt have that choice
it was literally fight and die there or refuse and die now - that's how the world worked back then
in japan they threatened to kill your whole family and families who didnt sent mans were ostracized
literally everyone in the world was forced to choose a side
>Nu-male basically shrugs and says, 'Germans. They don't have the same feelings as English speaking people".
Do people legit believe that every german fighting in WW2 was so tash twirling cartoon villian? That's a little worrying.
Working? The average person is richer than ever, has more to eat, lives longer, gets ill less, dies of illness less often and has the Lowest chance of ending up in a armed conflict in history. Capitalism, despite the occasional hiccup, has literally directly improved every single life in the planet.
Not a commie, but it's only really working at the expense of other countries. Also the Global Financial Crisis would like a word.
>diversity, love, tolerance, charity
>As long as you aren't a damn dirty Nazi
You are so incredibly retarded. You must be a nigger
Capitalism raised millions out of poverty and improved the overall living standards of the world.
Communism actively lowered the standard for "equality", so no one could complain about not starving. And yet shit heads like you defend it's insanity and death.
>Americans still use Venezuala as muh socialism
They got supremely raped by bad leadership and having a shit tier economy with only oil propping it up collapsing on them.
>all of the wehrmacht were nazis
0/10 see me after class.
To quote Trump who so eloquantly words his opinion.
He deleted that tweet
I know you're baiting but anyone who thinks you're right should refer to this:
Never underestimate the power of ideoligical thinking.
>Capitalism is working right now though. Communism never worked.
Jej. Pic related.
>every last one of them
Who remains then?
The federal reserve bank, as well as multiple companies that lobby not only within their countries, but pressure other countries to inact their will could very well be associated as a form of government.
Technically speaking, yes. They're martyrs that just believed that they were doing something for the better of their country.
>post Pinonigger
>Best coountry to live in
Are you retarded? Not only is Argentina in a much better state, from all perspectives, but also a lot of Chileans themselves hate Pinonigger.
>alec ''''''kubas''''-''''''''''''meyer'''''''''''''''
Same as people who think every confederate soldier was a whip cracking plantation owner and every union soldier a member of the underground railroad.
>I can't enjoy current things because someone did something I didn't like in the past
>Gaming Journalism
You shouldn't use these two words together it makes you look foolish :P
>Americans unable to understand how war and conscription works
>The good guys championed diversity!
Yes, my grandfather fought in World War II just so white women could get blacked without condemnation!
Where did it go wrong?
In the 90s, they weren't called "journalists", actually liked video games, and could play video games.
Now "gaming journalists" hate video games, hate people who play video games, and themselves suck at video games.
>no exclamation point
But it has never been tried, user.
There's always going to be negative sides to any system ever. We should strive to elminate those, I agree. However, the system had works like also explains
Rommel was a pretty cool dude desu.
>when Sup Forums censors gaming related topics more than r/gaming
mods being faggots again
>thread put over from Sup Forums to Sup Forums
To be fair, anyone dumb enough to wind up fighting for the Separatists ought to have given up before Ulysses burned down all their dinky farms.
>moved political discussion to political discussion
You retarded monkey, that's how fora work.
>Thread about video games and video game critics
>Sup Forums
>there was a fucking brazilian in the thread the entire time
Put down that controller.
Gamers are white cucks.
Based mods.
>I disagree
A fucking Brazilian who goes to Reddit of all things, fucking disgusting
Seems like Wolfenstein is doing really well because of it too huh. Also the game isn't kind to Nazis at all and acts like they forced all American POWs into slave labor/death camps.
neofaggot shilling itt is a mistake. Sup Forums is an absolute joke now
Oh well Sup Forumsirgins enjoy your stay and get comfy. This will take a while for the redpills.
why cant we be friends, why cant we be friends
Weren't they mostly conscripts anyway?
Communism is the most destructive ideology that is responsible for the greatest number of mass murders.