Nuke one, save one
Other urls found in this thread:
dublin, belfast
Nuke LA. More advanced degeneracy, also can't imagine Christmas without snow.
Cant nuke our fucking financial capital so LA obviously. Ive been to both and love both though.
Nuke LA, save NYC. There's actually value to NYC.
LA is completely worthless.
Nuke LA, save NYC.
NYC is actually really great,
Wall Street and the stock market have a huge international importance.
Nuke LA, but wait until Stephen Colbert is visiting.
Why not both?
No nukes, only genocide.
London, London.
>full of niggers, spics and jews
>full of niggers, spics and jews
Why can't be nuke both?
NY has significantly less spics than LA.
L.A. Hollywod is a left-infested shithole.
>nuking LA
> Receiving prominent guests who'd have to walk on glass in you're newly founded headquarters
> lose face
I'd probably light up the Balearics to re-route the cancer that is British Tourism towards potatoesville, whom I'd save.
I'll take a third route and nuke california
What about Italians?
oh right they're called wogs
LA is nothing. Get rid of it regardless.
Nuke LA and turn California red
Belfast. Dublin is West Britain, but Belfast? Fucking hell the US don't know the definition of the term chimp out. Some of the unionists are based, but the working class over there are out of control.
Nuke NYC. Save LA.
Remove the kikes and you can begin to repair the country. New York is the American Tel Aviv. At least LA has comfy weather and Disneyland.
>paddy mcpotato trying to have an opinion
Fuck off. Northern Ireland precedes "the republic of ireland" in every way and we are superior in every way. Working Class unionists are the backbone of Britain. Go back to your bog, paddy.
nuke l.a., ethnically cleanse n.y.c.
Nuke LA, hope it causes the final rift to detach California from our contiguous states. However radiation will follow jet stream east.
Nuke NYC, get rid of similar pompous degeneracy and fallout moves across ocean/to Irish and UK fags. However this will have a huge impact on Wall Street. Wew lad that’s a doozie
Relax man, no need to be so uppity about a fucking opinion on Sup Forums.
Nuke NY because although it's less degenerate than LA it's degeneracy has a further reach and global political influence
Jew banker vs Jew media. Jewood is in LA
Nuke LA and rebuild it as the white conservative city it once was
What about the reach of Hollywood though
Well let's see.. You also get Hollywood if you nuke LA..
>Ive been to both and love both though.
You don’t belong here Beaner
Not true at all. Hollywood reaches around the world even more and directly affects people.
They have movies, TV, music, music videos, magazines, online propaganda.. All to further their degeneracy. They literally Crete social trends and opinions on the LGBT community.
No we call them WOPS
Save New York. New York has history. LA has Hollywood and rampant degeneracy. Also NY is keeping traditional menswear alive on Madison Ave. I miss it
Nuke LA. Manhattan island can be used as a penal colony.
New York is also aesthetic and comfy as fuck in Winter
nuke ny. They are equally full of niggers and mexicans, but they like to show off living in that pithole, while LA people never do that.
NY is more faggot and they think they are the most important in the world. Fuck them.
Anyone on Sup Forums who says save NYC is a kike.
LA is full of kikes and spics too, but the powerbase for the ZOG is NYC. Destroy NYC and you free the nation.
if u nuke nyc all ur money is lost
Walking through NYC in a blizzard is one of my favourite experiences in life desu.
Nuke NY.
LA will eat itself in the financial collapse
easily nuke LA
NY at least gave us trump
if you nuke nyc give me a heads up first so i can get out of here
Gee thanks for the advice Hollywood rabbi
Both were jew'd hard
NY has the higher percentage of Jews, so I'd probably Nuke it over LA
track taytay just in case. Nuke the other.
NYC looks pretty comf
Nuke LA, last time I visit it was horrible, It was like I never left Mexico
Save the Tay, nuke LA
I'm nuking NYC and letting the Bloods and Crips take over Hollywood to shoot pedophiles.
Would rather nuke SF desu
Which one has more jews?
Glad we can finally agree what niggers you are
nuke LA. there's nothing remarkeable about the architecture that couldn't be rebuilt. new york has a lot of landmarks with historical value.
disneyland is in orange county retard not L.A. county
NYC has more hipsters, but they do have better food and downtown Manhattan is pretty nice.
Nuke New York.
This will lead to financial collapse and fuck over all the remaining jews and billionaires - including those funding hollyjew
la, only because I live in commiefornia.
if NYC was gone then the state would have a chance of turning red
even if you nuked LA, California is full of other major liberal areas
Chicago and stuffed pizza is bad for your arteries but theres people that eat it everyday. Its like a buttered crusted lasagna sandwich
Nuke LA and take back our rightful clay, New Amsterdam after purging it from its current state of degeneracy.
and yet your description of it made me hungry
That’s easy. Nuke LA. Get rid of all the illegals and (((Hollywood))) scum.
Nuke LA.
Save New York from itself....
By nuking it.
>Nuke LA
Fuck that, nuke Cali all together.
>Nuke LA for degeneracy
>Create another Amsterdam
NYC, the more chaos created the better chance of actually being able to end the ZOG
NYer here... please nuke
I read through all these posts and sigh at the assholes who say Los Angeles. You are truly retarded. Swayed by image over substance.
The "beast" is fueled by the magic shekel machine on Wall Street. Destroy that and you have killed almost 70% of ZOGs power over our lives. Hollywood and it's degenerate bullshit are a distant second.
He who controls the money controls EVERYTHING.
Good question. Nuke NYC.
Hollywood libs do more harm for their misguided causes than good. Their blatant hypocrisy, arrogance and stupidity are to our benefit. Just remember how that idiotic clip of actors telling people how to vote on youtube backfired, we need more of that!
Now NYC on the other hand has more of the uber wealthy liberal elites, Wall Street. Those who using leftist politics for their own power & wealth. Buying politicians, pushing globalism, letting in the immigrant hoardes for votes knowing their wealth means they'll never have to deal with the side effects. Nuke them I say!