If you don't support the Green Party of America then you are a corporate stooge being manipulated by the media.
Jill Stein 2020
I will never vote for a filthy kike, regardless of political party
>Gadsden flag
>voting socialist
Try again next faggot. Shit LARP.
Every progressive needs to vote Stein in 2020 to send the DNC a clear message: voters on the left will not tolerate the kind of pandering to big money the Democrats have been up to.
Jill is the only major candidate that isn't a neo-con or neo-lib
I wonder what happened with all that money she raised for a recount. Oh, right. She's a Jew.
Jill Stein got rich off from those sore losers who wanted vote recount.
also libertarianism extends among the entire political spectrum.
Or I own my own corporation and a handful of subsidiary companies and want you fags to pay me what I worked to build instead of acting like I owe you something.
>Defending a jew on this website
>muh political spectrum
fuck off commie kike go LARP on reddit instead
Crystal healing power imbecility. Bad LARP, OP. Stein.
remember when she took millions for a "voter recount" and just took the money and ran.
That explains it. Shes a kike and cannot be trusted
>isolating this website to a stereotype of anti-semites.
Gee, you're really helping your brand there, pal.
>supports higher taxes on all classes
>that recount bullshit
Nah kill yourself OP
Nice try Schlomo.
I want to fuck her
Who doesn't?
didn't (((she))) became corporate and globalist stooge when se received money from the George Soros?
Don't you get it? If the unions vote Dem and the commies vote Green, it's over for both of them.
Didn't some corporation buy part of her platform to be anti-vax or "this water really cures cancer!" or some shit?
I'll look it up, but it was pretty fucking retarded.
>We support the teaching, funding and practice of holistic health approaches and as appropriate, the use of complementary and alternative therapies such as herbal medicines, homeopathy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and other healing approaches.
GG no re
(((Stein))). LOL.
Alternative medicine can be useful, and placebo is a big curer of diseases.
That is the kind of shit kikes pull.
Sometimes I wish placebo were less effective. Would make my job a lot easier.
Placebo is a fucking miracle drug. Fuck people. Fuck medicine.
Go back and say that last bit over again real slowly. Maybe even look in the mirror while watch yourself mouthing the words.
When he has meningitis give him placebo. Publish results. Profits.
If you don't support Lambright you'll vote for an old jew.
>neo-con or neo-lib
Lambright is the only one against Israel.
If you already voted for Trump---who allowed his daughter to marry a Jew and supports Israel on both hands and knees---you already broke the oath, brother.
Trump is a kike?
Fucking southerners really are stupid
Yes Trump has some unsavory kikes around him, he himself is not a kike. Thus my original statement "I would never vote for a filthy kike, regardless of political party"
Does anyone have sexy Jill pics? It’s for research purposes...
Picture of Jill as a young gal
Fuck that comminist kike.
and her whole communistic party
I guess it will do for now.
Thanks user.
>tfw mommy jill will never sing folksy lullabies about the environment to your ear as you fall asleep
why even live?