How do we fix this?
build cities
Jesus. Maybe his fat mum ate all his food?
Also, kekistani flag? Jesuuuuuus
I still love you
>leftists are idiots
>women are idiots
>people who aren't white are idiots
>only white males are goo-
Kid looks 12.
how many libtards did you btfo today OP?
Show them Murdoch Murdoch.
yeah let's get people off our side and make them ashamed of being on our side THAT WILL SHOW THE LIBERALS
fuck off shill faggot
badass kid
>Not wanting the youth to support Trump
>Liberals literally pay hundreds of millions of dollars to be this effective at propaganda and getting organical support
>We get it for free
>Still complain about it
Are you a retard?
This. Anti-trumpfags are SHILLS
this is the result of drinking american tap water
let them be flashy. Who really cares. Kid needs to work out and gain some serious muscle mass tho.
The MAGA movement is so fucking gay. Why does everyone have to be so fucking gay.
antifa watch out!
the majority of people are ugly and awkward by definition. you cant cultivate a mass political movement if you only let male models and professional wrestlers join
Fix what? He's a little goofy, but I fucking love Gen Z.
So brave.
This plebbitor got BTFO.
No but really if he knew that Sup Forums was making fun of him, his penis would probably shrivel up until he's a liberal.
Maybe hes a scrawny asian kid with an deathmachine inside. Give him a break.
He looks like he's about 12...
>our side
Kek, not everyone here is dumb enough to support Reddit and Trump
And you certainly can't cultivate a movement as embarrassing as the alt-right without massive amounts of failed white males.
If you don't want to see that stuff, don't browse reddit. Children need their own place as well.
kid is a rino
your logic is flawed hippie
>looks like a 5th grader
truly the new men of the west
>wanting the youth to be weak soyboys who drag down the image of a "movement"
GOOD JOB FELLOW PEDE! Make America Great Again by winning le meme war!
Fuck off nigger, I love our president.
A vote is a vote.
He's not talking about all of the things you mentioned.
>kekistani flag is cringe
>not only that but its on plebbit
>the wording of the title is cringe
>the dude is 35 pounds
>kid is a rino
>Based on this one pic
And I thought it was too early to activate my almonds
what you got against kids triggering leftards with autism?
Mevitz Goy!
Maybe he is a smart-ass desu??????
Fucking BUrGEr
I'd hi-five him and recommend he start at the gym.
>How do we fix this?
what is there to fix? Godspeed MAGApede user!
>>looks like a 5th grader
Im wondering the same, gen Z kids look phisically weaker even compared to Millenials...?
He'll grow up. And still support Trump.
somebody get that boy a sandwich
>cant even win a war
Why are nazis so weak?
Promote building muscle and training in firearms. Extend the younger generations to right leaning/fringe writers and philosophers. Not much else you can do without diminishing your support.
>when you're too weak to raise your hand for a high five because you're a vegan
>Getting public support on the youth is bad because I don't like the support we are getting
>I don't like more votes for conservatism because their flag is dum dum
>Democrats paying fortunes to get a similar online fanatical support
Nigger, fuck off and kill yourself
we just have higher standards than the left
we not only want their support we want them to be healthy and strong. ((((The left))) will take anyone and everyone they can get whether they are a 3rd world retard or a corpse.
Snap him in half
the older you get the younger people start looking to you
You may mock him, but quite probably after entering his college dressed like this emergency safe spaces immediately had to be set up with an army of therapy dogs. The Dean gave an impassioned speech about how "this is not who we are" amid calls for a Federal Hate Crime investigation.
It's time to grow up though. Pepe and kekistan won't win the 2018 midterms. If you don't want to see 2 years of utter obstruction against anything Trump tries to put forward, then act like a man.
>Getting more votes is bad
>Getting more support is bad
>We will win in elections with less but 'better' support
Rly made me think
>How do we fix this?
Here is how
Good diet and lifting.
>we want them to be healthy and strong
You can do that without sperging out when some kid who wouldn't make podestas top 5 fuck toys shows support for "your side"
you're part of the problem
I chuckled
get him an ar-15
Get him on roids(high test for life), reading some Evola and fucking some pussy
7 more years faggot
Call it whatever you want faggot
They just can't help memeing in public while posting pictures of it online.
The only way to stop it would be to dox them to discourage further posts.
Also attack the E-celebs supporting this shit, they're making profits off these cringelords by selling Sup Forums's intellectual property.
twigboy, the true face of /pol... kek
>t. Paul Ryan
Suck a fucking dick, fag.
This. "Muh super secret club"
You can wear your stupid swastika, stormfaggot. See how that goes.
You're right, we need us one of those bodybuilding 12 year old kids. You retard.
Yes he is cringy but the correct response is to teach him to be a man instead of telling him to fuck off. As if you never did anything cringy as a teen.
>leftists trying to divide and conquer
Good meme, i love Cyrus. RIP Lahey the Liquor.
If I get the plague, I'm coming to your shitty island and coughing on everyone
Liberally underrated
I can't take it anymore.
Leave the kid alone.
14-20 is a very awkward time to be alive. He's expressing his faith in us in a vague way. He probably doesn't have many friends IRL and pol and reddit are all that he's got. I know we're through this phase in our lives but he isn't. Plus, it just proves how upstream of culture we are and how our current zeitgeist will impact the future.
Fuck you guys for making shitting on the kid.
Shills are obliterated when confronted by logic against their tactics of division.
They are trying to convince Sup Forums that more support(more votes) and political engagement is a bad thing.
What a cancerous bunch. Just stick some roids in the kid, and make him a fascist Chad.
~7 years on this site, never seen that. Pass the potato salad on this one.
kiddos we not only get the young cucks votes but we help them into becoming better people, unlike the rotten kikes on the left that recruit the worst of the worst and make them into even worse people after theyve got their hooks in.
lol why am I even responding to you clowns, we won, you lost.
A full body barbell training program focused on 3 major lifts (bench, DL, squat) and progressive loading.
Just shit posting
You knows it's these d&c shill niggers
As always.
>falling for the labelling sides meme
These people make me not want to be on your side. I bet you are proud alt-right magacentipede!
>~7 years on this site, never seen that
Not just used here, but here you go
What's up with all the fucking republicans in this thread?
Say what now, twigboy?
Am I the only one that thinks he is cute?
Would gladly make his america great again.
I don't think you think I meant what I actually meant
>le im above it all le there are no sides lele lelelele
haha sure thing kike
whateeeeever you say, never voting left sorry kike.
Fuck off faggot
That would probably be why I haven't seen it. No one here uses it often.
Lel oh no, you found me out, golly gee
Chad nationalism