medium.com/@Seth_Abramson/listen-up-progressives-heres-how-to-deal-with-a-Sup Forums-alt-right-troll-48594f59a303

Bahahahaha, better throw in the white flag guys!

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn I've been ass blasted by a nu-male.

Normies think:
Reddit = 4 chan = 8 chan

Funny that their advice is always to ignore.

Don't look at all those charts and data in your twitter feed, goyim. We wouldn't want to give right wing extremists a platform to spew their hate acts.

>Moreover, nearly all of these alt-right trolls will one day grow out of the esoteric, neo-Dadaist vortex of bullshit they’ve immersed themselves in online.

actually, most people grow into this shit. Its called becoming 'red pilled'

>by casually using hate speech online even though they harbor no actual ill will toward any of the groups they’re slandering
the fuck? I really do hate niggers

Tldr, it almost looked like sarcastic piece from short look but there is so retarded people out there its becoming harder and harder to figure these things out. I mean the fact that he thinks that pol is only right wing christ cucks says it all, troll or tard.


this I hate niggers, jews chinks. I fucking hate them and If I could I would kill them

>especially as many of the alt-right trolls I discuss in this article are (a) relatively young, (b) sincerely confused about how to make their way in the world (which is why they use awkwardly transparent trolling and pathological online socialization as a crutch),
this self awareness kek

Ooh noo some douchebag on the internetz called me racist... *Boner achieved* I need a minute... And some tissues

>(d) can be quite lovely, authentic, and caring people in person, at least when they’re not engaged in “IRL shit-posting” (see below)

Why does this guy love us so much?

I love that the "rebellious" left now has to pretend to be the mature parental figures for young right wingers, it may be the most delicious irony of all

Archive clickbait [x], fake [x] and biased [x] "news"

We are the lovable assholes. They can't help laughing about our memes.

You mean we shouldn't take life advice from soyboys and screeching feminists?

Really the only reason to lurk this shithole since it came back from /new/'s destruction. The staying power wouldn't be here if it weren't funny

This dude is projecting so hard it's kind of sad to think he's actually a professor.

How comfortable it must be to pigeonhole a whole community to fit your label. Aren't they all just troubled kids in the end? Definitely don't put any effort into trying to understand the underlying principles and values of morality and justice.
This method is a prime example of how the left secludes itself in an echo-chamber. Block out all dissenting opinions and just yell "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" as soon as you hear something that doesn't fit your narrative.

kys, pol is an asian board

We have the best memes.

fuck off you stupid mutt

you honest to god cannot make this shit up


wow, this is cancerous.

He's explaining 3xboards which hosts a broad range of people from different countries from troll to shill in a free speech (or at least near free speech) environment. Most people having a degree or working towards one in a STEM field.

The writer seeks to pigeonhole an anonymous and anomalous website. Meanwhile, his own side, of humanities SJWs and gender studies degrees, think they can in anyway compete with us. People who let anyone talk their trash and deal with it will always be stronger than those who seek to censor in regard for faggot and minority feels. SJWs can choke on a dick.

And what are they going on about? Most people on Sup Forums Sup Forums do believe that diversity is code for anti-white.

The solution has existed since the dawn of time.

Don't feed the trolls. And yet they feed us. Yum yum.

who would've guessed


>Abramson is a variation of a patronymic surname, meaning "son of Abram (or Abraham)", the Biblical figure. It is most prevalent among American Jews

and it is


Stating historical facts about Jews is now slander? hmmm

Checked and kekked

>(Of course, were these trolls more sophisticated, they’d see that retaining one’s sense of heritage is an exercise of personal freedom, but for the alt-right the far more pressing issue surrounding having a “heritage” is that it encourages what they call “identity politics”—in their estimation, a risible fragmentation of “American” political will and identity.)

Retaining one's heritage in a foreign country is delighting in being unassimilated filth. "When in Rome" is common sense, what you're are peddling is multi-cultural bullshit that leads to cultural, political tension and resentment. These aren't individuals making an individual choice, these are trash collectivists or foreigners bring the worst of their foreign ideas (like their treatment of women) and not their best.

The writer also doesn't understand that there are as just as many libertarians/ancaps here as there is fashy scum (the people he takes offense too)

Written by none other than (((Seth))) (((Abrhamson)))

Seth, son of Abraham


Seth Abramson

Attorney; professor at UNH; freelance journalist (Washington Post, Dallas Morning News, and others).


Anybody got some contact info on this guy?

>tfw you no longer need training echoes to spot a jewish name

>are (a) relatively young

guys, has anyone ever been seriously recruited by the KKK from Sup Forums? just asking?

so true :DDD

if at all, they grow out of reddit and into Sup Forums

ah the vain jew actually maintains his own wiki page. with IP history and everything. how nice!

> I naturally get triggered when alt-right trolls call me a “kike,”

holy shit I can't stop laughing reading this kike's thesis on us.

What?! Get out of here, Sup Forums is a board of peace.

> It means knowing that “Bog-pilling” (a reference to the Bogdanoff twins) and “red-pilling” are merely Matrix-referencing terms for accepting the alt-right metanarrative of American decline and reemergence. This means having no reaction whatsoever, emotional or otherwise, when you’re referred to by the f-word—something alt-right trolls do to everyone—or misogyny-signaling terms like “cuck” (for “cuckold”) or “snowflake” (a “feminized” male).

>"snowflake" a term for feminized man

I think the guy is letting us peer into to his psyche here and leading onto something. He thinks that we think he is a "feminized" male, and therefore the meaning of the term "snowflake" is this.

Snowflake is a gender neutral term for someone who can't stand having their worldview questioned and thus ends up blocking dissenting opinions rather than engaging

Just judging from this article, I wouldn't automatically assume he is a feminized male. As such he is projecting what he thinks of himself onto us. His conception of himself makes it difficult for him the construe the true meaning of the world "snowflake"

His analysis is very interesting, and parts of his analysis describe me except one thing:
Sup Forums has revealed to me how pathologically the left hate straight white men. He can LARP all day about being a progressive who just wants to bring love and joy to everyone, but at the end of the day, the progressives and leftists want nothing more than my complete and total demographic and socio-cultural displacment. That and they reject the natural order of things, so they are all trying to justify their degeneracy and deathstyles (not lifestyles) as a good thing when they are rebelling against the divinely ordained natural order

I love how he thinks free speech begins and ends with the first amendment and not with enlightenment principle. Such a small-minded American-centric worldview. I like how he thinks the "New Left" progressives can't be triggered or can be taught or warned about free thinkers, they're ideologues trying to tear down enlightenment principles (as white supremacy no less) including science, speech, and law.

The writer needs to be slapped or at least needs to spend more time here challenging his worldview.

>f-word, n-word, k-word (“kike”), and c-word
WTF is this cryptic bullshit? Or should I say "W-word i-word t-word c-word b-word"?

UNH Manchester, Office 447
Seth.Abramson [at]
Ph: 6036414126

Would you like a ham pizza Seth? All right then! Coming your way!

I ain't clickin' on that shit if there isn't an archive. I'm sure it's more of the same garbage, phrased differently. These leftist retards love to repeat their own ideas back at each other.