Your Obamacare plan for 2018 is here, Sup Forums.
And don't forget the tip!
Your Obamacare plan for 2018 is here, Sup Forums.
And don't forget the tip!
Exactly why clean repeal was fucking necessary.
You have to quite work and go on medicare if you have any kind of serious health issue.
Holy fuck that's like 3 times what I pay in a year
What's the deductible on that op?
Well its a gold plan so I would wager its actually pretty reasonable. My plan is platinum with dental vision and identity theft rolled in with 0 deductable, but my company pays most of it. Gold plan is probably some $1000-$2000
Wow. That is worse than my increase. I can’t afford it now and am not quite sure what to do. Premium is going to be $1k above my mortgage. Sad!
Holy fuck man.
I actually have a €850 deductible but my premium is €84 a month.
I guess trump tanking the whites out of spite does affect some Sup Forumss... member when he said he was gonna leave your healthcare alone?
I really doubt it;s that high, don't listen to the idiot. However, we are FUCKED over here with healthcare. We need to get the pharmaceutical companies in check and start policing insurance companies a profit margins at least. We need to make health coverage separate from employer, as it is it changes when you switch employers and you are not allowed to shop for the best deal and keep it. We need single payer but minorities and fucking Mexicans are a drain on every one of our social programs. Nuke us please.
He promised to let congress vote on it, then let it implode.
The failures on the hill are to blame for this.
Jiza included?
What a fucking scam.
I'm not a commie by any means but healthcare is one of the few things I'd advocate nationalizing. The demand is too inelastic (and involuntary) to let the market do its job.
Fair's fair though: our income tax is a lot higher than yours and a lot of that is spent on healthcare too.
>if you dont have healthcare the money comes out of your tax return
Reading this I had the feeling that I almost rather would die in free VA care...then I think about every interaction with the VA and realize maybe it would just be better to be broke.
I pay $86 a month for premium bennies because I'm not a worthless blight on society and have a good job. Shocking desu.
This Neocon can't die soon enough
Mines going from $126 to $189
Not bad, but gonna see if there's a better alternative that's cheaper
What the fuck that's twice as much as my mortgage
ACA keeps kicking in as the years go on, they phased it in. That's why it keeps getting more expensive. That and reduced competition. Obama was a puppet. This was their plan all along.
This isn't obamacare. This is state welfare level healthcare. The increase is probably because your income went up. Try harder OP.
tfw 400 deductible and 188 a month premium. Having a chronic disease sucks shit.
Well our system if you can find a company to pay for it you get the best healthcare in the world. If you cant make yourself useful you get thrown into a pit of your states mexiniggers and you get to subsidize them. Personally I miss when it was optional because if you had the foresight to pay health insurance you didnt have to subsidize 30 million people who didnt, just other people who stopped and thought about the future.
Mine went from $300 to $500, and I lost my doctor, and I lost half my coverage-- which Obama promised wouldn't happen.
Now I live in Japan. I dropped my US health care and only pay $40 a month for Japan's national health plan.
The issues in health care are the same ones that plague every other system in America, the middle class propping up hordes and swathes of nogs and illegals who use the ER as primary care and don't give their real name or leave forcing the government to foot the bill or get signed up for Medicare by predatory hospital billing departments to prop up hospital profits kek.
Fair warning, there's a reason that the US is the leader in new drug R&D. Pharmaceuticals have one of the highest returns on invested capital of any industry which (combined with modern patent laws) makes them suitable for corporate investment. Cut that return by much and it becomes more profitable for Pfizer and Bayer to just manufacture existing drugs than it is for them to expose themselves to the financial risk associated with R&D spending. Throw in that about 60% of the US's research funding comes from corporate sources and we have a scenario in which placing hard caps on pharmaceutical profitability leads to a massive decline in drug development efforts. Not saying that a limited cap isn't feasible, only that it's a dangerously fine line to toe if we don't want companies to move their R&D to more favorable countries or cut back on it all together.
>tfw on grandfathered HSA plan and still get to keep it
>$2700 deductible 0% coinsurance
>this is the first year with a sub 5% increase in a long time, last year was 18% hike. Fucking Obama.
Thanks Trump!
Mine tripled but it took 6 years. 4x in one year seems insane.
Also 3200$ a month is your entire take home on a check if you make $30.00/hour.